God First, Then Country
Have you heard about the Baptist pastors in Shelby, North Carolina, who have raised the Christian flag above the American flag at their local churches? The pastors explain that our ultimate allegiance is to God, not government or country. One of the churches has launched a website (GodBeforeGovernment.org).The pastors have a very valid point. Flags are powerful emotive symbols, as signified by the recent controversy over the Confederate battle flag. The pastors' actions remind Christians that our ultimate allegiance belongs to God. As Jesus said, "Render therefore unto Caesar the things which be Caesar's, and unto God things which be God's" (Luke 20:25). In other words, ultimate loyalty must belong to God.This ultimate allegiance is actually acknowledged in our Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag: "I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.""Under God" means for Christians that America is under God, and our allegiance to Him and His Kingdom comes first. To do otherwise, to put country before God, is to make America an idol, a false God ("thou shalt have no other gods before me" [Exodus 20:2]). This is why dictators, would be dictators, and totalitarians in general abhor, detest, and fear convictional Christianity. True followers of Christ will never surrender ultimate allegiance and authority to anyone except their Heavenly Father God first, then country.As the framers and signatories (of which I am one) of the Manhattan Declaration stated in 2009, they were under "obligation" to "speak and act in defense" of the right to life of every human being, marriage as a divinely ordained "conjugal union of man and woman," and "religious liberty, which is grounded in the character of God, the example of Christ, and the inherent freedom and dignity of human beings created in the divine image." The Manhattan Declaration supporters pledge "that no power on Earth, be it cultural or political, will intimidate us into silence or acquiescence."In other words, God comes first, and then Uncle Sam.Flying the Christian flag above the American flag in front of your church is the shorthand, symbolic word picture summarizing the Manhattan Declaration's affirmations of allegiance to God first and then to country.The Christian flag, which officially dates back to the early 20th century, has a white field with a red Latin cross inside a blue canton. The red symbolizes the blood sacrifice of Jesus on the cross, the blue symbolizes the waters of baptism, and the white symbolizes Jesus' purity.As a boy growing up in a Southern Baptist church in Houston, Texas, we pledged allegiance to the Christian flag as well as the American flag in Sunday School and Vacation Bible School. It was always explained to us that the Christian flag and pledge took precedence and was paramount.Here is how it goes: "I pledge allegiance to the Christian flag, and to the Savior for whose Kingdom it stands; one Savior, crucified, risen, and coming again with life and liberty to all who believe." We also pledged allegiance to the Bible: "I pledge allegiance to the Bible, God's Holy Word, I will make it a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path and will hide its words in my heart that I might not sin against God." http://www.christianpost.com/news/god-first-then-country-141405/
If you put god over country, then you are un-American. Of course there is no god, so it's actually country first. Period. Unless of course you are a republican, then it's Party first, country second and bullshiting the religiousness people into thinking you give a shit third.
why don't we just put it to music...
There ya go...
Maybe you will like this one better....
Of Course your ideals are about as old as this song is.
I guess we aught to get ready for the NEW Crusades right?
The article and the actions of the Baptist ministers are a joke, right!!
The so-called "freedom of religion" does not entitle religiosity to trump (how 'bout dat?) the Constitution; if you think about it which clearly you don't while the Constitution provides for amendments, it does not and cannot eliminate itself in the world of Reality, that is.
give it the same unyielding reverence you boys give to the 2nd Amendment why don't ya'?
''emperor Obama'', more of your pure nonsense XX. You should get a new act, this one is wearing pretty thin. LOLOL, your credibility is non existent. I thought that you'd call SCOTUS ''jack boot thugs''.
Damn, the founders are rolling in their graves right about now.
The First Commandment and the First Amendment, though somewhat similar
are not, XX.
Here is some knowledge to fill your vast deficiency thereof it's free although you must "bring your own container," which will be filled to overflowing be it a bucket or a thimble.
Yes, it does mean that.
Thumbs up.
The majority of Americans believe in a god.
That doesn't mean they're right.
Yes, I am.
Educated folks know that old testament arguments are invalid under the new covenant. I thought you would understand that a priori. My mistake.
That's never happened to me . But on NT I am frequently exposed to religious beliefs about climatology . They are not in any way scientific ...
Strange indeed. Do these anti-religion folks similarly castigate Vietnam draft dodgers or civil rights protesters? They put their personal convictions ahead of their government allegiance.
Thank God for validity!
It gets more-and-more frightening out there.
Christians who tend to be so un-Christ-like.
And rigid ideological stuff like
LOLOL, your credibility is non existent.
He had credibility?
I think you might find that Jews and Muslims might feel differently.
Well said Ambie.
Amen Max!
All respectable religion involves some form of surrender of the self.
Evangelical Christians are just weird about it.
If I wasn't an atheist LGL, I'd shout Amen!
I never give up any of my self. Well....except to my wife...of course...
In other words, they wrote themselves a get out of jail free card. Yes, I am keenly aware of the new covenant, but that does not equate to accepting it as an excuse for the wickedness of the old covenant.
It's always entertaining to watch an unbelieving conservative struggle to defend something they know is bullshit, just for the sake of toeing the party line. You do it often.
A flag is symbolic, nothing more or less. Perhaps the larger question is, will displaying the Christian flag above the U.S. flag draw non-members to the church or push them further away? Does this flag, or any for that matter,further the gospel of Christ...I'm thinking probably not.
Why is it that those who claim "belief in God," tend to worship Him in a building with walls and a roof THAT BLOCK THE VIEW OF WHAT HE CREATED the sky, the Cosmos,forests, rivers, wildlife why is that?
How is it that so many religious individuals are simultaneously Pro-Life, Pro-Gun, Pro-War, Anti-Environmentalism (ain't it God's Green Earth?), Anti-Health Insurance and Food for Poor Children
Pro-Birth or Pro-Life I report, you decide.
Well then help me with this
Well thanks brother, I was too tired last night to do this.
Thanks for having my back, I couldn't have quoted it better!
(and illustrates just how fast the founders are spinning in their graves)
This one is worth restating....
In this, all that can be said is said, there can be no question of where a true libertarian stands.
Who is your earthly king XX?
It's all in those pesky details Mac
The details they want to forget.
That doesn't mean they're right.
I think your comment is directed at me, so, I will respond to it in full.
It is the "likeminded" that troubles me; "likeminded" for much of religion is often single-minded, narrow-minded, myopic and thus exclusionary, that is, welcoming worshipers of the same ideology and figuratively "closing its doors" to those who might have "minds" that don't follow in 100%, unquestioning fashion. It is the dogmas that often come with groups of the "likeminded" that lead to all sorts of "un-God-like" acts counter to the "talk" of religion but characteristic of the "walk" so-to-speak.
And the "edifices" in many religions tend to become places of the status-seeker, the in-house big-shots, in-house politicians and power-broker-self-appointed "leaders" of the congregation. When the money is there, some of these edifices tend to evolve towards the palatial and profane rather than the sacrosanct and spiritual.
As much as I can (but I'm the exception). I have a home with walls and a roof and I can worship God there, of course. But my comment about a building vs. the woods is one intended to cite the irony of those who praise God from a pew but who fail to take the time and make the effort to literally and figuratively "smell the roses" He's created!
Many compartmentalize themselves thus -- a reiteration of looking for the perceived "safe-havens" from the inherent insecurity of REALITY! There ain't none!
Here, ambi, we are on the same pages of the "hymn book".
I have many times been accused of being "out there," -- I also spend a great deal of time out there where I can photography the beautiful elements of Creation -- as they and I evolve.
Peace my friend.