With America's Eyes on Ukraine, Biden Made Biggest Concession to China Yet | Opinion
By: Ben Weingarten
Surprised? I think not.
With America's eyes fixed on Ukraine, the Biden administration just gave Communist China its greatest gift yet.
In so doing, it caved—by its own admission—to the demands of American progressives, who serve as the Chinese Communist Party's most useful of idiots.
In a little-noticed February 23 university speech , Assistant Attorney General Matthew Olsen of the Justice Department's National Security Division announced the department would be terminating its preeminent counter-espionage program, the China Initiative .
This comes as the Biden DOJ is ramping up its pursuit of Americans on the basis of purported "domestic terror" threats it has never explicitly defined or substantiated.
The Trump DOJ launched the China Initiative as part of the administration's comprehensive effort to confront the CCP. The program aimed to disrupt and deter national security threats posed by China with a focus on countering and prosecuting its economic espionage, intellectual property theft, hacking and related efforts to infiltrate and exploit strategically significant American institutions.
The DOJ had brought dozens of cases under the initiative, most notably prosecuting the former chair of Harvard's Chemistry and Chemical Biology Department, Dr. Charles Lieber, and the chief financial officer of Huawei , Meng Wanzhou.
The initiative was more than justified given China's penetration of America's schools, research centers and businesses. As FBI Director Christopher Wray recognized just a few weeks ago in a speech on the domestic threat posed by Communist China:
When we tally up what we see in our investigations—over 2,000 of which are focused on the Chinese government trying to steal our information or technology—there is just no country that presents a broader threat to our ideas, our innovation and our economic security than China.
Olsen concurred with Wray's remarks that China's threats are "more brazen [and] more damaging than ever before." The assistant attorney general conceded that China "stands apart." But by the same token, he insisted that "we at the Justice Department confront threats from a variety of nation-state actors," and that "there is no one threat that is unique to a single adversary."
Multiple nations may threaten with the same tactics. But the extent of the threats—driven by an adversary's capability and will—necessarily differs. Some are obviously more threatening than others. China is the single most formidable one America faces.
It would seem, given the termination of the China Initiative, that the DOJ either doesn't agree, or doesn't care.
As Olsen remarked during the Q&A that followed his speech: "focusing on the China Initiative didn't make sense anymore in the context of the array of threats we face...from a broad range of state actors."
How can we read this as anything other than that the DOJ is de-prioritizing China, treating it as one challenge among many?
Sure, Olsen was at pains to claim the department wouldn't take its eye off the Beijing ball. But China's threats, he suggested, would now be pursued under a far broader Strategy for Countering Nation-State Threats. If the DOJ pursues more nation-state threats, necessarily it will have fewer resources to dedicate to the China threat.
Does a lesser focus on China also signal a diminished willingness to vigorously pursue associated cases? The answer may well be "yes," if the DOJ's recent activity is any indication. During its review of the China Initiative, which culminated in the initiative's cancellation, the department dropped a number of prosecutions and copped to a massive sweetheart deal in the critical case of the aforementioned Meng Wanzhou.
The termination of the China Initiative is all the more outrageous given the politically correct rationale behind it.
The Biden DOJ, in its own telling, did not drop the initiative because it was ineffective. Rather, it did so because progressive activists cried racism, and the department apparently lacked the will to weather the criticism, let alone rebut it, apparently prioritizing optics over national security.
As Olsen detailed in his speech, "We have heard concerns from the civil rights community that the 'China Initiative' fueled a narrative of intolerance and bias."
Consequently, the DOJ felt that "by grouping cases under the China Initiative rubric, we helped give rise to a harmful perception that the department applies a lower standard to investigate and prosecute criminal conduct related to that country or that we in some way view people with racial, ethnic or familial ties to China differently."
Olsen therefore concluded the initiative "is not the right approach"—primarily based on "a harmful perception" of a policy.
True, Olsen also recognized the DOJ had been pressured by academics to drop the initiative. These academics claimed that investigating scholars and researchers who may have ties to the CCP would create a "chilling atmosphere" damaging to America's "scientific enterprise." However, this was not the main reason Olsen cited in his decision to kill the effort.
Progressive groups, who, as I detailed in a January 2021 piece for Newsweek , had been lobbying the White House to drop the China Initiative since before Biden's inauguration, got a veto over U.S. national security policy merely by claiming it gave the appearance of being discriminatory.
Now every other adversary has learned an effective strategy to get out of the U.S. government's crosshairs: claim U.S. polices to counter them are bigoted, and stir up American progressive groups to pressure the national security apparatus to relent.
