Donald Trump rants that 'famine' will come to America if Kamala Harris is elected
By: Sarah K. Burris (Raw Story - Celebrating Years of Independent Journalism)
Donald Trump, who struggled to stay on message in two economic speeches this week, warned America it could face famine if his Democratic opponent, Kamala Harris, is elected.
After Harris outlined her economic plan to reduce grocery prices by stopping price gouging, Trump took to TruthSocial to call her attacks on the corporate practice outright communist.
"Kamala will implement SOVIET Style Price Controls," he wrote, mixing his capitalization. Trump then claimed that "EVERY American will be taxed up to 80% of their income!"
It wasn't immediately clear where he got that number.
In a second post, Trump claimed Harris was "allowing Venezuela's dangerous criminals to freely enter our country through her WIDE OPEN Southern Border."
Biden, notably, signed an executive order in June that closed most of the border.
"If Kamala is elected and implements her Communist Price Caps, there will be famine, starvation, and poverty, the likes of which we have never seen. America will NEVER recover!" Trump claimed.
"Kamala Harris wants to raise your taxes and make you pay for free healthcare and free housing in luxury hotels for her millions of illegal aliens," Trump said, trying to claim "free" healthcare would still cost money.
He then attempted to attack Tim Walz by adopting a phrase that has become synonymous with his running mate, Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH).
"Weirdo Tim Walz, voted against my VA Mission Act that made healthcare more affordable and accessible for our Nation's Heroes!" said Trump.
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This shit is both sad and comical at the same time.
The 10 Plagues of Egypt are upon us
good one !
Thank you, thank you very much......
sorry Tess, I didnt see this before my Locust comment
no worries iggy, great minds often think alike
That'll get the evangelicals...
And Dinosaurs will once again roam the Earth.
And-- perhaps worst of all-- Tampon dispensers will be mandatory in every Boy's bathroom!!!
No, Donald is just sad. He just spouts off numbers that suit him bearing little or no resemblance to the truth. But that is not uncommon for an aging prevaricator like Donald.
Time to stop cutting Donald (the mothball) any slack for his blazon and deliberate lies.
Thanks for my first laugh of the morning. ESPECIALLY since the CPC eradicated abject poverty in China years ago and has trained so many and provided them with the means of accelerating and improving agriculture I'm sure there isn't anyone starving in China WITHOUT the need of price caps. Oh, and agriculture is mainly mechanized save on small family farms so "slave labour" isn't necessary (by the way, how are the migrant workers on American farms treated?). Trump would have been more effective with his base by predicting the bubonic plague or an invasion by Lichtenstein's army. And the groceries, supermarkets and foreign big box stores that sell groceries here are doing quite well - I've not seen any of them that I know about go out of business for the 18 years I've lived in this "commie" country. And by the way, inflation was VERY limited here, and still is, and food is quite affordable WITHOUT price caps. Of course I have to admit that my wife grows a lot of our vegetables in her staked out plot of land, but then she grew up on a farm and is really good at it.
Am also a gardner. I mostly survive on veges that I grew last year. Every year. Canning and pickling is what I do.
It is.
Trump will eventually use up every fear tactic in hyper-partisan politics and probably will invent a few new ones.
Still, Trump supporters (those who intend to vote for this scoundrel) never seem to catch on that Trump is utterly full of shit.
Donald (mothball - 78) upon speaking is 'instantly' a prevaricator. Nobody, but nobody, can trust a prevaricator! Donald is untrustworthy.
Largely, they are brainwashed.
Am actually surprised that only one person has taken a shot at him. One would think that the worst person on the planet would be shot at much more often. Damn shame that liberals don't tend to shoot folk.
It took a registered republican to try it.
It's always 'the likes of which we have never seen'
well at least his cult believes him
We literally had to hunt for toilet paper when trumpy was in office.
