White House has no plans to change Trump's coronavirus briefings as criticism mounts
Category: News & Politics
Via: heartland-american • 5 years ago • 58 commentsBy: Rob Crilly

The media complains when there are no White House press briefings. Now the media complains when there are daily briefings. Then the media complains when he talks about other things and yet don’t hesitate to ask him about other things. The media knows that the experts are going to speak each day and give important info and it’s not our problem if they cut away too soon on TV. These briefings are watched daily by millions from start to finish and it’s great that they will be happening at least until April 30.

First came some discussion of a pardon for Joe Exotic, the star of Netflix ratings winner Tiger King . And then, President Trump hinted he had secret dirt that would bring down sleepy Joe Biden.
It was only after an hour and 20 minutes of Wednesday’s coronavirus briefing, when most channels had switched away, that the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention took the podium to unveil new guidance on getting critical workers back to their jobs.
Such episodes have prompted a chorus of questions about whether Trump’s daily appearances in the briefing room are the best way to keep an anxious public abreast of an unfolding crisis.
Key aides say there is no plan to shake up a strategy that has seen the president’s approval rate climb, even as one noteworthy ally warned the briefings now amount to a “wasted opportunity.”
The editorial board of the Rupert Murdoch-owned Wall Street Journal said it was time for a rethink.
“The public doesn’t care who among the governors likes Mr. Trump, or whether the Obama Administration filled the national pandemic stockpile,” the board wrote on Wednesday evening.
“There will be time for recriminations. What the public wants to know now is what Mr. Trump and his government is doing to prevent the deaths of their loved ones or help the family breadwinner stay employed.”
It suggested reducing the sessions to 45 minutes, making Vice President Mike Pence the kickoff speaker, and reducing Trump’s appearances to twice a week.
[ Read more: Journalists to be tested for coronavirus ahead of Trump White House briefing ]
The piece was published minutes after Wednesday’s briefing had concluded.
Trump appeared for 57 minutes before leaving the briefing in Pence’s hands. During that time, he delivered a string of statistics on vital equipment sent to states and introduced Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who provided an update on the repatriation of Americans from overseas.
But a Q&A session veered on to other topics, such as a question about Tiger King and why former President Barack Obama had not endorsed Biden for Democratic presidential nominee.
“Why isn’t he? He knows something that you don't know, that I think I know, but you don't know,” said Trump. “So, it'll be interesting.”
At other times, the president has floated ideas (quarantining New York, ending domestic flights, and touting an unproven treatment ) that have blindsided aides or been contradicted by his own experts on the podium.
But despite occasional frustration, aides say there are no plans for a change.
A key Trump ally who is familiar with White House thinking said the briefings offered prime television time when other campaigns were silenced. The strategy would remain in place so long as New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo continued his briefings and likely until social distancing restrictions were lifted.
“The base is very receptive to these briefings and want to see him go toe-to-toe with reporters and hear how things are going on a day-to-day basis,” said the ally.
“I don’t see any change coming in how these briefings are conducted or the frequency before the country starts opening up."
Jason Miller, communications adviser on Trump’s 2016 campaign and co-host of the War Room: Pandemic podcast, said journalists would regret complaining when the White House reverted to closed, scripted events whenever Trump leaves office. But he said there was room for a more nuanced approach.
“When President Trump has important news to announce, then he should be up there in the briefing to deliver it, and the networks should be covering it,” he said. “I don’t think President Trump needs to do it every day, but it is the most effective way for him to communicate how the government is working for the American people.”
But despite occasional frustration, aides say there are no plans for a change.
A key Trump ally who is familiar with White House thinking said the briefings offered prime television time when other campaigns were silenced. The strategy would remain in place so long as New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo continued his briefings and likely until social distancing restrictions were lifted.
“The base is very receptive to these briefings and want to see him go toe-to-toe with reporters and hear how things are going on a day-to-day basis,” said the ally.
“I don’t see any change coming in how these briefings are conducted or the frequency before the country starts opening up."
The ones with the Lincoln Project? George Conway otherwise known as Mr. Fitzpatrick?
which has what to do with the pandemic? POS/POTUS isn't happy unless there's a camera or mic in front of his gaping maw. the only thing his daily televised campaign rallies have done is create a knee pad shortage in red states.
Why not ask the reporters who ask ridiculous questions why it is that they do so?
It's a Coronavirus briefing in name only.
Trump prefers using it as a campaign speech trying to convince everyone how great HE is, and how great HE has handled the pandemic (facts not withstanding)..
So basically he doesn't give a shit about providing sound advice, leading, or being a generally decent person, it is all a political ploy to "counter the Dems".
Not at all surprising.
Keep talking. Your approval rating is plummeting.
Actually it’s not.
Yes, actually it is...
It's a daily bitch fest by a cranky man child.
I almost pray for Pence to take the podium.
He does every day.
Trump job approval hits new high as voters rally during crisis
Approval of President Trump ’s job performance inches up to a record high in the latest Fox News Poll , as voters rally to both the White House and Congress in the fight against coronavirus.
Amid widespread concerns about the virus’s spread and personally getting infected, 49 percent approve of the job Trump is doing as president. That’s up from 48 percent two weeks ago and 47 percent in late February.
Forty-nine percent of voters disapprove, marking only the third time in Fox News polling that fewer than half rate him negatively.
