
Mossouri Republicans Give Toddlers the Right to Open Carry Guns

By:  al Jizzerror  •  2 years ago  •  276 comments

Mossouri Republicans Give Toddlers the Right to Open Carry Guns
Missouri is now the "Shoot Me State"

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SiNNERs and ButtHeads

Do NOT go to Missouri!  You could get your kneecap blown off.  It may soon be legal for anyone, even toddlers, to open carry firearms.  


And, no, this is NOT satire, sadly, it's fucking true.  The state House of Missouri is controlled by ammosexual Republicans who are, apparently completely insane have passed a bill to permit toddlers to "open carry" firearms in Missouri


NRA spokespsycho Wayne LaPierre said, "Having armed toddlers in the streets of Missouri will make it the safest place in the world.  The NRA is encouraging US arms manufacturers to produce smaller light weight assault rifles.  Toddlers can easily carry small caliber handguns but they have the right to carry semiautomatic assault rifles and we need to make sure they become readily available."



Yes, it’s exactly as crazy as it sounds.

FEBRUARY 9, 2023

In the year 2023, no one expects Republicans to have a reasonable take on gun violence (like that it’s a problem), or to do something about it (like pass meaningful gun control legislation). Still, you might think that conservatives wouldn’t be so thoroughly detached from reality that they would approve of—nay, fight for the rights of—small children being able to openly carry firearms in public places. Because that would just be, to use an official legislative term, f--king insane. Can you guess where we’re going with this?

In a turn of events that absolutely defies logic, the Republican-controlled Missouri House of Representatives voted on Wednesday to reject an amendment that would have banned minors from being allowed to openly carry guns on public land without adult supervision. Which, thanks to a 2017 law, they are currently free to do. (That law, which was vetoed by then governor Jay Nixon and overridden by the Missouri House, also allows Missouri residents to carry a concealed weapon without a permit, safety training, or criminal-background check. As Sgt. Charles Wall, spokesman for the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department, told the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, “under current state law, there is no minimum age to lawfully possess a firearm.”) To be clear: The proposal rejected this week was not seeking to ban minors from openly carrying weapons on public land, period, but simply from doing so without an adult supervising them. But apparently even that was too much for the state’s conservatives, who quite literally believe it’s fine for actual kids to walk down the street carrying guns. The proposal was defeated by 104-39, with just a single Republican voting in favor of the ban.

State representative Donna Baringer, a Democrat who represents St. Louis, said she decided to sponsor the amendment after police in her district asked for stronger regulations to stop “14-year-olds walking down the middle of the street in the city of St. Louis carrying AR-15s.” With the proposal officially blocked, said 14-year-olds, and kids half their age and younger, “have been emboldened [to carry AR-15s], and they are walking around with them,” she said. Representative Lane Roberts, apparently the only Republican with any sense in the Missouri House of Representatives, had said prior to the vote: “This is about people who don’t have the life experience to make a decision about the consequences of having that gun in their possession. Why is an 8-year-old carrying a sidearm in the street?”

A great question! And one that his fellow GOP lawmakers obviously did not have any good answers for because if you’re a sane person, there is none. In a ridiculous attempt to justify that scenario, Republican state representative Bill Hardwick argued that he “just [has] a different approach for addressing public safety that doesn’t deprive people, who have done nothing to any other person, who will commit no violence, from their freedom.” As a reminder the people Hardwick is arguing must have the freedom to carry firearms on their person, are children, some of whom cannot even buy a ticket for a PG-13 movie.

In a bit of equally absurd “logic,” state representative Tony Lovasco told The Washington Post: “Government should prohibit acts that directly cause measurable harm to others, not activities we simply suspect might escalate. Few would support banning unaccompanied kids in public places, yet one could argue such a bad policy might be effective.” Right, yes, except one small thing: A kid hanging out in public without an adult is a much smaller risk to themself and others than a kid hanging out in public without an adult and carrying a gun. Someone—not us of course, definitely not us, but someone —might suggest this is the argument of a total moron.

Of course, all of this is happening less than a month after news of a Virginia six-year-old shooting their teacher and a viral surveillance video from Indiana that captured a diaper-wearing toddler carrying a handgun and firing it.

Meanwhile, as state representative Peter Merideth noted, conservative lawmakers in the state who think kids bearing arms is fine and dandy, are currently trying to pass a bill that would make drag performances on public property or seen by minors class A misdemeanors. “Kids carrying guns on the street or in a park is a matter of individual freedom and personal responsibility. Kids seeing a drag queen read a children’s book or sing a song is a danger the government must ban,” Merideth tweeted . “Do I have that right MO GOP?”


Republican ammosexuals in Michigan want to allow toddlers to have the right to carry concealed firearms.


Michigan House OKs Gun Bill for Toddlers

07/29/2011 3:41 PM

Reps seek to abolish age restrictions for concealed weapons permits after passing similar legislation for hunting.

LANSING — Ceding to the clamor of prepubescent bloodlust, the Michigan House of Representatives recently passed legislation allowing children under the age of 6 to carry a concealed weapon — provided they promise not to shoot unless their life — or milk money — is threatened.

“That government can dictate when an American citizen is ‘old enough’ to own a gun is just absurd,” said Peter Grey, regional director of Michigan Friends of the National Rifle Association. “It’s just another example of how government is the problem; the only thing that calms my 6-month-old grandbaby is the cold steel barrel of my Smith & Wesson.”

This latest bill was preceded by approved legislation allowing children less than 10 years old to obtain a hunting license. The hunting bill, which was passed in an 85-23 vote by the House, is now waiting for action by the state Senate, which recently passed similar legislation.

“We figured, why give playground bullies the upper hand?” said Rep. Peter Pattalia (R-Presque Isle), sponsor of the revised hunting bill. “If these thugs know Johnny is packing, they’ll think twice before they try and grab his lunch. And, after Johnny takes them out, he can go straight to the woods and kill Bambi for dinner.” RT


Is it just me or do you agree that arming children is not a good idea?


He'll shoot your eye out!

*NOTE:  The only portion of this article that is satire is the paragraph about NRA spokespsycho, Wayne LaPierre.  The rest is 100% TRUE.  Kinda scary isn't it?


jrGroupDiscuss - desc
al Jizzerror
Masters Expert
1  author  al Jizzerror    2 years ago

I hope some of the ammosexuals on NewsTalkers will argue that children have the right to carry firearms.

That would be hilarious.

Thrawn 31
Professor Participates
2  Thrawn 31    2 years ago

Sigh, I will choose to believe that this isn't real because the alternative makes me certain our species isn't worth saving. 

al Jizzerror
Masters Expert
2.1  author  al Jizzerror  replied to  Thrawn 31 @2    2 years ago
this isn't real

It's surreal.

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
2.2  Trout Giggles  replied to  Thrawn 31 @2    2 years ago

We're not worth saving. I keep hoping for an alien invasion that wipes all the pesky humans

Professor Principal
2.2.1  devangelical  replied to  Trout Giggles @2.2    2 years ago

my scifi fantasy runs along those lines. carnivorous aliens with a taste for religious cult members.

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
2.2.2  Trout Giggles  replied to  devangelical @2.2.1    2 years ago

I don't want to be mangled in some alien's jaws...I want to be vaporized

Junior Quiet
2.2.3  cobaltblue  replied to  Trout Giggles @2.2.2    2 years ago

I don't want to be mangled in some alien's jaws...I want to be vaporized

dev would offer them his vape pen and we'd never be rid of them.


Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
2.2.4  Trout Giggles  replied to  cobaltblue @2.2.3    2 years ago


Junior Quiet
2.2.5  cobaltblue  replied to  devangelical @2.2.1    2 years ago

my scifi fantasy runs along those lines. carnivorous aliens with a taste for religious cult members.

Or corrupt politicians claiming to be religious.

Senior Quiet
2.2.6  afrayedknot  replied to  cobaltblue @2.2.5    2 years ago

“Or corrupt politicians claiming to be religious.”

The sadder story being they need not be necessarily ‘corrupt’ to corrupt the system. Touting their religious beliefs as the foundation of their representation says it all…ignoring the most basic tenet of our founding. 

Junior Quiet
2.2.7  cobaltblue  replied to  afrayedknot @2.2.6    2 years ago

The sadder story being they need not be necessarily ‘corrupt’ to corrupt the system. Touting their religious beliefs as the foundation of their representation says it all…ignoring the most basic tenet of our founding. 

What's amazing to me is some "christian" politicians are so up in arms about cross-dressing and all items relating to lgbtq. Why aren't they just as rabid about adultery? Adultery is the seventh commandment. Not suggestion. There's nothing regarding homosexuality or any other type of sexuality in the commandments. It's the same with pick-n-choose leviticans. Homosexuality is an abomination. Same people that say that have trimmed beards, wear silk shirts with cotton levi's, play a game of football with the ol' pigskin, and go out to Red Lobster for dinner. Those are four abominations they don't give a shit about, do they? I've never seen a sexually secure man give a shit about what two men or women do behind closed doors. Ever.  

Senior Quiet
2.2.8  afrayedknot  replied to  cobaltblue @2.2.7    2 years ago

“It's the same with pick-n-choose leviticans.”

Pharisees all. Hypocrites all. Deviants all. 

We find ourselves at the proverbial ‘crossroads’ and some may have personally sold their soul, but we as a society still have a choice. Still have a voice. Use it, lest we lose it to the imbecilic. 

Junior Quiet
2.2.9  cobaltblue  replied to  afrayedknot @2.2.8    2 years ago
Still have a voice. Use it, lest we lose it to the imbecilic. 

What you said. 100%.

al Jizzerror
Masters Expert
2.2.10  author  al Jizzerror  replied to  cobaltblue @2.2.7    2 years ago
Adultery is the seventh commandment.

I'm an adult and I'm an atheist so I fully endorse the practice of adultery.

I had no idea that the fucking Christians are commanded to commit adultery.

I guess going to fucking church is more fun than I imagined.

Professor Silent
2.2.11  mocowgirl  replied to  al Jizzerror @2.2.10    2 years ago
I had no idea that the fucking Christians are commanded to commit adultery.

Several of the commandments are all about "thou shall NOT" do a lot of things - adultery being one of them.

I guess going to fucking church is more fun than I imagined.

Not really fun unless you are a masochist needing some psychological abuse in the present with the promise of eternal torment after you die.

However, an acquaintance said, as a teenager, he always got laid at the various Bible camps his parents shuttled him off to so they didn't have to see him for most of the summer.

al Jizzerror
Masters Expert
2.2.12  author  al Jizzerror  replied to  mocowgirl @2.2.11    2 years ago
as a teenager, he always got laid at the various Bible camps

Cool.  Bible camps sound a lot like band camps.


Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
2.2.13  Trout Giggles  replied to  al Jizzerror @2.2.10    2 years ago
I guess going to fucking church is more fun than I imagined.

It's the religious version of a meat market

Professor Principal
2.2.14  devangelical  replied to  Trout Giggles @2.2.13    2 years ago

the weekly community fashion show...

Professor Quiet
2.2.15  cjcold  replied to  Trout Giggles @2.2    2 years ago
all the pesky humans

Hopefully zombies and aliens prefer overly enlarged amygdala.

You and I would be safe.

Junior Quiet
2.2.16  cobaltblue  replied to  cjcold @2.2.15    2 years ago
Amygdaladavida, honey
Don't you know that I'm lovin' you
Amygdaladavida, baby
Don't you know that I'll always be true
Oh, won't you come with me
And take my hand
Oh, won't you come with me
And walk this land
Please take my hand
al Jizzerror
Masters Expert
2.2.17  author  al Jizzerror  replied to  cjcold @2.2.15    2 years ago
enlarged amygdala

They taste sad unless they're sautéed in butter and garlic.

Professor Principal
2.2.18  devangelical  replied to  cobaltblue @2.2.5    2 years ago

they probably prefer free range thumpers...

Professor Principal
2.2.19  devangelical  replied to  cobaltblue @2.2.7    2 years ago
I've never seen a sexually secure man give a shit about what two men or women do behind closed doors. Ever.

... and there you go.

Professor Principal
3  Gsquared    2 years ago

Not allowing children to carry weapons doesn't make any more sense than the absurd age restrictions for driving a car.  So what if they can't see over the steering wheel?  That's none of the government's business.

Professor Principal
4  Kavika     2 years ago

Having lived in SW Missouri for six years this isn't surprising at all.

Paula Bartholomew
Professor Quiet
4.1  Paula Bartholomew  replied to  Kavika @4    2 years ago

I spent only one night in KC MO and fully expected Rod Serling to jump out of my hotel closet.

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Guide
4.1.1  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  Paula Bartholomew @4.1    2 years ago

Green Lady Lounge, two floors of different jazz music, great cocktails and a speakeasy vibe.

Junior Quiet
4.1.2  cobaltblue  replied to  Paula Bartholomew @4.1    2 years ago

I spent only one night in KC MO and fully expected Rod Serling to jump out of my hotel closet.



Paula Bartholomew
Professor Quiet
4.1.3  Paula Bartholomew  replied to  Drinker of the Wry @4.1.1    2 years ago

I was transporting a patient so I had a layover for the night.  The hotel did have a decent bar though.

Professor Quiet
4.1.4  cjcold  replied to  Paula Bartholomew @4.1    2 years ago
only one night in KC MO

You should have tried out Lawrence Ks. Just a few miles down the road.

Kansas' answer to Key West, Ann Arbor, Boulder and Austin.

Ya gotta love liberal college towns that thrive surrounded by an ocean of red!

(P.S. KCMO does have some nice features if you know where to look.)


Professor Quiet
4.1.5  cjcold  replied to  Paula Bartholomew @4.1.3    2 years ago
transporting a patient

Used to be a paramedic and felt patient transfer was a waste of my skills.

Also, patient transport can take a much needed ambulance out of service.

Butt I always loved riding around in a helicopter.

The calls I hated the most were those that tied my hands. DNRs.

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
5  Buzz of the Orient    2 years ago

This goes along with my tongue-in-cheek suggestion that since gun control in the USA is impossible, then absolutely everyone who is capable of pulling a trigger (and it appears that even 6 year old kids can do that) must be issued a gun and adequate ammunition to "protect themselves".  Oh how I wish my son and his family would move to his home country, Canada.

Bob Nelson
Professor Guide
6  Bob Nelson    2 years ago

Republicans are having a contest to determine who is the craziest among them.

al Jizzerror
Masters Expert
6.1  author  al Jizzerror  replied to  Bob Nelson @6    2 years ago
Republicans are having a contest to determine who is the craziest among them.

Sarah Fuckabee Sanders, the Republican Governor of Arkansas, gave the GOP rebuttable to the State of the Union.  She said, “The dividing line in America is no longer right or left,” she said. “The choice is between normal or crazy.”

She's right!  The problem is that now crazy IS the new normal in the Republican Party.

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
6.1.1  Trout Giggles  replied to  al Jizzerror @6.1    2 years ago

She would know crazy. Her family is loaded with it

Professor Principal
6.1.2  devangelical  replied to  Trout Giggles @6.1.1    2 years ago

she can't even trust her own brother to watch her dog when she goes on vacation. boo hoo...

Sparty On
Professor Expert
7  Sparty On    2 years ago

Lies, damn lies and disingenuousness.

Michigan law currently prohibits minors, those under 18, from possessing firearms in public, unless: A legal adult, someone 18 or over, is supervising them.

So, since the Michigan reference is over a decade old, it’s just one more damn lie attempting to use it today.

Junior Quiet
7.1  cobaltblue  replied to  Sparty On @7    2 years ago
A legal adult, someone 18 or over, is supervising them.

Wrong again, Sparty. A Reuters article of February 9, 2023 :

Feb 9 (Reuters) - A proposal to ban minors from carrying some guns on public property without a 21-year-old present failed to advance this week, as Republican lawmakers decided not to include the proposed amendment in a broader crime bill. The proposal had been recommended by a bipartisan working group in the legislature, but was removed last week amid opposition from Republicans in the state House of Representatives, who said people who do not intend to commit crimes should not be penalized for carrying guns.

Here you go.

Considering  you were talking about Michigan, it doesn't apply to the article regarding Missouri. The do both begin with "M" however. 

Sparty On
Professor Expert
7.1.1  Sparty On  replied to  cobaltblue @7.1    2 years ago

Wrong again blue, I was referring to the portion of the article that brought up Michigan.    Not Misso.

Do try to keep up ....

Junior Quiet
7.1.2  cobaltblue  replied to  Sparty On @7.1.1    2 years ago
Wrong again blue, I was referring to the portion of the article that brought up Michigan.    Not Misso.

I understand that. However, given the author's obvious sarcasm in the Michigan portion of the Missouri article, and given the fact that the Michigan portion mentioned didn't say one thing about not needing adult supervision, your "one damn lie" rings false. Funny that considering you're a republican. The party of lies. 


Junior Quiet
7.1.3  cobaltblue  replied to  cobaltblue @7.1.2    2 years ago
obvious sarcasm

I've never once faked a sarcasm. 

Sparty On
Professor Expert
7.1.4  Sparty On  replied to  cobaltblue @7.1.2    2 years ago

I’ve never been a member of any political party.    So once again, your assumptions are faulty.    One wonders what else is faulty ......

Sparty On
Professor Expert
7.1.5  Sparty On  replied to  cobaltblue @7.1.3    2 years ago

Right, y’all just gotta get that venom out.


Professor Principal
7.1.6  devangelical  replied to  Sparty On @7.1.4    2 years ago
One wonders what else is faulty ......

...your sense of patriotism.

Sparty On
Professor Expert
7.1.7  Sparty On  replied to  devangelical @7.1.6    2 years ago

Lol ..... obtuse as usual I see ....

Jeremy Retired in NC
Professor Expert
7.1.8  Jeremy Retired in NC  replied to  cobaltblue @7.1    2 years ago
A Reuters article

An article.  And exactly what does the law state?  Now, the bill that the article referrs to, could that be SB 656?

CONCEALED CARRY PERMITS - 571.030, 571.101, 571.111, & 571.117

Under current law, a person, who is not a member of the United States Armed Forces or honorably discharged from the armed forces, must be at least 21 years of age in order to qualify for a concealed carry endorsement. This act lowers the age to at least 19 years of age

Or General Statute 571.030?

The result of the vote on SB 656 and the enacted law MO GS 571.030  does not permit ANYBODY under 21 to carry a firearm.  I guess a quick google search is too hard for some to do.

Junior Quiet
7.1.9  cobaltblue  replied to  Jeremy Retired in NC @7.1.8    2 years ago
SB 656

Your link to SB 656 states it's from 2014. The current SB 656 establishes the "Missouri Rural Credit Opportunity Act." I guess you have an old edition of Google.

The article discusses a proposal that was voted upon. And your quoted material says the minimum age requirement is 19 [18 for military]. Nowhere is age 21 mentioned.

Professor Principal
7.1.10  devangelical  replied to  cobaltblue @7.1.9    2 years ago

2009 teabag edition

Junior Quiet
7.1.11  cobaltblue  replied to  devangelical @7.1.10    2 years ago
2009 teabag edition

Remember back in the day, the teabaggers wore the word "teabagger" proudly until someone clued them in to what it  really meant? Not exactly a Mensa moment for the poor ignoranuses (stupid assholes). They coined the phrase for themselves, then got all pissed off about it. 

Some members of the movement adopted the term as a verb, and a few others referred to themselves as "teabaggers ." News media and progressive commentators outside the movement began to use the term mockingly and derisively, alluding to the sexual connotation of the term when referring to Tea Party protesters. The first pejorative use of the term was in 2007 by Indiana Democratic Party Communications Director Jennifer Wagner. The use of the double entendre evolved from Tea Party protest sites encouraging readers to "Tea bag the fools in DC" to the political left adopting the term for derogatory jokes. It has been used by several media outlets to humorously refer to Tea Party-affiliated protestors. Some conservatives have advocated that the non-vulgar meaning of the word be reclaimed. Grant Barrett, co-host of the  A Way with Words  radio program, has listed  teabagger as a 2009 buzzword meaning, "a derogatory name for attendees of Tea Parties, probably coined in allusion to a sexual practice. [Emphasis mine.]


al Jizzerror
Masters Expert
7.1.12  author  al Jizzerror  replied to  cobaltblue @7.1.11    2 years ago
Remember back in the day, the teabaggers wore the word "teabagger" proudly until someone clued them in to what it  really meant? Not exactly a Mensa moment for the poor ignoranuses (stupid assholes).

Even dogs know what tea bagging is.


Professor Principal
7.1.13  devangelical  replied to  al Jizzerror @7.1.12    2 years ago

real subtle fido...

Professor Principal
7.1.14  devangelical  replied to  cobaltblue @7.1.11    2 years ago

I remember all the teabags somewhere else claiming the term was a personal attack.

Jeremy Retired in NC
Professor Expert
7.1.15  Jeremy Retired in NC  replied to  cobaltblue @7.1.9    2 years ago

And how does that change anything?  It still makes it illegal for anybody under the age of 21 to carry a firearm.

