A big misstep for Harris

Link to quote: Kamala Harris goes viral with 'cringe' new accent at Detroit rally, sparks 'Foghorn Leghorn' comparisons | Fox News
Even with a script in front of her Kamala Harris can't seem to help herself, this time with a fake accent:
That is the second big difference between her and Trump. Trump is always authentic. Kamala is trying to be what her audience wants her to be. Women might regard her as a man's type of women.
Get it ladies?
My favorite part of that speech was when she said: “Unburdened by what has been!.”
That couldn't have been in the script.
The big story of the week is that Hamas executed 6 hostages, who were about to be rescued by the IDF.
Hamas has instructed its soldiers holding hostages to execute them if the Israeli army closes in on them.
Abu Obeida, a spokesman for the group, said the move follows what he called the “Nusseirat incident” in June, in which Israeli special forces rescued four hostages from two apartments in Gaza.
He said “new instructions were issued” on how to “deal with” hostages in the event of the Israeli army approaching their location.
Hamas told to execute Israeli hostages if they fear IDF are closing in (yahoo.com)
In other news:
Benjamin Netanyahu vowed to maintain the conditions for a cease-fire in Gaza.
Biden, when asked whether Netanyahu was doing enough to secure a deal to free the hostages, said No.
Britain announced that it would suspend the export of some weapons to Israel.
The U.S. seized an airplane owned by Venezuela’s leader, Nicolás Maduro. It was bought in violation of US sanctions according to the DOJ.
Off duty Marines were accosted in Turkey.
Good morning.
Thousands gathered in Jerusalem for the funeral of Hersh Goldberg-Polin, whose parents were among the most outspoken of the hostage families.
The funeral of Hersh Goldberg-Polin. Avishag Shaar-Yashuv for The New York Times
One of 6 murdered hostages.
laying down the macho foundation might not be too advisable just prior to the maga coward ducking the debate ...
Most women know a fake when they see one. I'm counting on them.
You're counting on women to vote for an unqualified, serial rapist over a highly qualified female candidate.
You really don't know anything about women do you?
How did she get her first gig in the SF scene again?
I keep hearing the term “qualified” exactly what has Harris done that would give someone the impression she was qualified?
nobody can top how melania got her first lady gig ...
true or false?
Question of the day:
Not long ago:
Asked about the issue of reparations by Black publication The Root , Harris threw her support behind the concept of measures aimed to atone for the United State's legacy of slavery and discrimination against African Americans.
"I think there has to be some form of reparations and we could discuss what that is, but look, we're looking at more than 200 years of slavery," she said. "We're looking at almost 100 years of Jim Crow. We're looking at legalized segregation and in fact segregation on so many levels that exist today based on race and there has not been any kind of intervention done understanding the harm and the damage that occurred to correct [the] course. And so we are seeing the effects of all those years play out still today."
What Kamala Harris Has Said About Reparations for Black People (msn.com)
Does anyone think she changed her mind on that?
I doubt if she has changed her views on anything, and there is no indication that she will be moderate, considering her past record.
If she sticks with her position on fracking, she loses PA. Thus, she is now for it.
Yeah, right. Her values have changed but her positions have not? Will she ever bother to explain why her values have changed yet she maintains the same positions? Doubtful.
It is called political expediency.
Example: There is an election, so therefore Harris changes her mind on fracking, which is all important in PA. Adding that her values haven't changed is a signal to all those green energy crazies that if she wins, she'll end fracking.
Like Trump flip-flopping on abortion?
He's been saying "It's up to the states" since it's been up to the states.
No more so than a leopard changes it's spots!
She now favors border security.
Yeah, but has anybody seen her come anywhere near the actual physical border where I and others in Cochise County in SE Arizona live? I sure have not. She and her minion handlers know she would not be welcome when she got confronted with the truthful reality of conditions on the US side of the border.
As she says: "I haven't been to Europe either."
Slavery inly happened on United States soil for 90 years. Only biased racists would look at what happened prior to that and not take their grief to the British.
Much easier to take it to Uncle ‘sugar daddy’ Sam
The left only sees bad when it looks at the US.
Do you ignore all the crap that comes from Trump's mouth? Trump at the GOP convention:
Harris speaking positively about the future at the D convention:
90 years too long it can certainly be argued. It should not have continued one day. And then we get to the hatred of disputing RECONSTRUCTION and it's close kin: Jim Crow. And a denial of any Civil Rights by some conservatives who want to be known for the good they do, but take no 'credit' for the failures in equality for all in our country by their continued stonewalling and backward planning for this nation's future!
If some conservatives don't know about 'The struggles continues" I suggest the collective "you" do some home-study!
Liberals have little to prove to trumpists. It would be an undignified wasted effort for liberals to seek trumpists validation. Donald carries his own 'world' around in his head as a 'north star' for his supporters-to date it is impenetrable. You get the last word on this one if you wish.
