Decision 2024 # 4
New Quinnipiac poll of registered voters in Wisconsin:
Biden 50 Trump 44
Biden 40 Trump 39 RFK 12
at heart Wisconsin is a blue state, albeit one infiltrated with a good number of far right extremists. If Biden can turn out the black voting bloc in Wisconsin and the "leftists" in Madison he will win.
The trial began on April 15 and is currently in process. It could last a few more weeks.
How grave is the allegation?
Falsifying records is a crime, and crime is bad. But many people have analogized this case to Al Capone’s conviction on tax evasion: It’s not that he didn’t deserve it, but it wasn’t really why he was an infamous villain. Prosecutors contend, however, that Trump aimed to corrupt elections by hiding information from voters. This case feels more minor, in part because other cases have set a grossly high standard for what constitutes gravity.How plausible is a guilty verdict?
Though some critics were dismayed that this was the first criminal charge for Trump, it has overcome questions about statute of limitations and legal basis. Prosecutors are hoping a methodical case will convince jurors.
Trump likes to compare himself to Al Capone, but he isnt sharp enough to really get the true comparison. Capone was known as a serial criminal who slipped out of prosecutors grasp for many years, and was brought down by a relatively trivial tax charge.
Trump has been a serial criminal who has skated past responsibility due to his celebrity status and the fact that white collar crime is often overlooked.
Poetic justice if he is brought down by a porn star.
Trump had full control for 2 full years 2017-2019
Immigration bills passed = 0 Borders closed = 0 Wall money = 0 Illegal immigration soared up to a new record in 2019 Tax cuts for billionaires = 1
Former President Donald Trump will spend his day off from court hosting a dinner at his Mar-a-Lago residence for buyers of his NFT trading cards, according to a source familiar with the planning.
NFTs, or nonfungible tokens , are part of a suite of non-campaign-focused ventures that Trump has been balancing with his White House run and his legal issues throughout 2023 and 2024. After Stormy Daniels testified Tuesd a y a bout an alleged sexual encounter with Trump , the former president told reporters that he’d like to be campaigning as opposed to being tied up in a courtroom.
Definite appeal to the childlike among us.
the establishment GOPers on one side of my family are claiming they're going to sit out the POTUS ballot in november. the thumpers on the other side are praying for the second coming before november. interestingly enough on both sides, their adult children have turned into liberals. go figure...
most sane people get fed up sooner or later
Haley won 1 in 5 Indiana Republican voters in the presidential primary. She left the race in March
I'm hearing some interesting stuff from my old work friends that still think I'm a republican.
clue us in
the GOP convention could be interesting. (hilarious)
only if trump makes his acceptance speech from a prison cell
The Biden campaign should print out as many giant posters of this as they can afford and put them on billboards throughout all the swing states.
I once came down hard on my kids because I thought they were abusing a disabled kid. Once I got the entire story (I tend to jump the gun), it wasn't them but school mates of theirs. I told I never want to hear they were mean to a disabled kid or picking on a kid that gets bullied by everyone else. My kids were not angels, but they treated others with respect.
don't judge me too harshly, but I still really like to humiliate the willfully ignorant. maybe that's why I'm still here...
Trump literally told Stormy Daniels that she reminded him of his daughter, then he fucked her.
The response from the right wing?
"Trump 2024!!!!"
As opposed to Biden who Literally fucked his daughter.
is that what trump told you?
As opposed to Biden who Literally fucked his daughter
Do you know what “literally” means?
Yes, I believe Ashley Biden told the truth.
We need a puking emoji
Well, fine! I still have my puking kitty
word around the campfire at mar-a-lardo is that melania now wants $130K cash in advance of sex with hubby... ... every time.
She should insist on a condom, too, if they make them that small
meh, she won't be going on any more balloon rides with him...
gee, I wonder how barron is handling all these current events concerning his daddy. I'll take the longshot odds for $1K...
motivation, access, opportunity...
my dad tried to blame me for my sister losing all the hubcaps on the family car by doing donuts with her friends in the mall parking lot, even though I had my own car, and threatened to kick my ass. I told him he better kill me then, or he might wake up with his head blown off. he never threatened me again and I moved out on my 18th birthday.
gag order violation in the J6 election interference case
Who can hold a candle to Trump in self-aggrandizing?
iim impressed by Trumps meeting with Oil execs where he told them give me a Billion bucks for my campaign for president, and i'll squash electric car shit, reduce Bidens restrictions on drilling and natural gas exports, and open up more drilling in the Gulph. Almost sounds quid per quo ish , plus, he might have a little loose change left over for some possible court litigation, that he probably won't need, cause Trump is always innocent...