The Save Act

Link to quote: Waltz Questions Senate Dems' Willingness to Shut Down Govt Over SAVE Act · The Floridian (
There is a bill that has been blocked in the US Senate. It is a bill which would require proof of citizenship in order to vote. Something that is lacking on federal voting forms.
It might be best to provide the specifics:
The Safeguard American Voter Eligibility Act, also known as the SAVE Act, requires people registering to vote in federal elections to provide documentary proof of citizenship.
What is the SAVE Act?
Only U.S. citizens can vote in federal elections. Noncitizens who cast a ballot could face a fine or incarceration (not more than a year) or both if they violate the law.
What the bill aims to do is require proof of identification to vote in federal elections and give states the ability to use federal databases to verify citizenship.
The SAVE Act would amend the National Registration Act of 1993. When registering to vote, a person would need to provide an ID consistent with the requirements of Real ID — this also includes passports or U.S. military ID cards.
Voter registration agencies would need to ask if a person is a U.S. citizen and verify that the person is through their documentary proof of citizenship. If a person could not provide this documentation, the bill directs states to establish a process for U.S. citizens to still have an avenue to register to vote.
States would need to take actions to ensure only U.S. citizens are registered to vote on their rolls. Also, states would be required to remove noncitizens from their official voter rolls. Proof of identification would also be required for mail-in voting.
The bill allows for a private right of action (a lawsuit) against election officials who register individuals to vote without them presenting documentary proof of U.S. citizenship.
The SAVE Act explained |
Now Speaker Mike Johnson may force the issue by attaching the SAVE Act to a 6-month funding bill before the Sept. 30 funding deadline. The democrats would be forced to shut down the government if they want to prevent the passage of the Save Act. A very risky proposition just before the election in November. You see, 87% of Americans support proof of citizenship to register to vote. We seem to know how democrat leaders feel about this.
Mike Johnson might just box them in with this one.
On the other hand, he may have second thoughts about going forward with it. Joe Biden who is not running for reelection has promised to veto the funding bill if the Save Act is attached.
Hold the thought, Mike.
It is just another reason we need Donald Trump in the White House.
Just what in the holy hell are they afraid of? Never witnessed such bullshit in my life.
Losing power. Nothing more nothing less.
Why are they against preventing illegals from voting?
Please MAGAs Please Please Please shut down the US Government between now and the election over a non-issue. It is a major crime for noncitizens to even try to vote in any statewide or national elections. Voter fraud is rare because it is easy to detect, easy to prove, easy to prosecute and requires a conspiracy to have any effect even on a small scale. Go For It Mike! I'm pulling for you Mike. Get up on that cross for Trump, Buddy!
... and yet, 95% of all convictions in this century for the crime are republicans.
This while MAGA overlords lie, cheat and steal every way possible!
Please show us where illegal migrants voted for Republicans
Illegal migrates can't and don't vote. Legal immigrant noncitizens cannot vote in any state or federal elections and if they even try to vote it is a major crime! What don't you get about that?
Pretty bold statement right saying that people under 18 don't smoke or drink
Who is checking those federal ballots?
Maybe you could give us a link?
No it is not. Quit being ridiculous. After a multi million dollar examination in all of Texas there were less than a handful of attempts by noncitizens to vote, and they were all caught...
It is illegal, easy to catch, easy to prove & harshly punished!
The States are responsible for conducting federal elections...
There is a FEDERAL BALLOT, which people can request.
Another rather bold statement with no reasonable way to back it up. The handful were caught. Hardly every case was found.
You mean everyone who speeds or runs a stoplight isn't caught? I'm shocked to hear this.
The states and political parties regularly audit voter rolls...
I didn't make that claim. I'm only trying to prevent it.
That is simply not true.
It was only after a lawsuit that LA removed 1.5 million voters from its voter rolls:
LA County and State to Purge 1.5 Million Inactive Voters From Rolls – NBC Los Angeles
Yes, we proved that haven't we.
Prove that they aren't. You can't.
If it's so rare and it's already illegal for illegal immigrants to vote, why are Democrats so afraid of the SAVE Act?
Because it is a redundant unnecessary political stunt. Democrats want the gop to sacrifice the tiny gop majority to Trump's vanity. Go for it! Shut the government down over a stupid stunt! It will blow back on the MAGA like Trump's Arlington stunt backfired!
As I said, go for it! Shut down the government. Just Do It!
That is the $40 million dollar question.
I think I'll make it THE QUESTION OF THE DAY.
Except for the little fact that the votes against the CR bill would be Democrat votes. And the threat of a veto comes from a Democrat president.
Of course it's a political stunt, just about everything Washington does is political. But if it's just a little issue why risk a government shutdown over it? Or do you agree with the positions of the parties in this?
Democrats want the gop to shut down the government over a stupid political stunt that will cost Johnson his speakership...
It would be the democrats shutting down the government. The Save Act is attached to funding. The dems either vote for it or shut down the government, and they'll be doing it just before an election.
Not sure who will pay if this doesn't get traction. From above...............
Seems like the dems may want to rethink this if it is a non issue to them.
Voter proof of citizenship is is double checked already...
Again, please encourage MAGA to shut the government!
As already explained to you, it wouldn't be the GOP. See 2.2.7
Orwellian MAGA bullshit does not fool Democrats or voters!
Then go ahead and run it through and let Biden veto it. You can dream all you want but without the funding, GovCo shuts down. Biden stops funding, dems get the blame. If the new law means nothing because "it doesn't happen", then it shouldn't curtail funding as it is a moot point.
