John Russell

KV DAY minus 48 hours

By:  JohnRussell  •  news  •  4 months ago  •  13 comments

KV DAY minus 48 hours

nypost.com   /2024/11/02/us-news/nj-woman-rips-off-top-votes-in-bra-after-being-told-to-ditch-maga-gear/

NJ woman rips off top, votes in bra after being told to ditch MAGA gear

Deirdre Bardolf 5-6 minutes   11/2/2024

Now that’s a vote of confidence!

A New Jersey woman tore off her top, swung it like a lasso in defiance and voted in her bra after being told she couldn’t wear a MAGA hat and Trump shirt at the polls.

The white-haired woman was casting her ballot early at a firehouse in Hamilton Township, about five miles east of Trenton, on Oct. 26 when a poll worker asked her to take her pro-Trump hat off and get a jacket from her car to cover her shirt.

A New Jersey woman was photographed at a Hamilton Township polling site in her bra after she was reportedly asked to remove her pro-Trump shirt and MAGA hat.   reddit/TheTrumpZone

Jill Moyer, the Mercer County Board of Elections chairperson, tried to tell the woman she would hold her place in line.

“Before I could get it all out, she took off her shirt and flung it around,”   Moyer told NJ.com.

The bra-zen woman flipped poll workers the bird and shouted, “Suck my c–t,” witnesses said.

“This is why I vote Trump,” she added, according to a since-deleted Reddit post showing the woman wearing silver hoop hearings and a nude bra.

Moyer went to call the police but the unidentified woman quickly cast her ballot and left.

Each state has laws regarding political activities near polling places and some restrict what voters can wear to them.   REUTERS

Electioneering is prohibited within 100 feet of polling sites in New York, prohibiting apparel specifically advocating for or against a candidate or ballot proposal.   REUTERS

Jersey’s electioneering law bans any political gear that can be “read or viewed to identify support or opposition of a candidate.”

The post, later shared and deleted by   author and Kamala Harris surrogate Mark Greene on X,   caught the attention of Trump running mate,   Sen. JD Vance , who shared it.

“What a patriot,” Vance wrote, according to screenshots.

“I’d buy that lady a beer,” one man commented on social media.

Others disagreed.

“Why can’t people just respect the rules and stop treating the workers with disrespect,” one woman opined on Facebook.


jrBlog - desc
Professor Principal
1  author  JohnRussell    4 months ago
How did the America of George Washington never telling a lie, the America of Honest Abe, the America of the Greatest Generation, the America of Gary Cooper facing down a murderous gang alone in “High Noon” — how did this America, our America, become a place where a man with no character has an even chance of being re-elected president?

Once, character and reputation were prized in our leaders. “Character is like a tree, and reputation is like a shadow,” Lincoln said. When Claude Rains’s graft is discovered in “Mr. Smith Goes to Washington,” he becomes suicidal out of shame.

Republican politicians bending to Trump’s will don’t know what shame is. And Trump, brazenly projecting every bad thing that he does onto his rivals, and boldly hawking sneakers, Bibles and cologne like a late-night cable huckster, has no shame.

Trump has exploited the widespread disillusionment that has curdled into cynicism about a ruling class rife with hypocrisy, self-aggrandizement and bad judgment.

Opinion | All the Demons Are Here - The New York Times
Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
1.1  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  JohnRussell @1    4 months ago

It took a woman scratching Frank Miller's face to cause him to be defeated, and it will take the women of America to cause Trump to be defeated.

Do not forsake us, oh you women 

On this election day 

Do not forsake us, oh you women

Vote, vote for Dems.

Professor Principal
2  author  JohnRussell    4 months ago

The Unique Danger of a Trumpist Oligarchy

....there’s a distinct twist to the aims of the Big Tech oligarchs: They don’t simply want to insulate themselves from regulators and courts. Ultimately, they want to exploit their relationship with the government in order to supplant it. They want to be the ones who gain control of programs and systems that were once the purview of the state. Their alliance with Trump is, at bottom, a power grab.