And yet supposedly, the October 7th Hamas attack would have never happened, Russia wouldn't have invaded Ukraine, no Americans would have been killed as we withdrew from Afghanistan, the Taliban would have thrown away all their weapons and become pacifists and there would be a chicken in every pot if only Trump had been reelected... And now, if we don't elect him in November it's going to be hell on earth. Famine! Human sacrifice! Dogs and cats living together! Mass hysteria!
It's truly mind boggling that anyone other than perhaps Donald Trump Jr. would believe a bloviating windbag like Trump. His sycophants are either REALLY fucking stupid, or they just hate liberals and progressives SO much that they simply don't care that they're voting for a lying piece of garbage to run our country. Either way, their choice of Trump defines them as utterly deplorable and irredeemable.
Yes, some Trumpists 'do.' Donald (mothball - 78) is instantly a prevaricator. Donald is untrustworthy.
you forgot cows or rocks, as well. Cause only Trump can fix the world, get Russian prisoners released, build massive border walls that Mexico will pay for, etc
Donald is a prevaricator. Prevaricators are untrustworthy!
When are we expecting the Locusts' ?
Probably the same time as all the immigrant caravans that the former 'president' convicted felon and rapist has been talking about for years and years now
Those sneaky caravans that are hugely tremendous right up toll election day, then are suddenly non existent and never heard about again,the day after...
There must be 10, 20. 30 million of them swarming across the border on a daily basis
Here's more MAGA humour-- this was the actual headline on a recent edition of the NY POST:
That graphic isn't clear-- here's a link to a better image.
It's far right-wing fascism that America might not recover from.
Trump is way off on this one. Harris gets elected she’ll make sure you get all the government cheese you can eat. No worries…...
I get it! Butt, do explain this "Government Cheese" of which you speak. Tell us what is the back story and give us an explanation for that comment? You see, those under 60 have no idea of this history. Educate them. As a cultural icon what is this "Government Cheese"? Particularly, how does cheese relate to Kamala Harris as opposed to let us say Donald Trump as a candidate? Answers Please?
The lord helps those, who help themself.
Go for it!
In that case I'd say "Government Cheese" is your racist dog whistle harkening back to the 1960's when the stereotypical black family subsisted on excess government commodities like peanut butter, canned pork, died beans, canned dried milk and the most racially stereotypical of them all CHEESE...
As Coach Walz said, "MAGAs can be racists without knowing it"...
I would say there are plenty of the under 60 crowd who would know that reference. After all, the program wasn't discontinued until the 90's in favor of other programs. It was a program to help the dairy farmers by maintaining their prices.
That is a racist's cliche that makes people laugh at them.
You guys are putting on a show. An anachronistic show...
It is Throwback To The 60's Days at MAGA LAND USofA!
i saw that while getting a picture taken when i overheard a customer while ordering a Ham and cheese the adjacent deli.
They asked what kind of cheese would the customer prefer, they said
Afro American Cheese
Only in America are Processed Cheese Products dyed bright yellow considered food...
Trump has his died Orange
I have been recently observing that Donald's orange hair is not dyed orange or 'blond' these days. I wander if his beautician is directing him to ease up on the routine. Save a strand or two from farther decay.
Yes, you are making my point. It ended in the 1990s about the same time Southern Baptist finally denounced slavery and discrimination and accepted integrated congregations...
and test it for the drugz or genetic corrupted code it most certainly will reveal.
No, not really. I replied to your post in 3.1 where you stated :
As the 90's were only 30 some odd years ago it's a good bet that anybody around 60 have a good idea what the story is. And just because the two things ended around the same time does not mean they are linked in any fashion.
Now if you had tried to make my comment about your comment in 3.1.2 you would be closer as the government cheese program did give it's cheese to those on food stamps as well. So there were a lot of poor families who received the cheese. But not all of them were black despite your racist dog whistle.
Please do continue blowing that whistle until after the election!
Some of the first to receive commodity foods were Nativ Americans who were forced onto reservations under threat of death and could not lav and had to live off commodity foods that were at best horrible.
That's what happens when people eat too much cheese (& put tampon dispensers in Boy's bathrooms....and associate with childless cat ladies...and worse!!!)
