How do we explain continued support for Donald Trump
There was an interesting discussion on Morning Joe the other day. This was on the next day or two after video came out of trump saluting the January 6th insurrectionists version of the national anthem. And trump saying how horribly and viciously these people have been treated. The discussion on Morning Joe was over how can people continue to support Donald Trump when he behaves like this, and the answer went down a correct but not much discussed path.
Michael Steele, the former head of the Republican National Committee ,who is now a never trumper, tried to allude to something that Joe Scarborough didn't seem to quite understand ,and then another guest Eddie Glaude made it more clear. Trump's appeal nine years after he appeared as a candidate is the same that it was from the beginning, to people who think they are losing their country to minorities, racial minorities, gender minorities, social minorities, religious minorities, etcetera.
One of the most misunderstood things about the last quarter century in American politics is the importance of the demographic change that is taking place, and its emergence coincided with the election of Barack Obama in 2008, just around the time social scientists and demographers began announcing in public their conclusion that sometime in the near future, relatively speaking, America would become a majority non- white country. Although this wasn't widely discussed in the media at the time ,or even now, the conservatives and the political right understood the implication that America would not ever again be what it had been for most of its existence, a country controlled and socially organized around the needs of white males.
Now nine years later the situation in the perspective from the right is that things that have deteriorated, and they are even closer to losing their country, and the closer that gets the more desperate they get and the more attached to someone like Donald Trump they get.
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Donald Trump's existence in politics has always been based on the same thing his birtherism was based on. He became a national political figure not in spite of, but because, he questioned the legitimacy of the first black president .
Hillary was the first to question Obama's parentage and upbringing. Obama even had promo pamphlet made up about his place of birth.
Did Obama's Literary Agent Say He Was Born in Kenya? |
Only a fool would believe that President Obama was born in Kenya.
Obama is an admitted Keynesian.
You misspelled Hawaii.
Yes, accused of being a Keynesian, with thespian tendencies...
An actual thesbian?
Did he/she/him/her/they actually have sex with other women?
(What are his/her/their pronouns??? )
Nope, a thespian. A Big Difference...
His support(ers)/enablers/cult defies explanation.
Please define continued support for Trump and from who precisely?
You need 'continued support for trump' defined ?
To me, continued support for Trump means making excuses for Trump at almost every turn. Those who do this are a) Trump supporters and b) GOP loyalists who will vote for the nominee no matter who it is. (And this year they are really illustrating just how far they will go in their pledge to literally vote for whoever is the nominee.)
You deflected the first part and ignored the second part all together.
You gave much more concise answer than I expected from who my my question was directed at. Thank you.
An honest leftist, liberal, progressive, or what have you, (if such a person exists!) knows exactly why Trump's popularity continues to grow. Why they haven't done something about it is beyond stupid
They know....and that is what scares them the most, especially with the black community.
How dare some of them escape from the democratic plantation?
I hear trump's healthcare plan is coming out in 2 weeks.
Of course that had nothing to do with my post, but, hey, go with it anyway....
Ok, I give up.
What does he have?
Didn't he have 4 years to come up with one?
Longer than that, never did come up with anything... It was all lies, just like everything else.
He created a Cult, with racial insecurities fueling his rise to power and his supporters never ending defense.imho
The never ending defense of the indefensible . . . . . . . .
Like this? (Sound on for it-- click speaker icon, lower right corner) :
That’s an easy question to answer.
Bidens complete failure as a POTUS.
To the right wing of American politics it is always someone else's fault.
Trump literally salutes traitors, and the right says "so what"?
When the former 'president' traitor was told Pence was being taken to a secure location on his incited insurrection - the former 'president' said 'so what'?
Democrats blame republicans for the mess on the border that they created
Obama blamed Bush for every fuck up in his first term
Hillary blamed everything but herself for her loss in 2016
I can go on but you get the drift.
Democrats/Leftists need to look in the mirror before stating something like that.
Any criticism of anything Democrats do is met with "But Trruuummmmppppp!!!!!!"
That is an admission that you, will willingly elect a scoundrel. The GOP had many opportunities to produce a decent nominee yet it has categorically failed. And now, when faced with a traitor as your nominee, all you can do is pretend that Biden is worse.
Worse, when the GOP members with some semblance of integrity object to Trump, they are blackballed from the party. The division within the party should be a major red flag. Seeing conventional Rs leave and MAGA take over positions of power should be a warning bell.
The GOP is no longer the party you have supported all these years. Its name has not changed, but its nature and character has. The GOP is now the sycophantic party of Trump. Your GOP no longer exists in effect. And as long as you go along with this, the more likely the GOP will be forever lost.
