John Russell


@john-russell • one week ago • comments: 21
Posted a new Comment on Grieving Ohio Father Tells Trump and Vance to Stop Talking About His Son:
"Maga and QAnon You Tubers are flocking into Springfield trying to "prove" that pets are being eaten . I'm afraid its gone past the point where they care..."
@john-russell • one week ago • comments: 38
Posted a new Comment on "We did not do well": MAGA admits Kamala Harris broke Donald Trump | Salon.com:
"its all a mystery we were talking about megyn kellys ignorance but you always have to try and make it something else"
@john-russell • one week ago • comments: 89
Posted a new Comment on The accidental e-mail:
"www.rawstory.com   /laura-loomer-trump-2669183779/ 'She's a lunatic!': GOP insiders call for 'wake up moment' as Trump embraces MAGA 'kook' Brad..."
@john-russell • one week ago • comments: 61
Posted a new Comment on Kamala Harris is faking moderation — and voters aren't buying it:
@john-russell • one week ago • comments: 38
Posted a new Comment on "We did not do well": MAGA admits Kamala Harris broke Donald Trump | Salon.com:
"I dont think God really has a skin color, do you?  But in any case, he sure wasnt exclusively white. "
@john-russell • one week ago • comments: 38
Posted a new Comment on "We did not do well": MAGA admits Kamala Harris broke Donald Trump | Salon.com:
"I saw a good line about Megyn Kelly yesterday "she hasn't been this pissed off since someone told her Jesus wasnt white"."
@john-russell • one week ago • comments: 89
Posted a new Comment on The accidental e-mail:
"You want a scandal?  Trump appears to be taking advice from a racist fruitcake, Laura Loomer, who flew with him on his plane to the debate, and the next..."
@john-russell • one week ago • comments: 89
Posted a new Comment on The accidental e-mail:
"So four guys attack Kirby over Afghanistan and he says  its just four guys of a certain stripe.   Where is the scandal or even the controversy in this ?  Its..."
@john-russell • one week ago • comments: 4
Posted a new Comment on How Trumpism Rots A Small City:
"In 1975 Gerald Ford said "our national nightmare is over" . Ours in 2024 may be just beginning. "
@john-russell • one week ago • comments: 4
@john-russell • one week ago • comments: 14
Posted a new Comment on Loomer Threatens to 'Expose' MTG Over 'Racist' Call Out:
"The Associated Press  noted that Loomer accompanied Trump to memorials for 9/11 in Pennsylvania and New York. She shared a video claiming the attacks..."
@john-russell • one week ago • comments: 14
Posted a new Comment on Loomer Threatens to 'Expose' MTG Over 'Racist' Call Out:
"Lauren Boebert is seething with jealousy. "
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