Trump Growing Stranger and more Dangerous

... I would inform the threatening country, in this case, Iran, that if you do anything to harm this person, we are going to blow your largest cities and the country itself to smithereens, ...
This guy wants to be president of our nation.
First let's look at the trivial bullshit that occupies this guy's mind:
Not only is this absurd behavior for a presidential nominee, but Trump —the most prolific, famous liar of our times— is trying to make a big deal out of the fact that Harris did not list McDonald's on her professional resume. This pathological liar is accusing Harris of lying about her resume when he daily makes up outrageous and damaging lies of consequence.
Now let's go to the other extreme and see how rhetoric from the loose-cannon is dangerous and reckless:
And this:
How does anyone consider this guy fit for office?
This is what unfit for office looks like.
It's hard to imagine anyone being more unfit.
Doesn't seem to matter to the knuckle-dragging cultists, though.
LOL! That's where I'm from!
she's surrounded by the cross burning sect of the maga cult.
I think the assassination attempts might have left him unhinged. Or perhaps more than usual.
I think the fact that he might lose the election is pushing him further over the edge.
Perhaps that's the main reason. His ego can't handle the possibility.
His ego is a major factor. The other factor is that if he loses he loses all power and must deal with his indictments as citizen Trump.
And to follow up on that-- some people are of the opinion that he's afraid that he might actually might end up in jail.
Fox cut away from airing this rally/speech/whatever it was because it was identical to Tuesdays rant somewhere in NC about furniture makers and Chinese chairs.
Fox News cuts off Donald Trump's speech as he goes on bizarre rant about furniture (
Trump's resume consists of one word: Fraud
and aspiring despot ...
does that dot represent trump's last functioning brain cell or his entire brain?
last functioning brain cell...I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt
no comment, since my joke is shorter than the necessary disclaimer ...
Trump's continued lis put many people in danger and he doesn't care. Haitians is just another example of this.
You can add his recent speech that if he loses it would be the Jews who did it to that list.
He's disgusting.
Trump is like the person in quicksand who keeps grabbing at the sludge around him and as a result keeps sinking further and further into the pit. He's in up to about his neck right now.
The sad part is he doesn't know he's drowning
He might. That's why he sounds so desperate all the time.
he is ramping up the extremism on the campaign trail ...
He is, far beyond anything we ever seen in a modern American presidential campaign. His fascist proclivities are on full display.
lacking any policy, platform, or facts, racism and xenophobia is the red meat he tosses his brainless sycophants.
I think he does know, but doesn't know how to save himself. Lies, rants, and playing the victim won him the Oval Office in 2016, so he thinks they'll work this time, too. He doesn't realize that they only work with his base. But that's the strategy he knows, so that's his default.
How is Donald and his 'noise-making machine' doing in the electoral college?
Yes, some NT members see him fit for office, unexplainable but it is what it is.
Voting for trump must be like masturbating with sand paper; it might satisfy the immediate need, (to vote), but it going to cause damage, (to the country), in the long run.
You got true grit, MrFrost, true grit.
Let's not forget that he promised a "bloody" mass deportation.
And the prosecution of media, social media and anyone else that said mean things about him.
Trump wants to put Google in jail for being mean to him
RETRIBUTION for playing the same game that Twitter is playing !
Crooked Donald has a 'beef' yet again! He get a lot of mileage out of throwing, 'highlights,' 'spotlights,' and 'shade,' on business that he thinks he can impact by the power of his spoken words. Corporations tremble. . . because Crooked Donald is 'not pleased' with them. (Well, one or two corporations MIGHT tremble. . . . ) On the real, most corporations tell him to kiss 'cracked bricks' and suck 'water basins' tucked behind leaking toilets.
Crooked Donald's shtick is 'tired' and played out. Even Kim Jun Un ain't 'down' with it anymore. Donald has failed the 'test' of dictator 101. Getting and keeping the presidency no matter who likes it or not. Kim Jung Un can not rely on Donald hanging around to get the things he needs done in the United States started and finished. /s
it sounds worse than it reads
not to mention standing next to the asshole american traitor that sides with putin, the enemy of all ukranians ...
I can't prove it but I am pretty sure a literal shower or at least a mental 'hose down' was desirable after that meeting between men and minds!