Professor Quiet
7.1.16  cjcold  replied to  cobaltblue @7.1.3    2 years ago

Never minded when a lady faked sarcasm. 

My male ego has always been fairly delicate.

Split Personality
Professor Guide
7.1.17  Split Personality  replied to  Jeremy Retired in NC @7.1.8    2 years ago
the enacted law MO GS 571.030  does not permit ANYBODY under 21 to carry a firearm.  I guess a quick google search is too hard for some to do.

The current proposed amendment addressed children open carrying on public lands.

50% of MO is owned by the Feds, parks and National Forrest.

MO is one hell of a deer hunting party.

Currently concealed carry applies to anyone 19 years old or 18 if enlisted.

The standard hunting license which does not cover deer can be purchased by a 16 year old with a hunter's education cert.

A big game license (deer & bear) can be purchased on line by anyone.

The Elk license is restricted to those having a hunters ed card and at least 11 years old.

Anyone hunting deer aged less than 16 years with or without the hunters education cert must be supervised by an 18 year old who has the hunters ed cert and proper tags.

So yeah.  Plenty of people in MO walk around with all sorts of guns regardless of age,

hence the attempt to amend a flawed set of laws. 

This was triggered by the death of a "juvenile hunter" last year in MO. 

The only detail is that the victim was less than 18 years old.

Junior Quiet
7.1.18  cobaltblue  replied to  Split Personality @7.1.17    2 years ago
Currently concealed carry applies to anyone 19 years old or 18 if enlisted.

His own link doesn't mention the age of twenty-one anywhere. Ha! 

Your comment is enlightening. Considering the number of children that have died as a direct result of gunfire, I guess the right own weapons supersedes the "right to life."

Professor Principal
7.1.19  devangelical  replied to  Split Personality @7.1.17    2 years ago

I got my hunter's safety card about 55 years ago so I could go hunting. the local gun safety experts decided it would be a good idea to shoot the 22's at targets inside the crowded isaac walton building. apparently not all of the children had shot a rifle before. the target shooting segment was quickly moved outdoors after a ricochet went thru a window pane. how that bullet missed hitting somebody inside was very lucky and later became proof of divine intervention among the holy.

Professor Principal
7.1.20  devangelical  replied to  devangelical @7.1.19    2 years ago

coincidentally, I haven't been hunting for 53 years...

al Jizzerror
Masters Expert
7.2  author  al Jizzerror  replied to  Sparty On @7    2 years ago
So, since the Michigan reference is over a decade old, it’s just one more damn lie attempting to use it today.

Yes it's an old story butt that DOES NOT make it a "one more damn lie."

It's still "fucking hilariously stupid shit" that gets even funnier as it ages.

Here's the test:  "in July of 2011, Republicans in the Michigan House passed a bill to abolish age restrictions for concealed weapons permits."


It's still "fucking hilariously stupid shit".

My article does not state that it was ever passed by both houses the Michigan legislature or that that stupid shit was signed into law by the Governor. 

Lighten up.  It's okay to laugh at their Stupidity.  

Butt, please don't imply that I fucking lied.

Junior Quiet
7.2.1  cobaltblue  replied to  al Jizzerror @7.2    2 years ago

I love when you lie ... next to me.

Professor Quiet
7.2.2  cjcold  replied to  cobaltblue @7.2.1    2 years ago

Just wrote a song using that line. 

Hope it is in the public domain.

Professor Principal
7.2.3  devangelical  replied to  cobaltblue @7.2.1    2 years ago

dammit, you know I read all your comments...

Junior Quiet
8  cobaltblue    2 years ago

The proliferation of guns and uneducated gun owners have killed children for years. You don't need to be in Missouri. A teacher was recently fired upon in the classroom by a six year old. 

Everytown [for Gun Safety] has been tracking unintentional shootings by kids for six years. Cases of young children taking hold of a gun and mistakenly shooting themselves, a friend, or a family member happen almost every single day.

There were at least 2,070 unintentional shootings by children, resulting in 765 deaths from 2015 to 2020, according to the group's research.

Forty-four percent of U.S. adults say they live in a household with a gun, including about a third who say they personally own one, according to a Gallup survey conducted in October 2020.


Everytown's new report sheds light on commonalities of each of the reported cases of children playing with a gun, or grabbing the weapon, and shooting themselves or others.
  • 91%   of the victims in unintentional shootings by children were also under 18.
  • More than one in every four of these shootings are by kids age 5 and younger. One in every four of the victims are also 5 and younger. [Emphasis mine.]
  • Boys make up a majority of the shooters and the victims. About 83% of the child shooters are young boys. Boys and men make up 76% of the victims. 
  • The most likely age group to be both shooters and victims are teenagers ages 14 to 17, followed by preschool aged children.


Bob Nelson
Professor Guide
8.1  Bob Nelson  replied to  cobaltblue @8    2 years ago

Guns don't kill people, people kill people.


There are people who still say this kind of shit.

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Guide
8.1.1  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  Bob Nelson @8.1    2 years ago

Isn’t that why people are charged with manslaughter or murder and not the guns?

Junior Quiet
8.1.2  cobaltblue  replied to  Bob Nelson @8.1    2 years ago
There are people who still say this kind of shit


You know ... I can't remember a person shooting another person without a gun. The NRA is counting on ignorance, just as some republicans depend on the low intellect of some voters. 

Bob Nelson
Professor Guide
8.1.3  Bob Nelson  replied to  cobaltblue @8.1.2    2 years ago

IMNAAHO, it's worse than that. These ammosexuals know perfectly well the horrible damage their beloved toys cause... but they DO NOT CARE.

"Caring" is so sissy...

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Guide
8.1.4  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  Bob Nelson @8.1.3    2 years ago

Have you always been an ammophobe?

Bob Nelson
Professor Guide
8.1.5  Bob Nelson  replied to  Drinker of the Wry @8.1.4    2 years ago

Are you amused by people killing other people?

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Guide
8.1.7  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  Bob Nelson @8.1.5    2 years ago

Like most folks, I enjoy a good movie, violent or not.  How about you, do you avoid violent movies?

Bob Nelson
Professor Guide
8.1.8  Bob Nelson  replied to  Drinker of the Wry @8.1.7    2 years ago

Ummm... movies are not real. 

Do you understand the difference between th real world and movies?

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Guide
8.1.9  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  Bob Nelson @8.1.8    2 years ago
Ummm... movies are not real.

Of course the are real and cost around $50-$100M to make.

Do you understand the difference between th real world and movies?

Of course, did you mean to ask a silly question?

Bob Nelson
Professor Guide
8.1.10  Bob Nelson  replied to  Drinker of the Wry @8.1.9    2 years ago

Courageous, too...

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Guide
8.1.11  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  Bob Nelson @8.1.10    2 years ago

You think that you are courageous here, for you comments?

Bob Nelson
Professor Guide
8.1.12  Bob Nelson  replied to  Drinker of the Wry @8.1.11    2 years ago


Drinker of the Wry
Senior Guide
8.1.13  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  Bob Nelson @8.1.12    2 years ago

So not courageous.

Bob Nelson
Professor Guide
8.1.14  Bob Nelson  replied to  Drinker of the Wry @8.1.13    2 years ago


Drinker of the Wry
Senior Guide
8.1.15  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  Bob Nelson @8.1.14    2 years ago

What metrics are you using?

al Jizzerror
Masters Expert
8.1.16  author  al Jizzerror  replied to  Have Opinion Will Travel @8.1.6    2 years ago
Obama: 'If They Bring a Knife to the Fight, We Bring Gun'

Since Obama hasn't shot anyone, it's obviously just a rhetorical statement.

Paula Bartholomew
Professor Quiet
8.1.17  Paula Bartholomew  replied to  Bob Nelson @8.1.8    2 years ago

Alec Baldwin is finding out what happens when those two worlds collide.

Professor Principal
8.1.18  devangelical  replied to  al Jizzerror @8.1.16    2 years ago

less than half of the comments on this thread should still be here, without any loss of continuity.

Professor Quiet
8.1.19  cjcold  replied to  Bob Nelson @8.1    2 years ago

Used to study the Philippine martial arts. 

Knives, swords, sticks and stones can actually hurt me!

My "professor" could hurt me worse with just a scowl.

Professor Principal
9  Kavika     2 years ago

But they are inanimate objects that can cause no harm unless a 6 year old pulls the trigger then we have a very live animate object taking a life. 

The ''Show Me'' state has just shown how fricking stupid they can be.

Greg Jones
Professor Participates
10  Greg Jones    2 years ago

Many of the shootings done by very young kids was because their low information gun toting Biden voting parents left the guns unsecured.

Older "kids" simply get guns from their gangster buddies or steal them.

Gun laws have had very little effect on what happens in the real world.

Junior Quiet
10.1  cobaltblue  replied to  Greg Jones @10    2 years ago
Many of the shootings done by very young kids was because their low information gun toting Biden voting parents left the guns unsecured.

Ha! Link proving your claim of "low information gun toting Biden voting parents left the guns unsecured" please. 

Professor Principal
10.2  Gsquared  replied to  Greg Jones @10    2 years ago

Comment 10 is "low information".

Professor Principal
10.2.1  devangelical  replied to  Gsquared @10.2    2 years ago

tactful. it's a fucking stupid comment...

Professor Principal
10.2.2  devangelical  replied to  devangelical @10.2.1    2 years ago

... from a moron.

Professor Principal
10.2.3  devangelical  replied to  devangelical @10.2.2    2 years ago

that can't hold his mud...

goose is back
Junior Participates
10.2.4  goose is back  replied to  devangelical @10.2.1    2 years ago

How do these children get the firearms?

al Jizzerror
Masters Expert
10.2.5  author  al Jizzerror  replied to  goose is back @10.2.4    2 years ago
How do these children get the firearms?

Most children get firearms from idiotic negligent adults (usually their parents).

5-year-old who shot self with deputy's gun expected to recover

by WCTI Staff

May 19th 2014, 1:18 PM EDT

WADESBORO, ANSON COUNTY - A 5-year-old boy has been released from a hospital after he shot himself with the service weapon of his father, a North Carolina deputy.

Anson County Sheriff Tommy Allen Jr. told ABC affiliate WSOC the 5-year-old was released from Levine Children's Hospital in Charlotte Sunday. The boy is expected to make a full recovery but will likely need plastic surgery on his ear, where he shot himself, said Sheriff Allen.

Allen said the 5-year-old shot himself in the ear at about 1 p.m. Saturday in his Wadesboro home. The boy used a gun that belonged to his father, Sgt. Josh Beam of the Anson County Sheriff's Office (pictured above).

