
Tagged: turtle

Mitch McConnell Hospitalized

Mitch McConnell Hospitalized

By:   •  The Banned Played On  •  86 Comments  •  last year

Well, it's happened again.  Moscow Mitch McConnell has taken another fall.  Doctors believe his shell protected him from serious injury.  Several onlookers helped roll him off of his back butt...
Fox News reports: Mitch McConnell says Trump’s Syria withdrawal is a ‘grave’ mistake

Fox News reports: Mitch McConnell says Trump’s Syria withdrawal is a ‘grave’ mistake

Via: krishna  •  News & Politics  •  22 Comments  •  5 years ago

(Photo: Fox News) Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell rebuked President Trump’s withdrawal of troops from Syria on Friday, calling it a “grave strategic mistake” in an op-ed that...