Fit vs. Unfit

If Harris (or almost any other viable candidate) becomes the nominee then the first defining difference between she and Trump will be: Fit vs Unfit.
Trump is a scoundrel. He is a vindictive narcissist holding the distinction as the only PotUS in US history who has attempted to steal a US presidential election through fraud, coercion, lying, and incitement. He is a lifelong con-artist whose wealth is a result of lying and cheating. As PotUS he would again abuse the powers of the office to suit his personal wishes rather than those of the nation. This is an individual who, under normal circumstances, would never be considered for a position of political power. Yet, inexplicably, Trump has managed to become a GOP demagogue — a cult leader for a lost party that is in part too timid to stand against a very bad actor and in other cases too gullible to recognize they are being taken for suckers.
Harris is no Obama in terms of charisma and likeability. She is not going to charm her way to victory. And while she would make history as the first black female PotUS, those very characteristics also carry negative bias. Electing a female PotUS would be a major historical step for our nation but I am not sure Harris has the inspirational qualities to overcome the bias.
Nonetheless, Harris is an accomplished professional. She is an attorney who was a prosecutor in San Francisco, then later become the DA of San Francisco — the first black woman in California to be elected DA. After that, she was twice elected as the Attorney General for the state of California — the first woman to be elected to that office. Then she was elected to the Senate — the first woman of color to be elected to the Senate for California. Finally she was elected to serve as VP for Biden — the first female VP in our history.
On one hand we have a decent human being who will, as much as we can expect from any politician, work for the American people. And she is 59 years of age.
On the other hand we have a miserable human being with abysmal character who has proven beyond any reasonable doubt that he will abuse whatever power and privileges afforded him to serve his desires. At 78, if elected, Trump would be the oldest person ever to be elected PotUS (beating Biden's 2020 record by 5 months).
The Ds will offer a nominee who is fit for office. One who can behave presidential and serve as a rational face and voice for our nation.
The Rs offer a nominee who is arguably the most unfit nominee for a major party in our history. A loose-cannon who is a national embarrassment.
One person will be elected PotUS in 2024. Will it be the one fit to serve or the one demonstrably unfit to serve?
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One would think that fitness to serve would be the very first litmus test for the highest office in our nation.
Didn't seem that way when the Democrats were lining up behind a man who an independent counsel did not would appear competent to a jury. No prosecutor ever claimed Trump was too addled to stand trial.
But goalposts have to keep moving to justify Harris, I get it.
With Biden v. Trump we had two men who both were too old. Biden was fit in terms of being a decent human being who could be presidential and would try to do what is best for that nation; he would, however, need to be propped up to function and that normally would be unacceptable. Except for one thing, he was the only thing stopping Trump. Trump, however, was and is wholly unfit in pretty much every dimension.
How does one justify voting for a scoundrel like Trump when it is possible to rid the nation of this national embarrassment by simply voting for Harris?
If you credit his daughter's allegations, he's indefensible. But even if you want to believe she's lying, it's indisputable he won't even meet his own granddaughter. Think about the type of person who would not only turn their back on their own infant granddaughter and refuse to help her, but would assist his own degenerate son in shirking his responsibilities to her. Not to mention, he's always been a narcissistic, lying, bully without a single principle in his bone other than "is this good for Joe Biden?" Short of violent criminals and people who kick puppies for fun, he's about as bad a person as one can be.
e Trump when it is possible to rid the nation of this national embarrassment by simply voting for Harris?
Partisans will vote because they are partisans but most independents will probably tell you because Harris is an embarrassment in her own way and Trump has proven he can govern effectively while Harris hasn't. There's a reason Trump is beating Harris 54-43 among independents.
Is Trump fit to be PotUS?
Is Harris fit to be PotUS?
Of course Trump is not fit. Among other things he is mentally ill. But Republicans dont care. One day historians will blast them for all this.
GOP partisans will not (truthfully) answer my questions.
for the 2,500th time on this site, Trump is not fit to be President. Harris is not either.
Besides being an imbecile, Harris was a prime participant in the Biden mental health coverup.
Your opinion of Harris is debatable but I must have missed where it was determined that there was a "coverup". It must be like the cover up with Reagen in his second term.
Why do you think Harris is not fit to be PotUS?
By what semantic contortions do you conclude that Harris is an imbecile? Imbeciles do not have a resume like hers.
Joe Biden is not a decent person, and the whole Biden clan is as corrupt as they come.
who is covering up trumps mental health issues? He meets all nine listed criteria for malignant narcissism.