Sgt. Beam was off duty and in another room when his son shot himself, said Allen.

Allen told WSOC that Sgt. Beam has been placed on administrative leave, which is standard procedure anytime a deputy's weapon is fired.

Investigators are working to figure out how Beam's son got the weapon.

Allen said the Sheriff's Office has contacted the Department of Social Services and the district attorney. But the DA declined to comment on the possibility of charges.

Sheriff Allen said Sgt. Beam is "blaming himself" and "beating himself up" over the shooting.

Sgt. Beam has been with the Anson County Sheriff's Office for 10 years. Sheriff Allen described Beam as a good deputy with an "unblemished record."

Professor Principal
10.2.6  devangelical  replied to  al Jizzerror @10.2.5    2 years ago

I guessing that fool was wishing he was in jail now instead of at home with the mrs...

Professor Principal
10.2.7  devangelical  replied to  al Jizzerror @10.2.5    2 years ago

I had a rental management company as a client decades ago. one day I get a call for an emergency window replacement. in order to cut some red tape and expedite the process, I went to the property to measure and scope the job. apparently the now ex-tenant, a police officer, had discharged his service weapon in his apartment and the bullet had passed thru his bedroom window and the window of an apartment in the building next to it, also managed by my client. unknown to me, the police officer had agreed to self-evict and pay for both windows to keep his employer from finding out. I tallied the bid and presented it to the apartment manager who looked at it and told me it looked good to him, since he wasn't paying the cop was, but shouldn't I be charging more for a rush job? I agreed and marked the contract up by 50%.

Professor Guide
11  GregTx    2 years ago

Professor Principal
12  Ender    2 years ago

Maybe these people think Red Dawn is going to happen...

Bob Nelson
Professor Guide
12.1  Bob Nelson  replied to  Ender @12    2 years ago

Our Usual Suspects, here on NT? Nah. They're actually quite sophisticated. But a "Red Dawn" scenario is part of their shtick. It's like "They're coming to take your guns." The Usual Suspects know better than this crap, but it's what they feed to their foot-soldiers, so they have to repeat it incessantly... wink wink...

Mark in Wyoming
Professor Silent
12.2  Mark in Wyoming   replied to  Ender @12    2 years ago
Maybe these people think Red Dawn is going to happen...

I dont think so ,  a whole lotta shit would have to go sideways for something like that to happen .

Now if one wants to make a movie or TV show comparison ,  i think the old TV show Jericho , the walking dead ( without zombies of course ) or maybe the movie  The Postman  would be places to start looking . and even then you would find tribal separations within a community itself , and no guarantee that said tribes would accept anyone from outside that they know , would be pretty hard to claim refugee status or just blend in .

In that instance , what likely will be looked at is what would a person be able to contribute to a community /tribe , vs what they would use in resources and take for themselves .

my opinion is quite a few people that follow this site would be shit out of luck .

Professor Principal
12.2.1  devangelical  replied to  Mark in Wyoming @12.2    2 years ago

meh, a lot of those old teabags and trumpsters teeth have gold fillings...

Professor Principal
12.2.2  devangelical  replied to  devangelical @12.2.1    2 years ago

screwdriver, hammer, and a pair of pliers...

Professor Quiet
12.3  cjcold  replied to  Ender @12    2 years ago

Have to say it.

No country would dare attack our military or well-armed citizenry in a ground war.

Every hood banger and every supremacist group would band together in a heartbeat.

Professor Principal
12.3.1  devangelical  replied to  cjcold @12.3    2 years ago

meh, it would still be dangerous to wear a maga hat within 100 yards of me...

Professor Quiet
12.3.2  cjcold  replied to  devangelical @12.3.1    2 years ago
within 100 yards of me

Was actually given a MAGA hat a few years ago.

Have never worn it but it does look good on the wall next to the unopened can of BillyBeer.

Professor Principal
12.3.3  devangelical  replied to  cjcold @12.3.2    2 years ago

just to be safe, don't wear it in colorado...

Sparty On
Professor Expert
12.3.4  Sparty On  replied to  devangelical @12.3.1    2 years ago


Professor Participates
12.3.5  bugsy  replied to  Sparty On @12.3.4    2 years ago


Sparty On
Professor Expert
12.3.6  Sparty On  replied to  bugsy @12.3.5    2 years ago


Junior Quiet
13  cobaltblue    2 years ago


Right Down the Center
PhD Guide
13.1  Right Down the Center  replied to  cobaltblue @13    2 years ago

If you are stupid enough to not be able to define what an assault rifle is you are too stupid to tell others they can't have them.

Bob Nelson
Professor Guide
13.1.1  Bob Nelson  replied to  Right Down the Center @13.1    2 years ago

If you, a gun owner, don't know what an assault rifle is...

Sparty On
Professor Expert
13.1.2  Sparty On  replied to  Bob Nelson @13.1.1    2 years ago
don't know what an assault rifle is...

I do.    Do you?  

I used one when I served in the USMC.    Haven’t seen one being used on a public range by a civilian since.

Not once.

Right Down the Center
PhD Guide
13.1.3  Right Down the Center  replied to  Bob Nelson @13.1.1    2 years ago

I do, do you?  Any politician or activist that thinks an AR-15 is an assault weapon obviously does not.

al Jizzerror
Masters Expert
13.1.4  author  al Jizzerror  replied to  Right Down the Center @13.1.3    2 years ago
I do, do you?  Any politician or activist that thinks an AR-15 is an assault weapon obviously does not.

You make a good point.  Those wimpy AR-15s (and mini AR-14s) are just  semi-automatic rifles that can't be fired rapidly. 

They definitely shouldn't be called fucking "assault rifles".

Can we call them "tactical rifles"?

Right Down the Center
PhD Guide
13.1.5  Right Down the Center  replied to  al Jizzerror @13.1.4    2 years ago

They should not be called what they are not. Tactical still leaves too much to individual interpretation. Something wrong with calling them semi automatic rifles since that is what they are? 

al Jizzerror
Masters Expert
13.1.7  author  al Jizzerror  replied to  Right Down the Center @13.1.5    2 years ago
Something wrong with calling them semi automatic rifles since that is what they are? 

Here is what I called them in comment 13.1.4

Those wimpy AR-15s (and mini AR-14s) are just   semi-automatic rifles that can't be fired rapidly. 

I'm so sorry I insulted your arsenal by asking if they can be referred to as "tactical rifles".

No matter what At-15s are called they have killed lots of innocent people.

Since you won't call them assault rifles or tactical rifles, I guess they aren't dangerous at all.

Which butt plug do you use?


al Jizzerror
Masters Expert
13.1.8  author  al Jizzerror  replied to    2 years ago
How many " PRO " Competition" shooters are out there shooting everyday folks on " Your Planet " ?

Maybe we should require people who purchase firearms to be fucking " PRO " Competition" shooters.

Sorry, more guns make us safer, right?


al Jizzerror
Masters Expert
13.1.10  author  al Jizzerror  replied to    2 years ago
Deflecting away from your own picure/video post ...... again ?

I am the author of this article.  It's about toddlers being armed.

I included the video because so many ammosexuals try to imply that AR-15s are just semi-automatic  rifles.

They are semi-automatics butt they can be rapidly fired and the .223 ammo is extremely dangerous.

I suggest you troll somewhere else.


Right Down the Center
PhD Guide
13.1.13  Right Down the Center  replied to  al Jizzerror @13.1.7    2 years ago

Never said they weren't dangerous. Why so afraid to call them what they are? Does it make it tougher to get rid of them without trying to scare people.


al Jizzerror
Masters Expert
13.1.16  author  al Jizzerror  replied to  Right Down the Center @13.1.13    2 years ago
Why so afraid to call them what they are?

Reading is funda mental .

I called AR-15s "semiautomatic rifles" in comments 13.1.4 and 13.1.7 and 13.1.10

I have NOT called AR-15s assault rifles even once.

A frequent misconception about AR-15 firearms, for instance, is that the "AR" in the name stands for "assault rifle." It does not. AR stands for ArmaLite Rifle , reflecting the company name ( ArmaLite ) of the original manufacturer of the weapon. Although ArmaLite sold the design of the rifle to Colt in 1959, the term "AR-15" has persisted and acts as a catch-all for similar guns, even though various models with different manufacturers have different names.

ArmaLite developed the weapon in the 1950s with the original intention that it would be used by the military but didn't have much success selling it before handing it off to Colt. As NPR reports , Colt had widespread success selling the automatic M-16 to the military, which troops used in Vietnam. Colt produced a semi-automatic, civilian version of that weapon and marketed it as the "AR-15."

"When Colt's patents for the AR-15 expired in the 1970s, other manufacturers began making similar models," NPR reported. "Those gun makers gave the weapons their own names, yet the popularity of the AR-15 turned it into a generic term for all types of AR-15-style rifles."

Since AR-15s are not assault rifles, I guess assault rifles don't exist.  /s

Right Down the Center
PhD Guide
13.1.18  Right Down the Center  replied to  al Jizzerror @13.1.16    2 years ago


al Jizzerror
Masters Expert
13.1.19  author  al Jizzerror  replied to  Right Down the Center @13.1.18    2 years ago

Sparty On knows more about small arms than a fucking T Rex.

Here's what he posted:

Sparty On @13.1.2

don't know what an assault rifle is...

I do.    Do you?  I used one when I served in the USMC.    Haven’t seen one being used on a public range by a civilian since.

Not once.

Gee,maybe assault rifles are fucking invisible.  /s

Professor Principal
13.1.20  devangelical  replied to  al Jizzerror @13.1.19    2 years ago

in the rear, behind the gear...

Right Down the Center
PhD Guide
13.1.21  Right Down the Center  replied to  al Jizzerror @13.1.19    2 years ago
don't know what an assault rifle is...

I do.    Do you?  I used one when I served in the USMC.    Haven’t seen one being used on a public range by a civilian since.

Not once.

According to ATF: , an “assault rifle” (or automatic weapon) is a machine gun. No new machine guns can be made or sold to civilians. Automatic weapons have been heavily regulated since the National Firearms Act of 1934.

According to Britannica: assault rifle, military firearm that is chambered for ammunition of reduced size or propellant charge and that has the capacity to switch between semiautomatic and fully automatic fire.

So what rifle that fits those definitions can civilians now own and shoot on a public range by a civilian?

al Jizzerror
Masters Expert
13.1.22  author  al Jizzerror  replied to  Right Down the Center @13.1.21    2 years ago
So what rifle that fits those definitions can civilians now own and shoot on a public range by a civilian?

