Absolutely False

On October 7, 2016, one month before the 2016 Presidential election, the Washington Post dropped the so called "access Hollywood tape" as a way of interfering in the 2016 election. Ever since then the democrat party has made bullshit bombshell revelations a standard part of their playbook.
We all knew they were going to try something with two weeks to go and Kamala failing. First came John Kelly, who served as the White House chief of staff during Donald Trump’s presidency, to defame him just before election day. The last time he tried it was just before the 2020 election with his "losers & suckers" claim which only he supposedly heard. That time it took him a while to put his name on the claim, this time he was all in. A retired 4-star Marine Corps General comparing the former President to Hitler. I refuse to judge Marines and normally I would defer to a Marine member, but I am told he was sandbagged, so I will leave the issue of a military officer smearing a former US President on the eve of elections to others.
Here is the claim that was released the other day:
"On Tuesday, The Atlantic published an article alleging that while serving as president, Trump once told Kelly: "I need the kind of generals that Hitler had. People who were totally loyal to him, that follow orders."
The account was attributed to "two people who heard him say this" and cited Kelly, Trump's White House chief of staff from 2017 to 2019, who said the then-president expressed admiration for the loyalty of "Hitler's generals."
In a statement sent to Newsweek on Tuesday, Trump campaign adviser Alex Pfeiffer said: "This is absolutely false. President Trump never said this."
Was General John Kelly Fired by Donald Trump? Timeline of the Relationship - Newsweek
In the midst of this story and the one to follow is Jeffrey Goldberg of the Atlantic.
He was also the one who forwarded the claim that President Trump did not want to visit the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery near Paris in 2018, because “his hair would become disheveled in the rain” and that “he did not believe it important to honor American war dead.” Does anyone remember how many people denied that?
Jeffrey Goldberg, Editor-in-Chief for The Atlantic, eventually confessed that the central claim in his publication’s reprehensible hit piece on the President could very well be false.
Atlantic Editor Admits A Key Claim In Trump Hit Piece Could Be Wrong - The Political Insider
Next came the latest Goldberg hit piece with yet another unnamed source claiming that Trump used foul language about the funeral cost of a dead Ft Hood victim 4 years ago. In April 2020, Vanessa Guillén, a 20-year-old Army private, was bludgeoned to death by a fellow soldier at Fort Hood, in Texas. The family of the victim denounced the legitimacy of the story. The sister of the victim, Mayra Guillen said she voted for Trump. The unsubstantiated story led the CBS news last night. The Atlantic is standing by the story (at least until after the election.)
The dirty tricks and last-minute election interference is not limited to the Harris campaign & the media. Here I have been called "partisan" repeatedly. The CBS refusal to publish the full text of the Kamal Harris interview was blatantly lied about. We even had one member tell another to stay off the daily article in the hopes it might eventually slip off the front page.
These next two weeks will be like living next to a manure factory with an unending production of anti-Trump shit.
In the news:
Israel bombed the ancient port city of Tyre in Lebanon.
The U.S. said Wednesday that 3,000 North Korean troops have been deployed to Russia and are training at several locations, calling the move very serious and warning that those forces will be “fair game” if they go into combat in Ukraine.
Louisiana is suing Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and various agencies after an illegal Chinese immigrant may have exposed hundreds of people in the state to a rare, drug-resistant form of Tuberculosis.
Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer has played down the significance of alleged interference by the Labour Party in the US presidential election. The Trump campaign has filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission in Washington seeking an immediate investigation into alleged "blatant foreign interference".
Liberal Party lawmakers in Canada are urging their leader, Justin Trudeau to step down as Prime Minister. They worry his unpopularity could hurt them in the next election.
Boeing’s largest union rejected a labor contract extending a strike.
Good morning

Prediction from James Carville:
T he polls may be showing a dead heat , but one man says he’s “certain” of the 2024 election’s outcome: Kamala Harris will win, predicts James Carville , the longtime Democratic strategist. In an op-ed for The New York Times , Carville lays out the three reasons why he believes this:
One, ”[ Donald] Trump is a repeat electoral loser,“ he writes, and his presidency set the Republican Party on a similar course; Harris, by contrast, has managed to whip up comparable enthusiasm in just three months of campaigning.
