Tagged: vice president pence
Trump urges Americans to 'focus on prayer, grow in personal relationship with God' in Easter message
Via: heartland-american
News & Politics
5 years ago
It is great that our President and Vice President are remembering Holy Week and openly taking about our faith and hope in trying times like this. It was heartwarming to see him talk about faith...
White House has no plans to change Trump's coronavirus briefings as criticism mounts
Via: heartland-american
News & Politics
5 years ago
The media complains when there are no White House press briefings. Now the media complains when there are daily briefings. Then the media complains when he talks about other things and yet don’t...
Mike Pence encourages Americans to pray, keep tithing to church
Via: heartland-american
News & Politics
5 years ago
Thank you Vice President Pence. Faith based charities will remain at the forefront of the relief efforts during this crisis. Tithes and offerings are essential to providing those services. Pence...
Mike Pence: We need the American people's help to fight coronavirus now
Via: heartland-american
Health, Science & Technology
5 years ago
President Trump is doing a very good job along with the Pence commission and the cabinet agencies in handling this foreign imposed clear and present danger to the people and economy of the United...
Left’s outrage on Pence leading coronavirus response is latest example of religious intolerance
Via: donald-j-trump-fan-1
5 years ago
It is important to expose and confront the bigotry of the secular humanists against believers and to show that believers have a right to be in the public square and express our beliefs. This...
Trump says coronavirus vaccine coming along 'rapidly,' appoints Pence to head task force
Via: donald-j-trump-fan-1
News & Politics
5 years ago
It’s great to see Trump unlike the opposition in Congress remain calm and take a measured ad real response to this issue and problem. VP Pence will do a great job in leading to a solution to this...