"It's as much fun to scare as to be scared. " Vincent Price
To Scare, or not to Scare, that shouldn't even be a question.
Come Halloween time, I'm gonna try and scare the crap outa you. If you reciprocate, I Love it !
I'm going as "CREEPY CLAUSE".
Your children's "SOULS" are mine.
This Scared the crap out of "ONE" NT member !
"I sometimes feel that I'm impersonating the dark unconscious of the whole human race. I know this sounds sick, but I love it. "
Vincent Price
I still love his movies. Boris Karloff, Bela Lugosi, Christopher Lee, too!
Just watched the "Pit and the Pendulum" last night.
Scared the crap outa me when I was younger.
Still Luv it !
And, please don't forget Sir Peter Cushing.
That's a good one. Did you read about a place called McKamey Manor? It sounds like Edgar Allen Poe on steroids!
"The Silent Scream" and "Beyond the Grave".
I hadn't, but that's cool !
The only Vincent Price movie that they've shown here that I've seen was ThieTingler. It could have scared me when I was a kid, but these days I couldn't stop laughing. I think the first movie I saw Vincent Price in was House of Wax, which was in 3D.
I am his number one fan. I would have never gone all Annie Wilks on him though. I am a voice freak and he is #1 on my list of Top 10, James Mason coming in second.
When I was little I can remember watching Chiller Theater every week.
We would camp out in front of the TV with our blankets and snacks and see how long it took for my older brother to get scared and want to change the channel. Of course we never let him but it was good teasing material.
Mine was "Dark Shadows" (the old Soap), then the TV series "Ghost Story" !
He was a great actor...loved all the old scary movies...Frankenstein, Hunch Back of Notre Damn, Dracula...
Like the old parodies too...
Excellent !
YF bombed with the critics but was an immediate hit with the public. Peter Boyle, may he RIP, stole my heart as the monster. Gene Hackman as the blind man was freaking hilarious.
Well I know what I want to watch this weekend.
LOL for sure. The entire supporting cast was brilliant.
Screw out differences, lets watch it together. I will make popcorn.
Halloween is OVER !
I'm soooooo SAD right now !
TURKEY SLAUGHTER is coming up......yahooooooo !