Two, Harris has vastly outraised Trump, even with the $75 million donation the latter just received from his billionaire sidekick.
Three, Carville simply has a feeling Harris will win, in part because she has aisle-bridging power that her opponent lacks. “If the Cheneys and AOC get that the Constitution and our democracy are on the ballot, every true conservative and every true progressive should get it too.”
‘I’m Certain’: James Carville Makes Bold Election Prediction
In other words, the voting public will be easily fooled.
After January 6th do you really believe the United States of America that elected Barack Obama in 2008 and 2012 and which repudiated Donald Trump in 2020 is going to give Trump another chance when America is leading the world economically and militarily post-Covid?
I think most people, especially working people feel the Trump years were better for them than the Biden years.
I doubt anyone is buying that Harris has somehow changed her ideology. She represents 4 more years of Biden.
I think the people will bring Trump back.
How many Americans were dying each day due to COVID and Trump's lack of response for dealing with it?
Trump got a vaccine in record time.
Why have more died under Biden than Trump?
which one of the recommendations from Fauci and his medical team did he fail to implement? and when trump tried to stop flights from China why did democrats attack him? Why were democrats telling people to gather in large groups other than to promote the spread of Covid for political purposes?
How many dead are Pelosi and DeBlasio responsible for, for their ignorant irresponsible actions that you blame trump for?
Trump's role was minimal, and did nothing with it once it was developed.
Because you cannot turn a country on a dime. Trump started the momentum, Biden had to deal with that before positive numbers started.
Imagine, in 2024, thinking a President could have stopped Covid. It's like believing in witches.
You probably want to delete that Graph; it shows what an utter failure Biden/Harris was.
It was developed about a week after the 2020 election. Trump had 2 months to go, and Biden and Harris were poisoning the well on the new vaccine saying they didn't trust it. They quickly changed course two months later. You still have no explanation as to why there were more deaths under Biden.
The media did a great job in selling that.
The voters were smart enough to reject Hillary Clinton in 2016. And she was the most qualified candidate in the history of the world, so we were told.
What happens if the 2024 election becomes a referendum on the two political parties? It certainly looks like the voting public could be on the verge of rejecting the Democratic Party. The voting public seems ready to embrace a new and renewed Republican Party.
Or like believing it would magically (or miraculously) disappear around Easter? Apparently Trump thought he could.
By a company that was not a part of Operation Warp speed.
... a company that was 7 months ahead of the incompetent POTUS in estimating the danger of the pandemic.
My income has doubled since Biden took office.
Well, for starters, covid showed up half way through trumps term....
Wrong. It hit the US in 2020, the final year of his term.
Which meant he only had 1 year to deal with it, and fit it into his golf itinerary. Unfortunately for that year, he basically did nothing.
What he doesn't say is that enthusiasm has waned to the point the race is a dead heat from a Harris plus 7, and she is epically unlikeable.
The democrat party & the media propped her up and gave her a coronation. Unfortunately for the left, she had to go out into the real world all by herself.
I didn't like GWB, but I voted for him and he was a good president.
And polling Guru Nate Silver says his gut is telling him Trump will win, So we have Partisan saying Harris will win a person whose business and reputation depends on being correct telling us trump will win.
Carville is interpreting the past 3 elections as being a response to the Dobbs Decision and that it will continue. Others associate those 3 elections with massive mail-in voting. This time Republicans seem to finally be catching up with early voting.
General Kelly, Trump's longest serving Chief of Staff during his time in the White House, is not a man prone to hyperbole or exaggeration and yet General Kelly says Trump is a, "Fascist", who desires to be, "Dictator"!
Neither is General Anthony Tata who was appalled at what Kelly did.
Why does Mike Pence not support Trump for reelection?
Sour grapes.
lol. Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?
don't worry, I'm sure the dry cleaner can get those stains out mrs kennedy ...
You win the internet today.
And yet that is exactly what those statements are, for a General, Kelly is either insulting our military or trying to insult the intelligence of the people he is saying that too.