What signs of deterioration did Reagen exhibit in his second term? They certainly weren't as obvious as Biden's.
Our damn national media.
Lol. Where to start? Look at the archives on this site from the last year where every allegation that Biden was not up to the job mentally, usually triggered by some video or other hard evidence, was met by Democrats claiming the videos are fake, Biden is just as sharp as he ever was, he's outworking younger aides etc.etc..Look at how Democrats, including Harris, reacted to the special prosecutor saying Biden wasn't mentally competent enough to be convicted?
Do you think think Biden suddenly and without warning became unable to do his job the night of the debate? That no one in his admin had any clue Biden was having issues (despite all the stories coming out the last few weeks from democrats) ? Because unless you believe no one in his admin had any clue he wasn't 100% and that Biden was in fact outworking 30 year olds like they claimed, of course they were covering his problems up. The "fake video" claim about an unedited video is about as brazen a lie as one can imagine.
and 7 of 9 for fascist./s
I'll answer again, besides being an imbecile, Harris was a prime participant in the Biden mental health coverup.
semantic contortions do you conclude that Harris is an imbecile
I've seen her speak in public and read stories detailing her ignorance sourced to her staff.
This is Harris in a nutshell:
mbeciles do not have a resume like hers.
Plenty of people with much better resumes than hers have been called imbeciles and similar adjectives.
Gee a special prosecutor saying something that might be wrong. Kind of like say what happened to Clinton weeks away from an actual election... and then oops, I'm wrong.
Please notify me when there are actual facts here.
Good grief Gregg, the stories about Nancy running the country by means of advice from Taro cards and fortune tellers and astrology totally was totally missed your in region?
Watch his last press conference. It was going around a few weeks ago. He answered hostile, unscripted questions without freezing, whispering weirdly or calling his VP the wrong name. He didn't wander off, mistake another women for his wife or make wild claims about being the best President in history, either. Night and day difference with Biden.
Just his bumbling on stage during his first debate for his second term and his daily long "naps". But hey, why believe me. You can believe his son:
There you go. Transcripts aren't facts. Videos aren't facts. Might as well go with the ostrich defense at this point.
It was all a giant conspiracy that somehow magically became real the night of the debate. Do you know how ridiculous it is to argue the Special Prosecutor was wrong when the Democratic Party itself literally adopted his reasoning and pushed him out? Talk about ignoring facts. The big fact you seem to be ignoring is that a month ago Democrats were claiming Biden was fine and suddenly, with no intervening occurrence like a stroke or heart attack, decided he's so not fine that he can't even run for President.
but sure, if you want to go record as believing Biden was perfectly fine until the debate and then suddenly and dramatically became unable to run for President, surprising everyone who knows him, that's up to you. Plenty of people will believe the most preposterous of things to suit their partisan wants.
He was as fine as Reagen was at his first round:
That's a video tape, too. So once his handlers got things under control, he was fine the second time with a joke he had to remember. Yet his son said he had Alzheimer's during his time as president.
Now that's a hoot. A partisan calling me a partisan as he defends Reagen.
In result, you are simply making ridiculous claims that fly in the face of facts. If you think an imbecile can secure a law degree, pass the bar, be elected to DA, be elected AG twice, be elected US Senator and then elected VP then you have a very distorted definition of the word 'imbecile'.
Well of course. There are people who cannot come up with a factual argument and simply resort to emotive labels. Calling someone an imbecile, however, does not mean they are stupid. If you want to make the case that Harris is stupid, you have your opportunity right now.
Let's see it.
Lol. you want to compare one moment in a debate to an hour and a half of them?
I get your need to deflect to Reagan rather than digging a further hole trying to defend Biden but you didn't specify your answer. Which is it?
Do you want to stick with your claim that the special prosecutor was lying, that all the videos and transcripts are all fake, that the democrats who come forward the last few weeks are all lying, and that Biden was perfectly fine until the debate where he magically transformed into being unable to run for office, or that people around Biden recognized his issues before the debate and lied to the public?
GOP partisans will need to come up with a new argument because Biden is no longer the presumptive nominee. His age-related issues are no longer relevant.
Trump's many, varied issues remain.
GOP partisans must deal with the fact that they have nominated an unfit individual for PotUS while the Ds will almost certainly nominate someone who is fit by the standard of all prior PotUS' in our history less Trump.
This is a real problem for the GOP. They are now stuck with scoundrel Trump whereas the Ds now have a decent shot at putting forth a team that is worthy of a vote for.
