Projection of the worst kind

Link to quote: Harris warns of dangers of another Trump presidency in speech at Jan. 6 site
Projection: the mental process by which people attribute to others what is in their own minds .
Projection | Definition, Theories, & Facts | Britannica
In the closing argument of Kamala Harris before the election is the rarest form of projection. Harris is claiming that former President Trump will do something he never did as President and precisely what president Biden has done: to use government to go after his enemies. The same people who wanted you without a job, in a camp or on house arrest because you didn’t take a COVID shot are now claiming they know that Trump wants to be a dictator.
The odd thing about this is that there are people in government today who deserve to be investigated for what they did to the former President. Maybe that is part of it: that they don't want to get the punishment they deserve, so when the time comes to take a good hard look at the Biden DOJ, they can say "oh look, he is going after his political opponents!"
It was a sad end to a campaign supposedly based on "joy."
In the news:
Damage assessments for the Israeli strikes on Iran show that Israel has destroyed 3 of the 4 Russian made surface to air missile sites, which were provided to Iran by Russia. Most of the Iranian radar systems were also destroyed.
A California judge sentenced the man who attacked Nancy Pelosi’s husband with a hammer to life in prison. A very harsh sentence under California standards.
Airlines in the U.S. must now provide automatic refunds when a flight is significantly delayed: three hours for domestic flights and six hours for international flights.
The China-linked hackers who targeted Trump and Vance’s phones also targeted phones belonging to Eric Trump and Jared Kushner.
The SCOTUS ruled that RFK jr must remain on the Wisconsin ballot.
Kamala Harris spoke to a crowd outside the White House, calling the former President a petty tyrant and a threat to democracy.
CBS still refuses to release a transcript of the 60 Minutes interview with Kamala Harris.
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"Major networks ABC, CBS, and NBC have delivered most unbalanced election coverage in history, Media Research Center finds.
Networks spent 31% of Trump coverage on controversies while dedicating only 5% of Kamala coverage to critical topics. The Study analyzed over 600 segments since July. The Coverage gap exceeds both 2016 and 2020 elections, as networks gave twice as much airtime to Trump after September debate - mostly negative.
Findings come as Gallup shows public trust in media hits new low, with 36% having "no trust at all." Source: Media Research Center Study, Fox."
Coverage of Trump, Harris in presidential race 'most lopsided in history,' 85% negative for Trump: report | Fox News
MRC is an oxymoron. They don't analyze conservative media or content.
We don't need them. We can see it with our eyes.
Yes, 'we' can.
It won't work anymore.
Did you hear what John Fetterman said about the excitement for Trump in PA?
P ennsylvania Democratic Sen. John Fetterman opened up about the state of the presidential race in his key battleground state and called former President Trump’s support there "astonishing" while predicting that Elon Musk’s endorsement is "going to really matter."
"There’s a difference between not understanding, but also acknowledging that it exists," Fetterman told the New York Times in an interview published Saturday morning when asked about enthusiasm for Trump in Pennsylvania. "And anybody who spends time driving around, and you can see the intensity. It’s astonishing."
Fetterman calls Trump's support in Pennsylvania 'astonishing': 'You can see the intensity'
What won't work anymore?
Gaslighting by the leftwing media.
You did say that Trump knew the comedian was going to tell that off-pudding joke?
Can you give us a link?
Yes, they focus on what's supposedly non partisan media. Conservative media will obviously lean conservative.
BS, their mission statement states that they are there to combat liberal influences.
They are as one sided as Robert Mercer their benefactor and main financial contributor.
By exposing it in supposedly non biased media. What part don't you get?
sided as Robert Mercer their benefactor and main financial contributor.
So what? A conservative funds a conservative media watchdog!!! Shocking!
Who do you think funds Media Matters?
That Media Research is anything but non biased media. What part do you not understand?
Per our favorite, MBFC, MRC has failed numerous fact checks by primarily reposting stories from Newsbusters and CNS.
On the other hand, Media Matters, specifically started to provide a counterpoint to the propaganda from MRC, gets high grades for a clean record on fact checks.
Funding is from multiple sources, including unions like NEA, Move on .org, The Tides Foundation, Democracy Alliance...and a PAC, American Bridge 21st Century.
Makes one wonder why anyone would use either as a legitimate or objective source, but MMA seems to have the upper hand.
You mean gaslighting by certain hyper-right, Hyper-partisan NT commentators wont work.
I think you are making the same mistake that the Heritage Foundation did in crowing too soon. But, then again, there is nothing new in that.
Trump sounds like a fascist, he says he's going to do the things that fascists do, his followers sound like fascists, the big money behind him makes the appropriate noises of fascism. But don't listen to that, no, because he loves the people... at least when they are lifting their voices to sing praises to their dear leader.
Trump is a fascist. His supporters are therefore fascistic, each in their own, bent way.
People who believe every lying word that comes out of the insane Trump's mouth also dont trust the media . SHOCKING !
What is shocking is that we already know that George Stephanopoulos won't be grilling every democrat on "This Week" as to what they think of Joe Biden calling half the country "garbage."
Just the former 'president' [deleted.] [✘] Like Hillary, he is correct.
"This is someone who is unstable, obsessed with revenge, consumed with grievance and out for unchecked power,"
All true.
They stopped listening back when they called him Hitler.
like JD Vance did?
Isn't that incredible.
And to think that J D Vance is now the heir apparent to the MAGA Movement!
Shows what a spinless ass kissing traitor hypocrite that he is. The maga bm
So whose ass is the Cheneys, Kinzinger, etc trying to kiss?
I still haven't heard any journalist or anyone from the Harris campaign call Trump "Hitler". I have heard reporting of Kelly saying Trump praised Hitler and wished his generals were more like Hitler's generals but that's just reporting facts and not calling Trump Hitler as many conservatives now claim.