Too much cheese will do that to a person!
Not all were black-- but some were fried.
Directions (How to Make Black Dog-Whistle Cheese):
Perhaps the beautician is a prevaricator?
Interesting you should mention that. Why did trump spend a WEEK, obsessing over Harris's race? Why was that such a focal point for trump? Why does it matter so much to him? Rhetorical question, here's your answer.... He's a racist. Only a racist would obsess THAT MUCH over someone else's race. I promise you this; if Harris was white, he wouldn't have said a word.
Removed for context - sandy
[jrEmbed module="jrYouTube" youtube_id="9SwQ9iavJeI"]
Newsflash! It Is 2024! TWO THOUSAND TWENTY FOUR!
Using "White Fright" as a gop political tactic is so 1970's.
Props to SuperTramp, nevertheless!
At least Super tramp is not a prevaricator.
Tell it to the people who pay the liberal poll tax everyday. At the grocery store, at the gas station, at the bank, at the electric company and yes ….. and at MacDonalds.
I like cheese. About damn time we got some of the surplus!
Cheese for breakfast, cheese for lunch
Cheese for dinner and munch, munch, munch
Damn right, the Feds have around 1.5 billion pounds of cheese stored in limestone caves under Missouri.
You need to be quick before someone moves your cheese.
Hopefully in a different cave than spent nuclear material
Or cuts it …..
Like a lunatic on the corner bellowing, "The End Is Nigh!"...
Are you saying it's not?
You got me but then I did say "Like". Very very alike. Like the same!
Trending On Twitter
Hell, not even talk, unless it is with her dumbass VP pick.
Of course, over the past 4 years she has proven herself a dumbass, so they work well together.
Yes, and she is more women than Trump can handle and she is going to be the next President of the United States of America so you might want to show some respect because she is coming...
Who thinks that is whitty for the umpteen gazillionth time now?
maybe they mean to say Trump's butt
The truth really hurts the triggered. Like a red hot poker right up the chocolate starfish
Reading comprehension says otherwise.
The Truth? You Can't Handle The Truth! Trump Is Losing...
Forgive the MAGA for they are in the death throws of a cult...
Deprogram Them!
Speaking of cliches that don’t apply …..
Butt it does apply Sparty. Trump is cruisin towards losin, again!
Harris - Walz 2024 is a cultural phenomenon. Trump is cooked.
That is the truth. I've accepted it. Americans have accepted it...
Can You?
Have you even really accepted that Trump lost badly in 2020?
My Cliche Stands! You have been overruled! Trump is losing...
Highly delusional
I would bet you didn’t even know who Walz was until he was picked. Simply shows blind partisanship.
Do you know Walz lied about his deployment status and lied about his retirement rank? I don’t think CNN or MSDNC has reported that yet.
Everyone knows all about that and we moved on. Nobody cares if a twenty four year US veteran who retired because he was running for the US Congress retired as an E8 or an E9. M'kay?
No wonder MAGA is sinking like a rock. They're out of touch!
Nobody cares if a twenty four year US veteran who retired because he was running for the US Congress retired as an E8 or an E9. M'kay?
Only to those who have never served and have no clue how the military members pride themselves in their accomplishments.
Very few of those lie about their accomplishments. Walz is one of them.
,If he would lie about that, what else will he lie about?
i sometimes lie about sitting up in bed
If you were running for public office your lies would be more important. At least that's what some people will constantly state about the orange guy, that his lies are important for people to know. Just seems if someone is going to count the lies from one side they should be looking at the lies from all sides as all lies are bad for public servants, are they not?
So you do that often?
Walz is not the one lying charger. I don't understand why you refuse to get that.
It makes no difference if someone served to understand that Walz is NOT the one who is lying.
or someone who says they served. I don't believe a word certain members state.
Because he claimed to be a retired Command Sergeant Major when he retired as a Master Sargeant. He did not serve as a CSM long enough to retire at that rank.
Which is understandable and not the trump card you think!