The are many shooting ranges (open to the public) that offer the opportunity to shoot many different kinds of fully automatic weapons.  Here's one in Vegas:



If machine guns are your preference, this is the perfect place to head off to. The Machine Gun Experience arms you with the biggest selection of machine guns . You can pick from their flexible shooting packages to customize your experience.
al Jizzerror
Masters Expert
13.1.23  author  al Jizzerror  replied to  Right Down the Center @13.1.21    2 years ago
So what rifle that fits those definitions can civilians now own and shoot on a public range by a civilian?

Here's an article that describes a nine year old girl enjoying the machine gun experience:


Child firing Uzi at Ariz. shooting range accidentally kills instructor, police say

Steve Almasy , AnneClaire Stapleton and Ray Sanchez , CNN
Updated 10:39 AM EDT, Thu August 28, 2014

A shooting instructor is dead, the victim of a gun-range accident. A 9-year-old girl is surely traumatized. And plenty of people, including many gun enthusiasts, are asking: Why give a child a submachine gun to shoot?

The deadly incident occurred Monday morning at a gun range in Arizona that caters to Las Vegas tourists, many of whom drive an hour from the gambling center to fire high-powered weapons.

Charles Vacca was accidentally shot in the head as he instructed the 9-year-old girl how to fire an Uzi, an Israeli-made 9mm submachine gun. As she pulled the trigger, the gun jumped out of her left hand toward Vacca, who was standing beside her.

Right Down the Center
PhD Guide
13.1.24  Right Down the Center  replied to  al Jizzerror @13.1.22    2 years ago

Sounds interesting  

Right Down the Center
PhD Guide
13.1.25  Right Down the Center  replied to  al Jizzerror @13.1.23    2 years ago

All terrible tragedies but you can not legislate stupid out of


Senior Expert
13.1.26  George  replied to  Right Down the Center @13.1.25    2 years ago

If you could legislate stupid out of people there wouldn’t have been any


Right Down the Center
PhD Guide
13.1.27  Right Down the Center  replied to  George @13.1.26    2 years ago
f you could legislate stupid out of people there wouldn’t have been any Green or AOC supporters, not to mention the little terrorist girl from Minnesota.

There would be alot less people being allowed to vote, that is for sure.

al Jizzerror
Masters Expert
13.1.28  author  al Jizzerror  replied to  Right Down the Center @13.1.24    2 years ago
I am sure out of what I would be willing to pay.

Then you probably can't afford it.

You should probably just use the "rubber band trick" with your ARs and AKs.

al Jizzerror
Masters Expert
13.1.31  author  al Jizzerror  replied to    2 years ago
"DIeva" is a registered Mod on NT ?

Perrie Halpern is THE site moderator.  

You should probably just apologize and leave this thread.

This is the "SiNNERS and ButtHeads" group.  Here are the group moderators:

Group Moderators:

Trout Giggles


You shouldn't ridicule Devangelical's name.

He didn't call you "magicalshortbus". 

Right Down the Center
PhD Guide
13.1.33  Right Down the Center  replied to    2 years ago


Right Down the Center
PhD Guide
13.1.34  Right Down the Center  replied to  al Jizzerror @13.1.28    2 years ago


al Jizzerror
Masters Expert
13.1.35  author  al Jizzerror  replied to    2 years ago
are you just making shit up as usual as a Big Ass Smoochy to garner  more protection.

I have plenty of "protection".

I always wear at least two condoms when I surf the "Net".

I will never get a computer virus.

However, I worry about your reckless comments.

You already may be infected.


al Jizzerror
Masters Expert
13.1.36  author  al Jizzerror  replied to  Right Down the Center @13.1.34    2 years ago
 Interesting that you are promoting it.

I do NOT recommend that anyone use "the rubber band trick".

It is illegal. 

Butt, I thought it was a funny alternative to spending a shitload of money shooting machine guns in Vegas.

I like the Canadian Senator's instructional video about making bacon.

It's a barrel of fun.

Professor Quiet
13.1.37  cjcold  replied to  Bob Nelson @13.1.1    2 years ago

This liberal owns a highly modified AR-15. 

It can now fill a one inch group at 125 yards (back porch to lake spillway).

Couldn't ask for a better ranch rifle. 

Professor Principal
13.1.38  devangelical  replied to  cjcold @13.1.37    2 years ago

... got any prairie dogs out there?

Professor Principal
13.1.39  devangelical  replied to  devangelical @13.1.38    2 years ago

I can get some little maga hats made for them...

Professor Principal
13.1.40  devangelical  replied to  devangelical @13.1.39    2 years ago

... or we could trap them and then spray paint their heads orange.

al Jizzerror
Masters Expert
13.1.41  author  al Jizzerror  replied to  devangelical @13.1.40    2 years ago
we could trap them

Do fuck with prairie dogs.  

Their fleas sometimes carry plague.

Prairie Dogs Carrying The Black Death Cause Part Of Rocky Mountain Park To Shut Down
By Marco Margaritoff | Edited By John Kuroski
Published August 26, 2019

Fortunately, there's only an average of seven cases of the plague per year in the U.S. and it can be treated with antibiotics.

In late July, officials from the Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge shuttered an area of the park for fairly worrying safety reasons — namely, that there were prairie dogs found with a form of the bubonic plague.

According to USA Today , only one part of the Denver, Colorado refuge has since reopened. The public remains strictly prohibited from entering other areas of the park, and according to a statement by the refuge’s wildlife officials. This precautionary measure is likely to hold until September.

The 15,000-acre animal sanctuary is home to an impressive range of animals, from eagles, ducks, and geese, to bison, coyotes, and deer. Earlier this month, the refuge explained that its staff was “monitoring prairie dog areas for signs of sylvatic plague.”

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has since used an insecticide in those areas most frequented by black-tailed prairie dog colonies in order to kill any fleas infected with the disease. Fleas are one of the primary ways in which the bubonic plague has historically spread.

Professor Principal
13.1.42  devangelical  replied to  al Jizzerror @13.1.41    2 years ago

I'm familiar with the wildlife refuge. it's northeast of denver metro out by the airport. the hawks and eagles keep the prairie dog population in check. it's pretty cool to watch the raptors chow down.

Professor Principal
13.1.43  devangelical  replied to  al Jizzerror @13.1.23    2 years ago

because every little girl wants to shoot an uzi...

Professor Principal
13.1.44  devangelical  replied to  devangelical @13.1.43    2 years ago

 ... at an ammosexual.

Professor Quiet
13.2  cjcold  replied to  cobaltblue @13    2 years ago

Yep. Used to teach the martial arts and there were many who didn't pass the checks.

A police history of theft and violence was a red flag.

Teaching cops and agents had its advantages as far as intel went.

Professor Principal
13.2.1  devangelical  replied to  cjcold @13.2    2 years ago
A police history of theft and violence was a red flag.

my art teacher was dating a denver PD detective back in the early 70's that was selling us weed out of the evidence locker. 4 finger bag for $10.

Right Down the Center
PhD Guide
14  Right Down the Center    2 years ago

Well, if toddlers are old enough to get


Professor Quiet
14.1  cjcold  replied to  Right Down the Center @14    2 years ago

Hopefully you realize that you're speaking far right wing lies.

Right Down the Center
PhD Guide
14.1.1  Right Down the Center  replied to  cjcold @14.1    2 years ago

Of course.


Right Down the Center
PhD Guide
14.1.3  Right Down the Center  replied to  cjcold @14.1    2 years ago
Hopefully you realize that you're speaking far right wing lies

Of course you realize that you are speaking far left wing lies to try and cover up what the left is pushing for

Professor Quiet
14.1.4  cjcold  replied to  Right Down the Center @14.1.3    2 years ago
what the left is pushing for

Actually, have always been a nonaffiliated centrist.

What you claim to be but actually aren't 

Professor Principal
14.1.5  devangelical  replied to  cjcold @14.1.4    2 years ago

pretty sure his center right means somewhere between rino and neo-nazi...

al Jizzerror
Masters Expert
14.1.6  author  al Jizzerror  replied to  devangelical @14.1.5    2 years ago
center right means somewhere between rino and neo-nazi...

Some NewsTalkers seem to align somewhere between The Proud Boys and The Oath Keepers.

Here's some right wing porn for the knuckle draggers:



Professor Principal
14.1.7  devangelical  replied to  al Jizzerror @14.1.6    2 years ago

she was packing the same sized meat... er, heat as her comrades...

al Jizzerror
Masters Expert
14.1.8  author  al Jizzerror  replied to  devangelical @14.1.7    2 years ago
she was packing the same sized meat... er, heat as her comrades...


She will be popular in prison.

Professor Principal
14.1.9  devangelical  replied to  al Jizzerror @14.1.8    2 years ago

3 entry, no waiting...

Professor Principal
14.1.10  devangelical  replied to  al Jizzerror @14.1.8    2 years ago

they'll probably make her join the carpet cleaners union...

al Jizzerror
Masters Expert
14.1.11  author  al Jizzerror  replied to  devangelical @14.1.10    2 years ago
the carpet cleaners union...

You mean the carpet lickers union?

Freshman Silent
15  freepress    2 years ago

Instead of a nation "by the people, for the people" it has become a nation of live by the gun die by the gun. So what if it hurts the people. What do right wing nuts do when a pregnant person is a victim of all this gun violence? Nothing. Because they are not really about "life". They refuse to impose stricter gun laws when women are the victims of domestic violence which has a high likelihood of ending in a shooting that takes the lives of women and children. Yet right wing politicians and their base will impose far, far stricter laws on women and birth control than the guns. It's truly insane the way they dodge and weave which lives they want to protect and which lives they really don't care about at all. Kids are the last item on their list in reality once the child is born. 

Junior Quiet
15.1  cobaltblue  replied to  freepress @15    2 years ago
n and birth control than the guns. It's truly insane the way they dodge and weave which lives they want to protect and which lives they really don't care about at all. Kids are the last item on their list in reality once the child is born.


Junior Quiet
15.2  cobaltblue  replied to  freepress @15    2 years ago



al Jizzerror
Masters Expert
15.2.1  author  al Jizzerror  replied to  cobaltblue @15.2    2 years ago


Junior Quiet
17  cobaltblue    2 years ago
An infant was fatally shot in the face after a 3-year-old toddler fired the gun, according to Pennsylvania police.

The Lancaster Bureau of Police (LBP) said officers were alerted to reports of a shooting in the 500 block of Woodward Street at about 7:05 p.m. local time on Tuesday, October 18 [2022].

