
Tagged: business

Consumer spending highlights widening income inequality

Consumer spending highlights widening income inequality

Via:   •  NEWSMucks  •  2 Comments  •  2 weeks ago

Teamsters union withholds presidential endorsement amid strong support for Trump

Teamsters union withholds presidential endorsement amid strong support for Trump

Via:   •  News Viners  •  2 Comments  •  6 months ago

The rank and file support Trump so, naturally, the executive board sweeps it under the carpet.  But then union leadership has been feathering their own nests for many, many decades.  
Woman rescued from outhouse toilet after climbing in to retrieve Apple Watch, Michigan police say - ABC News

Woman rescued from outhouse toilet after climbing in to retrieve Apple Watch, Michigan police say - ABC News

Via:   •  Today's America  •  5 Comments  •  2 years ago

Only in America is technology worth getting shitty
Chicago visitation rose 60% in 2022, tourism group says - Chicago Sun-Times

Chicago visitation rose 60% in 2022, tourism group says - Chicago Sun-Times

Via:   •  NEWSMucks  •  5 Comments  •  2 years ago

FAA launches faster East Coast routes to avoid congestion

FAA launches faster East Coast routes to avoid congestion

Via:   •  News Viners  •  1 Comments  •  2 years ago

Hey, way to address climate change.  More CO2 generators at higher altitudes won't cause any problem whatsoever.  Those carbon emissions can be offset by simply banning gas ranges.
Supreme Court Investigators Have Narrowed Leak Inquiry to Small Number of Suspects

Supreme Court Investigators Have Narrowed Leak Inquiry to Small Number of Suspects

Via:   •  We the People  •  1 Comments  •  2 years ago

Degrowth: A dangerous idea or the answer to the world's biggest problems?

Degrowth: A dangerous idea or the answer to the world's biggest problems?

Via:   •  News Viners  •  10 Comments  •  3 years ago

So much spin is being employed that the reporting risks flying apart.  The real issue is sustainability.  Trying to obscure that fact with a cloud of euphemistic smoke about 'degrowth' is nothing...
It's Official: America Is an Oligarchy | The Nation

It's Official: America Is an Oligarchy | The Nation

Via:   •  NEWSMucks  •  29 Comments  •  3 years ago

Arizona OKs biggest US school voucher plan, faces challenge | AP News

Arizona OKs biggest US school voucher plan, faces challenge | AP News

Via:   •  The Reality Show  •  44 Comments  •  3 years ago

A tampon shortage is the latest nightmare for women

A tampon shortage is the latest nightmare for women

Via:   •  News Viners  •  22 Comments  •  3 years ago

What does American capitalism actually do anymore?  There's a ready supply of excuses and scapegoats.  And we're constantly reassured there are firewalls to prevent price gouging. But that really...
Pentagon: most Russian forces left Mariupol

Pentagon: most Russian forces left Mariupol

Via:   •  News Viners  •  58 Comments  •  3 years ago

Ukrainians are now in control of Mariupol.  Of course, they're Ukrainian separatists.
Putin's Pollock: US seafood imports fuel Russian war machine

Putin's Pollock: US seafood imports fuel Russian war machine

Via:   •  News Viners  •  1 Comments  •  3 years ago

The tangled web of globalism.  A Japanese owned company in Massachusetts is selling Chinese processed fish caught by Russia.  Cue Joe Biden telling us that we don't understand how supply chains...
The US Has So Many Oil Pipelines, Half of Them Are Empty

The US Has So Many Oil Pipelines, Half of Them Are Empty

Via:   •  SiNNERs and ButtHeads  •  14 Comments  •  4 years ago

A shortage of these metals could make the climate crisis worse

A shortage of these metals could make the climate crisis worse

Via:   •  News Viners  •  4 Comments  •  4 years ago

Continuing to party while the world burns and hoping for a magical technological solution won't end well.  We are on track to see the largest transfer of income and wealth from the economic bottom...
Biden sees `win' for US in electric vehicle battery deal