So, let's clear this up, Trump is not Hitler, especially not Hitler of 1941. He definitely resembles the Hitler of 1933 that hadn't committed any genocide yet and hadn't started invading neighboring countries. At that point, much like Trump, he was just a loud-mouthed populist promising the German people everything, promising to Make Germany Great Again, telling the German nationalists that they were superior to all the foreign "invaders" in the country while placing the blame for any problems in the country on anyone who didn't look like, sound like or worship the same way that the white conservative Christian Germans did.
But again, no one is calling Trump Hitler. Trump is just a run-of-the-mill fascist who has praised Hitler and other authoritarians and expressed desire to be more like Hitler or at minimum to have his staff or military leaders be more like Hitlers.
But of course, none of the facts and nuanced difference between pointing out Trumps praise of Hitler vs calling him Hitler will be lost on anyone with less than half a brain, so I don't really expect those on the right to stop lying about this fact.
Definitely a blatant inferrence......................
"Needs Context.
Harris didn't directly call Trump "Hitler". However, many will think she came very close to it: she confirmed that she believes Trump is a fascist, quoted Kelly's unfavorable comments, and suggested Trump would "invoke" Hitler."
new trump ad
“She’s a fascist, OK? She’s a fascist.” - Donald J Trump 10/28/2024
So, it's an inference to Hitler when she calls Trump a fascist, but if he calls her a fascist none of his supporters would be claiming he called her Hitler. Just more double standards and hypocrisy from the right.
Lol. The same people who scream that TRump is worse than Hitler excuse Harris because she does what Trump does.
How dare they normalize Trump!
followed immediately by
Harris does the same thing as Trump!
Pssst. You are normalizing Trump every time you say Harris is no different than Trump.
He is held to no standard(s) whatsoever
Please do cite examples of anyone in the media or even here for that matter that say "Trump is worse than Hitler". If you can't then please admit that you're making shit up and pushing a false narrative because it sounds a lot better than stating the only actual fact which is that Kelly said Trump praised Hitler, which anyone with more than a brain and doesn't have their head shoved up Trumps ass should believe, and that he said Trump fits the definition of a fascist to which Harris agreed. That's it. The only ones screaming that "Trump is worse than Hitler!" are his own supporters trying to put words in Harris and the left's mouth.
That's certainly not what I was saying, I did point out that Trump has done the same thing Harris did which was call her a fascist, but he's done FAR worse than that and Harris is not trying to compete with him for how many crass insults can be thrown at an opponent in a single rally.
Nobody here or on the left is saying Harris is no different than Trump. I hear that from Trump supporters trying to equate an unproven statement about Trump by Harris to the MASSIVE mountain of lies that come out of Trump constantly. To try and even claim that Trump is no different than a normal politician who occasionally stretches the truth or even tells a whopper now and then is like claiming some mass shooter who kills 4 people in a supermarket is "no different" than Pol Pot killing nearly 3 million Cambodians. Sure, they're both murderers, but one isn't even close to being in the same league as the other.
So, to reiterate, Harris is VERY different than Trump. She clearly still has self-respect, standards and integrity and ISN'T a convicted felon and has never admitted to sexually assaulting people and hasn't been accused of even one person of sexual assault let alone two dozen as has Trump. She's never been impeached by congress let alone being impeached twice as Trump was. She's never incited an insurrection and inspired her supporters to violently attack capital police and break into the capital in an attempt to stop the peaceful transfer of power. She's never refused to admit an election loss. The differences between the two could not be starker and no one on the left is saying they are "no different".
She of course did use the word "fascist" to describe Trump and a little while later Trump, like the petulant child he is, basically said "Nuh uh, you're the fascist! I'm rubber, you're glue, anything you say bounces off me and sticks to you! Ha! Nanny nanny boo boo!!..."
Really, Hitler is too good. Trump is dumber than that. Just look at his abysmal rally at MSG where he sees love and the rest of the nation sees hate.
Good Job, mien Furor.
Agreed. I would never claim Trump was worse than Hitler. Dumber than Hitler? Definitely. I would actually be seriously concerned for my country if I thought Trump was as smart or smarter than Hitler. Thankfully he's just a very low IQ fan of Hitler who didn't even know many of Hitlers Generals tried to kill him. No doubt some of those Generals were thinking "Hey, this guys a danger to our nation and a fucking fascist. You know that right?".
So if Trump wins, don't lose heart, just know that while he's stupid and will inevitably do something else worthy of impeachment, I don't think he has the intelligence to actually destroy our republic. He might do great damage to our nation and the constitution, but he's just not bright enough to actually destroy the foundations set in the constitution. The military will never just do whatever he wants, they will not attack American citizens just because a bloviated buffoon commanded them to arrest or abduct his most vocal critics.
I have faith our constitution can survive four years of a vile embarrassing moron capitulating to every authoritarian leader in the world because he desperately desires to become one. Our nation of laws will stop him. And I believe most Republicans in the congress and Senate would do the right thing if pushed into the corner being given the choice of violating the constitution in order to support their party's leader or siding with Democrats (God forbid!) to prevent damage to the American people. I think it will be much like when John McCain gave the thumbs down to Donald Trump's attempt to kill the ACA (of which Trump lied recently, so dramatically it would almost be funny, about how he not only claimed he didn't try to kill it, he claimed he was the savior of it which is of course, fucking insane).
If worse comes to worse and Trump wins the electoral college (there's simply no chance he will win the popular vote) we will survive. I think even the conservatives on the supreme court will do the right thing when faced with an out-of-control executive. I think our country, if we elect a fascist, will defend itself through its several lines of defense. First, the guard rails aka the people in his administration who he first floats his crazy ideas to who can say "No Mr. President, that would create a massive problem and not solve anything. Please do not do that" or "No sir, that would be illegal". Of course, if Trump was actually able to understand one of the recent conservative majority opinions on the supreme court, he'd likely tell anyone who was trying to stop him from doing something illegal to go fuck themselves, the SCOTUS ruled he can do whatever he wants and like Nixon said, "Well, when the president does it, that means that it is not illegal". I'm praying he isn't smart enough to actually do that, but a lot of good that will do me as an atheist.
