Nikki Haley says she 'will be voting for Trump' - ABC News
By: ABC News

Former GOP presidential candidate Nikki Haley said Wednesday she will vote for former President Donald Trump in November -- despite her disappointments with him.
During a question and answer session after delivering a speech at the Hudson Institute in Washington, D.C., on Wednesday, Haley was asked who she thinks would do a better job in the White House with national security issues: Joe Biden or Donald Trump,
The former United Nations ambassador said she prioritizes a president who will hold enemies to account, secure the border and support "capitalism and freedom" -- and that while "Trump has not been perfect on these policies," that "Biden has been a catastrophe."
"So I will be voting for Trump," Haley said.
Haley, who suspended her campaign in March, has yet to endorse Trump.
During a speech announcing her campaign suspension -- the day after suffering considerable losses on Super Tuesday, the former South Carolina governor said Trump had to "earn the votes."
"It is now up to Donald Trump to earn the votes of those in our party and beyond it, who did not support him," she said in March. "And I hope he does that. At its best politics is about bringing people into your cause, not turning them away. And our conservative cause badly needs more people."
Many of the Republicans who once challenged Trump for the nomination quickly fell into line behind him after exiting the race.
The decision not to endorse Trump has been one that has loomed large over her public persona, fueling speculation as to what the former South Carolina governor's next steps may be.
The Biden campaign has tried to court Haley voters, some of whom have told ABC News they remain undecided.
Recent primaries have also shown Haley with a decent amount of support among Republican primary voters, with the former ambassador picking up much support in primaries in Maryland, Indiana, Wisconsin and other states.
According to ABC News' current pledged delegate estimates, Haley has netted 94 delegates to the Republican National Convention.
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Hypocritical creep, i.e., typical republican politician, Nikki Haley, agrees to eat shit and announces she will vote for Trump.
I knew she'd cave, probably to save her new no show/no work jobs...
To think that I thought she was probably the best chance the Republicans could come up with - now proving herself to be nothing better than any other MAGA sycophant lacking in integrity.
LOL, there was never a doubt in my mind that she would, she is now looking for the VP spot or another cabinet position.
that won't be happening if the personal loyalty over the rule of law candidate wins...
Agreed. No doubt whatsoever.
Wow, she is more retarded than I thought she was.
a bird brain as trump has quipped ...
Calculated compliance…integrity be damned…today’s gop.
You all are talking smack about Nikki Haley a0re forgetting who Biden
kicked and will continue to run with by all indications. Seeing the ages of both men running for president and the likelihood that they will live for the next four years, I would much better see Nikki Haley take over as president than[✘]
did you drop by a third grade classroom to pick up that insult ?
Yes and he walked past a preschool class room to hear that one.
Well....we do our share of insulting name calling. We're just better at it
I like to humiliate morons. it's fun.
She figures that four years from now all will have been forgiven.
More likely four years from now she will have been forgotten. Nikki who?
her political career is finished...
“Nikki who?”
nikki, nikki you’re so fine…you blow my (mind)…hey nikki… ~djt
If Trump is elected, there will be no 4 yrs. from now. Most have had enough of the MAGA bullshit and threats. When Project 2025 kicks-in, remember the lyrics of that rock song, "well you'll come to know, when a bullet hits a bone" !
Wow, scary. Really scary.
Right wing Americans do tend to have short memory spans.
Just sickening to watch the GOP partisans cast aside their integrity and fall in line to vote for a scoundrel and a traitor.
now how do you feel about nikki's ability to be a future moderate republican candidate for POTUS?
If others view her choice to vote for Trump (rather than vote for herself or abstain) as I do then she does not have a prayer in the future.
She could have simply stayed silent. Her choice to announce that she will vote for Trump is her tossing her integrity aside to support a scoundrel and a traitor for what she thinks (I presume) is politically good for herself.
she got pressured, probably due to peeling off republican primary voters. trump has a math problem.
The GOP is no longer the GOP. Haley should not have gone along with the Trump crowd. She should have stayed silent and kept her options open.
Is it not amazing watching all these GOP members cling to the party simply because of the name and not realize that it no longer is the GOP?
she's just proven her lack of leadership and character, and will most definitely flip again before the convention. after all the name calling and character assassination by trump, she has capitulated and sold her political soul and future.
the GOP has devolved into a fascist cult of personality, led by trump and supported by his spineless sycophants. I look forward to watching trump finish her off with another attack for falling back in line and supporting him.
I'm somewhat surprised you might have actually thought there would be a different result. Her endorsement of Trump was totally predictable.
Exactly, how often does an active politician telegraph that they won’t support the Party’s candidate.
If she ever wants to run again nationally, it was not a wise choice.
But remember-- she's in South Carolina. If she ever wants to run again for statewide office, this was necessary.
What party do you imagine will nominate her if she opposes Trump in 2024?
Just another moral midget looking for a job.
