The unstoppable Force

Link to quote: John Fetterman Describes Trump’s ‘Special Connection’ with Pennsylvanians
Polls reflect a very tight race, including the key swing state of PA. However, a democrat Senator from the Keystone state tells us what he sees & feels:
“There’s a difference between not understanding, but also acknowledging that it exists. And anybody spends time driving around, and you can see the intensity. It’s astonishing.”
Fetterman recalled seeing a large display of Trump merchandise when he was at an event in Indiana County, a deep-red area in the western part of the state. The Trump items came in all shapes and sizes, reflecting the deeply held support for the former President.
“It’s the kind of thing that has taken on its own life. And it’s like something very special exists there. And that doesn’t mean that I admire it. It’s just — it’s real,” he added.
The other day former President Trump used a garbage truck as the bookend to a sputtering Harris campaign. Yesterday Harris faced hecklers at three consecutive events:
Those people that the left invited in have come home to roost. The democrat base is fracturing as the Trump campaign continues to gain momentum by the day. Trump is likely to take the Senate with him. The Senate math is daunting for Democrats. Their caucus now has 51 senators, meaning they can lose only one seat and retain control in a Harris presidency. West Virginia is all but lost because the betrayed moderate democrat Joe Manchin is retiring, and other Democrats tend to lose badly there. In Montana, Jon Tester, the Democratic incumbent, trailed by an incredible eight points in the most recent Times/Siena College poll. A few other Senate Democrats, like Sherrod Brown in Ohio and Tammy Baldwin in Wisconsin, are in tight races and are beginning to highlight the occasions when they agreed with former President Trump.
In 2020 democrats went all out to register every possible human being likely to vote democrat. They were completely successful. This time around Republicans are using the same playbook and Republican registrations are way up. Early voting is beginning to reflect it. Frank Luntz feels it:
I also have a gut feeling. The Harris campaign is running out of time.
In the news:
Palestinian officials claim that Isreal struck a hospital in northern Gaza, destroying recently delivered medical supplies. The Israeli military, which claims Hamas operates within the hospital, said it was unaware of the strike and was reviewing reports.
Last month, Russia made its largest territorial gain in Ukraine in the past two years.
The Biden administration will invest hundreds of millions to place a semiconductor research facility in upstate New York.
The rapper Young Thug pleaded guilty to participating in criminal street gang activity, ending his role in Georgia’s longest ever trial. He only got time served plus 15 years' probation.
The Harris campaign has truncated Trump's promise to protect women from illegal migrants whether they like it or not , on the pretense that he is referring to something else.
CBS still refuses to release the full transcript of the heavily edited "60 Minutes" interview with Kamala Harris.
Good morning.

Donald Trump in Albuquerque. Doug Mills/The New York Times
Donald Trump visited America's minority white state yesterday, a reliably blue state that he might even put into play.
the unstoppable farce ...
We'll talk Wednesday.
I'll be sleeping in, after a late night of some fun and games with local moronic seditionists ...
I'll bet!
Is that your description or did you get that from a dark MAGA website ?
New Mexico Territory became the 47 th state on January 6, 1912. It is the fifth largest geographically and one of the most rural states, with only 17 persons per square mile compared to the U.S. at 87. Long before statehood, New Mexico was a territory of many cultures. This diversity continues to this day. The current population of the state is approximately 49% Hispanic, 11% Native American, 3% Asian, 3% African American, and 36% white, not Hispanic. Thirty-four percent speak a language other than English at home. Among the 34%, the languages spoken most often are Spanish and Diné.
Census Data | New Mexico Population - New Mexico EDD
who cares ?
I believe you did.
bfd ...
It's pretty funny that Kamala Harris got trump to work in a McDonalds LOL
Is it really that important that the state is, in your words, "minority white?" Why should this be a factor in the determination of who they vote for?
gee, that's a real head scratcher ...