You know who lies his fat orange ass off about everything...
What rank do you suppose that his subordinates called him while he held the rank of Command Sergeant Major? Is he retired from the service? I think that you are splitting hairs to make him appear less than he actually is, especially because all of this has been through a couple of wash/rinse cycles by now.
Walz did hold the rank of Command Sergeant Major (CSM) and RETIRED as Master Sergeant in 2005 for benefit purposes . That last part is IMPORTANT. The two things are both true. 1. Walz held the position. 2. The government would not pay him retirement benefits at that higher level due to a technicality: incomplete CSM courseware.
That he chose to list the higher rank on his bio has credibility because he did serve in the job with its "duties and responsibilities." That Trumpists want to give him political noise because technically he had not complete the courseware does not take away from the practical experiences he had as CSM. That is what servicemember will call him "Sergeant Major" out of respect for the man. . . and the job he has done .
Walz has not lied about being Command Sergeant Major. He did serve in the position. Even if it was one day. . . it permissible to go on his resume.
Walz has not lied about anything CB. Please pay no attention to those who say he is/was/has. It's not true. Walz is not the one who is lying.
Doesn't matter. See CB's remark. He didn't lie about a goddamned thing. It's hateful to say that he has.
The swiftboating going on here against a decent and honorable man is despicable. I question the decency of anyone who disputes his honor.
And this is a lie. He retired as a Master Sergeant because he had not completed the qualifications to retain the rank of Command Sergeant Major. Because he retired as a master Sergeant, his benefits are aligned with that retirement rank. You make it sound as if he chose the Master Sergeant rank for the purpose of gaining benefits and he did not.
You are wrong, he did lie about retiring as a Command Sergeant Major as he did not. The evidence has been provided, don't know why you refuse to acknowledge it. Even the Harris campaign has acknowledged it.
Walz didn't lie about anything jbb. We know who the liar is here.
A snuck premise may be in that comment: It should be proven that Walz "claimed" to be a retired Command Sergeant Major and not simply an individual who served in the rank of Command Sergeant Major (entitling him to make mention of that ranking level on his bio (but not for any pay-grade purposes). Because, surely, Walz knows without a doubt that he did not retire at CSM level.
Perhaps these people do not understand that to do the job with its duties and responsibilities will qualify Walz to put the higher rank on his bio. Why? Because people need to know the level of experience an individual has garnered over the course of their life/service. What Trumpists are doing is smearing Walz for political purposes - ignoring the value of the man/his service and his experience. It's shameless exploitation of a technicality. And military personnel and veterans have been doing the same on their resumes and personal/professional bios for years! (You always claim the higher training/ranking level you served in-because of the experience collected). Even if you don't officially make the 'grade.'
What Trumpists hope to do is to make enough noise that Walz 'loses' some votes for the ticket, simply because people can't figure out what position to take on it. It's 'dirty' politics. Military people know it for what it is, nevertheless. They will either vote for the Harris-Walz ticket, or they won't without regards to a technicality.
Bullshit. It is not understandable. Anyone who served understands that. Claiming a higher rank than earned is punishable by the UCMJ for any active service member and for some retirees earning retirement pay depending on their retirement status.
Yes we do. Any thinking person here does.
It's called, "muddling the issue" in hopes of pulling away (or at the least, not losing a set of Trumpists military voters) to the democratic party candidates over kinship related military service. That is, Trumpist are going to insist on this 'noise' because it may peel off some confused voters who can't figure this out properly.
All we can do is pushback against the manufactured noise in hopes of giving a (confused) 'listener' or reader the proper way to process this.
Trumpists don't care about that. This is dirty politics and since it is: It's a free-for-all!
And when it is a "free for all" —the dirtiest player in the game: Could stand to win the most!
(Just keep pushing back, nevertheless. We can protect the integrity of the discussion and "save" some confused individuals who might just come across this 'noise.')
The comment speaks for itself. Any issue the collective "you" have with 5.1.29 does not require over-explaining.
