By: retired military ex Republican • default • 1 comments • 12 years ago
#1 The Gop reminds me of two things one is the little child laying on the floor screaming and banging the floor with their feet and fists as they lay on their stomach.#2 Remember the old golf story about the four golfers they go home and one Golfers wife asks her husband how his day was at the golf course?The husband replys on the front nine Fred had a heart attack.Wife says what a horrible day...
Who owns the Media?
By: retired military ex Republican • default • 0 comments • 12 years ago
Who owns the media goes way beyond the questian of who's dad owned the newspaper. As the Media can now be owned by foreign owners unlike the past where forein entities owning Newspapers and TV stations was illegal. Now who bundles the news is as important as who owns the station. Bundling is why you get 300 channels that you if normal watch 17 or less but yes you pay for all three hundred....
tax dollars support
By: retired military ex Republican • default • 3 comments • 12 years ago
How can it be legal for the Federal government to support the Christian Churches with tax money in the form of vouchers that go to the Church owned schools. Lucky for the church as their number of church memberships are dwindling in almost all churches. Profits go to the church. How is this legal because the House of Representatives says so? ???? Be a great funding cut update the Public Schools...
Presidential Power
By: retired military ex Republican • default • 0 comments • 12 years ago
The Decisions made by Obama and Drone strikes seem to me to be far less intusive than a full fledged invasion into Iraq and non invasion of Syria.GOP prefers the Invasion to prop up the expenditures for our Millitary world dominance plan.SUMMARYSyndicated columnist Mark Shields and New York Times columnist David Brooks joined Judy Woodruff to discuss the White House release of a Department of...
Damned if you do damned if you don't.
By: retired military ex Republican • default • 3 comments • 12 years ago
Benghazi Attack: Why didn't the President take action. What action?1. Grabbed his Pilot jumped on Air force One?2. Directed the rescue attempt from the situation room?3. Told the Generals what to do?There is nothing the president could do he had not already done. The president told them to take what action that was needed. Atthat point the Generals had to do their job.The Generals had control...
Doctors Medical Providers beating the system.
By: retired military ex Republican • default • 0 comments • 12 years ago
Doctors or let me better define it my Doctor who is part of a Ohio Health Care Provideris duping Medicare by only giving one time perscriptions no refills. No perscriptions or test results without an office visit, Seeing that I have to drive about 80 miles to get my perscription filled its rather expensive in time and gas to make the trip to the doctors office get the script and making the 80...