Then come the fences, which are the other branches of government, the judicial and legislative. The legislative hopefully, if not overrun by Trump loyalists or those too scared of the Trump loyalists, will do the right thing and vote in favor of rules and laws that honor the constitution and are willing to keep an out-of-control executive in check. Then come the speed bumps aka the judicial. This is pretty much the last line of defense as it rules on the constitutionality of the laws being signed by the legislative and signed off on by the President.
The last line of defense are the road signs aka the vocal private citizens and dissenters protesting and daring to challenge a wannabe dictator to loudly denounce injustice and fascism.
indings come as Gallup shows public trust in media hits new low, with 36% having "no trust at all.
And the media scrambling to protect Biden's garbage comment will only make the problem worse.
That is why the media can say anything it wants as Trump's support grows.
What did Jonathan Karl say: "Trump has created a real movement."
We also have the man who bought the Washington Post in order to save it from an untimely death, refusing to endorse an empty pantsuit.
I think they realize who bad they look.
Media's Biden Clean-Up Task Force in high gear over POTUS 'garbage' insult. If you want to know why many fear a Harris presidency more than Trump: our democracy's guardrails (e.g., free press) work overtime to check Republicans but scheme to protect and promote Democrats.

Even the Times says that Biden "appears" to have called Trump supporters garbage.
Thay just can't deal with the truth.
It's not that hard to understand. We prefer to be led by an honest, hard working, former prosecutor instead of a malignant narcissus convicted felon who spends 80% of his time lying about everything.
Not just can't stand, many are deathly afraid.
You cannot understand why it is antithetic to our nation to have a traitor as PotUS??
You cannot understand why it is dangerous to have a vindictive narcissistic loose-cannon empowered with the presidency??
You cannot understand why it is damaging to have a flaming asshole as the voice and face of our nation on the world stage??
You cannot understand why it is counterproductive to have Trump (who actually seems to believe that gratuitous, outrageous tariffs would raise revenue and not raise consumer prices so that he can afford his insane level of planned spending) to have the power to enact this lunacy??
You cannot understand why a divisive PotUS would be the opposite of what we need (we need more unity not the top dog driving further wedges into our nation)??
You cannot understand that Trump is the most unfit nominee for PotUS in our lifetime and likely our history??
You cannot understand that this nation has a choice between a normal D nominee (we have had many D presidencies ... not the end of the world) and a lifelong con-man scoundrel who has already proved that he will abuse the CotUS and the powers / influence of the presidency for his own whims at the expense of the nation?? That he will use fraud, coercion, lying, and incitement in an attempt to mitigate (for the first time in US history) the peaceful transfer of power and steal a US presidential election?? The he has no qualms in disenfranchising the electorate??
Trump land is a bizarre alternate reality.
I think your honest hard-working prosecutor is a fake.
What did she do about the border for the past 4 years?
Did she ever work at McDonalds?
A Marxist professor might say "Trump bad."
That seems to be all it takes.
I can't understand anything many on the left believe in.
I am proud to have voted for Trump and I sent my ballot back on the same day I received it. That's how strongly I feel about Trump and the people who hate him.
Did you see the clip of trump "working" at McDonalds? at the end where he made the offhand remark, Now I have worked at McDonalds longer than Kamala did was hysterical.
All 8 of them.
I LOVED it. When we remember this election, that scene has to rate in the top 5 memorable events!
"We're withholding our endorsement because our owner is frightened of government retribution if donald trump wins" is a more forceful and eloquent statement than any newspaper editorial ever written.
That is not news for anyone.
Really? This is all you can ask about? Your boy is a serial adulterer, a con man, a liar, and a convicted felon and all you want to know is did she ever work at McDonald's.
You voted by mail????
Technically not a convicted felon.
WaPo endorsed no one in 1988 also. What is your point? And do you have a quote besides what several people posted on "X"? Amazing how one man can strike fear in so many otherwise "strong" and individualistic people. Be funny if it weren't so sad.
The ramping up of hysteria of the trump haters is amazing. I would have never thought rational people could be so consumed by it
a convicted felon with 34 counts that has yet to be sentenced ...
It's not just Trump haters, it is hate for more than half the country.
less than a third of the country
“…it is hate for more than half the country.”
Less hate…and more dismay that so many apologize for, dismiss the obvious lack of character, and hypocritically ‘hate’ the other half of the country.
This can not be over soon enough.
Yes he is.
Nobody seems to point to an actual felony trial where she served as the lead prosecutor I've noticed.
I do appreciate the same people attacking Trump because of a comedian's words now saying Biden's slur doesn't matter because he's not on the ballot.
Far as I know that comedian is not on the ballot either, but somehow, it is Trump's fault for what the guy said.
So then you agree that Harris supporters are the same number because her support percentages are the same.
Is that the "prosecutor" that has been getting ripped apart in the the appeals court over the inflated charges that were filed?
The bullying, accusations and name calling being done by more and more of the media is nothing short of deplorable. The more the shame tactics work to get people to vote as they wish the more normalized they will try to make that behavior
So you're going with that batshit crazy conspiracy theory that she's not an actual Prosecutor or Lead?
Well that's the most ridiculous thing I've heard today. I'm certain it won't be the last
Complaining about name-calling while defending Trump at every turn illustrates yet again that Trumpland is a bizarre alternate reality.
Just stating facts. Seems some struggle with with the difference of a person calling out behavior and defending trump. Defending the name calling is sad. Just another bully tactic.
Technically not a convicted felon. PERIOD!
It is pure hypocrisy.
You do not see Harris making up childish names for her opponents. That is and has been Trump's method since 2015. Yet you pretend as though it is Harris doing the name-calling.
It would be nice if comments actually were factual instead of the twisted nonsense you just posted.
Yes, George, Trump is not technically a convicted felon until sentenced. And since sentencing was delayed, we cannot technically call him a convicted felon.
He will be because he will be sentenced. He has been found guilty of felonies. You are not going to try weasel out of that too on a technicality, are you?
