I have a feeling that you are unaware of Trump's remarks regarding his 'joke' about CV testing this morning.
Over the last few days, the White House has excused Trump's remarks about testing as having been a joke...'obviously kidding' was the phrase used. This morning as he made his way to Marine One, he said that it wasn't a joke, and that he doesn't 'kid'. In fact, he doubled down on his demand that testing be slowed down so the 'numbers' will improve.
While it's lovely that you think he deserves a parade, the fact still remains that Trump's decisions have resulted in tens of thousands of unnecessary deaths, and will result in tens of thousands more. Many of those who don't die, suffer horribly. Ask me about it. I'll tell you all you need to know about how horrible it is.
He down played the threat, told his blindly loyal followers they didn't really need to wear masks or social distance, and the morons listened as was evidenced at his Tulsa rally and we will very likely see a spike of infections because of it. So yes, Trumps filthy mouth is spreading the virus, but mostly among his own poorly educated followers since no one else is stupid enough to listen a single word the fat brainless liar says.
I'm more interested in the number of parades from that phoenix mega church to the local boneyards in 3-4 weeks after trumpski's rally. meh, not like they weren't warned in advance...
I don't condone any of these morons causing damage and physically hurting others no matter what side they stand on. Stupidity comes in all colors, races, religions, occupations, and party affiliations.
I don't condone any of these morons causing damage and physically hurting others no matter what side they stand on. Stupidity comes in all colors, races, religions, occupations, and party affiliations.
I don't condone any of these morons causing damage and physically hurting others no matter what side they stand on. Stupidity comes in all colors, races, religions, occupations, and party affiliations.
he said that it wasn't a joke, and that he doesn't 'kid'
He has said he was joking about ingesting bleach to fight CV. So if he does not joke it means he was serious about that. There ya go Trumptards, break out the Clorox your orange god has spoken.
Indeed. To the bicoastal like secular progressive elites and urban limousine liberals and their BLM and Antifa pawns the American flag, traditions, and constitution are quite offensive.
Indeed. To the bicoastal like secular progressive elites and urban limousine liberals and their BLM and Antifa pawns the American flag, traditions, and constitution are quite offensive.
Consider that what upsets the Confederate left the most is that Donald Trump is not ashamed to be an American.
Even white supremacists attempt to shame Americans for being American. The Confederate left has been trying to divide the country and secede before the Constitution was written. White secession trash and black descendants of Confederate slaves share a common goal.
We celebrate our nation's first protest on July 4th. See ya on the streets.
Trump supporters in New York brushed aside rain to take part in a “TrumpStock” boat parade on Saturday to show their support of the incumbent president in the Empire State.
The event in Long Island went ahead despite a spate of summer showers that swept through the state. Video posted online by Daily Caller reporter Stephanie Hamill and others shows dozens of boats traveling down the parade route, waving flags with “Trump 2020” and “No More Bulls--t.” Others sported U.S. flags on their vessels.
According to Patch , two separate parade routes in Patchogue and Massapequa were planned to eventually meet at the Robert Moses bridge. Boat charters were available for people who don’t have their own boat.
Those who attended were asked to obey both maritime law and social distancing precautions to stop the spread of the novel coronavirus, the outlet reported.
COCOA, Fla. — Hundreds of boaters along the Space Coast showed their support for President Donald Trump on Saturday, June 20 by holding a boat parade.
“Space Coast Is honoring our Commander and chief, President Trump! We are asking every boat to fly your favorite TRUMP flag and USA Flag,” the event page read. “During these unprecedented times in America, President Trump is not able to hold his rallies, but together, we can provide those rallies by water!”
The parade started at the Power Lines at Route 528 on the Indian River and moved through Dragons Point before circling to the west on Barge Canal, the page explained.
Video of the event by Nick Reinert showed hundreds of boats, lined with both American and President Trump flags, moving through the water of Brevard County.
It will be the 2016 Polls all over again !
The Media is giving it their best shot to get Trump out of office though !
More head City North Carolina
Nice but may I suggest removing the space between "more" and "head"?
or not. Your choice LOL
More head...the written equivalent to the seed with the can opener meme.
I don’t want to offend the people who live there.
I have a feeling that you are unaware of Trump's remarks regarding his 'joke' about CV testing this morning.
Over the last few days, the White House has excused Trump's remarks about testing as having been a joke...'obviously kidding' was the phrase used. This morning as he made his way to Marine One, he said that it wasn't a joke, and that he doesn't 'kid'. In fact, he doubled down on his demand that testing be slowed down so the 'numbers' will improve.