Eighty-nine percent of Republicans approve of Trump, which is not far from his record 91 percent in January. In addition, approval sits at or near his best among women, Democrats, whites, and white evangelical Christians.
Don't be surprised if you get piled on by our TDS afflicted liberal friends on here because of the source of the poll, however, they were very quick to laud Fox poll when it had shown 51 percent of Americans wanted Trump impeached and removed.
I think a cure for TDS will not be found until January 2025.
ok...i agree
So you cherry picked a poll from State Run Media as proof?
An average of ALL the polls.
Note the graph? Trump approval ratings are dropping like a brick. Even republicans are realizing that trumps response to the coronavirus was an epic failure.
No I picked a reliable poll from a dependable and quality news source.
More data means more accuracy. The link I posted is an average of ALL polls. Cherry picking a poll isn't accurate, it's partisan. Also, I would remind you that you have, many times in the past, posted articles from RCP.
Here's the problem: :The media" thinks that the purpose of the briefings is to ask questions of the president so that information will be provided.
But Trump thinks the purpose is to have people praise him (regardless of what he says or does)
So of course there's conflict.
Here's a perfect example. Here a reporter from a mainstream media outlet edia (in this case it happens to be from Fox news) questions him,. But he isn't interested in informing the public...rather he is expecting to be admired and praised. So he does what he usually does-- he attempts to derail by changing the subject!
You mean ask questions like what is the next step in his defense for the impeachment? Yes, on one of the few times I watched this was one of the MANY retarded questions ask by the idiot calling themselves reporters.
when has trump backed off because the left criticized him? and why would he start now?
That is the bottom line. If the left and their media complains then double down and do it more because they did.
"White House Has No Plans." Could have just let it go at that.
Then it would be false because they do have plans to deal with the virus and let us get back to work.
And that right there is what liberals have a big problem with. They don't care about the deaths or those that are contaminated by this virus, as long as it's not them. They want this to be spread out until November when they can try and use it against Trump up until the election.
Take a look at how many TDS afflicted libs say that opening the country in May is not a good idea, but if Trump had a D next to his name, they would be lauding him for his leadership and the press at his briefings would not dare give gotcha questions.
And that plan is...?
Bottom line for Trump as far as the liberal left is concerned he is flat out damned if he does and damned if he does not. The almost rabid hatred many on the left have for Trump will not allow for anything else . There is no middle ground.
Trump just posted his highest approval rating ever.
In one outliner poll. He has never passed 50%...
More recent polls show his approval is tanking.
Even with Spicer and Rion throwing him softball questions, most Americans that have nothing better to do than watch the daily campaign spectacle of almost two hours of bad science and weak excuses.
And the ratings continue to dip.
Up to a few days ago, we watched and waited, every day, for the announced start time of the presser, come, and go.
When eventually, the POTUS would start speaking we mute the TV until Pence, Mnuchin, Fauci or Birx speak.
The last couple of days even Fauci & Birx are losing believability.
The evening news usually condenses the two hours of excuses, exaggerations and lies down to a few sound bytes.
Enough to get the gist of it.
Can't wait till he starts golfing again./s
I can’t either because that would mean this is all over and we are going back to work again!
Too much positive news coming from her lately?
Just the big lie that only the US is correctly and honestly reporting COVID19 deaths
when the same Administration and POTUS she defends daily,
adamantly refuses to count COVID deaths in nursing homes
( over 2600 as of today ) and our own military has used an OPSEC order on March 31,2020
to effect a complete blackout of COVID19 statics on any US base around the world.
The only statistics we are privy to are limited information about the USS Theodore Roosevelt
because of Captain Croziers actions.
...by using the "they were going to die anyway" rationale...
and now the “cover up “ conspiracy begins. You could see this one coming a mile away.
imagine believing all the other countries in the world aren’t having similar issues, but hate shine throughs. [deleted]
Just like far too many Americans place far too much faith in what polls tell them. Lately I have come to little or no faith in political polls as they are far too easily manipulated by those initiating and interpreting said polls. Does not matter whether the left or right does the polling as both are equally guilty of manipulating results for their own ends.
Fauci is on his way out.
Trump's "China ban"" was a joke. Over 300,000 people per month travele back and forth from China in November December & January before Trump banned Chinese nationals only. 40,000 Americans continued to fly back and forth.
Everyday, FedEx flights land in LA & SF filled with PPE. Up and down the West Coast, China flagged container ships, mannend by Chinese sailors, bring Chinese manufactured goods and medicines possibly contaminated with the virus, which are headed to every Lowes, Home Depot, Target and Walmart in the nation.
Trump did not ban trade with China...
The count on the confirmed coronavirus cases on board the AC is 585 and the sailor that was put in ICU died this morning.
The count on nursing home deaths is now over 3300.
is it true , neither of them are put into our official count ?
Nursing home deaths are not counted according to reports. Not sure about the military deaths.
sum obviousl prefer to be lied to about reality.
i don't believe that to be the majority of 'thinking'
thanks for proving her point...
She, nor you....proved anything. I believe a point is needed before it is made.
And he is still below 50%. Fuck, he sucks.
His "briefings" are pointless. May as well not air them at all.
White House canceled virus briefing 2nd day in a row!
Said the liberal....
Oh my God, what's he trying to hide. We need an investigation.
Trump was busy at virtual church, cause he can't play virtual president every day!