Chinese officials learned this lesson long ago. They repeatedly "urged" the Biden administration to execute measures like ending the China Initiative.
Last summer, during Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman's visit with Chinese counterparts in Tianjin, Beijing reportedly presented Washington with two lists, a "List of U.S. Wrongdoings that Must Stop" and a "List of Key Individual Cases that China Has Concerns with."
One such item on the wish list was the revoking of the extradition request of Meng Wanzhou, which the Biden administration granted. Other requests reportedly included rolling back sanctions on Chinese officials and companies and removing visa restrictions on Chinese students.
Did Chinese officials ask the Biden administration to terminate the Justice Department's initiative within the two lists, during those talks or otherwise?
I posed this question to the State Department, which referred me to the Department of Justice . A Justice Department spokesperson referred me to Olsen's remarks, noting that he "addressed the reasons for ending the China Initiative and launching the new strategy to address nation -state [sic] threats" therein.
For China's part, foreign ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying—channeling her inner American progressive during a press conference following Olsen's speech—said the China Initiative:
exacerbates racial discrimination in the U.S., severely harms Asian-American groups, and also poisons the atmosphere of China-U.S. mutual trust and cooperation. The Foreign Ministry of China and the Chinese Embassy in the U.S. lodged multiple solemn representations on different levels from the very beginning to urge the U.S. side to stop implementing the initiative.
The Biden administration obliged.
In lobbying against the China Initiative, the CCP and its mouthpieces were recycling their playbook from the coronavirus pandemic that began in China, smearing critics as anti-Asian—this of course coming from a regime that engages in genocide and brutally persecutes minorities of every kind.
On that issue, too, the Biden administration provided the CCP a propaganda coup, barring the use of terms like "China virus" or "Wuhan flu" with a first-week executive memorandum.
This makes two times it served a CCP information effort.
China is the greatest winner of all here, not only because the Initiative thwarted its malign efforts, but because the DOJ legitimized claims that the American people and their government are bigoted.
Only years from now will we know the extent of the damage done by a president so deeply in hock to the woke, who here have done the CCP's bidding to devastating effect.
And now for a behind the scenes look at the Biden administration .................................
Iran is happy as well. Biden is using Russia to broker a "deal."
Blinken will be sitting at the same table with killers of women and children.
Are right wing [Deleted] ever going to use the word "China" again without putting the word "communist" in front of it? [Deleted]
So John are they not Communists now?
Are leftwing [Deleted] ever going to care more about national security than they do about being woke and PC?
What is the purpose of using the adjective "communist" in front of the word "China" every time?
It is to brainwash conservatives and religious fanatics to hate everything about China, and frankly to make China the global boogeyman.
Why should Americans be afraid of China? Are they going to invade us?
Why would an "American" like China?
How many Americans have died in the last 2 years?
How many manufacturing jobs have they taken from us?
How much technology have they stolen from us?
Oh, John I know why!
Let me just say that the one hopeful thought is that China remains in the company of such fellow authoritarian regimes as North Korea and Syria against 141 nations aligned against the Russian invasion.
I dont like China or dislike China. They are an economic rival of the United States and the is the basis on which we should deal with them.
I dont run around calling them "commies" . It is ridiculous.
Next thing you know the right will be calling everyone who disagrees with them in the US "communists". Oh wait, that is happening already.
Much like the left calls everyone who disagrees with them racists, bigots, etc. etc.........That kind of "the next thing you know"?
Why does it matter so much if they chose to, because the wokesters don't like it? The lefts war on words is a one of the most monumental wastes of time I have ever seen. You can't call illegal aliens illegal, you can't put the word Communist in front of Chinese, heaven forbid you call a virus that originated in Wuhan the Wuhan flu and everyone gets their own pronoun depending on how they are feeling on any given day are just a few examples. It is impossible to keep up with their rules. And why are they doing it? So they can virtue signal everyone as to how enlightened and inclusive they are as they demonize anyone that does not buy the crap they are selling.
Amusing, and very sad.
China has an ongoing civilization that is thousands of years old and you think the most important way to describe that civilization is "communist" ?
What is the purpose of trying to link Trump with Putin every time the latter is brought up. What is the point of screaming collusion every damn time Trump says anything about Putin or Russia? What is the point of saying Fascist every time Putin is mentioned by the leftist media?
It is to brainwash leftist lemmings to hate everything about Russia; and to make Russia the global boogeyman.
