John Russell


@john-russell • one week ago • comments: 4
@john-russell • one week ago • comments: 89
Posted a new Comment on The accidental e-mail:
"So if you talk to someone every day, you can never know what they think?  No one believes that. As for reading, there have been thousands of books written..."
@john-russell • one week ago • comments: 4
Posted a new Comment on The Idiocracy Is Growing:
"Will there be anything left of humanity for AI to destroy in a hundred years ? "
@john-russell • one week ago • comments: 89
Posted a new Comment on The accidental e-mail:
"So the only possible way to know what vets think is to have been one.  What about reading about them? Or , uh, being married to one, or a friend of one, or a..."
@john-russell • one week ago • comments: 110
Posted a new Comment on Woman Who Made Career Singing About Her Bad Choices Endorses Kamala:
"I dont think Swift will tip the election, but I could be wrong. One things seems obvious tho, there are a lot of MAGA who think she is an existential threat..."
@john-russell • one week ago • comments: 89
Posted a new Comment on The accidental e-mail:
"No one of value gives a damn about Loomer. Trump does.   He is of no value then, right? "
@john-russell • one week ago • comments: 4
Posted a new Comment on The Idiocracy Is Growing:
"Fight the idiocracy or just go with the flow ? "
@john-russell • one week ago • comments: 4
@john-russell • one week ago • comments: 38
Posted a new Comment on "We did not do well": MAGA admits Kamala Harris broke Donald Trump | Salon.com:
"Some will see you commenting rather than asking questions as taunting?  Oh, ok. "
@john-russell • one week ago • comments: 89
Posted a new Comment on The accidental e-mail:
"For 3 years they went after political opponents, parents and Catholics. I'm Catholic and I dont feel "gone after" at all.   Sadly, there are minority..."
@john-russell • one week ago • comments: 38
Posted a new Comment on "We did not do well": MAGA admits Kamala Harris broke Donald Trump | Salon.com:
"1.) I answered you 2.)  This is what you do 24/7 on this site.  3) If you want to comment on Jesus race then comment on Jesus race. No one is stopping you...."
@john-russell • one week ago • comments: 21
Posted a new Comment on Grieving Ohio Father Tells Trump and Vance to Stop Talking About His Son:
"The conservative movement was built on the premise that the main organs of knowledge — journalism, academia, science — are hopelessly and even consciously..."
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