Don't see any punishment/s rendered. So, that consideration is not valid in this discussion. Appears to be political NOISE. . . .
Nah, the “consideration” is spot on. Any supposition that his actions were righteous, would be the fucked up thing here.
And it’s not even close.
And yet, the collective "you' can not point to an official offense under the UCMJ for the edification of the reader/s.
This isn’t about “me” no matter how hard you try to make it so. Anyone with basic google skills or a basic understanding of the UCMJ, can make the connection.
Others, not so much I guess
I am pretty sure you, the individual, is not a collective. The thing speaks for itself. And, since there is no official offense shared in your comment we are left to conclude no legitimate offense has occurred.
He was frocked into the Command Sergeant Major position so that he could perform the duties assigned, so while in uniform he did not claim a higher rank. But because he did not complete the requirements for the promotion, the promotion was not completed and he retired as a Master Sergeant. That much is very clear and I do not understand why people will argue that part.
He claimed and allowed others to state that he had retired as a Command Sergeant Major and that is the false statement. I really don't understand how people can argue that position either as it's clear. It is ridiculous for people to claim that just because he held the rank, it's all ok. If it was all ok then why would the Harris campaign modify the official website to remove the claim where he is a retired Command Sergeant Major.
This argument is stupid. They get all sorts of upset with all the lies that Trump says but are willing to ignore one on their own side? And before anybody thinks to jump in here, there is no fucking way I'm comparing Trump to Walz so don't even bother to go there. So take your strawman arguments elsewhere.
So you think your comment speaks for itself. Let's break it down.
Yes, Walz was 'frocked' into the rank of Command Sergeant Major but he did not hold the rank. He could not hold that rank because he had not yet completed the requirements for the promotion. That is how these things work. And the second half of your statement implies that he selected to retire as a Master Sergeant for benefit purposes but that is not true. He retired as a Master Sergeant because he had not completed the requirements for the promotion, not for reasons around benefits. You try to imply he choose what grade to retire as for the purpose of gaining benefits and that's complete bullshit. Retirement benefits in the military are very clearly defined.
This piece is true, Walz did hold the position and do the work. He had to hold that position in order to do the work, but as been explained he was frocked to that rank. He was not promoted to that rank because he never finished the requirements.
Partially true. Because he was never promoted to CSM he could not retire at that rank. That is not a technicality, that is the cold hard truth. In order to complete the promotion he was required to finish the coursework AND he also had a time-in-service commitment that was another requirement.
And stating he held the position and did the work is not the issue.
Just like any rank of Admiral will be called admiral in public, as a sign of respect. What other service members call him was never the issue. But the simple issue that Walz did not complete the requirements for the promotion is not a technicality. It's the simple truth. Walz knew in advance what he needed to do to complete the promotion and he chose to retire instead. That decision is fine, he put in 24 years in the Guard and served honorably. Nobody can take that away from him.
The issue was that he and others have repeatedly stated he retired as a CSM and it was done for political means. It's simple, he lied for political means in order to make himself sound better. I do not understand how you can accept that as ok.
Read this (and with this I agree to disagree with the collective "you"): speaks for itself! That is, while in the role as Command Sergeant Major, Walz was titled, treated, and given the respect of. . .you guessed it: Command Sergeant Major
I don't need to make up anything, the thing speaks! Moreover, he could not officially retire as Command Sergeant Major, for the simple reason that it was not in his retirement papers. Using the highest rank achieved in service is permissible for bios and addressing even if unofficial. It's a technicality. 'Everybody' understands it. . . until they don't or better yet—won't.
You are correct. Unlike others here, I am not part of a hive, a thought collective or a gaggle of idiocy …..
This is where it gets even more hinky. I’ll be the first to admit I’m no expert on Army/National Guard rank/retirement structure but my understanding is:
Master Sgt, First Sgt, Sgt Major, Command Sgt Major and Command Sgt Major of the Army. In that order. So if he didn’t complete the required training to become a qualified Command Sgt Major one assumes he was already a Sgt Major. So why was he retired as Master Sgt? Arguably two ranks below Sgt Major.