While it's lovely that you think he deserves a parade, the fact still remains that Trump's decisions have resulted in tens of thousands of unnecessary deaths, and will result in tens of thousands more. Many of those who don't die, suffer horribly. Ask me about it. I'll tell you all you need to know about how horrible it is.
So...a parade? Yeah, whatever.
Pardon me while I go straight to the current bottom line.
While you were busy shaking your mother fucking head, the death toll rose to 120,774.
Yes, not taking it seriously, saying there were only 15 cases which would all be gone by April,
"like magic".
He down played the threat, told his blindly loyal followers they didn't really need to wear masks or social distance, and the morons listened as was evidenced at his Tulsa rally and we will very likely see a spike of infections because of it. So yes, Trumps filthy mouth is spreading the virus, but mostly among his own poorly educated followers since no one else is stupid enough to listen a single word the fat brainless liar says.
Yes, I agree.
Nope !
So what !
Didn't hurt the country one bit.
"Words" break bones now ?
"the fact still remains that Trump's decisions have resulted in tens of thousands of unnecessary deaths, and will result in tens of thousands more."
And Dr. Fauci had NOTHING to do with it.
...and yet you have no idea what he said this morning? Dude...
Are you sure ?
No "Bones" were Broken, were they ?
Covid-19 doesn't break bones-- but it can kill...
Apparently only people older than 45 with blood type A, and other possible factors like low vitamin D or diabetes...
So can pretty much everything else on this Planet too !
republican logic. if they don't look for it, it doesn't exist.
Did you see the boat "Parades" ?
I refer to them as Shit Floats Parades.
I'm more interested in the number of parades from that phoenix mega church to the local boneyards in 3-4 weeks after trumpski's rally. meh, not like they weren't warned in advance...
Unlike a "Peaceful" type parade like this.....where Shit don't stink !
The media will find that ….. FOR YOU !
I don't condone any of these morons causing damage and physically hurting others no matter what side they stand on. Stupidity comes in all colors, races, religions, occupations, and party affiliations.
... some shit floats.
Yep !
"Boaters" know how to "Just have Fun" !
And some sit on hot pavement and just "Stink" !
That was a textbook example of a sweeping generalization. But since it was directed at all Republicans it was deemed ok
he said that it wasn't a joke, and that he doesn't 'kid'
He has said he was joking about ingesting bleach to fight CV. So if he does not joke it means he was serious about that. There ya go Trumptards, break out the Clorox your orange god has spoken.
Some folks don't need explanations !
Gee, I don't see any Democratic Stars and Bars in that flotilla. I suppose the United States flag is offensive enough.
Of Course !
I wonder when "Color" will come up.
Indeed. To the bicoastal like secular progressive elites and urban limousine liberals and their BLM and Antifa pawns the American flag, traditions, and constitution are quite offensive.
Consider that what upsets the Confederate left the most is that Donald Trump is not ashamed to be an American.
Even white supremacists attempt to shame Americans for being American. The Confederate left has been trying to divide the country and secede before the Constitution was written. White secession trash and black descendants of Confederate slaves share a common goal.
We celebrate our nation's first protest on July 4th. See ya on the streets.
United we stand, divided we are Democrats.
Wouldn't fill the Daytona Speedway !
"Poor And Crazy," is that a new term or an apt term to describe the lower rungs of the Trump base?
Trump supporters in New York brushed aside rain to take part in a “TrumpStock” boat parade on Saturday to show their support of the incumbent president in the Empire State.
The event in Long Island went ahead despite a spate of summer showers that swept through the state. Video posted online by Daily Caller reporter Stephanie Hamill and others shows dozens of boats traveling down the parade route, waving flags with “Trump 2020” and “No More Bulls--t.” Others sported U.S. flags on their vessels.
According to Patch , two separate parade routes in Patchogue and Massapequa were planned to eventually meet at the Robert Moses bridge. Boat charters were available for people who don’t have their own boat.
Those who attended were asked to obey both maritime law and social distancing precautions to stop the spread of the novel coronavirus, the outlet reported.
COCOA, Fla. — Hundreds of boaters along the Space Coast showed their support for President Donald Trump on Saturday, June 20 by holding a boat parade.
“Space Coast Is honoring our Commander and chief, President Trump! We are asking every boat to fly your favorite TRUMP flag and USA Flag,” the event page read. “During these unprecedented times in America, President Trump is not able to hold his rallies, but together, we can provide those rallies by water!”
Video of the event by Nick Reinert showed hundreds of boats, lined with both American and President Trump flags, moving through the water of Brevard County.