Neither are the Russians- but that hasn't stopped the Democrats from vilifying them since just before the 2016 elections. Funny how the left suddenly embraced fascist China; and has tried to adopt Chinese governing to the US. One party rule- the left is all for it; and wants the federal government to run all elections. Turning public schools into indoctrination centers- since Democrats can't get real ones; they are going to turn public schools into them- and brain wash generations to their twisted ways of thinking. Rule of law- screw that- we have a two tier justice system on full display for the world to see. Left wing brown shirt rioters the vast majority released w/o charges; Jan 6th rioters- tracking every last damn one down- charging them with anything they can make stick. Remind us which party wants to do away with the filibuster and pack the Supreme Court again?
China is far more dangerous than Russia; because they are a hell of a lot smarter.
I never said it was the most important way. Once again you make something up, ignore most of the post and miss the point being made.
Sad, but typical.
If you are so unaware of what China has been doing that you feel you can legitimately ask this question then trying to answer it would probably be useless.
This one isn't legit, Vic. I blame this one squarely on the greed of American business, consumerism and our own government.
It is stunning that you can be so morally certain in your contempt for Trump but on the fence about China. Do you just not know what they do?
First, and most immediate, they continue to do business as usual with Russia, taking the sting out of sanctions - thus encouraging and supporting the invasion of Ukraine, and the slaughter of its civilian population. They have been propping up North Korea for years with the same approach.
They have a long history of illegally claiming sovereignty over the South China Sea, including areas either considered by international law to be “international waters” or actual territory belonging to other sovereign nations. And they enforce these claims with military force and intimidation.
They have been conducting what many call a genocide against the Uyghur people.
They routinely conduct hacking operations in the US, stealing intellectual property from tech firms and security information from defense firms. They are not “economic rivals.” They are cyber-pirates.
Have you seen how China is destroying civil rights in Hong Kong? Rights they promised to protect when they took control?
Shall we talk about human rights abuses just in general?
That's fucking hilarious. During the Russian hoax, how many times did you and yours refer to us as "comrades" when we correctly pointed out there was never any collusion between Trump and Russia?
Americans are getting fucking sick and tired of leftists accusing the right of something, then finding out the left is actually DOING whatever it is.
The left wing is a cancer on this country and will be a direct player in its downfall in the future.
Do tell me what does "CCP" for, especially the second "c"
Gee, Vic, it's a good thing I'm not an American, because I really like China.
It's a pretty capitalistic Communism. I believe China has more billionaires than America, lots of millionaires, a growing middle class that is expected to include more than 2/3 of the population by 2030 and last year abject poverty was eradicated.
You left out a couple things that surely you must believe and/or rely upon.
Devil worship - every Sunday night they dance around a bonfire wearing devil masks and sing songs praising Satan
Slavery - as of the end of 2020 they have succeeded in forcing even the poorest most miserable of Chinese people to have a decent roof over their head and food on the table because of their Fascist eradication of abject poverty
They're so uncivilized they eat with a pair of sticks instead of a fork, even though they INVENTED the fork thousands of years ago - with a 5000 year old civilization they're virtual Neanderthals - you should see their mud hut cities like Shanghai and Beijing, and where I live in Chongqing.
Don't forget "The Yellow Peril"
The proper name of the Chinese government is "Communist Party of China" for which the acronym is "CPC". Most people just mistakenly say "CCP" which is an acronym for "China's Communist party". The full name for China as a nation is the "People's Republic of China", the acronym for which is "PRC". I've often wondered why people in your nation are called Americans, because, being a Canadian, I'm also an American, a North American, just as you are. Maybe you should be called a USAian to identify you of which kind of American you are.
Unlike Canada and other countries on the American continent, America is part of our country's name. The United States of AMERICA!
Won't you let me have a little fun with that? I'm at least a Canadian American, or an American Canadian, am I not?
Oh my. How embarrassing your post is. A long list of documented atrocities and threats perpetrated by the Chinese government is listed and all you can do is respond with straw man arguments and accusations of racism.
If you’re in danger of being arrested or something, I sympathize. What a shame, though.
Documented? By eyewitnesses to what they are writing? The media? You mean the media these days is reliable, unbiased, and free of misinformation? And America has no reason to need to contain China by demonizing it notwithstanding how hypocritical that may be? Guess it has to grasp on to that "Number ONE" spot any way it possibly can.
Why would you sympathize if I'm in no danger? You would prefer that I were?
I worded it that way with you in mind.
So thoughtful, as always, eh Vic?
It’s fine Buzz. I understand your anger and desperation. You’re probably told all day long how wonderful China is and the atrocities it commits are hidden from you or spun wildly. Russians are going through the same thing right now. Their own family members outside Russia cannot convince them that Russia is actually invading Ukraine. They won’t believe it. In Russia, as in China or North Korea, the power of government propaganda and coercion is too great.