I think he is a prosecutor and not a doctor. Do you want to stick to your story that Comey wasn't politically motivated?
I don't think there were any videos taken of Biden being unfit. What I do think is that none of these people are doctors. I think their opinions are just like anyone else's.
That sounds about right.
This is like an Alice In Wonderland moment that is also inexplicable. Imbeciles? Trump says more imbecilic things in a week (or less) than Harris has said in four years as a vice president (and the rest of her career for that matter). Why would someone who defends Trump call anyone else an imbecile?
Hmmm, maybe because thats all they got in a binary choice election.
I dont know if Harris will be a good president, its possible she wont be, but she is a normal human being that will be surrounded by competent aides , cabinet members and advisors. An aspiring Nazi like Steven Miller wont be attorney general or director of homeland security under Harris. The chief of staff under Harris wont be a white nationalist. Someone like Steve Bannon wont be in her 'kitchen cabinet' of advisors.
Something like sanity will prevail.
Hunter Biden, we hardly knew ye.
Hope this doesn't hurt his art sales, but then, why would it.
His job includes determining whether someone is legally determining whether someone is legally competent. You cited a progressive's radio host's diagnosis of Alzheimer's. See the difference?
you want to stick to your story that Comey wasn't politically motivated?
comey was not a special prosecutor. Comey was Obama's head of the FBI. He, in fact, rewrote a criminal statute and applied his own standard of intent to avoid charging Hillary Clinton, so yes he was politically motivated.
n't think there were any videos taken of Biden being unfit.
Odd. Because as we learned weeks later, it was his very behavior at the Hollywood fundraiser (remember how the videos were "cheap fakes") that led to Clooney's op-ed and other admissions from attendees saying he wasn't functioning. How Orwellian that the whole "Biden is fine" campaign is now being shoved down the memory hole.
Your position doesn't make sense, if he wasn't unfit before the debate and has no mental issues, how you can you possibly justify removing Biden as the nominee over one bad night?
No, but the years long campaign of covering them up is. Do you think lying to the American people and trying to trick them into voting for someone who isn't capable of performing as President (which even Democrats now admit is true) is acceptable.
ve a decent shot at putting forth a team that is worthy of a vote for.
sure, vote for someone who justifies domestic terrorism and created a jail fund for insurrectionists. Vote for an idiot.
lol. among people who put themselves for as worthy of the presidency she is very much as an imbecile.Read what her ex staff thinks about her intelligence and preparation sometime. She passed the bar on her second try (even Biden only needed one try) and "getting elected" is not proof against imbecility, especially when she rose to prominence by becoming the mistress of a power broker 30 years older than her who pushed her up the ladder.
MTG got elected to Congress. She's an imbecile too.
There is no doubt that it does not matter who the Ds put up, you will leap to the extreme negative hyperbole (labeling Harris an imbecile is beyond ridiculous) while totally excusing the historically bad wrongdoings of Trump and excusing his many shitty personal qualities. The blind partisanship is obvious.
I will only speak for myself , but i can see a lot of similarities for comparison , its all a matter of timing from what i see .
The idea that this person could not successfully grill Donald Trump is ludicrous.
He is still not a doctor. He made a call based on nothing but his opinion. We are not sure of his motivation. I made a call based on a son's intimate information. See the difference?
As for Comey, he added to the garbage that was going on, right before an election. He was a Republican at the time. The fact that Obama left him in that position, was proof that he was not given to partisan idiocy.
As for Clooney's opinion, there were many others who were there, that didn't feel the same way. That being said, I don't know if Biden is fine or not, and neither do you. A doctor makes that determination.
My position is that this conspiracy theory that there was a cover-up about Biden is just that.... a conspiracy theory.
She already sounds like an attractive candidate
Debunked a long time ago. But since you went there...How many times was Trump in the flight logs to Pedo Island? Dozens. Biden and Harris? Never, not once.
How many times did he say, "I don't recall" during his depositions?
I’m curious which democrat you do see fit to be president. Seems like it’s the D part makes them all unfit to you guys.
Why would you consider Harris to be unfit for the presidency?
I guess she doesn't have the right type of criminal history past that's now so popular with maga republicans...
For a few days there when I turned on the news much (most?) of the coverage was about various politicians (on both sides of the aisle) discussing Biden's "mental health".
(Personally after a while I found it boring-- all those attempts attempts to uncover any facts about Bidens alleged "mental health" or lack thereof).
Well, maybe that's just me-- I watch the news every day.
Strange as it may seem, there are people who don't. When the news comes on they change the channel.