Trump apologists try to squeeze through every crack no matter how insignificant in a feeble attempt to defend the indefensible.
Again, when you can't refute the actual comment claim hypocrisy, twisted nonsense and a little but but but Trump for good measure while ignoring or adding things never said in the actual comment
That responsibility belongs to Biden.
Yes but that location's records only go back 20 years, not to the 1980's. That was the prerogative of the franchisee. Who knew they might be asked for 40 year old records? Can you imagine how many boxes would be filled from saving the payroll records for part time employees at a McDonalds, Burger King or Gino's?
Could we be more petty demanding proof from 40 plus years ago?
Forgot to mention some on the left and most trump haters
This tactic of making ridiculous claims that do not in any way follow the actual comments is pathetic.
It is obvious hypocrisy to criticize name-calling while giving a Trump a pass on that at every turn.
This petty nonsense illustrates how Trump supporters are desperately trying to find something, anything on Harris because their candidate has so many negatives to try to balance out. A hopeless cause.
No, you do not need to be sentenced to be considered "convicted" of a crime ; being convicted simply means that a court or jury has found you guilty of an offense, which happens before the sentencing phase where the punishment is determined; a conviction occurs when a guilty verdict is reached, either through a trial or a guilty plea.
What Does It Mean To Be "Charged," "Convicted," And "Sentenced" For A Crime -
I did not say that you must be sentenced to be considered convicted of a crime.
I stated that you have to be sentenced to be "technically a convicted felon".
The bullying, accusations and name calling being done by more and more of the media, some on the left and most trump haters is nothing short of deplorable. The more the shame tactics work to get people to vote as they wish the more normalized they will try to make that behavior.
When you can't refute the actual comment claim hypocrisy, twisted nonsense and a little but but but Trump for good measure while ignoring or adding things never said in the actual comment. It is both tiresome and boring.
Seems some struggle with with the difference of a person calling out behavior and defending trump. Defending the name calling is sad. Just another bully tactic.
Like 2.1.48, 2.1.51 and of course 2.1.57
I don't think there is much wiggle room in this semantic argument. The definition of 'felon' is a person who has been convicted of a felony. The definition of 'convicted' is having been declared guilty of a criminal offense by the verdict of a jury or the decision of a judge.
Both of these things have happened in Trump's NY fraud trial. Technically Trump is a convicted felon.
Nope: Trump is not a convicted felon until he is sentenced. Period.
The case is considered to be complete after sentencing.
Appeals cannot be submitted until the case is complete.
In the eyes of most people, the sentence won't make a difference.
He is, in the public's eye convicted, until reversed or changed by appeal(s).
“Trump is not a convicted felon until he is sentenced.”
And in what world does that diminish the seriousness of the charges? Never, never, has a candidate for the highest office in the land faced such legal challenges.
Does it not compute that he is running in the self-serving hope should he win dismiss the charges by executive action, thus corrupting our judicial processes?
Did anybody say his charges weren't serious? or is that just a poor deflection attempt? I merely stated a fact, that he is not a convicted felon until he is sentenced. i made no other comment or assertion beside that.
Show me the law to back up your point.
The sentencing is part of the legal process and is the final step in adjudication. Essentially it takes one from convicted felon to official convicted felon (I used technically instead of official but either word works).
Upon sentencing, the convicted felon (descriptive usage) is now subject to legal punitive actions such as being sent to prison, having possessions confiscated, etc. Upon sentencing, the convicted felon starts paying for his crimes ... starts serving his sentence.
Trump was convicted of felonies thus it is accurate to consider him a convicted felon. But he has not suffered any punishment because he has not been sentenced. The process is not yet complete.
George is clinging to the idea that the adjudication is not officially complete until sentencing. And that is true which is why I made my point.
But I am happy to continue to consider Trump a convicted felon because in reality that is what he is.
I'm telling you Tig, its all about race.
I know 15 or 20 MAGA's pretty well. Almost without exception they all have varying degrees of prejudice against racial minorities.
I think that is a significant part of the explanation. But that does not explain why non-Caucasian males are hesitant to vote for Harris (per the polls).
I think the nation is also not totally ready for a female PotUS and that is another key factor holding Harris back. That is why I was against Harris considering any female as a running mate.
To wit, another reason one would want Harris to win is to break the emotional ceiling and demonstrate to men (and many women ... it is not just men that are the problem here) that a woman is as capable of being PotUS as any man.
If she wins, I can offer an unusual pro for Trump and the current GOP. Ready for it?:
If Harris wins then it is actually good that the GOP put forth such a fucked up nominee because it helped the nation get over its irrational doubts about women presidents. In other words, it is reasonable to presume (given extent chauvinism in our culture) that a decent male GOP nominee would win the presidency against a female D nominee.
That is believable.
Here is the simple explanation for you, do you want me to go into the options that are also available to the Judge? the judge can find trump not guilty despite the Juries verdict at any point between now and sentencing. that is why the offender (trump) in not a convicted felon until sentencing, he has merely been found guilty.
Why Donald Trump Isn't A Convicted Felon (Yet)
Yes. Of course.
That makes no logical sense to me. It seems more logical to say someone convicted is subjected to legal punitive action at sentencing. But this isn't my point... so let's move on.
I can see that, but I still see no legal definition anywhere stating that the process must be complete before one is a convicted felon - only that one need to be convicted (found guilty) of felony charges - which has already been done. I do understand there are common word usages and legal word usages don't always match up, but in this case...using the word 'technically' isn't going to help George's argument unless he posts something technical to back himself up.
Maybe because they realize she is an idiot and not good for their priorities.
Why do you think Non Caucasian males should all vote the same?
That is not what evilone asked for. You posted an article where the author opines that Trump is not a convicted felon until sentencing. Opinion is irrelevant. Your article did not provide the legal language proving that Trump is not officially a convicted felon right now.
Explain, in an adult fashion, with actual facts, how you can consider Harris "an idiot".
Pathetic strawman.