Yes, it's fine, Tacos! I've lived in 3 different cities in China over the more than 15 years I've been here, come to know many many people, and although it's not surprising to me that the American government and media do their utmost to demonize China, for what I consider an obvious reason, the people here are not, as believed, chained to their worktables and whipped into submission. In fact it's a pretty happy society AND I SEE THIS WITH MY OWN TWO EYES. But you can believe all the wonderful propaganda yourself, it's no skin off my teeth. I am not even one bit desperate, and am more relaxed that I can remember back to childhood - as for anger, no, it's not anger, it's pity for those who are so blind they cannot see. Seems to me that around half of America's population is never happy depending on which party is in control, but that's your choice.
America doesn’t have a reason to demonize China. China has demonized itself without help from anyone.
What’s more, my sources are not exclusively American government or media. They aren’t even mostly that.
The first source, about the South China Sea, was from Australia. The second, on the Uyghurs, was from the BBC (UK). The source about Hong Kong comes from the Council on Foreign Relations, which is an independent think tank - neither government nor media. Two of the sources are official reports from US government agencies. Only one source is US news media. The final source is Human Rights Watch, which is a non-partisan, non-profit organization that works internationally and is critical of every country, including the United States.
All of these sources are widely respected (with the possible exception of CNN) and have evidence to support their reports.
So your whole spin of “the US just hates China” does not apply here. A reply of integrity would have engaged the material cited, but instead all you could do was accuse me of racism.
Your knee-jerk ad hominem attacks scream otherwise.
If I accused you of racism, why didn't you flag it? If not, then your accusation is blowing in the wind as is your opinion of me.
It’s not “if.” You did accuse me of racism. Are you going to try and pretend otherwise? Why play games? Speak directly and honestly.
In any event, I’m not such a baby that I need to run to the mods over something as lame as you accusing me of racism. Instead I confronted you with it and gave you a chance to improve your discourse. Whether you seize that opportunity or run from it is on you.
You won't flag it because you know I did not call you a racist. Don't bother to reply to me again because if you do I will just IMPASSE this useless waste of time dialogue, no matter what shit or accusation your comment contains.
I already explained to you why I didn’t flag it. And continuing to debate the matter just keeps a spotlight on what you said. You probably would have preferred that I flag it. No such luck.
I also invited you to respond to the content of what I posted. Are you incapable of that?
You didn’t? I would be happy to be wrong, but the following are YOUR words. Where I have bolded your words, you attribute the racist beliefs to me. That’s where I feel you were calling me racist. If I have misinterpreted your words, then by all means, clarify your remarks. Or retract them. But if you can’t, then your meaning will remain clear and obvious to all.
So, I think your meaning was pretty plain.
I have also invited you multiple times to discuss the actual reasons why China is a problem for the international community. So far, you refuse and insist on trolling me with accusations of racism or bias in my sources. So, last chance. How about a grownup conversation, for a change?
And don't forget using the term "right wing nut jobs" for all those that disagree with them.
Better to look like an idiot than to become a liberal/progressive/democrat and remove all doubt
Personal experience ?
Maybe but you prove the second part of the comment everyday.
What's your excuse arkie?
I don't need an excuse, but you do.
Let's go Brandon
They defined "domestic terror" quite well, as any message, statement or act that goes against the current administrations agenda. You work? You're a domestic terrorist. You support the People's Convoy? You're a domestic terrorist. You use critical thinking? You're a domestic terrorist.
Remember when their parents were out there protesting the Vietnam War and getting high? Then we heard that the right to protest was our most sacred right.
Funny how it has all changed!
Hypocrisy is their most sacred right these days. It allows them to justify anything and everything done in pursuit of their agenda while condemning similar acts when they don't serve their agenda.
Which they supported in 2020 as many US cities burned. Then suddenly after November 2020 practicing that right made them Domestic Terrorists when they did as Maxine Waters stated and got "in their faces".
Don't forget if you are a parent that care what your children are taught in school you are a terrorist.
But one is not a terrorist if they assault the school board members or threaten them by telling them that next time they're bringing their guns, because that's "The American Way", and proving that they're "EXCEPTIONAL".
Show us where that happened?
An angry parent punched a Connecticut school board member in t…
School Board Members Face Rising Threats Across the U.S ...
Virginia Mom Charged in Threat to Bring Guns to School ...
Jan 22, 2022 · A Virginia mom was charged Friday after telling Page County school board members who’d been discussing mask policies that she would bring loaded guns to her...
All the alt-right terrorizing school board members over things that aren't being taught.
After the school board member was punched, he should have been handed over to me!
