By: retired military ex Republican • default • 0 comments • 11 years ago
Had a supposable Digital T.V. update done to my T.V./Phone system I have only one carrier.The unit they installed to replace an in line amplifier where phones and T.V. come in the house strongly resembles a digital recorder player with Phone interconnect as well. Like no amplifier I've ever seen.If the individual is a rouge phone/ tv technician he has access to way more information off of the...
What If Republican fascist Tea party members own all the Major radio and Television Stations?
By: retired military ex Republican • default • 2 comments • 12 years ago
The law was Changed during Clintons presidency that one company could own as many radio or T.V. stations as they could afford. Let Capitalism reign, or is that a fascist activity like Hitlers Germany. Freedom of speech is quickly being eliminated preparing for the next election. The law use to be a maximum of 14 stations by one owner be it person or Corporation.Now Bain Capitol owns One...
Defense/Agression spending
By: retired military ex Republican • default • 1 comments • 12 years ago
We do not have a huge Military budget to fund Defenses we have a huge budget to fund Aggression military weapons to allow invasion in any country we decide to invade often for made up reason ( lies ).We spent 22 or 23 Billion on the last contract I heard of to fund the civilian military forces of US owned Corporations fighting in Iraq still and Afghanistan where next and what lie do we use next...
GOP with Obama
By: retired military ex Republican • default • 0 comments • 12 years ago
There are 100 reasons the Republicans are with President Obama on Syria.Position is controlled by these owners of the House and Senate and coming year is an election year.
From foster care into the sex trade
By: retired military ex Republican • default • 1 comments • 12 years ago
~Link to Article~ Foster children abused and used as child prostitutes then saved by police then given a record of prostitution. What kind of a legal system would do this to a child who is forced into prostitution. The legal system is broken and terribly distorted. Long read but enlightening.
Guns don't kill people. People kill people.
By: retired military ex Republican • default • 4 comments • 12 years ago
These people six year old murdered by four year old brother. Kentucky Killing This is a clear sign its time to buy more guns and more ammunition. The NRA will say aw just an acccident. I say aw bullshit guns kill people animals that is what they are designed to do. This time an infantant showed us how easy it is to kill some one with a gun. These gun pushers make me sick. Those who have been...
Texas Politician calls pro abortionist terrorist.
By: retired military ex Republican • default • 2 comments • 12 years ago
The thing that amazes me is the Bible states life starts at first breath. Test tube babies are probably currently possible with todays technology. Putting human embryos in an animal to be bornis quite possible. Sperm is a seed womans eggs are just that. Whare do Finatics draw the line why dont they follow their religion. Rape and incest the right wing fanatics see as acts of god apparently....
Infidelity in Marriage or relationships.
By: retired military ex Republican • default • 1 comments • 12 years ago
Infidelity knows few bounds. Number of divorces in the United states in traditional marriages 53%, number of divorces in family prearranged marriages 3%. Men are slightly higher concerning infidelity but only 3% difference. Number of men who would cheat if they were sure they wouldn't get caught 74% Women 68%, The very religious are as likely to commit adultery if not more so. The stronger...
NRA is now the new KKK.
By: retired military ex Republican • default • 4 comments • 12 years ago
A large majority of Gun owners are new gun owners following the election of President Obama. The GOP in conjunction with the NRA and Gun manuffactures have joined at the hips to portray a ruse of look out the African Amercans, Mexican and Chinese and Jewish and Muslim and any religion but Christian is going to take over. When a Party the GOP/NRA stoop to using poopie pants Neugent draft dodger...
President Bush and Dick Cheney proved how tough they were using other peoples children!
By: retired military ex Republican • default • 1 comments • 12 years ago
Many thousands of war Veterans came back physically injured amputees burns and emotional scars for life. PTSD Post Traumatic Stress disorder does not go away. Can it become manageable yes for some others sadly no. Most military suicides are caused by the emotional stress and horrific fear and killing atrocity all kept active by our Millitary establishment Big Coorporations. War at any cost...
Debtor prisons are back Private prisons a source of cheap corporate labor.
By: retired military ex Republican • default • 1 comments • 12 years ago
These courts are sentencing debtors who cannot possibly pay their fines to prison where they are put to work for Corporations like tose owned by the Koch brothers who use prison labor acrossed the country.Why no public outcry? Debtors prisons are supposed to be against the constitution. Europe used this form of labor before the United states was even an established independent Country.Young...
Do armed Civilans stop mass shootings? Actually NO!
By: retired military ex Republican • default • 2 comments • 12 years ago
Mass shootings are not detered by civilians with weapons. In fact in many cases they just become part of the injured or dead. Mass shooters are usually planning on dieing unless you are of the same mind they have the upper hand.