It is a legal opinion. deflection fail
I read it and I reject it without some actual legal definition there. The article author is a freelance journalist, not a legal journalist nor a legal expert. Her idea is that the whole appeal process has to play out and be upheld throughout before being a 'technical' felon doesn't change anything I've said.
The English language dictionary says anyone convicted of a felony is a convicted felon. I will 'technically' refer to him as such until an apelet court reverses it. Then his felony convictions would be 'technically' overturned.
That is not what it says, the appeals process can't even start until he is a convicted felon, why do you think Trumps lawyers haven't filed an appeal yet? because he hasn't been convicted. You realize that the judge can render a verdict of not guilty despite the juries finding right? all these things should tell you why he isn't a convicted felon, and once sentenced he will be a convicted felon until a governor pardons him, and in some states you are still a convicted felon until you can get it expunged, or he wins his appeal.....If he can.
Nice taunt but it is what we have come to expect.
Show me where I said she was an idiot. I said THEY probably think she is an idiot.
"athetic strawman. "
Your exact comment, to wit....
"But that does not explain why non-Caucasian males are hesitant to vote for Harris (per the polls)."
You insinuate that all non Caucasian males should be voting for Harris on here.
I've been told here that context matters. That still holds true, right?
I meant to credit this before
David Frum
David Jeffrey Frum ( / f r ʌ m / ; born 30 June 1960) is a Canadian-American political commentator and a former speechwriter for President George W. Bush . He is currently a senior editor at The Atlantic as well as an MSNBC contributor.
"We're withholding our endorsement because our owner is frightened of government retribution if donald trump wins" is a more forceful and eloquent statement than any newspaper editorial ever written.
Is a challenge to back up preposterous declarations taunting?
Should be if the add on "in adult fashion" is in the post, but........
Imo, "in an adult fashion" is
If Frum actually believes this, he is unapologetically unintelligent, to be kind.
If you think they 'realize it' then you have stated that you believe it too. So back up your claim. (Of course, you know cannot do so because your claim is absurd.)
I stated that non Causian males (AS A VOTING BLOC) are hesitant to vote for Harris.
Yeah, context does matter, make use of it.
'In an adult fashion' means to given a thoughtful, serious, relevant answer instead of the ridiculous crap that is typically spewed nowadays on social media forums.
And in spite of that request, we see more of the same. It would appear that a thoughtful, serious response is not possible.
That tired platitude "fail" is tacit admission that you have nothing.
Evilone asked you to provide the actual legal language, not 'legal opinion'.
Sad attempt at a gotcha but a fail.
Nowhere in my post did I say I believe she is an idiot. You need to ask them why they are voting for Trump, not me.
"I stated that non Causian males (AS A VOTING BLOC) are hesitant to vote for Harris. "
Insinuating that they should all vote lock step.
"eah, context does matter, make use of it."
You first
She is a fucking moron
Do you believe Harris is an idiot?
Make your case.
Bugsy now insists that he does not really think she is an idiot, so why do you think she is a moron?
“And every democrat i know is a full blown racist…”
Broad brush aside, you need to get out more.
Have I, as a Democrat, given you any indication that I am a ‘full blown racist’ in any of our conversations?
I wouldn't say she is an idiot, but I think Biden opines clearer than she does these days.
I don’t know you, but let’s ask a simple question, do you think there should be different standards for college admissions based on race? Or ethnicity? If so why?
What has confused you with her language?
She has made many speeches and taken many questions. I understand what she is saying ... she has been quite clear.
What, specifically, is unclear to you?
“I don’t know you, but let’s ask a simple question, do you think there should be different standards for college admissions based on race?”
That is your standard in determining a “full blown racist”? That is not a question to be asked of Democrats nor Republicans in determining any level of racist intent.
I’ll play along…were you denied admission to college because of your race? Have you been denied a loan because of your race? Have you been denied a single thing in your entire life because of your race?
Simple questions.
Part of this thread was removed for meta.
And I'm just wondering where he posted that?
And he works at the Atlantic NOT WaPo so it is irrelevant. He was just reposting what he had seen elsewhere.
That addresses nothing I said except, he has been convicted. The definition of convicted is found guilty.
The next step is sentencing and then after appeals.
The judge or apelet court can, yes. Then his conviction will have been overturned. In the meantime he's still a convicted felon.
That is true, however, she has said many times that she was in the room for many of his important decisions.
Why didn't she say she told him "No, Joe, it is not a good idea to let 10 million illegals into the country, especially not being fully vetted"?
Because she agreed with it.
Because 10 million illegals did NOT enter our nation. You are conflating encounters with actual illegals in our nation. The number of illegal immigrants in our nation has been steady between 10.5 million and 12 million since Bush 43 (the high was under Bush). So explain to us all how with ~11 million illegals in our nation today that Biden let in 10 million of them.
Don't believe Trump unless you want to live in a distortion of reality.
I think the relationships between a President and a VP have changed drastically since when Teddy Roosevelt was a VP. They buried him politically to make him disappear from the public, until McKinley was killed.
Bush did nothing for Reagan. Cheney ran the younger Bush WH. Things changed drastically with Obama who either shelved Biden or wielded him in the Senate like a weapon, but there was never a doubt that Obama called the shots. Clinton allowed Gore to do certain things, but not others. Pence was invisible under Trump.
It will probably be some years before we find out how much voice Harris had under Biden. My gut feeling is not much during the first term, a second term might have been completely different.
Now we will have to wait for the history books yet to be printed.
One thing that is true, with notable exceptions like Cheney, is that the role of the VP is to support the agenda of the PotUS. There may be private disagreements, but ultimately the PotUS does call the shots and the VP needs to be totally on board in terms of the optics.
All suggestions that a Junior Senator elected VP would be able to "advise" a president with the 44 years of experience
that Biden earned in the Senate and as VP is beyond the pale.
If that poor, inexperienced Junior Senator was too ignorant or inexperienced to advise a man who was one step above a vegetable mentally, she should have resigned and found someone who was smarter than tha turnip to advise Biden.