(And they have every right to do so! )
Many people are saying that Trump is afraid of debating Harris.
He probably is.
Most normal, rational, and sane American citizens cast their vote on the issues that are most important to them, in spite of their character flaws. Such is the case with Trump. Harris is in no way fit to be vice president, let alone being president.
Sure, Greg, just ignore the fact that Trump is a scoundrel. Ignore that he is a vindictive narcissist holding the distinction as the only PotUS in US history who has attempted to steal a US presidential election through fraud, coercion, lying, and incitement. Ignore that he is a lifelong con-artist whose wealth is a result of lying and cheating. Ignore that as PotUS he would again abuse the powers of the office to suit his personal wishes rather than those of the nation. Ignore that he is an individual who, under normal circumstances, would never be considered for a position of political power. Just go with the GOP demagogue — stick with a cult leader for a lost party that is in part too timid to stand against a very bad actor and in other cases too gullible to recognize they are being taken for suckers.
I doubt that we have had a better litmus test for GOP blind partisanship than voting for Trump when a prime age, experienced, intelligent, presidential, decent human being is available.
You keep repeating the same silly and inflammatory statements over and over....sure looks like blind partisanship for a party that has lost its way.
Good God did you type that with a straight face?
Do better than parrot with simple substitution. That is an elementary school tactic.
Looks to me that Trump has a real problem now. I suspect quite a few were holding their noses to vote for Biden as a vote against Trump. Now, not only does voting for Harris accomplish the effect of being a vote against Trump, but she is someone that people could vote for given she does not have Biden's age-related issues.
Now we are not looking at a contest between two people who should not be running for PotUS. Now it is a decent / okay candidate (Harris) versus one who should never be allowed access to the presidency.
I can remember when he thought DeSantis would trounce Trump because Trump was unfit.
You're saying that most normal Americans (Including Trump) cast their votes on issues that are important to them . . . and therefore Harris is not fit to be president?
What makes you think that Harris (unlike Trump?) casts her votes on issues that are not important to her?
his transition from bothism and not voting for trump to obediently joining the cult is complete.
You would think so, but that would mean that Biden was never elected and that's certainly not the case. How do you think things stand now?
Formulate a coherent question.
Now the electorate has a choice between a decent candidate (Harris) versus someone who remains entirely unfit to be PotUS.
maga is now totally defensive and random individual statements from them can be considered a measure of their desperation.
Exactly, just think where we would be if Biden had pulled out before the debate.
oh boy, hypotheticals. just think where we would be if the podium in butler pennsylvania was now ready to be power washed...
The survival of Israel is very important to me, and it has been all my life, even from the time I was a young child. Although there are many things about Trump that deserve to be despised, what he has done for Israel has been heroic in my opinion. He kept his promises about Israel that the Presidents previous to him made and broke. IMO Biden's attitude towards Israel has been wishy-washy, trying to show his support while attempting to keep his divided coalition together, but enough of him, he no longer matters. All hope has been transferred to Harris. Could the fact that she is married to a Jewish man bring about a positive attitude about Israel? There was some hope, until cleverly hiding her disdain for the survival of Israel by not emulating the REST of the squad and its hatred and simply snubbing Netanyahu's speech to Congress, she had a great excuse. She had to speak to a dozen or so Sorority girls. Netanyahu's speech could not be postponed, BUT THE SORORITY SPEECH COULD EASILY HAVE BEEN POSTPONED TO ACCOMODATE HARRIS. An excuse to ignore what Netanyahu had to say in a speech that should be admired, respected and an impetus to make damn sure Israel is backed, protected, and provided with whatever it needs to win its war. So now, who would I support? I'm sorry TiG. but I'm having a hard time maintaining my objectivity concerning the American presidency.
To me, priority one is to ensure a loose-cannon scoundrel like Trump does not gain access to the power of the presidency.
fuck bibi. a corrupt autocrat needlessly sacrificing innocent lives to avoid justice and the electoral wrath from the majority of israeli citizens. supported by ultra nationalist religious radicals that are little different from hamas in their west bank terrorist activities, funded with laundered US taxpayer dollars.
why should harris be forced to appear at a pep rally for another autocrat in the maga theater of criminal insurrection known as the maga house? it's no secret where bibi's allegiances lie here. let the maga thumper melodrama play out.
the VP's scheduling priorities are correct. no need to cancel an address to her college sorority that had been scheduled months prior, just to accommodate the last minute visit and speech of a war criminal, scheduled by a thumper SOTH desperately searching for media exposure of his victim theater and creating campaign issues for his faltering demigod to exploit at his rallies. the VP had a private meeting with bibi, not long before bibi flew to florida to kiss the ring. hopefully democrats remember this when it comes time to fund more US domestic programs in 2025 and are looking for a few billion dollars that are needed for it.