Biden sees `win' for US in electric vehicle battery deal

Via:   •  News Viners  •  31 Comments  •  4 years ago

What's good for South Korea is good for the United States.  Of course, South Korean doesn't have to deal with BLM protests or a porous southern border or health care deserts or a shrinking middle...
Stephen Miller's Next Act Finds a Stage in the Courts - WSJ

Stephen Miller's Next Act Finds a Stage in the Courts - WSJ

Via:   •  We the People  •  1 Comments  •  4 years ago

Pfizer sees 'opportunity' to hike price for COVID vaccine

Pfizer sees 'opportunity' to hike price for COVID vaccine

Via:   •  News Viners  •  20 Comments  •  4 years ago

Never let a crisis go to waste.  Now begins the pharma lobbying of the CDC and FDA to recommend annual vaccination boosters just like flu shots.
This is the Postal Service's new mail truck

This is the Postal Service's new mail truck

Via:   •  News Viners  •  1 Comments  •  4 years ago

Is there an unwritten requirement that green vehicles must be butt ugly?
Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump, Selfless Public Servants, Made as Much as $120 Million Last Year

Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump, Selfless Public Servants, Made as Much as $120 Million Last Year

Via:   •  The Beacon  •  3 Comments  •  4 years ago

There are laws against this, but apparently the Trump family simply ignored them... and no one will ever hold them responsible. Hey! Rich people can do whatever they want!
Trump administration slashes imperiled spotted owls' habitat

Trump administration slashes imperiled spotted owls' habitat

Via:   •  The Beacon  •  9 Comments  •  4 years ago

The outgoing Administration seems to be doing as much damage as it possibly can before it goes.
Dr. Fauci says slow Covid vaccine rollout has been 'disappointing'

Dr. Fauci says slow Covid vaccine rollout has been 'disappointing'

Via:   •  News Viners  •  13 Comments  •  5 years ago

Why has the rollout of the vaccines been disappointing?  The vaccines have only been available for emergency use for two weeks.  According to reporting, over half of the initial planned quantity...
The Year of Driving Less—but More Dangerously

The Year of Driving Less—but More Dangerously

Via:   •  The Beacon  •  1 Comments  •  5 years ago

When I was a young man, I did some stupid stuff... including driving while falling-down-drunk. By miracle, I survived. Not everyone does...
The First Americans Are Being Vaccinated. Now, the Hard Part

The First Americans Are Being Vaccinated. Now, the Hard Part

Via:   •  News Viners  •  4 Comments  •  5 years ago

The deployment of the vaccines will be very predictable.  The obvious first phase involves vaccinating health care workers and the most vulnerable.  A common sense approach.  But that first phase...
Congress returns with virus aid, federal funding unresolved

Congress returns with virus aid, federal funding unresolved

Via:   •  We the People  •  1 Comments  •  5 years ago

Wall Street is shunning Trump. Campaign donations to Biden are five times larger - CNN

Wall Street is shunning Trump. Campaign donations to Biden are five times larger - CNN

Via:   •  We the People  •  1 Comments  •  5 years ago

Firms plead for Brexit deal as coronavirus leaves industry reeling

Firms plead for Brexit deal as coronavirus leaves industry reeling

Via:   •  The Beacon  •  1 Comments  •  5 years ago

We are overwhelmed by the vileness roiling out of Washington, so we might be forgiven for forgetting that the world continues to turn, elsewhere as well...
Facebook Market Value Plummets $56 Billion as Advertisers Flee Platform

Facebook Market Value Plummets $56 Billion as Advertisers Flee Platform

Via:   •  The Reality Show  •  5 Comments  •  5 years ago

Watch protesters harass local reporter at reopening rally

Watch protesters harass local reporter at reopening rally

Via:   •  The Reality Show  •  173 Comments  •  5 years ago