Sharp Dressed Man - A Survey
In an effort to bring out the sartorial splendor of our male members. We will be conductinga survey, as to what our male members consider, ''A Sharp Dressed Man''.
When each of our hunky male members have posted, what they believe is, ''A Sharp Dressed Man''. We will be asking our lady members of NT what, in theiropinion is the Sharpest of the Sharp. Coolest of the Cool, Da Bomb.
Here are the rules guys.
1. You must post a photo of what you consider a ''Sharp Dressed Man''. The man must be clothed. Body hair and tattoo's do not count as clothes.
2. The photo need not be of you, but must be of a human.
3. The photo can be from any era, and any style of clothing from that era.
4. In this survey, cross dressing is not allowed.
5. Since we are a multi-cultural group, your heritage clothing may be posted. (Nudist is not a heritage)
I will start with what I consider a ''Sharp Dressed Man''. I'm old fashioned (at times) so this photo may not be what the younger crowd considers ''Sharp'', but they are excused for the ignorance. (we are a forgiving group on NT).
Gentleman, rev up your engines and post a photo.
Cool, before cool was cool.
Oh my!! I once had the Cary Grant of kitties... He never fell, never made a mess, and was a witty little jewel of a kitty. I can't wait to see the other entries!
Here's my entry ... sort of :
He was a pro wrestler billed as :
Petey, we can't have ''sort of'' entries. This is serious business. You'll have to make a decision. Is it, or isn't it your entry?
PS. you're allowed more than one entry.
Moe and Larry in suits with white shirts is the focus of attention here.
Nuck Peace, Nucj Abundant Blessings, and Nuck.
I was focused on Moe and Larry suits, but did get in a couple of side long glances at the ''head on a platter''.
I know you want something serious but this all I can think of.
Buddy Love
If you're gonna take the impenetrable high ground of Cary Grant then I can cover the low ground of "THE MISSING LINK" . It is not the clothes themselves , it is the improvement they bring about.
LOL, very cool, errr well maybe sorta cool.
Petey, I always take the high ground. A proven battle strategy.
''it is not the clothes themselves, it is the improvement they bring about''...The improvement was nothing short of amazing.
Your entry stands as is...
Just think what a great compromise it would be if we could get those goofs that want to carry their long guns with them every time they go out for coffee and doughnuts to pick out their favorite codpiece instead of their favorite riffle, before hitting the town.
The message from these sharp dressed men would obviously be the same but now the people around them would be much more at ease.
Win Win.
I just recalled some tonsorial excellence from old TV westerns .
There is the Wild Wild West :
And Maverick :
Cary Grant is the epitome of sharp dresser, so it was a challenge to come up with someone who is very cool in another form of dress:
Matching socks, now that a sharp dressed man Gump.
''pick out their favorite codpiece instread of their favorite rifle''...LOLOLOL, you'd added a whole new dimension to the survey Arkansas...
Ahhhh, the old west. Good choice Petey.
Buzz, he also looks great in a tux. Remember 007.
Dashing, simply dashing.
Now that is really cool Mike. Great choice.
Giving Cary Grant a run for his money...
I think maybe less is more....
Play it again Sam, errr Swamijim.
Speaking of Old West cool...
Being sharply dressed is a serious business in New York.
Best dressed so far, I think.
And of course, Steampunk cool...
No body hair or tattoo's, he qualifies.
Ahhhh, cultural icon's.. Excellent choice.
That's a great photo Swamijim. Classy to say the least.
Yup, Tommy Lee is really a Sharp Dressed Man Swamijim.
Yup, Hugo Boss was always on the cutting edge BF.
Hahaha, good one pokermike. Serious but classy.
OMG, I'm blind, blind I tell you...An example of ''what not to wear''.
Chain male, what could be better 2blue.
Yup, Steampunk can be very cool Swamijim.
Snappy, is all I have to say about this one...LOLOL
From the West Coast, Zoot Suit cool.
Don't you mean serious but deadly????
I have to say that getting all spiffed up in my tailored and well fitting suit with my dress boots just isn't all that comfortable. It looks great, but feels awful. Yes, it does.
That codpiece looks itchy. How do you scratch under there? Is there a special tool? Is that what Henry is holding - a codpiece scratcher tool? If that's what it is, it looks pretty handy.
I love Patrick McGoohan as Secret Agent Man. Totally cool.
A different side of Clint Eastwood
A very hot Warren Beatty
This is what a well-dressed man looks like - the great Chickasaw warrior -
Rocky Boy, Ojibwe Chief and Warrior...Snappy dresser.
Good choice 1st.
Perrie, good choices.
Good choice Kavika
The bearded one?
Yeah - you look too drunk to be in front of a firing squad
Perrie: I had a feeling that you would post Warren Beatty but I think you overlooked
Paul Newman
LOLOLOL 2blue. You look a bit soggy sharp.
Wow, he's a hot dude.
I would have never guessed, LOL!
Perrie, I hope you don't think those fellas are funny!!
Travelling in a parallel universe 2blue....
Okay, if you're going to do Paul Newman, at least do him as a sharp dresser - as in The Sting
Worried or Celebrating?
I love that movie. Here is his partner in the ''String''. Sharp is an understandment.
A little casual elegance.
One more for the list:
Gregory Peck-in uniform.
How did you post that photo, Arch-Man. I can't open it.
Very cool Arch.
Just Fabulous...
Copy and paste but I'll try to get one for you.
Okay, I got it.
So, when do the ladies make their pick? I'm having a hard time choosing from all these wonderful choices...
I'll have it set up sometime today for your ladies to make your pick.