What exactly would YOU have done?
When we tally up what we see in our investigations—over 2,000 of which are focused on the Chinese government trying to steal our information or technology—there is just no country that presents a broader threat to our ideas, our innovation and our economic security than China.
Not to mention: "the theft of American trade secrets by China costs the United States “anywhere from $300bn to $600bn” a year"
It's disgraceful that the Biden administration is happy to look the other way. .
"the theft of American trade secrets by China costs the United States “anywhere from $300bn to $600bn” a year"
In other words the current approach is not working, and needs to be reconfigured. Hence:
Sure, Olsen was at pains to claim the department wouldn't take its eye off the Beijing ball. But China's threats, he suggested, would now be pursued under a far broader Strategy for Countering Nation-State Threats.
The next statement is an armchair opinion (as this is an opinion column):
If the DOJ pursues more nation-state threats, necessarily it will have fewer resources to dedicate to the China threat.
As is this opinion, which seems to undercut your comment:
The Biden DOJ, in its own telling, did not drop the initiative because it was ineffective. Rather, it did so because progressive activists cried racism, and the department apparently lacked the will to weather the criticism, let alone rebut it, apparently prioritizing optics over national security.
You know what they say about opinions.
Holy smoke. I thought the bible thumper wasn't around any more. Are you his unauthorized second account here?
For whatever their reasons (Taiwan) China has been supporting and propagating Russian propaganda regarding the War In Ukraine...
Butt, also in Chinese self interests, China is making it plain they do NOT and will NOT give up the privileges they work so hard and so long to become one of the TWO MAJOR POWERS. China basically created the current world order and is not about to give that up for Putin's Folly in Ukraine...
Au contraire, China has been CAREFULLY maintaining a neutral position, abstaining as 47 nations did at the UN (but accused by the US that if one doesn't vote exactly as the US does, then they are wrong) and calling for negotiations instead of warfare. Prove otherwise instead of posting here and elsewhere false allegations and not so clever backhanded comments meant to harass me.
They have done exactly as expected. They side with Russia with their statements, but of course cannot take direct action in the conflict as they have much to lose.
Lol, whatever. Blaming everyone but the actual invaders isn't "calling for negotiations".
Please provide me with HONEST quotations and links that back up your denial that China has not taken sides in this conflict. Both Russia (which is China's neighbour) and Ukraine are nations important to China. Russia is important because America has done its damndest to alienate China, demonize it, interfere in its domestic affairs, and recruit other nations to help the USA contain it to prevent it from surpassing the USA, and so the USA has with all its might and tools within its grasp save for actual invasion PUSHED China into improving its relationship with Russia. As well, Ukraine has provided China with a lot of much-needed wheat, and was already established as a necessary link in China's Belt and Road Initiative to the rest of Europe. China's statements were calling for negotiations rather than fighting to take place not between Russia and America or Russia and Europe, but, if you have been reading correctly, between Russia and Ukraine, the two nations directly involved in the war. Do a little more research before you post, or just keep posting American propaganda and blaming me for posting Chinese propaganda (which has become a favourite sport on this site).
I stand by what I said. China is propagating Russian war propaganda. If you are unaware of this it is because you are in a news bubble.
I can't open your link. If you are seeking to educate me with what you have read, please copy and paste the article in its entirety. However, both of us should be aware that whatever both of us read is not necessarily reliable.
You are unaware because you are in a bubble!
I seeded the Brookings Institute article on the NT front page so you should be able to see it now. Thanks for motivating me with your wrongheaded accusations and personal potshot. I don't know. Should I post more articles about China since you are out of the loop? I'll look for something really damning...
There is no comparison between America's free press and internet and the rank censorship of Chinese media and you know it. So just STOP!
Joe is compromised and China needs to be eliminated from the world stage, economically and isolated like the Russians.
There is no greater scum on planet earth than the Communist. Their sick and corrupt ideology always leaves them steps behind and we must take advantage of this and end them.
All westerners that sleep with the enemy are culpable, they must be forgotten and not forgiven. They sold their souls, no mercy.
I guess you could say I sleep with the enemy because I live in China and I sleep with my Chinese wife so I would like to say that anyone who thinks like Joe McCarthy or Roy Cohn is a fucking fool who should be forgotten and not forgiven. I'm not a Communist, nor is my wife or anyone in her family, but obviously I'm not so scared of Communism that I have to spout out such ignorance as in your comment. I'm not sure which comes first - hatred then fear, or fear and then hatred.
By the way, for a Communist country, China is pretty advanced and powerful, and I really think it's nothing more than mental illness to think that it can be eliminated from the world stage, economically and isolated.