Trump Posts Attack On Judge Chutkan After 3 AM Rage Bender
By: tommyxtopher (Mediaite)

trump is right, the judicial system is rigged. any other american with 4 criminal indictments would be sitting in jail awaiting trial.

Ex-President Donald Trump posted an attack on Federal District Judge Tanya Chutkan hours past midnight, and on the heels of a rant about the "corrupt system of INJUSTICE" that he now faces.
On Thursday, Trump entered a plea of "Not Guilty" in the election crimes case that's set for trial in Fulton County, Georgia — and which will be televised live, a Judge ruled also on Thursday.
Hours and hours later, Trump was apparently still awake ranting on Truth Social about the cases against him. Amid a blizzard of re-posts featuring commentary by Fox News host Mark Levin, Trump weighed in at just after 3 a.m. to blast the trials and share his interview with Levin, writing:
I am being "railroaded" by a highly partisan and corrupt system of INJUSTICE, headed up by an opponent who is losing in the polls and, simultaneously with all of this, destroying our once Great Country! This Mark Levin interview is a MUST WATCH!
Minutes later, Trump added:
Keep Indicting your Political Opponent, it makes no difference for what, or why. Keep him off the "campaign trail" and in the courthouse instead. Don't think of his Rights, the Constitution, or Liberty. Sit back and WATCH AMERICA CRUMBLE!
Several more minutes deeper into the night, Trump wrote:
But their is no system of justice. Our Court System is rigged against me!
Then, Trump re-posted a message from Levin that attacked Judge Chutkan as "Another judge from a Marxist family."
Trump has been warned to be careful how he speaks about the charges against him in public, but many veteran Trumpologists say they expect him to continue to test the limits of constraints in ways that would land an ordinary defendant in jail.
In addition to the Fulton County case, Trump is under indictment on 34 felony counts in New York over Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg and his grand jury investigating the circumstances around hush money payments to Stormy Daniels ; 37 counts stemming from Special Counsel Jack Smith's investigation into his retention of classified documents under the Espionage Act; a superseding indictment by Smith on three additional charges against Trump (one additional count of unlawful retention of National Defense Information and two new obstruction counts); Smith's indictment against Trump for his attempt to overturn the 2020 presidential election on charges of conspiracy to defraud the United States, conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding, obstruction of an attempt to obstruct an official proceeding, and conspiracy against rights.
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millionaires don't sit in jail, no matter the charges or even how many...
the real 2 tiers of american justice...
Keep on diggin
sanction him, revoke his bond, and stuff him into jail until his trial...
Yeah, the Fulton County jail where someone was just stabbed.
JHC, the POS deserves to be in the slammer, right now.
hopefully all the time he's spent delaying the legal process will be added to any sentence he may receive...
As if there isn't enough evidence to lock him up?
... not according to the law and order (for white conservative xtians) crowd.
Apparently not enough for those that granted bail.
The defendant is walking a very thin line. The judge may (should) enter a blanket gag order against him. If he violates it, she will not only likely carry out her warning that she will schedule an early trial date, she may make him an interim guest of the correctional system. If she could require him to wear an orange jump suit when he appears in front of the jury, that would be perfect.
he's been freaking out on social media all day. I expect to learn something new about his legal dilemma soon...
Since the defendant knows he will lose at trial, his only alternative is to keep riling up his customers and raking in their money.
... a political going out of business sale.
I still wonder if reality has been able to get through the many layers of Trump's own alternate reality to cause him to realize that he could be a convicted felon in the near future.
There is no way that this defendant actually believes any of his fraudulent propaganda. His B.S. is all a show for his gullible customers. I have no doubt that in private he's laughing at them.
That is not what I was referring to. Clearly he is knowingly conning his supporters.
The question is the alternate reality that he has created for himself wherein he is, in a word, invincible. Trump's reckless behavior suggests that he thought he could (can) get away with most anything.
I wonder how much of reality has creeped in through his layers of alternate reality. To wit, does he yet recognize that he might indeed end up as a convicted felon?
the cumulative effect of never hearing the word no or having anyone in his circle disagree with him for 60+ years...
I would say, yes. He knows it and it terrifies him.
plenty of time to relieve him of his secret service detail before he enters the general population in prison.
No. He believes the Saudi Crown Prince will cut oil production resulting in $6 a gallon US gas prices which will sweep him into the WH. Then, the retribution begins and all of his legal problems vanish into thin air.