Liberals and progressives defeated slavery, reconstruction, jim crow laws (but not attitudes), voter literacy tests, lynchings, blood, sweat, and tears spilt on 'bloody Sunday' in Selma, Alabama, being fire-hosed, gunned down by state troopers, tear-gassed, gerry-mander counties and states which put minorities out of power and influence while still holding on to an impotent vote. Finally - currently, we face a conservative tyranny of the minority supported by a conservative super-majority on the Supreme Court (hand-picked by the Federalist Society and Donald for the purposes of farther undermining and removing ('gutting') civil rights for al)l in favor of a conservative ideology!
I have decided to waste several comments on this issue (if need be) with trumpists, even though it won't help move the discussion forward in any respectable way, in my opinion.
The problem is Harris can’t even talk a good game. Her history since her first encounter with Willie all the way up to being Joe’s DEI pick shows she will be a mitigating disaster for this country if she is elected.
So what struggles are they? What are you not afforded as a US citizen as every other citizen is afforded.
Now, we know this administration cares more about illegals than they do citizens, but that is for a different discussion.
Do you have anything other than feeble partisan claims? No argument. No facts (even ignoring facts). Just predictable negative partisan bullshit.
‘Just predictable negative partisan bullshit’
The irony is glaringly amazing.
Do you think Harris would be your nominee today if your party’s elite allowed for a fair and open primary that democrats can choose on their own?
Does your party elites not trust who they would pick?
Are they afraid they would totally ignore Harris with a mid 30s approval rating, like they did in 2019, and pick someone who is predictably more popular and , well, intelligent, like Mark Kelly?
Are you backing the Harris ticket simply because Walz, whom you have gloated over for months, is part of the ticket? Would you still support her if he was not?
I do not have a party. If you want a thoughtful answer to the above then ask a question that is not a taunt.
I would vote for Harris regardless of who she chose for V.P. (out of those in contention) because either she or Trump will be PotUS and Trump should never be allowed access to public power — much less that of the presidency. The choice of Walz was great, IMO, and thus I am actually happy to vote for Harris-Walz. That is, by the way, after acceptance that she might support many positions that I will not agree with.
( Look up the meaning of 'gloat' because your use of it was entirely wrong. )
Join the 'discussion' at 2.4.9 please.
There is more than one book with that title. Are you referring to the one by David Coltart about Zimbabwe, or the one by Nelson Mandela?
BIDEN : " Remember all the talk — Biden got elected ... we're gonna collapse, and there's gonna be all this caving in, interest rates are gonna go through the ceiling? C'mon, man!"

Kamala Harris: "Sixty-fo daze. How bout dat?”
That from a woman who went to middle school and high school in Canada, lived in a wealthy neighborhood, and was raised by two PhDs
I thought just HIgh School. She lived in Montreal, so maybe she was trying to imitate a French-Canadian speaking English.
Someone needs to have their senses checked, this reeks of desperation to reelect the 'Weaver'.
So, a question ... is Donald channeling Madame DeFarge?
Wrong city. More like Thomas Jefferson.
You're into twisting everything this morning, twist this:
“You know, I do the weave,” he said. “You know what the weave is? I’ll talk about like nine different things, and they all come back brilliantly together, and it’s like, friends of mine that are, like, English professors, they say, ‘It’s the most brilliant thing I’ve ever seen.’”
You have a good point, but on the other hand Trump supporters like we see here actually agree with Trump that he is brilliant.
Try this one:
Kamala Harris wrongly says freedom of speech is a privilege when it’s actually a right clearly defined in the First Amendment.
We all know that her and her loon leftist followers believe speech is free until you say something they don’t like, then it is viiiiiiiiiioooolence.
Then usually commence in a violent act to protest that ‘violence’
The very people who claim to be about saving democracy.
She is part of the administration that, as we found out last week, repeatedly pressured social media companies to censor the people.
Keeping that in mind, she's stated during her CNN "interview" “my values haven’t changed.”
At least that is one thing she has not flipped flopped on. Her values have always been in the toilet.
Trump is always an authentic pathological liar. It is major league spin to cast this as a good thing.
Always authentic.
She can try to imitate his rallies, but she can never relate to real people.
A chickenshit complaint. Now you complain that Harris behaves like a normal politician during a campaign.
Trump is always an authentic pathological liar. It is major league spin to cast this as a good thing.
No, Harris is acting nothing like a normal politician, she's just pretending to be one.
Ms. Cackles is about as phony as a candidate can get, and she is really weird, coming up with all this fake accents.
The dems really picked a losing combination with these two socialist clowns
I have no complaints about Harris. I'm glad that Pelosi anointed her as the nominee.
Do you think making silly claims like this accomplishes anything of value?
That is not a silly claim.