When police arrived, they found an infant lying on the floor of the home with an apparent gunshot wound to the face.

An LBP spokesperson said: "Officers rendered aid to the infant and were assisted by responding Emergency Medical Services personnel. Medical personnel took over the treatment of the victim.

"Tragically, the victim was pronounced deceased at the scene by medical personnel."

Toddler Fatally Shoots Infant in the Face: Police (newsweek.com)

al Jizzerror
Masters Expert
17.1  author  al Jizzerror  replied to  cobaltblue @17    2 years ago
An infant was fatally shot in the face after a 3-year-old toddler fired the gun, according to Pennsylvania police.

NRA spokespsycho, Wayne LaPierre, said, " The only thing that can stop a bad toddler with a gun is a good toddler with a gun.  This incident illustrates to need to arm more toddlers.  If a couple good toddlers had been present (and armed) they could have shot the bad toddler before he killed the infant.  More guns make everyone safer."


Professor Principal
17.1.1  devangelical  replied to  al Jizzerror @17.1    2 years ago

easily provoked maga teenagers could be forfeit in the culling of the soon to be trumpster herd.

Professor Quiet
17.1.2  cjcold  replied to  devangelical @17.1.1    2 years ago

Why I never had kids.

Junior Quiet
18  cobaltblue    2 years ago
Volusia police said officers responded to a home in the 2400 block of Nectarine Road, in Daytona Park Estates, DeLand, north of Orlando, following reports of a shooting at 6:22 p.m. on Wednesday.

In a Facebook post shared that day, a police spokesperson said: "Tonight deputies responded to one of the worst calls imaginable. A 3-year-old boy has died after shooting himself with a handgun."

It later added: "The investigation into what led to this tragedy is in its early stages, and further updates will be provided tomorrow (Thursday, February 16).

* * * *

According to Nationwide Children's Hospital, based in Ohio, there are an estimated 300 million guns in the U.S. and 1 ,300 children younger than 18 die from shootings every year.

Toddler Dies After Shooting Himself With a Handgun: Police (msn.com)

Professor Quiet
18.1  cjcold  replied to  cobaltblue @18    2 years ago

Thankfully I live alone with all of my loaded firearms. No children involved.

There are a few loaded firearms in each room. Well hidden but easy to get to.

live way out on the prairie and my nearest neighbor is a couple of miles away.

The nearest sheriffs station is 20 miles away.

Have been reading about home invasions lately on isolated homes.

Am always armed these days. Even when sitting on my sofa watching TV.

Doesn't help that I read Capotes' book "In Cold Blood" a few years ago.

The Clutter family had no idea what was going to happen to them.

Spent ten years as a paramedic and kept getting surprised when I turned my back.

Most folk have no idea as to what evil exists in this world.

al Jizzerror
Masters Expert
18.1.1  author  al Jizzerror  replied to  cjcold @18.1    2 years ago
way out on the prairie

When I lived alone, I always had a loaded weapon within reach.

You should consider getting a good alarm system/dog for when you sleep. 

Professor Quiet
18.1.2  cjcold  replied to  al Jizzerror @18.1.1    2 years ago

I have the cameras and all of the sensors that go directly to my cell.

Had a Rotty but he broke out and ran off likely due to some bitch in heat. Probably got his ass shot by my mile away neighbor with dogs who is slightly insane.

al Jizzerror
Masters Expert
18.1.3  author  al Jizzerror  replied to  cjcold @18.1.2    2 years ago
Had a Rotty

Sorry to hear about his demise.

I'm glad you have a security system (and guns).

Professor Quiet
18.1.4  cjcold  replied to  al Jizzerror @18.1.3    2 years ago
a security system

Upgrade my home, auto and personal security on a regular basis.

Have a horse these days who is great at warning me of interlopers.

Professor Quiet
18.1.5  cjcold  replied to  al Jizzerror @18.1.3    2 years ago
Sorry to hear about his demise

Don't know that he is dead.

Only know that he never came back.

Hopefully he found a new family and a girlfriend.

Professor Quiet
18.1.6  cjcold  replied to  cjcold @18.1.5    2 years ago

My folks used to tell me about that farm upstate where old dogs went to become young puppies again. Never fell for it.

Junior Quiet
18.1.7  cobaltblue  replied to  cjcold @18.1.6    2 years ago

My folks used to tell me about that farm upstate where old dogs went to become young puppies again. Never fell for it.

Never fell for it? Oh ye of little faith. I can attest from two independent sources that such a place does indeed exist.  If Santa and the Easter Bunny say it exists, you can count on it. It's next to the farm where they raise unicorns.

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
19  Buzz of the Orient    2 years ago

On Microsoft Bing News this morning there were TWO, not one but TWO stories about 6-year-olds with guns.  One was a kid who shot his grandmother in the back, and the other was about yet ANOTHER kid who took a gun to school.   That wasn't the only story on Bing this morning - another was about 9 kids shot and injured at a Georgia gas station.  And I'm sure there were lots more that were not reported by Bing.  You know, all I can do is shake my head in amazement at the Americans who preach human rights to the rest of the world while ignoring the human rights of the shooting victims and their grieving families and friends.  I've started to think that the people who are MOST at fault for the extreme gun violence in the USA are those who consider themselves to be responsible gun owners, because they are also the ones who prevent effective gun safety laws from being put into effect and enforced.  If they would agree with Biden's attempt to get effective gun control laws passed and if confirmed by the SCOTUS (because a constitutional argument is bound to be made) I believe it would cut down the amount of gun violence considerably.  

Professor Quiet
19.1  cjcold  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @19    2 years ago

Have had problems with kids.

Kids should be illegal! 

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
19.1.1  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  cjcold @19.1    2 years ago

Kids should be illegal?  Well that would reduce the population considerably, eh?

Professor Quiet
19.1.2  cjcold  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @19.1.1    2 years ago

Can't believe I just said that.

What is the backlash from the Chinese "two kid" policy?

Professor Quiet
19.1.3  cjcold  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @19.1.1    2 years ago

Just like earning a driver license, A carry permit should be semi hard to get.

My state has no requirements for concealed carry other than the felon thingy.

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
19.1.4  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  cjcold @19.1.2    2 years ago

There is no backlash - it alleviated the more restrictive one child policy.  The problem is that in so many cases both parents work and caring for more than one child gets expensive, so the government is presently trying to come up with ways to make child-rearing more affordable.  

Senior Expert
19.1.5  George  replied to  cjcold @19.1.3    2 years ago

Same with voting, you should have to pass the same citizenship test immigrants have to pass, be able to write a short essay describing the issues on the ballot and discuss the candidates beyond party affiliation. Also prove you have paid your taxes.

Professor Principal
19.1.6  devangelical  replied to  cjcold @19.1.3    2 years ago

I was expecting to take some kind of "how not to shoot yourself" class after I paid to get my permit quite a few years ago, but I was more than twice the age of the guy and probably had a gun in my hand before his dad was born, so he just signed off the form and I got my permit in the mail the next week. I never renewed the permit and only miss it now when I fly somewhere.

this was about the same time I got politely 86'd out of an indoor range in aurora for the targets I was using. I had noticed previously that some assholes there were shooting at those obama cartoon head silhouette targets, so I printed off a bunch of pictures of that tea party dipshit character's face on south park and used those as my targets later that week.

apparently that humor was lost upon the locals, despite arguments to the proprietor that my targets were less questionable. he claimed he was worried about my safety there, although I pointed out to him that I had 2 pistols holstered. I was a little more provocative then, but I'm pretty sure the teabags hanging off the cartoon characters hat with a tight group in the face was a bridge too far for my fan club.  

Professor Principal
19.1.7  devangelical  replied to  George @19.1.5    2 years ago

cool, that would eliminate the majority of republican voters...

Senior Expert
19.1.8  George  replied to  devangelical @19.1.7    2 years ago


Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
19.2  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @19    2 years ago

I feel so sorry for you Americans, and I am so scared because my son and his family live in Milwaukee, my grandchildren go to school there and I know that means they are not safe, NOBODY in America is safe.  What I said about the SCOTUS and constitutional arguments is just as I predicted.

Turmoil in courts on U.S. gun laws in wake of justices' ruling  LINK ->



Sparty On
Professor Expert
19.2.1  Sparty On  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @19.2    2 years ago
NOBODY in America is safe.

A ridiculous and uninformed sweeping generalization.

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
19.2.2  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  Sparty On @19.2.1    2 years ago

It's all a matter of the odds - it could be 1 in a hundred million.  A man sitting in his living room reading the paper gets shot by a stray bullet through the window, people in a dance hall celebrating New Year get shot, people in a parade get shot, people in a place of worship get shot, kids in a school get shot, people shopping in a grocery market get shot, a grandmother in the front seat of a car gets shot, and the stories go on and on and THEY WERE ALL TRUE.  Never mind the simple individual shootings, there have been more mass shootings in America this year than there have been days, there are more guns in people's hands in America than there are people, and you say I'm generalizing....

Sparty On
Professor Expert
19.2.3  Sparty On  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @19.2.2    2 years ago


al Jizzerror
Masters Expert
19.2.4  author  al Jizzerror  replied to  Sparty On @19.2.3    2 years ago
Now you live in a liberal shithole like Baltimore or St Louis and it’s true, you better think about stacking up sandbags to protect you from the gang violence.

So, if you live in a Red State "shithole", I guess you don't have anything to worry about, right?

The Red State Murder Problem

We published a  follow-up report  in January of 2023 to see if this one-year Red State murder epidemic was an anomaly. It was not. Despite a media narrative to the contrary, a wide and widening Red State murder gap has spanned the past two decades.


    • The rate of murders in the US has gone up at an alarming rate. But, despite a media narrative to the contrary, this is a problem that afflicts Republican-run cities and states as much or more than the Democratic bastions.
    • In 2020, per capita murder rates were 40% higher in states won by Donald Trump than those won by Joe Biden.
    •  8 of the 10 states with the highest murder rates in 2020 voted for the Republican presidential nominee in every election this century.

Every news outlet from FOX to CNN to The New York Times to local newspapers has a story with attention-grabbing headlines like “US cities hit all-time murder records.” Fox News and Republicans have jumped on this and framed it as a “Democrat” problem. They blame it on Democrat’s “soft-on-crime” approach and have even referred to a New York District Attorney’s approach as “hug-a-thug.” Many news stories outside of Fox have also purported that police reform is responsible for this rise in murder and have pointed to cities like New York and Los Angeles.