They may have lied about Russian collusion, the Hunter Biden laptop, covid and the 2025 Project, but trust them on Trump wanting to be a tyrant.
There was proven Russian collusion between the Trump campaign and Russian operatives that " represented a grave counterintelligence threat" . The Hunter Biden laptop did not in any way prove any supposed crimes of Joe Biden. Trump was the one who lied about Covid as we found out after listening to the Bob Woodward tapes and so far, Project 2025 and its authors believe they'll still be an integral part of Trumps administration even though Trump has said he has no connection to them.
" More than 100 conservative organizations contributed to the (Project 2025) document, Heritage says, including many that would also be hugely influential in Washington if Republicans took back the White House." What is Project 2025? Wish list for a Trump presidency, explained (
That would be a crime. So what American was convicted of colluding with Russia to interfere in the 2016 election?
Well there is...
Don Jr, Jared Kushner and whoever else was there only escaped legal issues because Veselnitskaya lied to them to get them there.
We also shouldn't dismiss Maria Butina who was worked her way into Trump's orbit through GOP activist and convicted felon Paul Erikson.
So not a single American was so much as charged with conspiring with Russia to interfere in the election.
Got it.
YOu know Democrats are desperate when they include Flynn lying about his conversation with the Russia ambassador about Israel AFTER the election as evidence of collusion to fix the election. Just shameless stuff.
Not for lack of trying. Trump surrounded himself with people who tried to break the law to give him an edge. It's by shear incompetence they didn't succeed.
Just when we thought it couldn't get worse:
"The House Judiciary Committee is examining a whistleblower report that the FBI targeted Donald Trump soon after he announced his presidential campaign in June 2015, an off-the-books operation ordered by FBI Director James B. Comey that predated the Crossfire Hurricane operation.
An FBI agent involved in the probe revealed the off-the-books criminal investigation on Tuesday in a protected disclosure sent to the committee.
Then-FBI Director James B. Comey takes a break after three hours of testifying on Capitol Hill in Washington, Monday, March 20, 2017, before the House Intelligence Committee hearing on allegations of Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election. (AP)
Whistleblower: James Comey had FBI 'honey pot' spies infiltrate Trump's 2016 campaign - Washington Times
Question of the day : Shouldn't James Comey be prosecuted?
The very people that shrieked that whistleblowers should be believed at all costs will denounce this whistleblower as a liar. Just like they have before.
I hope & pray that Republicans take the House & Senate, so we can do something about all that went on.
Honestly it will be hilarious to watch. What will be interesting to see is how many Democrats suddenly extend the olive branch in a pathetic attempt to cover their asses.
How about the ones who said they would leave the country?
I think it is still a safe bet that not a one of them leaves.
Not like they would follow up on anything they say. We already know they won't leave.
And we have such nice places for them too!
I thought they might go to South Africa or Canada.
I'd rather they to to N. Korea or Venezuela. See what a shithole really looks like.
So, would I, but they want no part of those failed states. It wasn't true Communism or Socialism, don't ya know!
I can't help but laugh at those idiots.
The exact same ones that say every woman should be believed but don't believe the woman Harris' husband beat in the head not that long ago.
Exactly. But then again, they are the ones that can't tell you what a woman is, but want everybody to vote for Harris because she's a "woman".
Amazing the hypocrisy of the left
For what?
The Democrats and their merry group of mindless lemmings have been making the same claim for years now.
You know, I have a gut feeling. It tells me that this election isn't going to be all that close.
Let say Trump does beat Harris. There will be more "investigations", lawsuits, shrieking and crying than what we saw when Hillary lost.
I'll bet that they try refusing to certify the election.
I wouldn't put childish stuff like that past them. It would show who the fascists really are.
Jamie Raskin has already proposed it.
I'm not sure but I thought I even heard Charlamagne the Clown mention it.
Remember the left crying about a "threat to democracy"? That right there is an actual threat to democracy. Notice how the left is silent?
The silence is a prelude to anguish.

Have you caught Morning Joe recently?
Funny thing out of all the hysterical 'lefties' that were upset about the former 'president' traitor's first win and all that is ever posted is that one woman.
The desperation and projection are so palpable.
You'd think the former 'president' traitor wants to lose with his 'comedian' making the 'joke' that he obviously knew about - calling all Puerto Ricans garbage.
Morning Joe in hysterics. It must be a day ending in "Y". And naturally those who actually think that MSNBC are actual news are in hysterics as well.
And the article shows it.
And don't forget Morning Joe used to be a "Republican." And the woman he gave up his wife for is on the verge of a nervous breakdown at the thought of Trump becoming President.
Many who tune into Morning Joe do so for comfort. I suppose it is better than they turn to alcohol or comfort food. At least there is a place to go for outrage & hysterics now that Twitter is no longer providing that function.
I hope Mika is careful about crying. I understand there should be no tears for a couple days after botox treatment.
They used to report news. They've devolved into vloggers giving opinion and entertainment.
I can't imagine being so fragile that something like that would do that to you.
Well, that's what you do when you can't handle reality.
Oh, they're still crying about twitter / X removing their echo chambers.
Both of them have had plastic surgery I believe.
Trump pushed them over the edge. At least we now know what they really thought.
I can't imagine being so fragile that something like that would do that to you.
After the 2016 election a woman I know (a democrat) told me her daughter was so upset, she thought she needed medical help.
Well, that's what you do when you can't handle reality.
I blame the university.
This is where silence ensues
No need. Truth.
The C word 'joke' the 'comedian' was going to tell was REMOVED FROM THE TELEPROMPTER so he approved everything else. The former 'president' probably wanted the C word 'joke' to remain but someone else probably removed it after he approved it.
Your proof of this is where?
All that to say you can't prove it.
That's a lot of fiction.
So, you only have one meme of one alleged Hillary supporter.
If it was pulled, I truly doubt Trump was the one going over the teleprompter script but rather staff.....
Get with the program, trump is responsible for everything bad in the world and democrats are innocent bystanders even if the burning match is still in their hands.