A silly claim would be the one that Tim Walz just made about Trump implementing "child labor."
They are the elite and they just can't overcome their hatred of one man.
Wow. Elon Musk is an 'elite.' And yet, Donald and trumpists don't mock him for his status and support! It's shameless what Donald has done in accepting Elon's bribes and excesses (through 'Pacs R us').
Elon does not act like your typical elite. He would need to become a staunch democrat supporter for that. That, I am sure, played a big part in his move from California to Texas.
Let's not get ahead of tomorrow's column.
It will be interesting.
Yeah,. . .and there it is! The well-tuned "selective" speech trumpists are commonly spouting these days. An elite is an 'elite-lite' when 'putting out' for Donald. (Chuckles.)
The collective "we" will just know in our hearts what we know about transactional Donald. No love being shared or lost between the two men. Donald may not be able to pay Elon back in 2025. Watch this space, nevertheless.
Got 'columns' stacked up, eh. Interesting and disturbing!
Elon only has himself to blame for 'partnering' with a liar, cheater, and thief! California will do fine. BTW, Elon's plant is still in California. . .unless he wants to pack it up and take it to Texas too. California will do fine. There are other companies that wish to be here (and will work out their business relationships accordingly). "Plenty good room" . . .the saying goes!
By the way, fuck the self-righteous self-appointed "real Americans" and "real people" who apparently think their shit doesn't stink and that dirty Donald is an "authentic" anything other than pathologically lying narcissist. I'm frankly sick and tired of many right-wing conservative Christians believing themselves the only "real Americans" as if the tens of millions of liberals, progressives and lgtbq Americans aren't "real people" deserving of the same rights and protections afforded EVRY American under the constitution. Apparently, those supposedly "real American" right wing Christian conservatives have forgotten or chosen to ignore the golden rule, do unto others as you would have them do to you. Treat other Americans as somehow "lesser" than yourselves and look down on them and you're just asking others to treat you the same.
Hatemongers, Inc. is still a thriving business in our country. It's gets even sadder when so-called religious folks can not be bothered to talk about religion or their faith in mixed company as it relates to their politics, because their religious 'vibe' might condemn them before the discussion gets deep. I know I am a real "American' - got all my 'cerificates' and 'validators' to boot! What I am not is a trumpist!
"Some" is the operative word, as in "some" new businesses will replace 'em. It's seems to be a matter of businesses migrating across and throughout the country doing what businesses do. . . seek advantages. There are advantages in California for sure and companies can come back (and forth) according to 'individual' needs. (California is a really, really, really, big state!)
California doesn't have a launch complex.
VandenBerg disagrees with your comment.
‘Trump is always an authentic pathological liar. It is major league spin to cast this as a good thing.’
He was a democrat until about 10 years ago.
Sounds like he learned from the best at pathological lying.
If he was still a D with the same past and present acts I would be issuing the same criticisms.
A perfect partisan comment. A fine example of the (errant) simplistic team-sport view of political reality.
‘If he was still a D with the same past and present acts I would be issuing the same criticisms.’
Somehow I find that doubtful.
‘A perfect partisan comment. A fine example of the (errant) simplistic team-sport view of political reality’
Your opinion is noted and filed appropriately but my comment stands as fact.
The problem with people who believe their ill-conceived notions are fact is that they wind up getting a lot of things wrong.
It is far better to ground one's conclusions in actual fact and keep revisiting one's assumptions to ensure they remain valid.
Of course, that takes work and it is far easier to make shit up ... as evidenced by your post.
‘The problem with people who believe their ill-conceived notions are fact is that they wind up getting a lot of things wrong.’
Take that up with them, then.
‘Of course, that takes work and it is far easier to make shit up ... as evidenced by your post.’
Seems like more bs from those who don’t want to accept that Trump was a democrat like them for many decades prior to first running for president.
"The trouble with our Liberal friends is not that they're ignorant; it's just that they know so much that isn't so."
Ronald Reagan
Give them some credit. They are very knowledgeable in the stuff they make up. For example, look how many were experts on Russia during the Russia collusion hoax.
And again you ignore what is written and make bullshit claims. Read what I wrote:
The word 'still' acknowledges that he was a D. ⇡
Further, what bizarre thought process makes you think I care to which party Trump is affiliated?
I am not nor have I ever been a D. What you do not seem to realize is that it is possible to support a D for PotUS while not being affiliated with the D party.
‘[✘] What you do not seem to realize is that it is possible to support a D for PotUS while not being affiliated with the D party. ’
That is actually true. I voted for Bill his first term. Learned my lesson and have not made the same mistake again.
It is very difficult to see why anyone would want to vote for these scoundrels, especially the one that lied about his service and what he retired as.[✘]
She continues to evolve - unburdened by what has been. Personally, I was shattered by the flashback of, “ gonna get myself a beer.”