It’s no such thing and doesn’t even remotely respond to my comment. That Biden’s performance is a big reason people support Trump. Even though the mass media has basically given Biden a free pass the last 4 years, you can’t escape that reality.
As have the Democrats and yet …. Biden is still their nominee.
Well, poll after poll agree that Biden is worse. He can’t escape his track record. Thinking people see right pass the mass gaslighting effort of the resist movement started in November of 2016. Another reality that can’t be escaped.
I’ve got news for you. You are in the same boat. I’ve never been a member of either party and vote for the person who I feel best serves this country. I wish I had a better candidate to vote for but alas, between Biden and Trump it’s not even a question. Same as 2016. And don’t bother trying the shame offensive that seems to permeate NTers against Trump. Unlike others here it ain’t gonna work. Biden and his policies have been a shit show for this country and again, based on current polling, I’m hardly the only person who feels that way.
One can try to gaslight that reality away but only useful idiots buy it.
Trump perpetrated a racist lie about Obama in 2011. How did he ever get a toehold in Republican politics?
We can continue this Groundhog Day of a conversation John but I prefer not to.
There is no excuse for supporting Trump. He should never be allowed access to any political position of power, much less the presidency.
True, but Trump is an order of magnitude worse than Biden. There is no comparison.
Yes, you compare Biden with Trump and choose a scoundrel who has demonstrated that he will throw the nation under the bus just to satisfy his ego. Trump is the only PotUS in our history who has attempted to steal a US presidential election with lies, coercion, fraud, and incitement. He is a demagogue, unpresidential, and will abuse the office (if he gets elected) to fulfill his vindictive urges.
There is no comparing Trump with pretty much any candidate. He stands alone as a profoundly terrible choice for president. And even if he is convicted of a felony, his supporters will still stubbornly and illogically claim "but he is better than Biden".
No he didn't. Your playing of the race card has never worked and never will.
Yes it did.
"True, but Trump is an order of magnitude worse than Biden. There is no comparison."
Oh yes there is, and a large number of the electorate can tell you exactly what that is. Some people are simply too dumb, ignorant, obstinate, or blindly partisan to accept the reality of what is occurring, and more importantly, why
I think I will let your comment just stand on its own. I doubt I need to point out the obvious to most readers.
I feel like I am watching old episodes of Bonanza every time I see this.
Then get the laws changed
"rump is an order of magnitude worse than Biden"
First time I've heard that quote s/
"He is a demagogue, unpresidential, and will abuse the office (if he gets elected) to fulfill his vindictive urges"
Pure speculation....but that doesn't make it a fact.
They don't need an "excuse " to vote for Trump. As the post you responded to said "That Biden’s performance is a big reason people support Trump. "
If people think that the country will be better off in 4 years of a Trump presidency than a Biden presidency that is a reason, not an excuse, why they would vote for Trump. [✘] and realize that they might focus on things they could spin that Biden has done well, if they can find any, instead of sticking with Trump is an order of magnitude worse than Biden bullshit as a way to sway voter's they may actually win in Nov.
the pro trump argument is nothing but panic.
we have had a drug problem in america since i was a teenager. joe biden neither created it or enables it. that is demand from the users and pushers.
we have had an immigration problem in america for at least 30 years. biden neither completely created that or is solely responsible for that either.
there have always been periods of inflation in america. nothing new about that either, nor is it bidens fault.
nor is the national debt.
nor is anti-semitism.
MAGA is panicked, and the reason is more what i said - they think they are losing THEIR country.
The problem with your post is that it is the person in the WH that gets blamed for all of the fuck ups in the country during an election year.
Not only is Biden responsible for most of the fuckups, he has done nothing to allevialte them.
If Donald Trump was a relatively normal human being it would probably be fair to say that even though some of these things are not Joe biden's fault ,maybe a change should be in order just to see if someone else can do better with these circumstances . Donald Trump is not a relatively normal human being, he's an extremely abnormal human being who has single handedly brought our country to the brink of embracing dysfunctional psychological behavior for political reasons.
We have always had a national character that, totally accurately or not promoted the idea of honesty, truthfulness, kindness, wanting to do the right thing ,remorse when necessary, apologizing when you do wrong - Trump exhibits none of that.Our moral character as a nation is at stake.
Nothing Joe Biden has done is worse than that, particularly because we don't know for sure that the next person in the office will do better.
Trump promotes lying, cheating, bullying ,sexual abuse, buffoonery ,bigotry, and hypocrisy, not to mention traitorous and criminal behavior.
What would the founding fathers say?
Exactly, and Biden doesn’t get enough credit for his Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act, in 1994 that locked up a lot of dealers.
Yep, although sanctuary city mayors didn’t whine about it before.
Indeed, last time was in the 70’s. Why would anyone think that large spending bills on the heals of pent up demand following COVID might be inflationary.