When Trump was onstage saying how much he loves Latinos a blind man could see his heart wasnt in it. Neither was what he has left of his mind.
I disagree.
Did you see how diverse the crowd was?
The Trump economy lifted all groups.
... and then the mismanaged trump pandemic tried to kill them off while tanking it.
That won't work anymore.
Americans no longer trust the msm (leftwing media.)
Jeff Bezos wrote a great op-ed on it:
Lack of credibility isn’t unique to The Post. Our brethren newspapers have the same issue. And it’s a problem not only for media, but also for the nation. Many people are turning to off-the-cuff podcasts, inaccurate social media posts and other unverified news sources, which can quickly spread misinformation and deepen divisions. The Washington Post and the New York Times win prizes, but increasingly we talk only to a certain elite. More and more, we talk to ourselves.
Opinion | Jeff Bezos: The hard truth: Americans don’t trust the news media - The Washington Post
off topic. why aren't you addressing the fact that trump flew planeloads of covid infected americans back to the US without any CDC quarantine protocols in place, so that the pandemic could be distributed across the country?
1) The author determines that.
2) The media lied about covid from day 1. They blamed Trump and it was part of the reason he lost in 2020.
So trump personally ordered Covid infected Americans to fly home and then failed to do Fauci and Birx job by setting up protocols? How dare he!
And don't forget, the media said he acted slowly. Maybe that was right after Dr Fauci said there wasn't much for Americans to be concerned about.
One can't pull that which was never pushed.........................
And the same media calling him xenophobic for blocking flights from China while leaders of the democrat party were telling Americans to gather in large groups so they could spread covid faster?
Shhhh, we are supposed to forget that. S/
He LOST 3 million jobs.. LOL
Um... What? If by, "The Media", you mean trump, you nailed it.
It was the Obama economy. Trump changed nothing until COVID derailed it all.
Fact Check: Is Trump or Obama Behind Booming Economy? : NPR
he was president during the outbreak. try applying the same blaming reflex that you use on the opposition.
trump moved from running companies into the ground, to trying his hand at doing it to a nation ...
Yes. What he is saying is that, even though they report the truth, the preponderance of people get their news from untrustworthy sources, and as a consequence don't believe the truth when it is presented to them. This is not the fault of the source, but the consumer of the (dis)information.
As is demonstrated here daily, one can scream the truth at the top of their keyboards, yet certain people, lacking in discernment and critical thinking skills, keep spouting the same old bullshit, no matter how thoroughly they have been proven wrong.
I’m afraid many of our friends on the left have set themselves up again to be completely physiologically unprepared for the possibilities Tuesday.
Certainly more than one here anyway …. I predict much wailing, gnashing of teeth and sky screaming in their future …. Which is … unfortunate.
Like Fetterman and Luntz, I can feel it!
Just like in 2020 LOL
Nope, 2016. 2020 was like a whisper in the night in comparison.
T he Colorado secretary of state left voting-machine passwords available on a spreadsheet posted to an official government website and only fixed the situation after the issue became public.
Colorado secretary of state Jena Griswold (D), an elected official who pushed for former president Donald Trump’s removal from the state’s ballot, found out about the password leak on October 24, but her office only remedied the situation after receiving public scrutiny, local outlet 9news Denver reported Wednesday night.

With the leaked passwords, a person could make changes to the voting machines if given in-person access to them. The spreadsheet lists the machines each county clerk uses and included the serial number, county, model, and vendor.
Last year, Benson supported the Colorado supreme court’s ruling barring Trump from the state’s ballot under the Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment, which bans individuals who engaged in insurrection from running for office. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled 9-0 in March to restore Trump to the Colorado ballot, determining that congressional authorization is needed to restrict a candidate’s ballot access for alleged Fourteenth Amendment violations.
Colorado Secretary of State’s Office Exposed Voting-Machine Passwords to the Public
Asked to step down the progressive refused.
Now there is a stack of crazy there …..
I guess all it takes is a liberal arts College.