Non wired triangulation before the positive core is discharged into the negative core resulting in an undesirable result.
i thought he was wearing an Orange jump suit, under his Emperors clothes
"their"? How about "there", Donnie? Does he misspell words deliberately in order to show his ignorant base he's "one of them". or is it because he himself is actually too ignorant to spell words correctly?
Their is no doubt that The Donald is a fucking stable jeanius.
I dream of jeannius.
'There' is the correct word. Don't Trump us. LOLA
This does not surprise me - it seems that many supposedly educated people cannot spell. I worked in school management for 15 years and always found it hard to believe the number of teachers who could not spell correctly.
Homonyms such as "there" "their" and "they're" are usually not as big a problem as "its" and "it's".
Our own favorite author couldn't spell "Friendship".
spellcheck is another liberal deep state conspiracy...
... it's probably not a word being used a lot in that everyday life.
Well, you have to keep in mind that some people have trouble with a wandering "i".
i wood agree, butt, eye can’t c ewe
You have to stop talking to my girlfriend!
I have problems with spelling. And typos.
I have trouble with the middle finger of my right hand. I touch-type and that finger has a mind of its own. I think it's the author of my "wandering "i".
The worst thing is that the gullible, anti-American dullards who support him just eat this kind of shit up. They believe every drop of drivel he spews, and keep sending him money. Lately I've come around to thinking that the biggest threat this country has or will ever see is abject, dumbfuck stupidity among the citizenry, and apparently we have it in spades.
Well said Dig. The root cause of our problems is the electorate. Ben Franklin would be chastising us: "A Republic if you can keep it."
Yes, the American federal voting system is so complex it's inevitable that problems and malfeasance are possible and can happen - hanging chads, tampering of voting machines, gerrymandering, etc. and as you say the electorate system which itself can be twisted. I cannot recall ever there being a problem with a federal election in Canada with paper ballots and pencils, a universal system based on a simple majority with each eligible Canadian voter counted the same no matter where their residence in Canada (and, of course there are absentee ballots for people like me).
The mechanisms of our elections are complex but they are working.
My point was not about the mechanics but rather the voters themselves. Biden is a poor choice but currently as the incumbent it is difficult to gauge his support. It does look as though D voters are not thrilled with his candidacy for a second term.
The more revealing view of voters is on the R side. Here we have the surreal situation of Trump leading the pack by double digits and a Trump wannabe, Vivek Ramaswamy, attempting to run a parallel campaign to enable an alternate path for Trump voters in case Trump drops out or as a bid to be Trump's V.P.
The R voters seem to not care about the integrity of their nominee nor his treasonous acts; and many, it seems, are living in denial and believe Trump is some kind of hero of the people who is being falsely accused and attacked by an evil system.
The electorate is the root of our problems.
Marjorie Taylor Greene referred to Joe Biden as a "communist" in a social media post yesterday.
Joe Biden, who has been a moderate Democrat his entire life. The problem is with the Republican electorate who makes lying nutcases like Greene leaders in their party.
fascists have a long history of blaming everything on the commies...
MTG isn’t a leader in her party, she doesn’t even lead in a sub-committee and was voted out of the House Freedom Caucus, a first.
Greene has appeared at Trump (the leader of the Republican Party) rallies numerous times, is a close confidante with Kevin McCarthy, and is one of the top fund raisers in the party. Certainly she is a leader.
the owner of the crossfit gym in georgia made her a business partner after he discovered she was the most popular piece of workout equipment in the building...
Perhaps we have different definitions of leaders or leadership. McCarthy has a political expediency to avoid alienating the far right after seeing what that did to Boehner and Ryan. He uses her like the Dems use AOC.
Greene is what passes for a Thought Leader in the Republican Party.
No, that’s Rep. Jim Banks, Gov Doug Burgum, Ben Sasse, SEN Collins and Portman, Chris Susunu…
Okay, I'll buy that.
No, that's Greene, Boebert, Gosar, Tuberville, Kari Lake, Herschel Walker...
That guys is a total POS.
He is.
His digital director is a follower of the Neo-Nazi Fuentes.
His newsletter features a website that is replete with anti-Semitic and Neo-Nazi messages, including "Stand up for Hitler".
Gosar is a Fascist. Some on here want to pretend and deny the existence of fascists in America even though this one is a Republican Congressman.
Even the misinformed have the right to vote.
And that principle is good if the electorate as a whole makes decent decisions.
Our founders had concerns about the electorate. Of course at the time most people were very poorly educated / informed. I doubt they were thinking that an electorate with access to the information we have today would KNOWINGLY seek to put into office someone like Trump given all we now know of him.
So they created the fucking Electoral College.