And none of this comment changes anything in my comment. You are defending someone who lied for political gain. Plain and simple. The lies have been exposed. Walz did 24 years, he was frocked with the rank of Command Sergeant Major in order to do the work and be part of the command team. But he was not officially promoted. You have tried to imply several things. Simple question however. If it was no big deal that he retired as a Master Sergeant rather than a Command Sergeant Major, then why did the Harris election campaign scrub their website to clean it up?
Read a separate news article about it. We have been over this many times (on this 'detailed' forum). He served as Command Sergeant Major (and acquired the title from 'doing.'). Indeed, and on the other hand another point of criticism from the 'Right' is he OUGHT (they say) to have waited around and deployed with his "team" because of his (high) ranking. But, I digress.
This issue is sufficiently settled.
We would need someone from the higher enlisted ranks of the Army to fully explain it but what I think is that Master Sergeant is an E-8 rank. Promotion to E-8 while not automatic, can be done on merit and abilities. There are three E-9 ranks, First Sergeant, Sergeant Major and Command Sergeant Major. Promotion to E-9 is not automatic, the individuals promoted must be pulled over every other E-8 in the Army (or perhaps National Guard in this case) and they receive the rank based on the job they are going to be doing.
A First Sergeant is the senior enlisted sergeant in a company or smaller unit, while sergeants major serve the same role at the battalion level. And as I understand, a Command Sergeant Major is the senior enlisted at the battalion or higher level working exclusively with the command team.
To be promoted from First Sergeant to Sergeant Major, one must prove their leadership ability and job/duty abilities to a high enough degree and then there must be an opening for a Sergeant Major in another battalion as a transfer would also be required (I believe).
yes, that is true and I have commented on this many times.
That is not my criticism. Stop lumping me in with everybody else. My complaint that I was clear about from the beginning is that he has claimed to be a retired Command Sergeant Major. That's been my complaint all along and you keep on ignoring it. I don't care what other people are complaining about, if you have a problem with that issue take it up with them. My entire complain is that he has claimed honors that he did not earn.
Understandable how?
That he is incompetent to know what rank he retired at? OK I can see what you are saying.
Walz is not the incompetent one or the liar.
The collective you can be the judge for its purposes. Good evening, Snuffy. The last word is yours if you wish.
That's usually the case CBB.
CB - I hate not being able to edit my comments.
Some have the need to have the last word.
And that is incorrect according to the MN NG itself. It may be parsing the English language to some civilians but the last stripes the man wore when he turned in his papers was the Command Master Sargent's. The last rate he performed on NG duty was as an E9. The retirement rate pay he was awarded and was eligible for this year on his 60th birthday is irrelevant.
What your fellow NCOs and subordinates refer to you as, is the highest rank you achieved in service.
(The same applies to Rear Admiral (Ret'd) Ronnie Jackson who was demoted to Captain later, is still addressed as Rear Admiral.)
I’m sure much of that will come out soon.
Socialists can’t hide from their lies.
The problem leftists are missing is he has lied multiple times on his bios for Congress and for Governor. Even the Harris campaign had to quietly change is bio on their to reflect the truth.
Where do you think they got the information that they had to change?
Read 5.1.66
Thank you for supporting the truth Snuffy. You are always correct.❤️
When I was frocked to E7 I could wear the uniform and perform the duties but it was not official until I started getting paid for it.
Walz never got paid for it.
Why did the Harris campaign have to change his bio to reflect the truth? The truth which we have been trying to tell you.
The political tide changed and MAGA are oblivious...
Let them bash Walz's service and blow dog whistles!
Each day it gets ever clearer MAGA are headed for a historic humiliation on November 5th. Each day Trump and his hoards of frothing followers appear ever more inept and out of touch.
Let Them!
We beat fascist before. We whooped their Nazi asses!
Maybe freedom lovers must do so, every eighty years...
Mythology and superstition.