There is a measure of truth to these stories. The US saw an alarming 30% increase in murder in 2020. While 2021 data is not yet complete, murder was on the rise again this past year.  Some “blue” cities, like Chicago, Baltimore, and Philadelphia, have seen real and persistent increases in homicides. These cities—along with others like Los Angeles, New York, and Minneapolis—are also in places with wall-to-wall media coverage and national media interest.

But there is a large piece of the homicide story that is missing and calls into question the veracity of the right-wing obsession over homicides in Democratic cities: murder rates are far higher in Trump-voting red states than Biden-voting blue states. And sometimes, murder rates are highest in cities with Republican mayors.

For example, Jacksonville , a city with a Republican mayor, had 128 more murders in 2020 than San Francisco , a city with a Democrat mayor, despite their comparable populations. In fact, the homicide rate in Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s San Francisco was half that of House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy’s Bakersfield , a city with a Republican mayor that overwhelmingly voted for Trump. Yet there is barely a whisper, let alone an outcry, over the stunning levels of murders in these and other places.

We collected 2019 and 2020 murder data from all 50 states. (Comprehensive 2021 data is not yet available.) We pulled the data from yearly crime reports released by state governments, specifically the Departments of Justice and Safety. For states that didn’t issue state crime reports, we pulled data from reputable local news sources. To allow for comparison, we calculated the state’s per capita murder rate, the number of murders per 100,000 residents, and categorized states by their presidential vote in the 2020 election, resulting in an even 25-25 split.

We found that murder rates are, on average, 40% higher in the 25 states Donald Trump won in the last presidential election compared to those that voted for Joe Biden. In addition, murder rates in many of these red states dwarf those in blue states like New York, California, and Massachusetts. And finally, many of the states with the worst murder rates—like Mississippi, Kentucky, Alabama, South Carolina, and Arkansas—are ones that few would describe as urban. Only 2 of America’s top 100 cities in population are located in these high murder rate states. And not a single one of the top 10 murder states registers in the top 15 for population density.

Whether one does or does not blame Republican leaders for high murder rates, it seems that Republican officeholders do a better job of blaming Democrats for lethal crime than actually reducing lethal crime.

Trump-Voting States Account for 8 out of the 10 Highest Murder Rates in 2020.

If you’re tuned in to the media, you’d think murder is rocketing skyward in New York, California, Illinois. But those states don’t even crack the top ten.


Blaming " liberal shitholes" for high murder rates is pure ignorance.

Sparty On
Professor Expert
19.2.5  Sparty On  replied to  al Jizzerror @19.2.4    2 years ago

Who was talking murder rates?    Not me.    I was talking gun homicides.   It’s sad when liberals try to cloak their big city social policy ineptness on high population density statistics.    Spinning it that way is the real ignorance.

I can walk anywhere, anytime and not worry at all about getting shot, stabbed or otherwise assaulted.    Oh it does happens but as noted, it’s less in decades than a normal day in a liberal shitholes like Baltimore.

So keep spinning and I’ll continue to enjoy life with little to no fear of getting assaulted.    You can continue to enjoy defending the rampant social decay in Democrat managed shooting galleries.    Cities with revolving door justice for criminals and private security for the Dems running them.


Professor Principal
19.2.6  devangelical  replied to  al Jizzerror @19.2.4    2 years ago

facts. ouch...

sounds like the non-facts that were presented to you here may have originated at FOX.  gee, it must really suck for trumpsters when rwnj dogma is almost always proven void of any validity.

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
19.2.7  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  devangelical @19.2.6    2 years ago
"gee, it must really suck for trumpsters when rwnj dogma is almost always proven void of any validity."

And some of them are the biggest assholes I've ever come across.

al Jizzerror
Masters Expert
19.2.8  author  al Jizzerror  replied to  Sparty On @19.2.5    2 years ago
I was talking gun homicides.



Gee, it appears that many red states have high gun homicide rates.

Sparty On
Professor Expert
19.2.9  Sparty On  replied to  al Jizzerror @19.2.8    2 years ago

Well golly, as noted many times here, it appears the real problem isn’t with states but with liberally managed cities and counties within those states.

Bad juju for red state haters out there.   Really bad juju.

Professor Principal
19.2.10  devangelical  replied to  Sparty On @19.2.9    2 years ago

seriously? a thumper think tank as your source? what, no FOX news links available?

Sparty On
Professor Expert
19.2.11  Sparty On  replied to  devangelical @19.2.10    2 years ago

Yep, numbers don’t lie.    Reality doesn’t lie but it can be inconvenient to our spin doctor friends on the left.

Spin is all they got because reality is not their friend.

Not at all.

Right Down the Center
PhD Guide
19.2.12  Right Down the Center  replied to  al Jizzerror @19.2.8    2 years ago

Yet it seems to be the blue states wanting to take guns away.

Right Down the Center
PhD Guide
19.2.13  Right Down the Center  replied to  Sparty On @19.2.11    2 years ago

If the information can't be refuted the next tactic is to attack the source.  So bush league.

al Jizzerror
Masters Expert
19.2.14  author  al Jizzerror  replied to  devangelical @19.2.10    2 years ago
think tank

The Heritage Foundation is a conservative "stink tank" where failed Republicans go to die.

Decades ago, they proposed a healthcare program (with mandatory participation) that was very similar to Obama Care.  They wanted to require everyone to buy insurance.

They had to scrub it from their site when the Dems proposed Obama Care.

Here are some other Conservative stink tanks:


al Jizzerror
Masters Expert
19.2.15  author  al Jizzerror  replied to  Sparty On @19.2.11    2 years ago
Yep, numbers don’t lie.

Like the numbers posted in comment 19.2.4    or the numbers posted in comment 19.2.8   

If more guns make us safer, the US would be the safest place in the fucking world. 

Apparently guns don't make our children safe.


Senior Quiet
19.2.16  afrayedknot  replied to  Right Down the Center @19.2.12    2 years ago

“Yet it seems to be the blue states wanting to take guns away.”

Yet it seems some are comfortable In somehow denying we have a gun problem in this country.

The only color that matters is the color red. Red for the blood flowing in our streets, our schools, our churches…and the ‘red’ folks who consider it but collateral damage in defending their precious right. 

The right to live one’s life as one chooses, without the chance of becoming yet another innocent victim of what is becoming a less and less random incident, is truly our most precious right. 

al Jizzerror
Masters Expert
19.2.17  author  al Jizzerror  replied to  Right Down the Center @19.2.12    2 years ago
blue states wanting to take guns away.

When have they taken any guns away?

Right Down the Center
PhD Guide
19.2.19  Right Down the Center  replied to  afrayedknot @19.2.16    2 years ago

It seems the difference is how to address the gun violence issue in the United States. Very few say there is no problem at all.  Many say the solution is not taking guns away from everyone. The "blue" folks like to get emotional and insist the only solution is to get rid of the guns while having a revolving door in our justice system. And neither side seems to want to compromise their position.

Right Down the Center
PhD Guide
19.2.20  Right Down the Center  replied to  al Jizzerror @19.2.17    2 years ago

Did I say they have?

Senior Expert
19.2.21  George  replied to  Right Down the Center @19.2.19    2 years ago
It seems the difference is how to address the gun violence issue in the United States.

It’s easier for some to blame the inanimate objects than to actually blame the shooters. Admitting what the problem is would force them to look in the mirror. 

Right Down the Center
PhD Guide
19.2.22  Right Down the Center  replied to  George @19.2.21    2 years ago

Yep. The difference between calling it a gun issue instead of a gun violence issue

Senior Quiet
19.2.23  afrayedknot  replied to  Right Down the Center @19.2.22    2 years ago

“The difference between calling it a gun issue instead of a gun violence issue.”

And the commonality in those two phrases? 

Right Down the Center
PhD Guide
19.2.24  Right Down the Center  replied to  afrayedknot @19.2.23    2 years ago

Nothing. One is correct and one is not

Professor Principal
19.2.25  devangelical  replied to  Right Down the Center @19.2.12    2 years ago
Yet it seems to be the blue states wanting to take guns away.

I really hope that it's a trumpster that comes to my door to collect my 1 registered gun. I plan on handing it to him. then as he's walking away smugly from my door to the public sidewalk, I'll make sure he gets the ammo that would have been in it, from one of my unregistered guns.

al Jizzerror
Masters Expert
19.2.26  author  al Jizzerror  replied to  Have Opinion Will Travel @19.2.18    2 years ago
It works for the Swiss.

They only shoot holes in cheese.

al Jizzerror
Masters Expert
19.2.27  author  al Jizzerror  replied to  Right Down the Center @19.2.19    2 years ago
The "blue" folks like to get emotional and insist the only solution is to get rid of the guns while having a revolving door in our justice system. And neither side seems to want to compromise their position.

You apparently think Smurfs are idiots.

Has anyone ever proposed a law to seize guns?

Many sensible gun safety laws have been proposed by Democrats and Republicans in congress butt Republicans usually filibuste,r so nobody gets to vote on those bills.

Here's the only recent bill that actually passed:

Senators reach final bipartisan agreement on a gun safety bill

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Updated June 22, 2022

The Senate has begun consideration of a narrow bipartisan gun safety bill that could become the first gun control measure to pass Congress in decades.

The legislation resulted from negotiations among 10 Republicans and 10 Democrats that began after two mass shootings in Buffalo, New York, and Uvalde, Texas that happened less than a week apart last month. It is expected to have more than enough votes to overcome the 60-vote threshold to clear a filibuster in the Senate, which is divided 50-50 between the parties. House leaders are expected to quickly begin consideration of the bill and President Joe Biden has encouraged Congress to pass the bill without delay.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., have both announced support for the bill and both say they will vote for it.

"Our colleagues have put together a commonsense package of popular steps that will help make these horrifying incidents less likely while fully upholding the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens," McConnell said in a statement.

Professor Participates
19.2.28  Snuffy  replied to  devangelical @19.2.25    2 years ago

Death wish???   WTF??

Professor Principal
19.2.29  devangelical  replied to  Snuffy @19.2.28    2 years ago

how can a hypothetical scenario about protecting my 2nd amendment rights from unamerican fascist trash intent on altering the US constitution be interpreted as a death wish?

al Jizzerror
Masters Expert
19.2.30  author  al Jizzerror  replied to  Right Down the Center @19.2.19    2 years ago
Many say the solution is not taking guns away from everyone. The "blue" folks like to get emotional and insist the only solution is to get rid of the guns while having a revolving door in our justice system.

No Democrats have ever proposed " taking guns away from everyone."

No Democrat has ever said, " the only solution is to get rid of the guns."

Your stupid straw man arguments are fucking bullshit.


Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
19.2.31  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @19.2.2    2 years ago

What I just read on USA Today this morning - making my point....