Many of the founders owned slaves.
We got rid of slavery butt we're stuck with the bogus Electoral College.
When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time. – Maya Angelou
Republicans and MAGA conservatives have manifested who they wish to lead them. They are even 'negotiating' becoming a law unto themselves in red states where they seek to operate as authoritarians running the state as if democrats, liberals, and secularists are like a third foot! Superfluous and a handicap.
These people see Donald Trump for what he is. They are not delusional. They have seen all the warts society is exposing about Trump yet again, and STILL they look you, me, society in the eye and speaking 'loudly' with their deeds tell you that a malignant rabblerouser, rebel, liar, cheat, and thief is who they want because it is who they are.
That is, Trump is their point man. . . who he is and what he does. . . they would wish to do the same thing if they him .
There is no significant leakage of light between Trump and MAGA voters. They are him in spirit and in (lack of) truth.
But the fact remains that MAGA consists of both the ones who don't believe the truth because of being fooled, the ones who don't care about the truth because they are in agreement with with the events that occurred, and the ones who just don't care because they think that the Democrats are evil to the point of electing again a proto-fascist, anti-democratic, wannabe dictator.
The assumption was that everyone would work towards building a more perfect union. The only problem is that "more perfect" means different things to different people. With the advent of the internet, disinformation and conspiracies have become competitive with factually complete and correct news, making possible the divergence of "truth" and the emergence of drastically different conceptions of what "truth looks like.
I believe that we are at an inflection point. We need to establish how to make the sources where we get our information from are telling us the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. There are ways in which we can do this independently, but that takes time. Journalism needs to make its case better and be up front with sources and corrections.
Yup, as I stated, the electorate is the root of our problems.
Hard to imagine that our founders would hold that a more perfect union is advanced by voting for an ex-PotUS who attempted to undermine the USA electoral system via coercion, lies, false filings, etc. in an attempt to steal a US election. Who could have imagined such irrational, irresponsible and unpatriotic behavior in the electorate?
Agreed, but most journalism is not a free entity. It is controlled by $$$ with agendas.
That's just it. A large minority of the electorate feel that any vote that results in the election of a Democrat is, by definition, irrational, irresponsible and unpatriotic behavior.
A large majority of Republican voters feel this way according to recent polling.
Since the holding of the view that the "others" are by definition irrational, irresponsible and unpatriotic is a problem of incorrect perceptions, the operative objective should be changing the perception to a more nuanced and realistic view of the situation. We need a rhetorical ratcheting down of the importance of the stakes and an increase in the amount of confidence in the constitution.
Sorry if this seems incoherent, I am visiting grandkids so my attention is divided.
Let's just say that much of the electorate does not employ critical thinking.
MAGA is Donald Trump and Trump is MAGA!
That is accepted as a given.
So we have seen the problem and recognized it. So how do we, as a nation, rectify the disconnect in "realities" ?
Without rectification and resolution of these disparate perceptions it doesn't matter if we convict Trump of his extra-constitutional forays or not. The problem is not Trump. He is the symptom and a catalytic affect.
We,as a nation, need to talk to instead of past each other.
Holding Trump accountable is critical. If he is not held accountable then that opens the door for followers to the same (or worse).
Respectfully, as much as this is true, the true problems lie in our inability to talk these differences of opinion out. As long as we keep talking past each other the problem will continue to manifest itself. Politicians used to play the role of translation between the public and the policy, a type of buffering function between the disparate and oftentimes unrealistic expectations of the voters.
Now the politicians act like the bare majority of voters who elected them are their only constituents. The result ...well, you can see the result.
I agree. But it will not matter if the underlying problem is not fixed. Trump exists as a figurehead of the problem. He is not the problem itself.
It absolutely does matter before the underlying problem is fixed. It is bad for the nation to have runaway politicians exploiting Trump's terrible precedent. Especially if we cannot count on the electorate to do its job.
Therein is the problem, friend Thomas. MAGA is Trump and Trump is MAGA. And, the One is overlooking and dismissing any conversation that liberals, democrats, and secularist offer to the bottom-line. MAGA is dead-set on TAKING OVER the three branches of government: State/Federal/Courts in which case they will RULE and that indefinitely because, as is manifesting in public now, where MAGA rules DOMINATION is practiced.
It is not that MAGA can't hear you, us, it is MAGA has stopped up its ears!
It will not matter if the problem that he is symptomatic of is not fixed. Already we see that people are styling themselves after him in the quest for real power.
I understand fully that we need to prosecute Trump for his crimes. But that in and of itself is insufficient, imo.