MAGA bitch about memes because memes devastate the MAGA!
Not sure what a ‘MAGA ‘ is, but if you are meaning it in an insulting way, it must be a good thing.
If you want MAGA to be a slur, it is. If not, MAGA's not...
The only time you use it is when insulting others
Are you saying MAGA is a slur or MAGA's not?
What I am saying is when you use it you use it as a slur.
Walz isn't the liar here. It's ridiculous that they refuse to believe the truth.
Walz isn't the one lying. It's some who claim they were in the service and some who didn't serve. I don't believe anything some say.
Army First Sergeant is E-8, same as Master Sergeant
Ahh, thank you. Yes, only a Sergeant Major and Command Sergeant Major are E-9's.
A better case of denial, one hasn’t seen for some time.
The irony being that a guy that dodged the draft 5 times is criticizing a guy that served for 24 years.
Me thinks some doth protest too much
Don't believe a word
I can't believe anyone believes the lies. It's hateful. It's agnorant.
And probably prevaricating as well!
OMG, they are closing all the Micky D's in America.
No more McRib for you. So sad.
Good! It is way overpriced and most unhealthy nowadays...
Dining crusaders unite!
Attack the Big Mac. Stopper the Whopper. No mas Taco Bell …..
If you eat that shit you die real quickly so it is against the COC to tell you to eat it. Because that would definitely be death wishing...
Then what in hell is your point? People need to eat healthier and nobody should be wasting money on overpriced crapola...
The point is, in a free society, people are free to make their own choices and aren’t required to follow what a few butt hurt libs think.
Ain’t it cool!
Here in the nation’s Capital, the poorer sections of town have healthy food deserts with few grocery stores, fewer planed and several shut down. Limited availability and transportation encourage unhealthy eating.
Interesting, because the anti-choice people are mostly brain dead right wingers.
McDonald's is closing because they are not making money!
People are making other choices FREELY! Who makes them?
Remember Remember The Fifth Of Roevember!
You have friends on the left?
People need to eat healthier and nobody should be wasting money on overpriced crapola...
I imagine that numerous prevaricators throughout the region also make things difficult!
When someone repeatedly tells you about their “friends on the left”, it’s a sure sign they have no friends on the left.
or otherwise
This topic is talking about saving lives by getting rid of fast food. I love watching liberals pick and choose their liberties.
If it wasn’t so fucked up it would be funny.
Really? Going out of business? What business they are losing is largely because of higher prices driven by inflation.'s%20reported%20first%2Dquarter%20net,more%20than%20a%20year%20ago.
Stop lying!
The topic is "in a free society, people are free to make their own choices".
Maybe your friends on the left can explain it to you.
The ones that are really friends know they don’t need to.
That's a joke right?
Trump is a joke. MAGA is a joke. Butt, Trump is not funny...
I was asking Kavika - I thought he was referring to McDonald's closing. It's confusing.
They are closing all the Micky D's in America,
They're painting
The passports brown
The beauty parlor
Is filled with sailors
The circus is in town
Here comes
The blind commissioner
They've got him in a trance
One hand is tied
To the tight-rope walker
The other is in his pants
The other is in his pants
And the riot squad
They're restless
They need somewhere to go
As Lady
And I look out tonight
From Desolation Row
And we will all be healthier as a result.
in the past 24 hrs ...............
Harris articulated how she is for the middle class and the working class.
Trump articulated that he doesnt respect our military.
Trump can articulate?
Well, we all know without a doubt if it is a day ending in "y" that Donald (mothball - 78) is instantly a prevaricator. Nobody, but nobody, can trust a prevaricator! Donald is untrustworthy.
Why not?
Trump is starved for brains. He doesn't have any. It's already a famine with the MAGA.
I heard the Yellowstone Supervolcano is going to blow if Harris is elected, but it wouldn’t dare if Don-old wins.
It's way past due. We're all going to die.
"If Kamala is elected and implements her Communist Price Caps, there will be famine, starvation, and poverty, the likes of which we have never seen. America will NEVER recover!" Trump claimed.
