Capitol Rioter Jenna Ryan Said She Wouldn't Go to Jail, Gets Sentenced
By: Ashley Collman (Business Insider)

60 days? that's it? oh well, getting her alabaster ass kicked in general population 3 times a day for 2 months will just have to do I guess...

A Texas realtor who flew on a private jet to Washington, DC, and took part in the Capitol riot was sentenced to 60 days in jail on Thursday, after pleading guilty to a single federal misdemeanor charge of parading in the Capitol, WUSA reported.
Jenna Ryan had boasted on social media that she wouldn't get any jail time because of her "blonde hair" and "white skin."
When a critic on Twitter told Ryan in March that she would go to jail, Ryan responded by saying she was "definitely not going to jail."
"Sorry I have blonde hair white skin a great job a great future and I'm not going to jail. Sorry to rain on your hater parade. I did nothing wrong," Ryan added.
—Jenna Ryan (@dotjenna) March 26, 2021
Ryan became one of the most well-known Capitol rioters for taking a chartered plane to Washington, DC, with other supporters of President Donald Trump. She posted on social media throughout the trip, including a video filmed in a bathroom mirror right before heading to the riot.
"We're gonna go down and storm the capitol," she said in the video, according to a criminal complaint. "They're down there right now and that's why we came and so that's what we are going to do. So wish me luck."
Ryan posted a picture of her standing next to a shattered window at the Capitol on the day of the riot. United States District Court for the District of Columbia
The video was a key factor in the judge's decision to sentence Ryan to 60 days in jail, saying it showed that Ryan knew what she was getting into when she headed to the Capitol, WUSA reported.
Ryan was initially charged with 12 counts but struck a plea deal with prosecutors to have all but a single misdemeanor charge of parading, demonstrating, or picketing in the Capitol dropped if she pleaded guilty, which she did in August.
Ryan had tried to convince the judge to give her a lenient sentence by writing a four-page letter in which she apologized for her actions on January 6.
She also said that the tweet about her not getting jail time was taken out of context and that she didn't see herself as above the law.
"Several bullies on Twitter said something to the effect of you're ugly, blonde and you're going to prison," Ryan wrote to the judge. "I responded back apologizing for my blonde hair but that I wasn't getting prison."
The post that Ryan responded to was a meme that made no mention of her appearance.
"I wasn't saying I was above prison, I just felt that it would be unlikely since I was pleading to entering the Capitol for 2 minutes and 8 seconds," Ryan wrote, adding, "A tweet of me taking up for myself against a bully who is harassing me does not indicate that I feel above-the-law."
Ryan said that while she regretted trespassing on the Capitol, she was proud of her other actions that day.
"While I feel badly about unlawfully entering into the Capitol on January 6th, not everything I did that day was bad," she wrote. "Some actions I took that day were good. I came to DC to protest the election results. I wanted my voice to be heard. My only weapon was my voice and my cell phone."
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sounds like she'll be making lots of new friends in prison...
although she's obviously too fucking stupid to attempt to overthrow the government, IMO anyone that breached the capitol to obstruct a constitutionally mandated joint session of congress deserves at least 20 years.
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Her blonde hair and white skin aren't going to save her stupid ass in prison.
that's what I'm counting on. she's about to earn her white supremacist bona fides the hard way...
no problem. your content is always appreciated. I see her joining every dfw plastic surgeon's mailing list.
If any thing it's gonna make her a target
Now she can find out what democracy felt like when she and her other low IQ rioters made it a target.
They love blondes in prison, for trading purposes.
How many smokes does a blond go for these days?
Since smoking is no longer allowed in most prisons, M & M's and Cup Of Soups are used instead. This pos is only worth about 2 and 2.
That seems like cruel and unusual punishment!
It was for me.
While I can't find any story that tells where she's going to spend her time, she won't be going to ShawShank... so I doubt that she'll be in that much danger. More likely a min security lockup.
You've never been inside have you? It's no picnic.
I think she's gonna do jail time; not prison time.
It's still "no picnic" butt it's not a penitentiary.
Well actually, her butt may be a picnic in jail so she'll probably enjoy it.
Where's she gonna get those roots done in the big house?
she'll be cleaning carpets for the next 2 months...
She's not going to prison, she is going to jail and may be out in 45 days with good time or even less if she served any time since 1/6 as credited time served.
She will also, depending on the size of the jail, go to low security and if there are enough other ladies in low spend most of the time playing cards, walking the block, and shooting the bull with the others there, which is why she took the plea deal on the misdemeanor, it's easy time.
she's made plenty of enemies on both sides of the jail door. she deserves whatever she gets.
Who do you think is going to harm her? Who she'll be housed with are considered nonviolent and the CO's better have good lawyers if they try anything.
"plenty of enemies"? what's that supposed to mean? [deleted]
Do you think only Biden supporters have a problem with forced entry into a federal building in an attempt to disrupt an election?
All decent people should.
the trumpster GOP is trying to run out the clock on the insurrection investigations. hopefully the obstructionist tactics being employed by them will falter at the same time the 2022 campaign gets serious, and then plague them all the way thru it.
No time is easy time bitch! It only takes a moment to die.
The sentences being handed out are way too lenient. Future seditionists see 60 days as no big deal and can do that time easily.
take solace in the fact that little miss red, white, and blue will probably need reconstructive surgery on her face and a lot of new teeth in her jaw when it gets unwired, right after her in-cell stainless steel facial. gee, maybe she can find a prison guard to befriend.
They are plastic surgeons, not magicians. Her face would be a lost cause.
Ryan only received sixty days. She will wear it like a badge of honor in GOP politics the same way Hitler did when he served his time 'in stir'.
Does anyone outside Texas not find her repulsive?
Morning jbb...yep feral plus...
She likes attention and now she is getting it!
Sorry to burst your bubble, but just because we marry our siblings, and guzzle Lone Star White Lightening 'a coma in every shot' Whisky for breakfast, doesn't mean that we find her any less repulsive than you do. But who knows, maybe I'll feel a spark of something in a couple of months when her televised reverse perp walk shows 2 inches of black roots and 60 pounds of extra ass.
The same for Ted Cruz. What is the attraction?
None at all.
uh, somehow I don't see her showing houses by herself in the foreseeable future...
There are also many beautiful intelligent women in Texas who find Jenna Ryan completely repulsive. I know a lovely woman in Fort Worth who is too intelligent for Mensa.
Considering that she looks like Sam Kinneson, hair and all, I find that she is one repulsive looking maga traitor.
Morning...she seems very keen on taking videos and photos of herself...look forward to seeing a photo..
I am blonde, I am white and I am in jail, but this was not meant to happen... because Mr Trump called me "special"..
So over these middle aged bimbos...refuse to call them Karen's as that is an insult to my friends who are named Karen.
The only special she is, is special ed.
Jenna Ryan is a tax cheat (like The Donald) who flew to DC on a private jet (as one does).
So instead she probably gave money to the biggest crook of them all. How about she loses the services that tax dollars support (ie - mail service).