I am not suggesting it is sufficient. I am suggesting that it is necessary and that this is especially true with a dysfunctional electorate. And the fact that people are already following his lead is an early indication of what would happen if nothing is done. And, worse, if he is acquitted.
And I am not suggesting that prosecution of Trump is irrelevant. It can, should, and must be done to show that the CotUS and laws are not something that can be easily avoided. Convicting Trump of his part in the January 6 debacle is the first step. But it alone will not fix the underlying problem of communication between what seems to be (perception again) warring extremes.
One way of abating the confrontational attitude is to remove partisan control of the election process starting with candidate selection. Or maybe make mandatory the voting in the primary if an individual is registered to a party.
Or maybe Richard is right in her contention that we are witnesses of the decline and eventual fall of the grand experiment.
We have not disagreed on that.
And control by large donors who determine who can win based on funding.
TiG and Thomas,
There is the crux of a / this problem! Campaign finance:
These 'groups" make hidden and "eternal" political warfare potentially limitless.
The question becomes this in such a case: If the "grand experiment" fails, can the nation survive its failure. . .a second time?
If something is not done, and the election process is not removed from partisan control * and Trump is allowed to win again. There is a plan afoot to recast the federal system involving removing all career federal workers and putting Trump sycophants in their jobs:
And this. . .
* Republican/conservative takeover.
I know. Right.
Trump the Menace won't stop giving when he is 'gone.' The republican party has corrupted itself. . . and its all of the members of the party's fault! They do not protect what MATTERS: Party Integrity.
Too much of today's politics is based on parties. Party integrity should not be the determining factor in who wins whichever election we are talking about. Elections should be based on who is best suited to do the particular job at hand.
igknorantzrulz was written as a joke.
Never expected it to prove so damn accurate, unfortunately, it has, and then some
We love ya Iggy...
well i thank you Frosty,
but i don’t swing that way, yet flattered just the same.
And i thank the rest of you around here for tolerating my rantz, and then some. My Rantzum is not for all, especially, with minds so small, and it is good to have a place to vent, as i tend to feel convinced, that what i do say, is not what everyone wishes to hear, here, but i will not contour opinions for the sheer pleasure of others, as i’m not here for all, and never will bee, and that may sting, but buzz off, is what ill chirp out, asz i’ve had one bazaar oh year, and some how , still here, so N joy all, cause it’s mandatory, though i’d prefer it was womandatory!
[backs away slowly] Me either Iggy...
So if I go insane can I get money off of the internet too?
Trump attacks. JEEZ!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is all the SOB does and has ever done.
He also knows that he can threaten the life of anyone and there isn't a darn thing the DOJ, FBI, Homeland Security or the Courts will do about it. He has them right where he wants them. Afraid. You know, the 'free speech thing' and the rest of the BS the MAGA devours on a daily basis.
He isn’t even attacking, he is just whining. All he does is bitch and complain constantly. Honestly he is fucking boring.
Man, must be nice to be receiving the most gentle treatment anyone accused of felonies has ever received. And yet he still whines about how unfair it all is.
Might be because in spite of the gentle treatment, he is beginning to realize that he might be found guilty.
I am not so sure. I think to a degree he truly does live in an alternate reality where he cannot possibly be punished for anything.
His whole life daddy gave him everything and protected him from negative consequences. Daddy’s lawyers always steered him in a direction that would lead to other people taking the fall for his fuck ups (which he fucks up everything he gets involved with), and he has always been able to use daddy’s money to run out the legal clock.
the problem for him this time is that he is not punching down on people and businesses who don’t have and didn’t inherit the financial resources that he inherited, and everything is in the public eye. But he has spent his whole life being so coddled that I don’t think mentally he is capable of understanding the hole he has dug for himself.
That is essentially what I am saying. My question is how much reality has creeped in. Is he at the point where he realizes he might end up as a convicted felon?
Indeed. But I suspect there is a point where reality sneaks in; even with a mind like Trump's.
You are 100% correct.
He may realize that he could go to prison, but I honestly only see that as sending him deeper into paranoia and further convincing himself that he is a messiah type figure being persecuted by just about everyone.
One way or the other, it is best for the nation for Trump to be held accountable for his actions — especially his attempt to steal the 2020 election.
Keep on diggin
Trump went on another rampage yesterday against Biden and DeSantis. He needs to be committed.
... to a rendering plant.
No to poison the earth.
Nuclear toxic. Not putting that shit on my veges.
He does understand that Biden and DeSantis have nothing to do with his indictments? Doesn't he?
probably not