You're losing this.
It will never pass the Senate to get to Biden's desk. The best the MAGA gop can hope for is a government shutdown...
Why if, as you say, it means nothing? What's the harm? There isn't any. None at all.
Wow. I never missed voting, whether it was Federal, Provincial or Municipal starting as soon as I could vote legally, and I don't remember ever having to prove my citizenship. Of course, because I'm now an expat in a foreign land I do have to show my passport when I go to the Canadian Consulate in Chongqing to obtain an absentee ballot that I fill out there and hand back to the consulate sealed in an envelope.
They probably positively ID'd you the same as they do everyone here in the US when we first registered. Voter fraud is a major crime in both the US and Canada but the problem is not illegal ballots being cast. The problem here in the US is that multinational corporations can back candidates from local school boards all the way to the Presidency!
Why steal elections when it is more effective to buy the candidates?
China does not have an illegal migrant problem.
Are you saying the US should be more like China?
It appears that if there is a problem, it's from North Korea, Because I've not been in Canada for so many years, I don't know what the situation is there, but I'm sure it isn't anywhere near the problem that the USA has. I did just see that they made some stricter rules about foreign workers, and Quebec is limiting foreign students which will cause financial problems for the universities there.
I'm saying the US shouldn't have an open border, nor should we allow non-citizens to vote.
There is no doubt that North Korea is a terrible place, but I am certain that people who enter China illegally are punished.
In ANY elections including local. They are here illegally yet they should have a say?? Bullshit.
We need a constitutional amendment because it is not specifically spelled out in the constitution. I'm hoping Trump wins and the GOP gains control of both House & Senate, and they do something about voting and illegal immigration.
The US does not have an open border and noncitizens cannot vote in any state or federal elections. The Biden administration is adhering to current US laws and international treaties the US is a signatory to right now. Oklahoma's Republican Senator James Lankford says Democrats agreed to everything he ever wanted on immigration but Trump stopped it. You know this!
Wow! Can you prove any of that.
Oklahoma's Republican Senator James Lankford says Democrats agreed to everything he ever wanted on immigration but Trump stopped it.
You mean Lankford and two other Republicans. Three Republicans plus all the democrats should have been a winner. How come it didn't go to a vote?
By not engaging honestly you concede...
There is a bill, not some imaginary idea but an actual bill sitting in the Senate, what is Schumer afraid of? bring it up for a vote or are democrats in the Senate to cowardly to put their votes on record?
And the election so close. I think Chuck locked the drawer with that bill.
As we speak:
BREAKING : Attorney General Merrick Garland details the Justice Department’s elections threats task force: "The task force is marshaling the full resources of the Justice Department to aggressively investigate and prosecute threats targeting election workers, officials, and volunteers."
Justice Department warns against threats to voting rights, election workers - The Washington Post
Translation: Don't you dare question the election or we will prosecute you!
Questioning an election is one thing. Threatening to kill people working elections is totally another. It should and will get you a felony charge.
Is that what Garland meant by threats? How about posting a film on social media of vote counting when a polling center is supposedly closed?
Try making some threats and find out.
Hmmm.. who was criminally charged for that?
Hmmm.. I rest my case.
No. You haven't proven anyone was charged with the crime of posting video on social media.
“I dare Democrats to vote NO against a bill that says that only citizens – AMERICAN CITIZENS – should vote in American elections.” ... Rep Chip Roy

I dare Democrats to vote NO against a bill that says that only citizens – AMERICAN CITIZENS – should vote in American elections.
Of course they would.
It is already law only citizens can vote in state or federal elections. I double dare MAGA to shut down the government over a non-issue everyone knows is a silly stupid superfluous political prank...
Shall we put them to the test?
You keep saying that but is the democrats who will be shutting down the government.
Democrats want MAGA to shut down the government. They will not. This is a lame bluff by the gop and it is not working...
No Vic, it won't and that bullshit won't work this time just like it didn't work the last dozen times the gop made the same threat!
Not this time.
They will not.
Who will not?
This is a lame bluff by the gop and it is not working
That remains to be seen.
We'll see won't we.
If the democrats, Biden especially, vetoes this spending bill with the voting attachment, without funding, GovCo will shut down. Therefore, it will be the Democrats shutting down the government. Why is that so damned hard to understand?
Johnson is bluffing. He knows it will blow up in his face...
How did that logic work last time the gop pulled this stunt?
I think if he has the votes, he will do it.
What stunt?
Again, what stunt?
What stunt is that?
Of course Schumer won't pass this, the feckless piece of shit can't get anything passed, the people of NY need to pull their heads out of their collective asses and find a senator who isn't worthless.
It is about allowing a vote where Senate democrats up for election become vulnerable with a no vote.
Over 85% of the American people are against non-citizens voting.
Except, 100% of Americans know that it is already 100% illegal for 100% of noncitizens to vote in 100% of federal and state elections in 100% of the United States 100% of the time. So, 0% of voters are falling for this lame stunt the gop has 0% of the balls to pull off!
It was illegal to protest outside of the homes of Supreme Court Justices as well.
None of it means anything without verification and enforcement.
And 100% of Americans know it is against the law to shoplift or commit murder or armed robbery or speed or do drugs or or or ...............Stops NO ONE
It's also 100% illegal to cross the border at any point that is not an official point of entry. but Democrats support people crossing the border, well, EVERYWHERE.