There is a thread on X showing the California ballot where Trump/Vance is on page 2, so you have to Hit more on the machine to see them, but Robert Kennedy and Harris are on page 1.
Similar to the MA ballot where Trump's name appears on the bottom of the list.
What is amazing is how democrats in State Legislatures and Marc Elias have made things.
We will know the results of voting in a huge state like CA on election night after the polls close, but results from the key states that decide the election may take days!
We will know Democrats won California, but they take weeks to finalize the counts.
Florida is the model for vote counting other states should be following.
absolute maga bullshit. 2 passwords were required for access in a redundant and layered system of security protocols.
Did she once encourage migrants to vote?
did she help put mike lindell's maga trollop in prison for 9 years?
Did she send ballots to people twice?
It would not matter how many ballots were sent, 1 voter can only vote once.
is the attack against her being led by colorado's famous musical theater male genital fondler in between bouts of getting her tonsils flocked in boutique hotels?
We'll still be hearing this drivel from MAGA 12 months from now while everyone else is celebrating the anniversary of Kamala Harris' election.
So, you will be here Wednesday?
Someone has to look at and comment on all the stolen election claims coming from MAGA.
Raskin doesn't want to certify a Trump victory.
I guess Raskin is a traitor.
12 months? Try nearly nine years for the Trump triggered. Trump permanently damaged some brains when he had the temerity to beat the chosen one in 2016. Now he may beat another chosen one. One who has yet to receive a single vote and yet is still there.
The damage this time may be even more complete and irreparable. And after last time that is saying something.
The Trump campaign is such a garbage truck fire right now that it's hard to find time to post even a small percentage of it. One of the latest is Trump saying he will give vaccine denier RFK Jr. a big spot in the health care aspect of a new administration.
Does this idiot think this will win him moderate independent voters?
I think Joe Biden just took care of that.
Poor Joe was hidden in the White House while Kamala stood in front of it making a speech.
How badly they have treated him. Gee, I wonder if the garbage comment was deliberate?
Well, if that’s true then the Harris campaign is a five alarm structure fire, in a middle class neighborhood, with a nice lawn and a McDonalds to work at to put yourself through college …..
Her campaign is worried about black male voters giving her a vote.
I don't know which will be better on Wednesday.
Knowing the nation is secure again or watching the meltdown.
fully evident at his rallies ...
You've even gotten the cadence down.
Good boy. Or whatever....
But you seem to have gotten your conjunction wrong. That should be an "and".
Kamala: “Understand the difference here moving forward. Moving forward, understand the difference here. What we are looking at is a difference in this election. Let's move forward and see where we are.”
I took two aspirins after that.
Surprised our armature doctors aren't diagnosing her with a stroke.
She has the Trump haters.
That is all!
That seems awfully familiar to "We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it."
She has endured her husband's life nearly taken twice, her house raided, having to hear nonstop vile rhetoric directed at her husband & family, watching the government use lawfare against her husband and all the while she stood by him.

Question of the day: Is our former First Lady a strong woman with class & grace?
Gee, I wonder what Fish would say?
who ?
Fish - the spinoff from Barney Miller
Probably something classy about Michelle Obama's dick /S...
Vic is referencing a former member...
Yup, to the untriggered that is.
She is a disgusting whore...
When I was little I always wondered why Marshall Dillon never married Miss Kitty. Then we got a color TV. Miss Kitty was a ho!
The White House stenographers are in an uproar after the Biden admin changed their the official transcript to try and cover up Biden calling Americans garbage. Trump never stooped to that, by the way. It’s also a crime.
I should have listed that, that is a big story.
Imagine tampering with a transcript.
It tells you that they are capable of anything.
Shameless is one word for it. Evil is another good one.
To get people out in Vegas, the Harris campaign got Jennifer Lopez front and center to endorse Kamala.