US sees worst weekend for gun violence of the year so far

Nine children were  shot at a Georgia gas station .
Six people were killed in a Mississippi town.
Eleven people were shot in Memphis, Tennessee.
Five people were injured  near a parade in New Orleans .
Six people were shot on a Chicago expressway.
That's just half of the reported mass shooting violence over the weekend. 
There were 10 mass shootings from Feb. 17 through Feb. 19 – the most of any weekend so far this year, according to data from the Gun Violence Archive. That’s considering all shootings from Friday to Sunday in which four or more people were shot, not including the shooter or shooters.
Right Down the Center
PhD Guide
19.2.32  Right Down the Center  replied to  al Jizzerror @19.2.30    2 years ago
No Democrat has ever said, " the only solution is to get rid of the guns."

You remember Beto and his mandatory buy back?

Right Down the Center
PhD Guide
19.2.33  Right Down the Center  replied to  devangelical @19.2.25    2 years ago
I plan on handing it to him. then as he's walking away smugly from my door to the public sidewalk, I'll make sure he gets the ammo that would have been in it, from one of my unregistered guns.

Or you can hand it to him and go hide in your basement hoping he doesn't find your unregistered guns.

Right Down the Center
PhD Guide
19.2.34  Right Down the Center  replied to  al Jizzerror @19.2.27    2 years ago
You apparently think Smurfs are idiots.

The shoe does seem to fit in many cases.

al Jizzerror
Masters Expert
19.2.35  author  al Jizzerror  replied to  Right Down the Center @19.2.32    2 years ago
You remember Beto and his mandatory buy back?

Yes, I knew you would bring up Beto, butt he never said, " the only solution is to get rid of the guns."

Beto O'Rourke is from El Paso.  He was slightly upset about this:

2019 El Paso shooting

On August 3, 2019, a mass shooting occurred at a Walmart store in El Paso, Texas , United States. In the terrorist attack , a far-right individual killed 23 people [n 1] and injured 23 others. [13] [14] The Federal Bureau of Investigation is investigating the shooting as an act of domestic terrorism and a hate crime . [15] [16] The shooting has been described as the deadliest attack on Latinos in modern American history since the 2016 Orlando nightclub shooting , and is the deadliest mass shooting in modern American history to conclude with an alleged perpetrator being caught alive to face legal repercussions. [17] [18]

Patrick Wood Crusius, a 21-year-old from Allen, Texas , was arrested and charged with capital murder in connection with the shooting. Crusius claims to have posted a manifesto with white nationalist and anti-immigrant themes, on the online message board 8chan shortly before the attack. [19] The manifesto cites the Christchurch mosque shootings earlier that year, and the far-right conspiracy theory known as the Great Replacement , as inspiration for the attack. On February 8, 2023, following an announcement that the Department of Justice would not seek the death penalty , Crusius pleaded guilty to 90 federal murder and hate crime charges.

Crusius' manifesto cites "the far-right conspiracy theory known as the Great Replacement , as inspiration for the attack."  This "theory was a talking point on the Fox News Network (particularly on the Fucker Carlson shit-show).

This was enough to convince Beto to become the number one critic of AR-15s and AK-47s.  Beto was NOT in congress when he did the following:

After the 2019 El Paso shooting , he called for a complete ban on the sale and possession of assault rifles and high-capacity magazines as well as suggesting a mandatory buy-back program (aka gun confiscation) to remove existing weapons and magazines. [219] [220] [221] [222]

On September 2, 2019, O'Rourke tweeted: "I was asked how I'd address people's fears that we will take away their assault rifles. I want to be clear: That's exactly what we're going to do. Americans who own AR-15s and AK-47s will have to sell their assault weapons [to the government]. All of them." [223] During a live televised interview on October 16, 2019, MSNBC cable news-show host Joe Scarborough asked O'Rourke how he, as president, would respond to non-compliance from those gun owners who regard such a mandatory program as "an unjust law and unconstitutional." O'Rourke replied: "There have to be consequences, or else there is no respect for the law… In that case, I think there would be a visit by law enforcement to recover [ sic ] that firearm and to make sure that it is purchased." [224]

In a September 19, 2019, Democratic presidential debate, O'Rourke again called for a mandatory buyback of assault weapons; he said: "Hell yes, we're going to take your AR-15, your AK-47." [225] [226] [227] O'Rourke acknowledged that his position had shifted from the stance he had taken on assault weapons during his 2018 U.S. Senate bid. Democratic Senator Chris Coons of Delaware lamented on CNN that O'Rourke's stance could haunt Democrats, because "that clip will be played for years at Second Amendment rallies with organizations that try to scare people by saying, 'Democrats are coming for your guns ' "

O'Rourke supported enhanced background checks and other reasonable gun safety bills when he was a Congressman, butt the El Paso shooting convinced him that ARs and AKs needed to be taken off the streets. I don't remember his position be endorsed by Democrats in congress.  No such bill has been introduced.

Democrats are NOT "coming for your guns."


Right Down the Center
PhD Guide
19.2.36  Right Down the Center  replied to  al Jizzerror @19.2.35    2 years ago


al Jizzerror
Masters Expert
19.2.37  author  al Jizzerror  replied to  Right Down the Center @19.2.36    2 years ago

Please stop trolling on my article with your stupid bullshit.

Please provide proof that "Biden wants your guns" or


Right Down the Center
PhD Guide
19.2.38  Right Down the Center  replied to  al Jizzerror @19.2.37    2 years ago

Sorry, didn't mean to upset you so.  I thought we were trading ridiculous memes. 


Sparty On
Professor Expert
19.2.39  Sparty On  replied to  devangelical @19.2.25    2 years ago

Lol ....you just copped to at least one felony.

Sparty On
Professor Expert
19.2.40  Sparty On  replied to  Right Down the Center @19.2.38    2 years ago


al Jizzerror
Masters Expert
19.2.41  author  al Jizzerror  replied to  Right Down the Center @19.2.38    2 years ago

I guess you don't know how to meme.

Professor Principal
19.2.42  devangelical  replied to  Sparty On @19.2.39    2 years ago
you just copped to at least one felony

oh no!!! meh, I live in colorado and don't lock the front door when I'm home.

Right Down the Center
PhD Guide
19.2.43  Right Down the Center  replied to  al Jizzerror @19.2.41    2 years ago

That would be a bad guess.

al Jizzerror
Masters Expert
19.2.44  author  al Jizzerror  replied to  Right Down the Center @19.2.43    2 years ago


Right Down the Center
PhD Guide
19.2.45  Right Down the Center  replied to  al Jizzerror @19.2.44    2 years ago


Professor Principal
19.2.46  devangelical  replied to  Right Down the Center @19.2.45    2 years ago

are you looking for a reminder on the difference between trolling in al's group vs this group?

al Jizzerror
Masters Expert
19.2.47  author  al Jizzerror  replied to  Right Down the Center @19.2.45    2 years ago

I see the irony went right over your head.


Right Down the Center
PhD Guide
19.2.48  Right Down the Center  replied to  al Jizzerror @19.2.47    2 years ago

Possibly, or maybe I just chose to ignore it.

Sparty On
Professor Expert
19.2.49  Sparty On  replied to  devangelical @19.2.42    2 years ago


Professor Quiet
19.2.50  cjcold  replied to  al Jizzerror @19.2.4    2 years ago

Looks like a whos who of states with the least educated populace.

Professor Principal
19.2.51  devangelical  replied to  al Jizzerror @19.2.47    2 years ago

the same thing happens when he works the glory holes in his city ...

Junior Quiet
20  cobaltblue    2 years ago
A third-grader at Rising Star Elementary School   found a gun left by the school's superintendent   in a restroom stall last month, and now a police investigation is underway, per Texas news station   KTAB-TV .

The incident happened in the small town of Rising Star, Texas. The school's superintendent Robby Stuteville — who openly carries a firearm at the school, along with the principal — told the news station that he had taken off the gun while using the restroom and put it on the stall.

He said he had forgotten his gun and left the stall for about 15 minutes before the student found it. The student didn't touch the gun and instead went to notify a teacher of the weapon, according to the news station.

"There was never a danger other than the obvious," Stuteville told   KTAB-TV , adding that he was "proud" of the student for how he handled the situation.


Junior Quiet
21  cobaltblue    2 years ago
An Indiana father was arrested on live television over the weekend after his young son was reportedly seen playing with a semi-automatic gun.

Shane Osborne, 45, was taken into custody by the Beech Grove Police Department, PEOPLE can confirm.

Video footage from a Ring doorbell apparently captured Osborne's diaper-clad 4-year-old holding the loaded gun in the hallway of his apartment building.

* * * *

Nicole Summers, a neighbor who lives in the Beech Grove Apartments, called 911 to alert authorities after the unidentified, unclothed preschool-age child came to her door and pointed a gun at her son, she told the outlet. * * *

"My son, he opened the door and then shut it and backed away and he was like, 'Uh...baby with a gun. Get out of here, get out of here!' Then I looked through the peephole. He (the child) was standing in the middle of the hallway and he was just kind of holding it behind his back and I thought...like that's a real gun."

She added, "I sell guns for a living, so I know what a gun looks like."

In the video, the boy waved the weapon and pulled the trigger. The gun was one round short of being fully loaded ,   police told NBC News . [Emphasis mine.]

Then the fucking coward says this: 

Osborne allegedly told police that he was sleeping when the incident occurred, and that he did not own a weapon. Authorities later found the gun inside the apartment.



al Jizzerror
Masters Expert
21.1  author  al Jizzerror  replied to  cobaltblue @21    2 years ago
Osborne allegedly told police that he was sleeping when the incident occurred, and that he did not own a weapon. Authorities later found the gun inside the apartment.

Cool, add obstruction of justice to his charges.

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
21.1.1  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  al Jizzerror @21.1    2 years ago

It's the lying and the covering up and the resistance of relatives to report what they can damn well tell is a personality problem with others, especially their relatives, that allows so many potential and actual mass murderers to carry out their evil deeds.

Professor Silent
22  mocowgirl    2 years ago

At 14 minutes in the video below, a suicidal veteran went to a VA Hospital asking for help with his suicidal thoughts.  They gave him drugs and told him not to overdose on them. Furthermore, he was instructed to give his guns and ammo to his neighbor until his suicidal thoughts went away.

If he had gone to a VA Hospital in Missouri, I am wondering if they would have just issued him a gun and ammo if he didn't have them already at home.

Note:  I found this video very interesting in regards to the promise of helping people to better cope with trauma and optimizing their life experience.  It might make a good seed for someone to host a stand alone discussion.


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