I thought that Harris did meet with Netanyahu with Joe along side to show her how it’s done.
No one is saying that Harris should be forced to appear (or not appear) at any rally.
If I understand you correctly, you are thinking that Harris is "anti-Israel"-- or at least she is not a supporter of Israel. But that may not be the case.
Many people are passionate in their support of Israel, others hold the opposite view. No matter which side they "support"-- some group will of voters will be very angry with them. So this can be a difficult issue for politicians-- I imagine many politicians just wish the issue would disappear!
Joe Biden leaned "pro-Israel". Trump.for now, leans "pro-Israel". Recently Harris appears to want to have a "balanced" position.
But look at the history-- especially towards our allies. Rather than supporting our friends-- he has betrayed them.
His opposition to the alliance we have with our friends (NATO) makes it obvious that he's a "Fair Weather Friend" at best.
I have no love for Netanyahu, but he represents a nation that I DO love. The casualties of war in that battle are not the fault of Israel, but they are of the methods and tactics of Hamas. Anyone with a brain in their head knows that. Obviously the protesters, and it appears to me that some NTers are lacking in that respect.
The US does not provide funding for domestic programs in Israel, the funding is for military purposes only, and funding Israel for that purpose is bound to save a lot of money and provide a lot of benefit to the US. Do not ignore what Alexander Haig said.
Even if Netanyahu is the devil incarnate, what he had to say was so very important and ignoring it was IMO a big mistake. As far as I'm concerned it placed Harris with the "Squad", and it should be obvious now how I feel about them. She placed her disdain for Netanyahu ahead of support for Israel, and IMO that was a big mistake because it gave her the "appearance" of being anti-Israel along with the rest of the "Squad".
When I said I'm having a hard time maintaining my objectivity concerning the American presidency, I didn't mean I'm swinging my support from one to another since I am independent of American politics, I meant that I'm beginning to think more that it means I have no admiration for BOTH your houses. After all, as you may know from the movie Some Like it Hot...
I referred to Trump's support for Israel, that was the issue, not NATO, not the many Americans who died because he delayed acting quickly enough about Covid, not anything else - only Israel. My appreciation of what Trump did is LIMITED to what he did for Israel.
the only incorrect part of my statement was that bibi went to florida to kiss the king. he didn't, he drove to new jersey to kiss the ass of the felon insurrectionist, that he's betting his entire future on...
99.7% of the aid America provides is for the Israeli military. I reiterate what I said that I have no love for Netanyahu, and I agree that he is doing whatever he is capable of to try to keep himself out of jail, which he probably deserves since he is trying so hard. However, what he said to Congress was of HUGE importance, hot just for Israel's sake, but for the sake of the whole of the Middle East, and for the west INCLUDING America as well. You can criticize that man, and so would I, but NOT THE SPEECH.
no one in this country is required to participate in a partisan political stunt, even under the thin guise of official US business. bibi made a similar speech in israel, good enough. whatever the israel government pays to subsidize a percentage of it's population that chooses to study the torah as a full time vocation or pays to support, enforce, and protect illegal west bank settlements, needs to be deducted from any future foreign aid that israel receives. the indirect support of any religious radicals anywhere with the use of US taxpayer dollars violates our constitution.
I anxiously await the multitude of TV commercials for a fraudulent charity raising cash for israeli war orphans that gets funneled to subsidize the west bank terrorist activities of religious radicals within the israeli government.
I actually agree with you on that. As much as I have no love for Netanyahu, I have even less for the Haradim. Fuck them, except for those who personally volunteer to serve in the IDF.
That's true of one (or more)
And yet another one might think that "Fitness for office" is a matter of opinion- - not some actual fact.
(But you already knew that
Good article Tig.
Right wing republicans are a lost cause. I fully expect them to try and paint Harris as a leftist radical . But that is not her background. The bulk of her career has been in law enforcement ( D.A, Atty General.
If she can campaign more or less competently I expect her to win. Too many Americans cannot stand Trump.
Nobody should even consider a scoundrel like Trump for the presidency. Yet tens of millions do.
I do not know what to expect at this point. But I certainly do hope that Trump loses.
The radical left has been in control of Biden and Harris all along. Harris would simply continue that foolishness.