When did the military become a democracy? John Kelly is a 12 star, brass dick, Oorah Marine. Whaddya expect? Truth, justice, and the American way? That's not how Marines do things.
I was a Marine... You are mistaken.
Why would John Kelly continue to serve someone who admired hitler, and keep quiet about it for years?
I think that will be the question of the day.
possibly to have some influence and guidance over a special ed mind mess who needed an adult to hold his hand so as not to push the nuclear coded plan, cause after he was out of Trumps orbit, how could he help influence 45 and his shiny object drive to insane, besides whence inside the insane in the membrane…?
Maybe it’s a big step for someone in his position to spill those beans? Better to wait until it’s a certified crisis that America has gotten so fucking stupid as to consider putting that piece of shit back in a position of power.
For your kids & grandkids

End the wokeness
Asked a while back, but never got a reply…did you, Vic, get hooked up to be an election judge as you said you had applied? Would like to exchange our experiences if indeed it came to fruition. Thinking it would be a relevant discussion.
“…did you, Vic, get hooked up to be an election judge…”
Know you are out and about and do not understand your unwillingness to answer such a simple question…but perhaps it’s all for the best. A bi-partisan process has no room for an obviously partisan shill. I’d call bullshit on the original claim, but chicken shit seems more appropriate.
Holy Christ - look at how miserable they all are.
Keep America Sane, Beautiful and Trump-Free
Harris-Walz 2024
This isn't the only thing the Atlantic has lied about:
When you can't have honesty run with fiction. We've see the left doing this since 2015.
Mayra Guillén was Laura Ingraham's guest last night. Mayra had a lawyer with her, and she is considering legal action against the Atlantic because Jeffrey Goldberg had called her to get info on Trump's interest and Mayra believes Goldberg misrepresented everything she said.
If it was the truth it would be a different story. But it''s not.
I posted this last night, but it really drives home how long these tactics have been used by Democrats:
Every election...
That also shows that such dirty tactics are easily forgotten.
CNN: You've been in the White House for four years. Why haven't you done any of this already?
KAMALA: "I'm pointing out things that need to be done that haven't been done that need to be done."
The logic behind the seeded article is, well, non-existent.
Kelly first made these claims in 2020 appx two years after he left the chief of staffs job , two years during Trump was president and nothing Kelly might say would have much meaning. As the 2020 election loomed , and something might be important to know about candidate trump Kelly spoke out to Jefferey Goldberg. At the time the Trumpsters totally blamed Goldberg saying he made up the whole thing, because at the time Kellys name was not used in the story.
Turns out that Kelly is now putting his name and voice on it.
So what is left for the right to do? Call Kelly a liar now , and throw Goldberg in there too. Conservatives in the public eye spent yesterday humiliating themselves, between calling Kelly a liar to the absurd Fox and Friends lackey who said maybe Trump didnt realize the German generals under Hitler were nazis. Another total fool, the governor of Connecticut said who cares this sort of thing is baked in with Trump as if that is an excuse.
There is a rather long history of Trump disparaging the military, with a number of instances that far exceeds what Kelly says.
I could spend the next half hour posting stories of trump dissing the military but I will leave it at this for now.
You claim that Trump responding to an attack by John McCain is somehow dissing the military?
He rebuilt the military.
Then you could spend hours posting quotes from Trump praising authoritarian dictators.
Trump even lied about whether or not he had called McCain a loser, denying he ever said it. It was on video.
You are backing a man who has been mentally ill for a long time.
What started that debate?
Didn't McCain call Trump supporters "crazies?"
I'm sure both of you could, but one thing you can't do is detract from his record as President.
When I saw McCain walk across the Senate floor to the middle of the room so everyone could see him and give a visibly angry thumbs down vote on removing the ACA, all i could think of was what a bitter petty old man.
Why did Trump call the injuries "headaches"?
It was a very odd and disparaging thing to say.
Because those injuries would go on HIS record as commander in chief. Better in his diseased mind to say they werent injured than have a relatively small amount of casualties blotch his record.
He is scum.
You're damned right!
He went against what was best for the country to spite one man.
That was long after Trump had called him a loser.