Take space exploration.   Musk   and   Bezos   don’t just want the government to subsidize their rockets and supply the funds that will further grow their aerospace firms. They want to become the architects of human life in the heavens, to design celestial colonies, to shape the future of space. Then there are the tech billionaires promoting cryptocurrency. They don’t simply want to remove regulatory restraints on the industry. In their vision, their companies will replace the U.S. Treasury. And some of these businesses hope to fend off the regulation of artificial intelligence, so that they can exert more invisible control over the flow of information and commerce.

The central activity of an oligarchical system is the mutual scratching of backs. The head of state helps spread the lucre, but also collects a fee for his services. In Russia and Ukraine, presidents received actual monetary fees in the form of kickbacks. Oligarchs laundered money on their behalf, shifting cash into offshore accounts and buying them ornate villas. In essence, oligarchs serve as errand boys. If they own media, then they use their outlets to subtly make the case for their patron; they hire editors more inclined to spout the party line and to steer coverage in a preferred direction.

It’s hard to imagine transplanting Russian oligarchy to these shores, given the American rule of law and the higher standards of American capitalism. But it’s possible to glimpse how the CEOs have begun to play the game—the way Musk has used X to relentlessly extol Trump, or how Bezos canceled   The Washington Post ’s endorsement of Harris and hired an alumnus of Rupert Murdoch’s empire to serve as publisher.

Every oligarchical system writes its own informal rules, arriving at its own set of furtive understandings. In contrast to Putin, Trump is aligning with genuinely creative entrepreneurs. Yet that doesn’t make the American model better—just uniquely dangerous. Trump’s transactionalism will be tethered to people driven by greed, but also by messianic fervor, and the result will be like nothing you’ve ever seen.

Professor Principal
4  author  JohnRussell    4 months ago

In November 2022, it was known publicly that the defendant was the subject of two ongoing federal criminal investigations. The first investigation involved potential criminal violations in connection with the 2020 presidential election, and the second investigation involved the defendant’s alleged retention of classified documents at his residence in Mar-a-Lago and related obstruction of justice. On November 15, 2022, while both investigations were pending, the defendant declared his candidacy for the presidency in 2024.

It’s a sobering reminder of how Trump’s aggressive strategy of delay succeeded in avoiding accountability for his alleged criminal conduct. The Mar-a-Lago case has been dismissed by the egregious U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon, and the Jan. 6 case has been knee-capped by the similarly egregious six-justice right-wing supermajority of the Supreme Court. Even his conviction in New York state has been called into question by the Supreme Court and his sentencing delayed until after the election.

And so it is that we head into the election of our lives unable to rely on the rule of law to dispatch a flagrant criminal like Donald Trump. He has seized on the opportunity to position himself to retake the White House and then make the criminal cases against him go away for good. But he’s done more than that. So much more.

In barnstorming the country threatening to uproot the Constitution, exact retribution against his perceived foes, and use the military against the “enemy within,” among other threats and fomentations, Trump has promised to reorder civic life in an authoritarian image, undermining the rule of law not just for him but for all Americans. If he wins, those promises become a mandate.

If he loses, the criminal cases against him are revived. The rule of law has a chance to be resurrected and hardened against future attack. The worst case scenario will have been averted, but the work to keep this from ever happening again will have just begun.

Professor Guide
5  MrFrost    4 months ago

I hear trumps healthcare plan is coming out in 2 weeks. 

Professor Guide
6  MrFrost    4 months ago
NJ woman rips off top, votes in bra after being told to ditch MAGA gear

Someone needs to come get their memaw and get her back to the old folks home. 

Professor Expert
7  Krishna    4 months ago

The bra-zen woman flipped poll workers the bird and shouted, “Suck my c–t,” witnesses said.

“This is why I vote Trump,” she added, according to a since-deleted Reddit post showing the woman wearing silver hoop hearings and a nude bra.

Maybe she's hoping for a spot inTrump's Cabinet (sounds like she's got the right attitude!)

Freshman Silent
8  Dragon    4 months ago
I bet she goes to church, is a "good christian"...