IMO she already has, by snubbing Netanyahu's speech for an event that surely could have and would have been postponed to accommodate her. She has joined the "squad".
Well never mind, I forgot you cannot see YouTubes in China.
Here is an AP summary:
Bottom line Harris has unwavering support for Israel but is going to push hard to mitigate the collateral damage.
As long as they leave Hamas alone.
A false claim that is also far too simplistic.
Simplistic is falling for an empty declaration about "supporting Israel" while ignoring her actual actions.
I have read the AP article. It doesn't make me any happier. It is not up to Harris to prevent the collateral damage, it is up to Hamas to do so, and the only way that will happen is if Hamas, whose eventual complete defeat is inevitable, is to surrender and that will immediately end the bloodshed, release the hostages, guarantee access by all to the humanitarian aid that is required, and start the rebuilding. When Harris DEMANDS that Hamas surrender instead of simply voicing support for those who suffer, I will feel a little more secure about her.
Simplistic is drawing a binary conclusion in a complex matter.
... like that would matter.
This election is pitting someone who was a District Attorney against a convicted felon. (Guess who's gonna win?)
We know who should win.
never underestimate the ignorance of the willfully misinformed electorate...
They've already being doing that....
all political parties are left of maga.
It's going to be fun watching MAGAs make asses of themselves over a Black/Asian woman at the head of the ticket.
I think that she is a Black/Asian/White woman.
I can't help but wonder what her pronouns are? (Not a he/she...probably not a them/they. But she may need more than one to explain her racial backround (s)?
Another thing I'd like to know : Is she a "Childless Cat Lady"?
I may have missed it, but it seems to me that she's been avoiding discussing that.
I'm afraid maga's racism and misogyny olympic games won't be getting the same interest, coverage or ratings...
I'll be watching the real Olympic games. I find sports as a welcome distraction from the endless political new cycle.
you mean the trump POTUS campaign, now entering it's 17th year ...
I think i am going to wait to see what comes out of the democratic convention before i dive too deep into such a subject naming 2 candidates as sure things and pitted as rivals .
trumps being the GOP candidate is set in stone already , i haven't changed my view of him even with everything that has happened lately , he doesn't get my vote .
I cant speak about the democrats candidate because its all presumption , i remember Biden was also the presumed candidate too , and look what happened .
And until the democrats hold their convention , and their process is completed and voted on by the party , i have no clue who to actually compare .
Wise man you are
Thank you for the compliment , though i believe many would vigorously debate the opposite.
I have been lucky and been correct about some things that have happened over the last week or so , yes there will be no living with me Capt Sparrow .
what im really just sitting here grinning about , is my prediction made back in 2016 , that we were going to have a series of 1 term presidents . i think that is now pretty much locked in , and no i am NOT playing the drinking game i did during that election again when that prediction was made .
I am , 99.9/10th sure i wont vote for trump , i am also pretty sure i am 99.9/10ths I wont be voting for the Dem ticket. that 1/10th left over is the wiggle room i leave myself . Have to wait for the conclusion of the dem convention .
its like the odds i will be killed by a pack of chihuahuas, the chances are slim and small , but never zero .
Vicious little bastards.
not a big fan of ankle biter breeds...
what is it they say? it aint the size of the dog in the fight , but the size of the fight in the dog ?
those guys think they are 10 ft tall and bullet proof and have nasty morning after attitudes .
and they are not afraid to show you their war face , you just saw the joke clip with gunny Hartman in your head .
Well, at least they're not the sort of pets Childless Cat Ladies would have!
Like this one has:
If you were to get a dog, which breed would you pick?
I am , 99.9/10th sure i wont vote for trump , i am also pretty sure i am 99.9/10ths I wont be voting for the Dem ticket.
Well that leaves you only 3 choices:
1, Stay home on Election day (don't vote at all).
2. Vote for one of the "minor" candidates.
3. Write in a name! One of your friends or relatives you like. Perhaps someone from NT. Or even a celebrity/"influencer. (Taylor Swift comes to mind but there are others-- celebrities who are less important than Swift but still somewhat significant).
See these eyes, so green
I can stare for a thousand years
Colder than the moon
It's been so long
You can't fool me-- he's no Cat Lady.
What are his pronouns???
well i wont be staying home , the ballot has more than the presidential ticket on it here , wont be voting 3rd party either , and wont be doing write in either .
the ballot is still valid even if i choose not to vote for that particular office .
nice try though .
As an astute political observer I can assure you that Harris will be the nominee.
i have no doubt , you would be correct there.