Tagged: homosexuality
Dispelling More Myths About Sexual Orientation and Transgenderism
Via: eginnj
News & Politics
8 years ago
It seems that so many science deniers positively revel in their ignorance about sexuality: they continue to insist that one can change one's sexual orientation; they confuse orientation with...
'Hazards of Homosexuality' Flier Distributed at Values Voter Summit
Via: eginnj
News & Politics
8 years ago
A flier promoting a book on the "health hazards of homosexuality" was distributed to guests at Values Voter Summit where President Trump spoke. by John Paul Brammer / Oct.13.2017 / 4:15 PM ET...
'National Parents Coming Out Day' Aims to Educate Families of LGBTQ Youth
Via: eginnj
News & Politics
8 years ago
"National Parents Coming Out Day" is a day for parents to learn how to support their LGBTQ youth, which is a strong factor in mental and physical health. by John Paul Brammer / Oct.12.2017 /...
Texas Church Halts All Weddings Until Clergy Can Officiate Same-Sex Marriages
Via: gordy327
News & Politics
8 years ago
From NBCNEWS : The leadership of the First United Methodist Church of Austin (FUMC Austin) recently announced they will not perform any wedding ceremonies until the church's national leadership...
Is homosexuality conclusively and solely biologically predetermined? (ie, are you born gay?)
Via: j70141
News & Politics
8 years ago
Not according to the APA and other authoritative figures: “Although much research has examined the possible genetic, hormonal, developmental, social and cultural influences on sexual...
Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity are Biologically Determined -- But Bigotry is a [Dumb] Choice!
Via: eginnj
News & Politics
8 years ago
All of the available peer-reviewed, unbiased science indicates that sexual orientation is inborn. However, there are so many deniers here on Newsvine and elsewhere. I know that you deniers will...