By the same token, why did the US media seek to highlight injuries after Trump successfully eliminated Soleimani without any American soldiers being killed?
Was that a way to diminish what Trump did?
Maybe a better question would be how responsible is it for people to liken Trump to Hitler after two attempts on his life.
Maybe they are down to hoping someone will murder him.
Trump called him a loser when McCain called Trump supporters "crazies."
So Trump has the maturity of a 5 year old?
Trump stood up for the people.
As long as those people were fellow millionaire/billionaires and not servicemen (suckers and losers).
He rebuilt the military.
It is plainly obvious that Trump hates the military. When young Don Jr. told him he was thinking about joining, Trump let him know that he would be disowned. To Trump, the military is nothing but expendable dead weight that serves as an otherwise useless speed bump for the enemy. I’m sure it pained him to know that political expedience required throwing money at the military that could be “better served” as a tax cut for billionaires.
Those are his record as president: Small, petty, and Vengeful.[✘]
How so? Doesn't it seem very political?
Turns out that Kelly is now putting his name and voice on it.
And others have refuted it.
Remember what you were instructed about the daily article.
Either I dont remember or I dont care. Take your pick.
Fair enough
He sure as hell doesn't fit in his father's shoes. Come the election I'm going to the Canadian Consulate office in downtown Chongqing to fill out my ballot which they will send with others to Ottawa. At least I can vote in China. LOL
Good for you Buzz! so many are apathetic or just don't care enough to put in the effort to vote. Over 30% of Americans who have the right to vote failed to do so in 2020. Pathetic.
My son, who lives in Milwaukee, has obtained American citizenship and can now vote in both Canada and the USA due to his dual citizenship, and I know he is going to cast his ballot on Nov. 5, if he hasn't already done so.
"I worked for John Kelly and don’t believe him. His last ditch effort to stop Donald Trump is desperate. This is a personal vendetta from a staffer who failed at his job and believed as a chief of staff that he should have been the ultimate decisionmaker. President Trump loves America, will preserve our freedoms, and has done more for the Jewish people than any other president." Mercedes Schlapp.

Mercedes Schlapp on X: "I worked for John Kelly and don’t believe him. His last ditch effort to stop Donald Trump is desperate. This is a personal vendetta from a staffer who failed at his job and believed as a chief of staff that he should have been the ultimate decisionmaker. President Trump loves" / X
How soon they forget:
Harris and her supporters aren't talking about the fact that years ago, when Kelly was serving in various roles under the Trump Administration, Democrats frequently criticized the retired general for faithfully implementing tough immigration policies and raised ethics concerns when he joined a company with federal contracts to detain migrants after his government role.
“General Kelly is a hypocrite who is a disgrace to the uniform he used to wear,” then-Illinois Democratic Rep. Luis Gutiérrez said of Kelly when Trump announced the DACA immigration program would expire. The Washington Post pilloried Kelly, saying he "calls Robert E. Lee an ‘honorable man’ and said ‘lack of compromise’ caused the Civil War.
"Indecent. Immoral. Corrupt," Sen. Jeff Merkley, D.-Ore., tweeted after Kelly joined a for-profit parent company whose subsidiary has federal contracts to detain migrants at centers.
Even Harris herself, then a California senator, sharply criticized Kelly during the Trump Administration over his testimony to the Senate Homeland Security Committee, saying he has an “inability to speak truth to power to this administration” and lacked a “grasp of the implications of the policy perspectives he was supporting.”
Kelly drew ire from the Democrats throughout his stint as Trump’s Secretary of Homeland Security even after he was confirmed by a bipartisan Senate majority. Many Democrats developed buyers remorse after the new secretary moved to strictly enforce the new administration’s immigration policy.
For example, his agency increased arrests of immigrants without a criminal background even though he had publicly declared he would prioritize those who had committed crimes for removal from the country.
“I think Secretary Kelly has drank the Kool-Aid,” now-disgraced Sen. Robert Menendez, the Democrat from New Jersey, told Politico in 2017 . “He’s not the person who I thought I was voting for.”
