Trump injured in shooting at Pennsylvania rally that left at least 1 dead
By: Mr. Frost

JUST IN: Former President Donald Trump was rushed off stage after loud bangs were heard and he fell to the ground at the start of a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, Saturday night.
Most likely a false flag to get votes.

What we're covering
- JUST IN: Former President Donald Trump was rushed off stage after loud bangs were heard and he fell to the ground at the start of a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, Saturday night.
- The Secret Service says Trump is safe and under protective measures. A spokesperson said Trump is “fine” and referred to the incident as a “heinous act,” but details on what exactly happened remain sparse.
- Trump was swarmed by agents on stage after the bangs were heard. Blood could be seen on his face, and he raised a fist to the crowd as he was rushed away.
- This incident came after a busy day of campaigning for both Trump and President Joe Biden in the 2024 presidential race.
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Trump is the subject.
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I watched a video of the whole incident on CTV (Canada Television News). There will be a news broadcast on CGTN (China Global Television News) in about an hour and a quarter, and I'm looking forward to China's take on it.
Morning... probably much the same here..The usual standard comments shocking to hear an attempt, glad he is ok but behind closed doors..
Crap, they missed...
so much for more open air trump rallies in the next 100+ days ...
Morning Vangy..Geez..what a way to start the day...I thought they used bullet proof podiums etc over there..
karma. say and do crazy shit, attract crazy people and crazy shit to happen.
Sorry, forgot it was Sunday morning here, and the usual 9 a.m. time for the CGTN mewscast was not until 10 a.m. It was "breaking news", the top story, took half the newscast, started with the video of the shooting and ended with an opinion being given, and I must say not unexpected, that what happened was no surprise where the politics becomes increasingly so polarized and divided. And add to that my opinion, which is that guns are so plentiful, so available, so defended, and the purchase of them so easy and so protected by the Constitution Second Amendment.
The bullet apparently just nicked his ear. This incident is really gonna piss him off.[✘]
If it was a bullet, he would be at a minimum seriously injured. Could be a paintball.
They were seven noisy paintballs.
Didn't say they were, just saying they could be.
One one the rally attendees was killed by your "paint ball".
It was a damn bullet.
I wouldn't put it past Trump and his people setting the whole thing up as a false flag operaton. To prove it was a real assassination attempt the bullet would have to be found, and when Trump fell he could have put red liquid on his face. Maybe I'm just tainted by watching Mark Wahlberg as Swagger the sniper in the 2007 movie Shooter.
I think you hit the nail on the head with that one, Tess.
I would think the news reports I've seen would have said that if it happened. If they eventually do, and the person killed was behind him and was by the bullet that nicked Trump's ear (if that's what happened) then I'll agree it was a genuine assassinaion attempt by a shitty marksman.
Thank goodness for the 2A right?
No, his immediate reaction was to put his hand to where he was hit. If it were part of an act he would've just ducked.
"Thank goodness for the 2A right?"[✘]
It's looking more and more that it was the real thing.
Wonder how the service dodger likes the taste of blood ! Oh' I forgot, that's only for suckers and losers !
I believe this image is going to have a big effect upon the voting in November. I would like to see the polls that will be taken of indepencant and uncommited voters.
Maybe so, but I was referring to independant and uncommited voters who may not have yet made up their minds.
Well, I think that this incident, and the "heroic-appearing" image they achieved out of it is going to have some effect on at least some voters who may be ignorant enough to consider that those are more important than reputation and your criticisms.
Most likely a false flag attack...gotta grab that sympathy vote.
Most likely a false flag attack...gotta grab that sympathy vote.
Any evidence to support you assertion?
Trump well known to play the victim.
Really? Trump has made a living out of screaming about how the media is so unfair to him.
One of the usual suspects on this site just said this clinches the election for Trump.
It is not beyond belief that some of his unhinged followers are behind this.
That kind of doubt is what happens when you have unhinged followers.
its like the little boy who cried wolf in reverse
I was wondered how long it would take for someone to make that kind of BS comment.
Wait a little longer and you'll hear, "I took a bullet for you!!!"
"the democrats tried to kill me!"
"biden put out a hit on me!"
there's already a maga moron congressman, mike collins, claiming that biden put a hit out on trump...
There it is.
No damn proof, no information out about the shooter what-so-ever; and you are claiming it is a false flag by Trump.
How much do suicidal, top marksman, hitmen these days?
23 6 and 7 year old kids were killed at Sandy Hook, and nutjobs on the right still claim, 12 years later that it was a false flag.
Morning...ohh geez..not even turning the tv on now don't want to cop all that..
Dumb question...after all those shots was no one else injured??
Yes, my understanding is there were others injured.
Morning...thanks it a bit slow over here with info..
Apparently the shooter and an attendee were killed.
UPDATED INFO: One attendee and shooter is deceased.
shooter killed, 1 spectator killed, 1 spectator critical...
trump's massive combed over bald spot on the back of his head exposed to the cameras...
Holy shit, I agree with you.
Morning be honest I am surprised this hasn't happened earlier..
It certainly has been on the cards and one reason I hope we never ever get to the stage of such intensity in politics like the US does...
It almost becomes fanatical to some people...
I had always thought that the only people who would be assassins were Trump followers, such as those with a Kyle Rittenhouse mentality, so I didn't even dream he would be assassinated.
Not wrong...go to a political rally (not that I would go to one in a pink fit) and literally you don't come back home...
Your political beliefs just cost you your life...that is just so wrong on so many fronts...
welcome to america...
Oh we don't put up statues of registered republicans.
The title of the article is misleading
Trump was not just injured - this was an assassination attempt!
That was real blood on his face, caused by a real bullet. The shooter and an attendee were killed by those real bullets.[✘]
Nope, they are already blaming Trump for the incident as a false flag operation.
No damn proof what-so-ever; but it is Trump.
Wonder where he found a suicidal, expert marksman, hitman? Must have been a damn good shot to just graze Trump's head and do no serious damage. How much would that cost; and who would collect?
Of course they can't take the logical conclusion that this was a real assassination attempt; and the shooter came damn close to taking out Trump.
HOLY SHIT!!!! PLEASE!!! Send me a PN with the next lottery winning numbers. I swear I'll share the winnings with you 50-50.
Ironic... It was determined that it was the glass from his TELEPROMPTER that caused a slight cut to his face.
Source? I only ask since I’m curious about glass flying backwards and not in the direction of the bullet.
some people have a hard time connecting the dots when they're too close together...
He is not John Kerry and unlike Kerry he didn't injure himself.
maybe they'll pin it to his bone spur, if they can remember which foot it be on....
they can't figure out, where to draw the line.
lone wolf, amateur hour...
alternative headline -
trump gets right ear gauged at rally in desperate appeal for millennial voters
Finally, something original and funny.
Had to happen sooner or later.
This was indeed an assassination attempt.
Now that there is more information available, I have to agree.
How long before Trump himself or someone in his campaign blames this on Joe Biden, by name? Less than 24 hours sounds about right.
Sorry, you were saying?
So I guess that no time in the past three years it is not possible that he had a severe head injury and hasn't had the time to change parties from Republican to Democrat. To more reflect his diminished thought processes.
Was disappointed coverage of this incident pre-empted a couple shows I wanted to watch, but was still able to watch a MLB game so no big deal I guess. I haven't read any of the other comments has the blame game and conspiracy theories started yet?