The Obama Administration Holds Israel to Stricter Standards than It Holds the U.S
Via: sixpick
News & Politics
last year
July 23, 2014 Lets juxtapose two stories. First, after declaring that Israels attacks in Gaza were a hell of a pinpoint operation, Secretary of State John Kerry arrived in the Middle East to...
Politics and Local Laws are Influencing Where People Relocating
Via: robert-in-ohio
News & Politics
last year
Large numbes of people and businesses are moving their homes and headquarters respectively out "blue" states and into "red" states for a variety of reasons. What are those reasons? No state taxes?...
Biden vs Trump Current Polling Data (Real Clear Politics)
Via: robert-in-ohio
News & Politics
last year
As the election gets nearer and nearer there will be more and more polling data and the numbers will often be at odds with what we just heard the day or the hour before But statistics make the...
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