Then Lopez, who was at the same party where her boyfriend Diddy is accused of raping a 13-year-old, nearly started crying while talking about how offended she was by a joke from a comedian.
I do think Republicans are getting a little too exuberant over their chances on Tuesday. All the polling data shows a coinflip.
Democrats control a number of battleground state governorships and secretary of state office, and close elections don't have random outcomes like one would expect. If a party controls those offices in a state, historically their candidate has a much better chance of winning close elections in that state.
The key phrase is close elections.
I place a lot of weight on what Fetterman said and on the fact that Trump is consistently underestimated.
The polls could definitely be off in Trump's favor by a point or two, but if it' really ends up with under a point separating them, I'll bet on the party in charge of counting the votes.
Nate Silver has it Trump 55% to Harris 45%
Election Guru Nate Silver Accuses Pollsters Of Putting 'Finger On The Scale,' Lying To Keep Presidential Race Close - Community | The NewsTalkers
Is this the part where you remind us that the polls said Hillary was going to win?
My township is a collection hub for early voting for the county. They are seeing record numbers of early voters and absentee ballots. We’ll see what it means but it is unprecedented to say the least. At least in my county.
I saw reports a couple of weeks ago that Wayne County had the highest percentage of absentee ballots returned in the state of michigan, and it wasn't that close. Hard for me to believe that the citizens of Detroit were the most on their game about returning ballots. Ballot harvesting can build up a big lead for Democrats.
Wayne county has always been as crooked as the day is long. Nothing new there
About 30 people in line outside today @ 10:30 am. Probably another 60 or so inside.

I wonder how he came up with that 250 million Americans are garbage?
There are only 231 million Americans eligible to vote by age,
only 168 million registered voter's
and only 154 million voted in 2020.
Only 74 million voted for Trump
he's the best and most accurate estimator, like the world has never seen before ...
I wonder how many women, whose bodily autonomy is on the ballot, are registered to vote?
Anonymous TV exec:[✘]
Funny that the media feel it is their job to sway an election and not just report the news. And they wonder why they have lost the audience. Lack of credibility never seems to cross their mind as a problem.
Trump and others before him have been harping on the media, aka, "fake news" since the 1990s. It is not the so-called fake news, it is the constant barrage of people with agendas pushing their brand of "truth" that is the problem. People have at their fingertips the ability to check out stories, yet seem content to just float along their X feed or Tick-tok scroll.
Now, we are at a point where Trump can freely let the most bogus lies and distortions fall from his lips and he gets no response, no pushback from the mainstream media. They just report it and move on. But the Fascist Press led by FOX spreads verifiable distortions and claim that it is just "entertainment", all the while knowing that a large number of people slavishly consume this drivel as if it were manna from heaven. What a fucking crock of shit the right-wing media have become. The left-wing media is hardly better. Both left and right wing media are pushing a version of reality that is not true, but somehow, the populace either believes one side or the other and not the messy truth.
News. I want news. Not what some person thinks that their demographic is going to consume. News, labeled as news. Period.
My estimation of my fellow Americans' is dropping steadily as they gulp up this hateful, divisive rhetoric with the assumption that anyone person has all of the answers or "truths" to be told.
Trump is fascist. There is no doubt about it. The media in spreading this information is doing their job. Trump is, in my estimation, the culmination of divisive rhetoric and the worst thing to have happened to our country in the past 150 years.
Fuck Trump. Hard.
When I got to the garden party
They all knew my name
But no one recognized me
I didn't look the same
But it's all right now
I learned my lesson well
You see, you can't please everyone
So you got to please yourself
The projection contained within that comment is substantial.
Would you rather drive a truck?
If someone will open the door and help me up.
I certainly hope the current all opinion media dies. It's been the catalyst for the rise in populism. We need to get back to fact reporting. I have no stomach for the FoxNews, CNN and MSNBC talking head crap.
So no one said that.
anonymous creates more reader curiosity than alt-right pundit propagandizing for discredited maga media outlet ...