Article History
This Just In: Scientists Discover That Men’s and Women’s Brains Work Differently
Via: Nerm_L • News Viners • 37 Comments • 6 Likes • last year
“Wow. Impressive stuff.”
Let's hear the 'follow the science' liberals explain why the science is wrong. Several million years of evolution can be completely transformed with a meme, after all.
For Many Ukrainians, It's a 10-Year Anniversary of War
Via: Nerm_L • News Viners • 2 Comments • 3 Likes • last year
“Russia's invasion came in two phases, many Ukrainians say: the first a decade ago, when it sent soldiers over the border in an unacknowledged...”
Yes, the Ukrainian war began with an insurrection a decade ago. Then President Barack Obama sided with the insurrectionists. However, the Soviet style revision of the history only feeds liberal's self indulgent conceit at the expense of truth. The interim government appointed by insurrection...
Stop saying that ChatGPT "hallucinates"
Via: Nerm_L • News Viners • 2 Comments • 5 Likes • last year
“Adam Frank argues that saying chatbots "hallucinate" risks conflating the operations of large language models with human cognitive processes.”
The article seems to focus attention on artificial intelligence. But aren't human attempts to anthropomorphize AI the real hallucination? We perceive the responses of AI to be human-like and hallucinate some sort of sentience. So, AI is teaching us about the human condition in an awkward, back...
Hillary Clinton claims Trump will withdraw US from NATO if elected: 'He means what he says'
Via: Nerm_L • News Viners • 50 Comments • 5 Likes • last year
“Failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton warned this weekend that former President Trump will try to withdraw the U.S. from NATO if he wins...”
Hillary Clinton doesn't seem to realize she is providing an endorsement for reelecting Donald Trump. Clinton is stuck in the past which has become an obstacle to the future. NATO doesn't serve a useful purpose for the United States any longer.
Putin is Stronger Than Ever—Why?
Via: Nerm_L • News Viners • 3 Comments • 3 Likes • last year
“Despite setbacks in Ukraine, the Russian president looks set to consolidate his power at next month's elections.”
Is Putin really stronger? Or is this just another lie told by liberals (and that includes neoliberals) to manipulate public opinion? From the lowly vantage point of an American peon, Vladimir Putin doesn't seem any different today than when Bill Clinton hob knobbed with him. Vladimir Putin has...
Eagle-eyed residents reveal sophisticated migrant smuggling operation at northern US border
Via: Nerm_L • News Viners • 1 Comments • 4 Likes • last year
“Unsettling Post footage and interviews with US residents along the Canadian border offer a rare glimpse into the thriving migrant smuggling...”
Yes, New York really is a border state. And it appears Biden's beloved migrants are learning to cross the northern border illegally, too.
Why the United States needs NATO - 3 things to know
Via: Nerm_L • News Viners • 5 Comments • 2 Likes • last year
“Donald Trump has threatened to not defend some NATO countries if Russia attacks them. But the US also benefits from the power that NATO gives it,...”
Yet another opinion piece about the evils of Trump. NATO is only being used to justify the fearmongering. And that fearmongering has twisted a small set of facts into a giant lie. Of course, Trump haters are so gullible they'll swallow anything. Yes, NATO allies are reliable. Those allies...
Analysis: What are the potential geopolitical implications of Russia's purported space weapon?
Via: Nerm_L • News Viners • 1 Comments • 1 Like • last year
“Russia isn't likely to put nuclear missiles in space, but their reported anti-satellite weapon is just as alarming. An expert on nuclear strategy...”
Yes, President Biden has revived the Cold War. Biden likely did not intend to revive the Cold War but, nevertheless, here we are. At present the neoliberals in Congress are being confronted with irrelevance so their kneejerk fearmongering is understandable. Cold War institutions, like NATO,...
Starfish Prime, When The U.S. Detonated A Nuke In Space
Via: Nerm_L • News Viners • 2 Comments • 2 Likes • last year
“On July 9, 1962, the U.S detonated a 1.4-megaton nuclear warhead 240 miles above the Pacific Ocean in a controversial test known as Starfish Prime.”
A bit of Cold War history that current politics has brought back to life. Yes, President Biden really has revived the Cold War. Biden has taken us back to the 1950s in terms of nuclear strategies and nuclear risks. Biden has even approved the development of new gravity bombs that requires...
US Army under increasing pressure as it foots bill for Ukraine support
Via: Nerm_L • News Viners • 2 Comments • 3 Likes • last year
“We’re basically taking it out of hide in the Army”
Biden's lack of planning and incompetent leadership has created yet another crisis. Cue violins; play a dirge. And, oh yes, blame Republicans for Biden's screw up. The interesting tidbits found in this reporting is that the US Army claims to be spending million$. But Biden is requesting...