Crooked Donald sought to use a sitting president as a backdrop for his LYING commentary. That video clip at 11 is excruciating to watch. But, I applaud President Zelensky for holding it together under extremely vexing circumstances of this fool LYING and USING him as a prop!
I have nothing good to say about Crooked Donald. Not a damn thing anymore. Crooked Donald is a non-stop train wreck that somehow has permanently blocked the tracks he occupies.
That’s the stupidest thing I’ve heard all week. Is this really the reason they’re accusing her of lying about it? That’s insane.
Your résumé should be relevant. When I apply for a legal job, I don’t waste space and time telling them I worked at Taco Bell when I was 18.
I don’t know which is more stupid - the people who spread this story or the people who accept it.
Inspirational ? was that Taco Bell job, cause the first half of that name rings a Taco Bell curve bald a Brazzilian times zero, to Trump is infinity, and beyond, that witch word up he could cast and spell hands down some girls heavy pants like a McNasty French fried poataoe head that almost exploded inn a puff of smokethat was know joke, and we due, due to Trump and his Mc Scrfews Loose like his grabbed pussies women gone wild about the TRump Child who has threatened to sue McDonalds to get them to STOP selling those Gay Happy Meals, cause he's the art of the deals, oh kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,kjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjust dozed back too sleep , fore my sole to keep, stepping upon overturned stones as the Blizzard of McFlurrian Flakes is more confused than a Mickey Dddddd's that wakes N bakes, Hot Apple Pies, filled with The American Pie Disguised Pied eyed filling inn the ditch that required more than a quarter pounded hard porn star could fake, asz the little Don snake, was no lie for the won who lost and attempted to get well hung, his VP, and know, it doesnt standnfor V ery P erverted, but obviously exerted to pressure one penced up, to concede Trump lost hair and the election, and it wasn't even McClose, just a fast food over dose like the lies spread from this guys lying eyes and lips, as if it were being proclaimed out the back of his hips, just don't let him slip the tips inn, without taxing a runaway run on concurrent sentence that taxes everyones brain, for Trump to me , is Mayor McSleaze along with the Hamburgerer Clown who has US A ll a bit upside down and out , for Donald the Clown has proven beyond a doubt, he'd fck N soak Us in a drought, fore his skin is in the game for only one reason, and it just might be a deformed form of Treason
Worse still, Trump supporters claiming that Harris lied about something as irrelevant and trivial as working at McDonalds while in college. They are bent out of shape that she might have lied about this triviality yet support the worst, by far, pathological liar of any politician in notoriety today (possible all of US history) and not a word about his endless stream of lies.
This is a cult.
... a death cult.
Crooked Donald is a small and petty man and we will be a 'small and petty' nation for four MORE years if he in office! (So let me be petty too: Some Americans will die with this petty and small man in power. If he wins.) An 'effing' troll president. How pathetic.
If you thought Crooked Donald trolled our nation and the nations of the world last time, buckle up, we have not seen 'ANYTHING' like what's coming. . . .
This is Trump in desperation. Of those who actually listen to speeches (as opposed to running on sound bites), how many believe what this lying scoundrel says?
After all, how many times does this moron have to use rhetoric such as ' nothing we have ever seen before ' and the like before people get a hint of his dishonest hyperbole?
How, after objectively listening to this real life Archie Bunker with a megaphone, could anyone decide that this is who should be our next president?
Goodness, he is literally scripting (like molasses pouring) from a manual worded strip! Please, give him back the teleprompter so he can do that "death-stare" thing he does when tearing through his monologue!
And goodness, if I never, ever, here the emphatic phrase, "There has never seen anything like it." It will be a true blessing.
Now let me use it before I lose it:
"Crooked Donald. There has never seen anybody like him!"
This speech get worse as it goes on. And he keeps coming back to the same points and repeating himself.
I only wish this were broadcast continuously.
In 15.2 (below), Crooked Donald does the self-styled, "Weave." (Rambling and emphatic hyperbole.)
The problem being that the people in need of hearing the lies in what he is saying think that it is true. So it is reinforcing of their beliefs instead of eroding them.
We are living in bizarre times.
you'd think as the father of eric, trump would be more sensitive to the mentally impaired. not to mention himself ...
Jinx! We are on the same 'page' in commenting about the use of emphatic phrases by Crooked Donald!
Crooked Don is ' The Con. ' - A new television series larger than life starring Donald J. Trump as himself!