It was staff, not Trump, the same staff member that had the 'cunt" remark removed, later claimed that most of the routine was ad-libbed and not what was submitted to the campaign.
The consequences for Hinchcliffe have not been good.
Yes, but what does that illustrate?
They did not pull the garbage crap. Further, even if he ad-libbed it, they did not properly vet this asshole even after seeing the kind of material he was going to deliver. This was the closing statement and they let someone with his reputation on the stage.
Further, he was not the only speaker who expressed bigotry. The Trump movement is a sick cult IMO:
I agree. But Trump set this tone. This is the tone of his campaign. These are the consequences of a demagogue gaining wide support.
Another example of a hysterical claim.
Criticism for Trump has typically been for cause. It is amazing that anyone has missed the many faults and wrongdoings of this asshole. That anyone thinks being critical of Trump for cause (often detailed in the criticism) is over-the-top or uncalled for.
'It was staff, not Trump, the same staff member that had the 'cunt" remark removed, later claimed that most of the routine was ad-libbed and not what was submitted to the campaign.'
So, we're to believe his staff then that everything else was ad-libbed? Either way it doesn't matter - the former 'president' endorsed it as a love fest. so, it's all on him.
Wasn't that back in 2021? So, he has obviously learned nothing since.
Better than any meme...........
More confirmation bias. and criticism for Kamala has been unwarranted, I'm sure.
Upset. Not hysterical. Neither was the other example. So you have examples of four people all together, not a single one is hysterical or screaming at the sky. I wanted to cry when I heard, but didn't. I moved on.
Why can't you admit ya got nothin'?
Cuz most of the time, I have somethin' and a lot of it, and just more than some people want to have presented to them. Ruins their narrative and sensibilities
Nothing. As usual.
Anyone see the news reports about Woodwards book where multiple donors were concerned about Bidens mental state a year before he dropped out? he forgot words and couldn't complete sentences and just wandered off mid-story? or is it only about Covid to tests to Russia during a pandemic?
Kamala was asked about that by Bret Baier. She answered that Trump has been running for office since 2016.
It's really amazing. Proof that they all knew Biden was totally unfit for office and they conspired to hide it.
The tell alls in a decade or so about what was really happening behind the scenes are going to be something.
Reporter: "What's your message to Michigan voters on the economy? We have auto workers being laid off... The average person can't afford groceries or their rent."
Kamala: "Let me start with this: I come from the middle class."
My favorite unchallenged answer is "I will fight price gouging" The follow up should always be, who is price gouging and why is it being allowed to happen now? but the press is so in the tank it will never happen.
It is truly amazing that neither her nor Biden hasn't done it already!
No surprising Biden hasn't done it he's senile, but Kamala screwing over her citizens to garner votes is believable.
Make no mistake about it, should she win, we will see how far left the country can go.
Meanwhile, Trump’s MSG ‘’rally’’ that featured a number of racist comments was called by Trump a ‘’love fest’’…
In the ‘’crowd size’’ competition Harris 70,000 plus in DC was much larger than Trumps 1/6 speech in the same place.
In not the news because it is expected Trump lied a billion times yesterday.
In a recent study of the press and why so much negative reporting of Trump the answer was finally clear….It is because Trump and his sidekick Vance are the most negative people in the US.
Actually, the warmup comedian was immediately denounced by the Trump campaign.
I sincerely doubt that Puerto Rican Americans who are struggling to put food on the table are going to vote for Harris because some comedian told bad taste jokes.
Just hours after the Puerto Rico Shadow Senator Zoraida Buxo endorsed Trump at Pennsylvania rally.
It is rather funny how the left and media continues to attempt to walk back Biden's garbage comment by trying to say that Biden only meant that about the comedian, yet they are so sure that Trump heard every word the same comedian said and supports it.
After all, I'm sure that Trump had nothing else to do while he was backstage getting ready to go on stage himself... /s
All I know is thank God for Biden. That knee-jerk comment put them right back on the defensive.
Don't be surprised if the left starts to refer to her as a enabler of white supremacy. My guess is Joy Reid will be the first to do it.
I think he is trying to sabotage her on purpose
There is that possibility. Then he could say they should have left me in the race.
The downside is the man they hate so much would be President.
It took Trump a couple of days to denounce it in the meantime to him it was a ‘’love fest’’….LOL, what a moron.
You really have to get involved with the PR community, many are very pissed about it. Bad Bunny rips the republicans and endorsed Harris with his 45 million instagram followers as did a number of other PR stars even the the head of the GOP on the island made a comment on the racist nature of the comments.
That’s good for starters.
Baier: You have no doubts that this president is not a threat to democracy, is not dangerous, is not unhinged?
Haley: You don’t have to agree with his style. I am choosing policy over personality.
Last night she finally said it. A true endorsement.
the stockholm syndrome winner of 2024, a has been that's already a forgotten footnote in republican politics ...
Jonathan Karl disagrees.
What a loser - just like the former 'president'
See where all her spinelessness and ass kissing got her?
Pathological lying is not a style, it is a character defect.
Bullying is not a style, it is a character defect.
Are we talking about Kamala?
Because she is saying anything that comes into her head.
The former 'president' traitor is nothing but character defects.
The Projection.
Explain how Trump wants to rip up the Constitution.
Fact Check: Harris Says Trump Wants To Terminate the Constitution - Newsweek
She also said it in the Shannon Sharpe podcast. Here's a YouTube clip.. She claims that Trump wants to end
Believe it or not, I saw that clip.
Can you believe they ran Biden and then her for president?
She actually said he wants to do away with the Constitution. No one has challenged her on how he would be able to do that.
Perhaps if Bret Baier had more than 20 minutes, he would have asked her, though she would have shouted over him.
He wipes his big fat butt with it.
And her campaign would have called him a nazi if he tried to ask.
The denial
She also said that the "bromance and masculinity stuff" by the campaign was putting off women already leery of the campaigns position on abortion and that other comments remarks like "Harris's pimp handlers' also deserved an apology from the campaign and risked alienating more Republican women voting for Harris or not voting at all.