Like so many of her party, this stupid cunt would sooner vote for a diseased serial killer than a Democrat. Who didn’t see this coming? Trump is every horrible thing she said he is, and she thinks that what this country needs.
she was bought off by her new employers and paid to publicly take a bite of the GOP shit sandwich and surrender her supporters. she has just committed national political suicide and deserves whatever happens to her in the future.
Trump will lose for the very reasons she said he will lose and she will support him, but at least she won’t have voting for a child molesting, Satan worshipping, baby eating democrat on her record.
I hope you're not talking about Biden. He never comes to the meetings!
lol, I do. If there is satan worshipping and baby eating I’m in.
Especially the ones where we discuss recipes for babies!
2 cups chopped celery, 2 cups chopped onions, 2 cups sliced carrots, 1 quart chicken broth, 1 baby ...
You forgot the garlic...
and the rosemary and basil
... large crock pot or roasting pan.
cheeks and palms are supposed to be the best parts...
Party of cowards. But then if you’re wondering where standing on your principles can take you, ask Liz Cheney.
Liz Cheney ….. golden spoon girl …..
I love when I get irrelevant replies. Just makes my whole day. Nice work missing the point.
The most honest republican ever.
Liz Chaney has principles? Who knew?
Anyone educated and intelligent.
This place, sometimes . . .
It makes you wonder, doesn't it?
She sure as shit isn’t voting for Dumbo …..
Michele Bachmann isn't running this time.
True but dumbo is.
Oh yeah, look there he is! Dumbo Trump Dumps on America.
So now what is left is to see her get the invite to Mar-a-Lago and accept it. It will be exciting to see her 'strike a pose' with Donald in those 'she heard my summons' where chests are prominently featured along with broad and stiff action figure postures.
she might as well go to mar-a-lardo and kiss trump's ring, since she's just kissed his ass with her endorsement...
She might as well as she should have her plane ticket already. After all, if she is claiming she is now planning to vote for Donald because Biden is 'no good' then she already knew that she felt that way long ago. So. . . nothing new about her following the steps to get to Donald. . . now, get this: I bet she wants Donald to ask for her proper endorsement of himself. I knew that woman was a fraud the moment she dropped out of the republican primaries after stating she would remain a candidate to the RNC convention—A FRAUD.
So many with high standards now just kissing ass in the hope of getting the VP nod.
they all know it's the fast track to the oval office with the orange menace facing prison or a somber (hilarious) produce accumulating parade, feet first down pennsylvania avenue in the future...
Of course she will, she is a spineless coward. Trump could grab her by the pussy on national television in front of her family and she would still vote for him.
she's always had the spine of a piece of cooked linguini...
“…sophomoric at best.”
“True but dumbo is.” ~ my friend from the right
Boy, for the sake of my friends on lefts sanity, I hope Dumbo continues to hold the irrectionists feet to fire.
all of the insurrectionists names, addresses, and mugshots are available in the public record...
Smart woman. Loves her country and his personality aside,she knows the difference between nice and then
We all, for the most part, love 'our' country. Nothing new about that!
True but how “we” show it, is drastically different.
No "but" necessary. We are entitled to enjoy our freedom any legal way we choose. Love's differences are love through diversity all the same.
Agreed but that means no special classes. That is likely where we part ways.
"Parting" is fine. I don't care that you are a "special class' (MAGAs) of conservative, apart from some conservatives compelling liberals to disavow themselves and their hopes and dreams. You do mind (and are deeply offended) that I am a liberal.
Now then, let's take apart that "special class" you don't want to see happening. When the constitution was signed it did not have Black people Indians, homosexuals, or women in mind. So you will have to excuse us for plying our own way through our society, by putting our needs forward. . . and making the majority see us without looking away and beyond us. We did that. We will continue to do so.
After all, some conservatives are pushing for their agenda which is to cheat liberals out of their liberty, prosperity, and livelihood. We will defend ourselves and our aspirations against that.
Of course, it is, relative-speaking, 'easy' for a white male pursuing self-serving interests to not want others to pursue their freedoms, liberties, and aspirations. I will tell you that you can pursue your 'interests' and know that we will pursue our interests equally. And, may the proper, forward-looking interests of both sides advance for the country's good!
Your title not mine. Having a different political viewpoint is not a special class. Giving special treatment for DEI reasons is a great example of a special class many of my friends on the left subscribe to.
The chronic demonizing of “MAGA” is an interesting concept though. One would think that all Americans would like America to be great. Many say they do but are really only paying it lip service.
Great to them is only their idea of great. Live and let live doesn’t exist in their world. Their saying should be: live let live, but only the way I tell you to live.
Your point is lost on me; MAGA is not intend on making America great. . .it is intent on making America 18th century 'chit' again. How the hell that will work in the modern day we find ourselves is beyond many of us. Again, 18th century America was "great" - really great in fact from a white male perspective - fact. So I can see why you hold to that perspective. The 18th century was horrible for minorities, indeed the 19 century was more of the same, and the 20th century was largely 'catch as catch can' for change.
DEI is what this country is—should be. Some conservatives attack this country should be, they do not want this country to be all that it can be. Thus, some conservatives fight hard to dial it back.