Exactly, during WW II we saw similar debt to GDP. The good news is that now our debt is going to fall fast.
Are you thinking of FDR?
Dont start promoting “originalism”
As I will with all of yours. Meanwhile I’ll sleep like a baby tonite.
Sleep tight!
What a pile of gaslighting horseshit.
Nice list. You would think a guy who has been either in the senate, vp, or president over the past 50 years would have made something better. In the last 3 years he has made most things much worse.
Good luck with your narrative, very few are buying it and needless to say it will not be swaying any votes in bidens direction.
Same way Hillary did. Oh wait, it is OK if she started the racist question. Democrats are never held to any standards.
That went out the window with the Clintons, and was further trashed by Obama
So does Joe Biden but don't let that get in the way of a narrative.
If it were not for Biden, Trump would probably not even be running
If he wasn't looking for a Get Out Of Jail Free card, Trump would probably not even be running.
If Brandon didn't have to stick it out to grant both Hunter and himself pardons he wouldn't be running either.
Biden is already President, so no...
The Devil made them do it.
More like the anti-christ
Isn't that the same thing?
No. The anti-christ is worse.
I keep seeing comments about how terrible the Biden presidency years have been...?
Anyone wish to elaborate on what has been so terrible, cause somehow i musta miss t it
The article made me realize the reason for the Republicans' fear of the extent of the immigration.
"How Do We Explain Continued Support For Donald Trump"
A good question. I am not so sure Joe, Michael, Eddie or any other partisan/never Trumper are where we will get an honest answer.
Donald Trump salutes traitors and most of his followers don't care. That about sums it up.
A good example as to who we will not get an actual answer other than orange man bad.
Your claim that JR can only offer platitudes akin to “orange man bad” as to why Trump still has support is demonstrable bullshit. JR routinely delivers logical analysis whereas most of his critics make things personal and engage in dishonest tactics in lieu of an actual rebuttal (as demonstrated by your comment).
This original article is an example of analysis. You may disagree with his analysis but this is substantially more than “orange man bad”.
Thank you for your opinion.
I stick by my original statement as to who you will and will not get an unbiased answer to the question.
Well, he ain't good!
What traitors would that be. I don't recall anyone being charged tried or convicted anytime recently. (Ssin the past 50 years
Anyone that does not believe Trump is the embodiment of evil.
Very few are and none of them are politicians.
JR is referring to the insurrectionists.
You comment is hyperbolic ... attempting to paint JR as irrational.
Defending Trump is irrational, irresponsible, and unpatriotic.
Thank you for your opinion and propaganda clip. I am confident CNN has "breaking news" or a new "bombshell" to discuss with it's "unbiased" panel.
Do you acknowledge any wrongdoing by Trump? (rhetorical)
I see plenty of feeble deflection and excuses (e.g. anyone who says anything against Trump is ipso facto 'biased'). I see plenty of criticism of Biden coupled with an almost predictable defense of Trump. And that is incredible given Trump has provided a plethora of wrongdoing examples and evidence that he should never by allowed near any political position of power, much less the presidency.
And here, you even spin JRs comment —in direct contradiction of the context established by his original article— and then deflect rather than apologize to JR.
JR's article asks a very appropriate question and your comments illustrate why it is appropriate.
You may have missed it but my comment stated it was a good question.
It also stated where I would not expect to get an unbiased analysis of the question. That includes the people I mentioned (which include the people in the original article). After your comment I would add CNN, especially someone like Acosta or anyone that seems to be a never Trumper or someone with an unhealthy hatred of the man.
That would be like expecting an unbiased Biden performance review on NEWSMAX.
But thank you for your very biased opinion.
Look at the reply meta-info, I replied to this from you.
More feeble bullshit. You can claim that any source is biased. That is a meaningless statement.
Instead of whining that sources are biased (they are all biased), demonstrate how that bias is factually wrong. The bias of a source is not relevant, what matters is the factual integrity of the reporting.
I gave you a video showing Trump speaking and saluting. It proves JR is correct. You deny what is in front of your eyes.
Thank you for your opinion.
What insurectionist. No one has been either convicted or charged with insurrection or treason.
This article is very much like the majority of his articles. A big steaming pile of BS.
along with stupid imho, but hey, you can just thank me for my opinion as well
If you just regurgitate the same BS and BS accusations I will.
Thanks for your opinion.
Always through a very partisan lens. Alot like MSNBC.
I'm sure Joy Behar, Whoopie Goldberg, and Sunny Hosten on the totally unbiased "The View" can get plenty of mileage on that on MSNBC./s
Well i wasn't going to give you someone elses opinion, but i again feel compelled to inquire, how did you come up with the moniker ? Cause it veers far right like you had a blowout of front passenger tire.