A lot of toxic masculinity in the trump cult.
No such thing
What a novel idea. Many on the left and the trump haters just don't believe that is possible. After all, Orange man is bad.
AOC: I was almost raped and killed on January 6th in the Capitol building.
Reality : She wasn't even there.
AOC Said Jan. 6 Rioters Could've Raped or Killed Her. Some Claim She Wasn't Even at the Capitol
Verdict: False
There is no evidence that Ocasio-Cortez said this.
FACT CHECK: Did AOC Incorrectly Claim That She Was In Capitol Building During Jan. 6 Attack?
Please stop shopping at Twitter/X for your news.
“I didn’t think that I was just going to be killed,” Ocasio-Cortez told CNN’s Dana Bash in “Being…AOC,” the first episode of the new CNN series “Being…” that airs Monday night at 9 p.m. ET. “I thought other things were going to happen to me as well.”
What do you think she meant? They were going to get her even though she was not there?
She was across the street in a building attached to the capital by the tunnels.
Her initial reaction was to a man shouting for everyone to come out and evacuate, it turned out to be a policeman caught up in the moment who wasn't identifying himself as a police officer.
AOC Said Jan. 6 Rioters Could've Raped or Killed Her. Some Claim She Wasn't Even at the Capitol
It wasn't Twitter!
It is FACT
How so? Please be specific.
Who cares? Your people specialize in spreading misinformation and propaganda to the point you can't think objectively anymore.
Not at all, regardless of how large a font you pick in all CAPS.
It is the truth wrapped around a lie at worst, misinformation at best. Typical hyper partisan BS.
Ocasio-Cortez didn’t lie about location during Capitol riot | AP News
I trust that the AP is still more trustworthy than most other sources...
Well, I think she was aware of what was going on a 100 yards away either by line of sight or the TV. I don't know where her office is relative to the Capital, but most offices have a view of the Capital building.
She was only 600 to 800 feet from the House Chamber Tunnel which runs directly to Cannon House.
Cannon House and any House Reps waiting in their offices were easily accessible to the rioters should
the rioters find the tunnels. The police directed them away from the Capital with no reassurance that there
weren't rioters waiting for them on C Street behind the Copywrite office building.
I hope that offers a different perspective.
The Colorado secretary of state issued a statement Tuesday confirming that the partial passwords to its voting system were live on its website for a time.
While the office assured Colorado voters that the information was “improperly included,” it reported the matter to the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, which is working to remedy the problem “where necessary.” Election Day is less than a week away but more than 1.2 million ballots have already been mailed in.
Colorado secretary of state website ‘improperly included’ voting system passwords - Washington Examiner
... a partial list of 1 password in a 2 password structure to some voting machines in the state. no breaches yet found ...
Oh, it wasn't so bad!
How about election officials start upholding election laws instead of spending all their time gaslighting the rest of us about how safe and secure our elections are?
colorado is in the top 3 of secure elections with an in person/drop box/mail in voting system. how about your state?
Based on what?
how about your state?
Massachusetts? I'd say very secure. Unfortunately, MA is top heavy with professional people who tend to vote for democrats.
funny thing about voting people with advanced educations, huh?
I don't find many of them all that intelligent. I think the democrats have managed to keep them quite comfortable.
Where did he say they had advanced degrees?
Yes where you MAILED IN your 'vote'
maybe you could write tina peters in the mesa county jail and ask her about how well CO secretary of state jena griswold upholds CO election laws. she'll be there for another 30+ days before she starts her 9 year stretch in the CO state pen.
Fucking A
This shows how twisted things are in Trump land. Trump has engaged in all sorts of historical wrongdoing as PotUS with his Big Lie campaign and Jan 6th, yet when the USA does what it should do to bring justice, Trump supporters twist this into Biden abusing the DoJ.
Meanwhile they ignore what Trump actually says in his speeches and interviews. The GOP nominee in 2024 has stated that he would consider using the military to go after "enemies within" and he offered two examples of these "enemies": Schiff and Pelosi. He has a history of being a vindictive prick so him abusing his powers again (as he did after losing the election) is likely, near certainty. Further, if elected, he would kill all legal actions against him thus trashing the rule of law.
The party of law and order has lost its soul.
Biden obviously has used his DOJ.
He has not abused the DoJ. Biden did not target Trump. Trump engaged in serious wrongdoing and the natural repercussions ensued.
And the system has bent over backwards for Trump as evidenced by the SCotUS rulings and the successful delays of his presidential trials (especially the Jan 6th indictment).
Trump land is a bizarre alternate reality.
Are we really going to go back & forth?
Biden did not target Trump
Biden not only targeted Trump, but he targeted parents and Catholics as well.
Trump engaged in serious wrongdoing and the natural repercussions ensued.
We are seeing how that has gone down. You will be here when the NY conviction is overturned, right?
And the system has bent over backwards for Trump as evidenced by the SCotUS rulings and the successful delays of his presidential trials (especially the Jan 6th indictment).
That was the justice system trying to save itself.
rump land is a bizarre alternate reality.
It is the end of the road for the American left!
I am starting to see a gradual shift from left wing lunacy to a little more calm conservatism. More than likely, it has to do with the young people four years ago thought pronouns and pink/purple hair were the way to go and the left would take care of them from womb to grave.
Here we are four years later and none of what they believed....and demanded...has come to fruition and found out that it is the R that they can believe in.
Many of the older leftists are lost causes. More than likely, many of them were weed smoking, bra throwing scoundrels of the 60s/70s and never learned to grow up.
It will be interesting to see how the younger voters went this time around.
Biden gave them a good taste of progressive ideology.
I think the ones with progressive parents can be written off as never to learn, but the rest could have a chance.
Sure is. /s
So you personally are going to to start the ovens?
I agree, this article is full of projection of the worst kind.
it's important to plant that "we've already won" seed early to get maximum effort from the rigged election morons when trump loses.