Oh wow! Did he really say that!
That settles it. I'm going to vote for the Socialist authoritarian regime of Kamala Harris / S
Do you believe Trump?
Do you believe this too?:
And this?:
Donald (a 78 years old prevaricator) is truly untrustworthy. It's nearly impossible to establish a baseline with Donald for the truth that is not handicapped by his propensity to lie repeatedly on any day ending in 'y.' So the liar is lying and fear-mongering now as well.
"If your opponent claims you’re a ‘communist,’ maybe don’t start with an economic agenda that can (accurately) be labeled as federal price controls," Rampell wrote Thursday.
Opinion | Harris’s economic plan is full of gimmicks that don’t make sense - The Washington Post
The opposition will use labels and other dishonest tactics no matter what one does.
It is a shame that so many voters cannot see past this.
Mainstream media will never praise Harris' economic plans that threaten corporate profits. And that includes the Washington Post. It was totally predictable that WAPO would criticize her.
Bullshit, the lamestream media is almost always in the Dems pocket.
You know it, I know it, the American people know it.
Not when it comes to criticism of corporations. The mainstream media has NEVER featured much criticism of corporations, nor have they ever supported economic populism. Independent progressive publications have been complaining about this for decades.
Well, that makes sense because the Oligopoly that is the liberal mass media, certainly isn’t going to criticize itself.
The progression from traditional gop to full blown goes something like Rush, Fox News, Alex Jones, MAGA, Qanon to Putin's Stooge!
And this certainly isn’t your father’s Democrat party. JFK is spinning around in his grave.
Nearly four years ago you predicted a bad recession. Then three years ago you declared a recession. Two years ago you declared recession again. Last year you declared recession. Six months ago you declared recession. A week ago you declared we were in a huge recession.
The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed above 40,659 on Friday.
I made a fortune the last 4 years betting against those forecasts...
Thank You! Sincerely thanks for having reverse predictive powers!
Betting against far-right wing fascists has made me a rich man.
Rich is subjective. I was very comfortable. It doubled in 4 years!
I did endow a scholarship at A Liberal University in economics...
Pay It Forward
I was never that rich. Just comfortable.
Wrote a few songs back in the day and am continually surprised by the royalty checks.
Born on home plate, but I worked forty years and always invested 15% plus from paychecks, saved my bonuses and reinvested all my returns while living relatively frugally, except for my cars. Compared to rich rich I am not, but I have more $$$ now than I have time...
It is why I am ate up with guilt and shame for my White Privilege!
It's always PD&D+delusion with some. Always believe the opposite of what certain folks say.
And yet, Bidens approval rating is still at record lows. Curious if things are really that good don’t you think?
So you outperformed the Dow by nearly 200% in that time period?
Unbelievable, literally.
Harris for President. The Stock market at 40,000, 13,000 points higher than when Trump was in office. GDP at 2.8%, it was only 2.3% under Trump. Unemployment at 4.3%, it was 6.3% under Trump. Inflation is down to 2.9%, the lowest inflation since March of 2021. Jobs added under Biden/Harris, 16 million. We lost 3.5 million jobs under Trump. Wage increases are up 4.1% in the last 12 months, with inflation at 2.9% that means wage increases are higher than the inflation rate. If you had put your money in an Index ETF fund like VTI 3.5 years ago when Biden got elected, you would have made a 78% gain on your investment. And the only people who do not know all that are the people who watch Fox News, because they do not tell you these are the real stats, and that the country is doing great.
Opinions do vary....
The truth doesn't.....
Exactly, it’s hard to understand how COVID affected the market.
And yet, Biden’s approval rating is near an all time low.
How can this be?
So let's see, what does the Bible offer?:
He used famine already. I guess he cannot use pestilence given we just had the pandemic. Any bets on what might happen next if Trump is not elected? Conquest might be covered by his WWIII threat and his border invasion threat.
No doubt this fear-mongering asshole will add a few more scare tactics before November.