“The role, the mission of the agency is a very important one, which I support 1,000 percent,” then-Senator Harris said. “But when it comes to transparency and a clear guidance around what the [immigration] enforcement priorities will be at the agency, I have real questions and real concerns.”
He also drew fire from Democrats for defending Donald Trump’s so-called “Muslim ban,” an executive order restricting entry into the United States by foreign nationals from Iran, Syria, Sudan, Somalia, Libya and Yemen.
Kelly Amnesia: Democrats once questioned general’s ethics, but now embrace his anti-Trump story | Just The News
Obama yesterday: "I don't understand how we got so toxic, so divided, so bitter."
Kamala Harris 24 hours later: "Trump is literally Hitler and he will use the military to kill US citizens."
"It is because of my love for my country that I’m proud to announce that I’m joining the Republican Party."

Don't you just LOVE the work Harris has done with securing the border.
Lol. Recently she promised that she would never leave it unsecure.
I just can't believe that sane people would vote for her.
The last 3 years shows that's a lie.
These are the same ones that will vote for her for really stupid reasons like "She's not Trump". These are the same people who told us over an over again there is nothing wrong with Biden's diminished mental capacities and the inflation was a good thing.
As Burger King would call it: "The Big Whopper!"
These are the same ones that will vote for her for really stupid reasons like "She's not Trump". These are the same people who told us over an over again there is nothing wrong with Biden's diminished mental capacities and the inflation was a good thing.
Yup, the same people who don't give a damn about the country.
Yup, the same people who don't give a damn about the country.“
what was it, 41 people or so, from 45’s first administration that are claiming Trump should Not again be potus.
Why do you suppose that is ?
Cause perhaps these people, who were THERE, could see Trump Does Not Care about anything or one, except the Golden(shower)Won not the 2020 election,yet stated to this very day, that Biden stole the election, when it was Won by Biden by several million more votes than Trump, the biggest Lying Loser this country ever had run for office.
Insults Gold Star Parents, the handicapped, live veterans, POW’s, dead veterans, and about everyone in between and to every extreme, as Trump does not care about you or any of his supporters, he is only in this race to save himself from the disgrace he was last time, and to hopefully save face manipulating facts and elections to influence ignorant persons about their perceptions that have been by design distorted, and when first hand witnesses come forward stating what they witnessed, their now making it all up cause their disgruntled and Trump was on their short list, so now they’re all pist, at persons Trump claimed were all the best and the brightest, but since they dare speak of that which they saw first hand, they must be the slightest slighting Trump as so many have done band together and stated, and the cult following that he created, can’t be brought to admit what this giant mental midget that incessantly LIES as he gives them all a rigid middle digit in their analog world of make believe again eyes , the presidency that he makes inn
You know this world, the place where one of the favorite sources for Trumps’ LIESpushed, asz shoved “right’ asz in up their tush, where Fox “news” toilet spins shit from down the drain directly into their brain, was sued for promoting LIES, lies that led to so many believing the lying deceiving Trumps Lie, that the election was stolen from him. Well, can anyone please explain how Fox “news” has to pay $787,000,000.00 MILLION FRCKN DOLLARS for promoting Trump originated LIES, and most everyone around this “victim” usually winds up in jail, or in need of bail, must resign, or get disbarred, cause it is just too much how so many excuses have been made for one giant POS, who is always taken the wrong way, needs deciphered , or just lies right before the eyes of peep holes who heartily defend this fckn joke, till the day that he is finished, and they’ll continue beyond his death, cause It is the supporters of this deviated supporter created abysmal political abrogation, that continues to be the greatest draw on this once great nation…………
41 people the left claimed should never be believed, you suddenly believe. No wonder the left is silent about Biden and Harris' flipping on their stance on everything.
that might fly if it were 3 or 4, but 41 is slightly
a whole lot more than a coincidence, thus a correlation could be the sourced sensation, but come on now, do their claims not be consistent with the liar persistent who is deserved of an ovation, for he leaves US All scratching our heads, as his head and shoulders performance could straighten out Dreds, locked away like his true heir apparent, cause Trump sure could use some guidance and oversight, for his a/both apparent, obviously weren’t right