Stop with the nonsense about "live and let live" - some conservatives are highly invested in what liberals do. . . and don't do. . . annoyingly so.
Exactly, let’s hear it for the 1750’s!
I know it is.
Be cavalier about it then.
Just being honest.
I prefer that to being biased and/or insincere.
Be HONEST about Donald and let's see some sincerity: Go on let 'er rip!
Always have been. Guess you weren’t paying attention.
I pay enough attention to know that you don't openly criticize Donald for his daily lies or any harm he causes liberals. Be HONEST and tell the truth which shames "the devil" where and whomsoever s/he may be! Moreover, Nikki just exposed herself for lying about staying in the primary races all the way. . .but she exited the primaries as soon as her new funding dried up.Talk about that for a bit - if you want to be fair and balanced, that is.
ugh, you are a glutton for punishment...
as usual, sticky nikki didn't think this political reversal thru. in this extremely divisive political environment, I wonder if she realizes just how much verbal abuse she has now subjected her immediate family to? trump has already stated she and her supporters aren't welcome back within the fascist family of the new GOP...
I don't know. I observe how 'they' - meaning politicians - engage with one another up and down the line. . . probably explains why I am not one of them. Because I wouldn't want to be "integrity-less" just because others view being so my profession.
That’s probably it.
You must have extra time on your hands. . . for surely I am not worth special attention. In fact, I don't want so-called, "special attention" from you or anybody else!
What makes you think that I give you special attention?
You're back and still 12.1.13 is open:
Since 'lips' are moving. . . . I'm just sayin.'
Already asked, answered and responded to in 2.1.12.
That you don’t agree with it, is not my problem.
Donald Trump is not an honest man. No honest man hides behind an unwillingness to testify about the truth he knows to be true. Donald couldn't testify then and he can't testify now. . . because he would condemn himself or worse—commit perjury. Anybody who says Donald is a fair and honest man makes a liar out of himself or herself. Even Donald would not say (and mean it) he is an honest man.
Exactly, any defendant that doesn’t take the stand is a guilty coward.
Donald Trump is not an honest man and he is full of guile, that is why he can not take the stand and testify. Anybody who wants a dishonest president to retake office based on repetitive lies and misdeeds is full of guile too.
Is that true of all defendants that don’t take the stand?
Their full court press on Trump is failing and he continues to kick their ass.
Pisses off my friends on the left to no end ……
Show me an honest politician and I’ll show you a unicorn.
How about your boy Biden. More lies and exaggeration in his speech to West Point grads yesterday. To which he gets another free pass from the media and my friends on the left.
Sad, just sad.
Well, of course, a politician can't be completely honest, because some are dishonest before entering the field. Even when straight-shooters there is enough that is shaded in grays for politicians to have to obfuscate and not tell completely (which gives the appearance of lying). Finally, there are enough people in the public, think-tanks, and in office to f-up the truth with their lies, misinformation, et ceteras. So yes, it will be hard to bet back to a semblance of truth in politics for its own sake. . .
But, it has to start somewhere.
What is sad is people who think the GAME is the thing itself! That's pathetically sad for all of us.
Top Ten reasons the left hates Nikki Haley:
10 - she is of Indian American decent (see #1 below)
9 - her husband is in the military (see #1 below)
8 - she resides in a southern state (see #1 below)
7 - she has had a successful political career
6 - she kicked ass at the UN
5 - she was a great governor (see #1 below)
4 - she believes in smaller government
3 - she is pro life
2 - she said she would vote for Trump ( see #1 below)
And the number one reason the left hates Haley with a passion …
1 - she is a Republican
Well, she is a politician who lies too:
See : 3:35; 5.43; 6:10
Nikki Haley to stay in 2024 presidential race: 'We have a country to save’
(NOTE: The Youtube ad on this video (for me anyway) is a grift from Laura Trump about a so-called, "Trump card" made of metal.) Bon appetit, griftees !)
ugh, can you imagine being married to her? a voice of whining condescension combined with amateur theater arm movements while speaking. no wonder her husband prefers to be deployed overseas for long time periods ...
I think she is smart. For that matter I think Donald is smart too. Both are self-serving. . . and, so she and he do not mind lying to get the ends they seek. In Nikki's case, she lies through clenched teeth. Donald is more of a gushing 'mouth-breather' liar. (You know, if I was to marry any some conservative. . .it would be to a hunk like Harrison Butker. Alas! I can't change him to liberal so I will just stand pat where I am.)
Hidden message in the white area above for you (alone).
So you see them as politicians.
Well, I find the notion that it is expected and acceptable that politicians are self-serving and liars, respectively, demeaning to the reason why people should vote for more of the same, if that is what you mean. It is kind of like the media's routine labeling of SCOTUS justices: Conservative; Liberal . . . and then being shocked when they began to act according to their 'billing.'
None of the above which is occurring is proper. Politicians ought not be worse than the people they serve: Their masters.
Trump has said so many stupid things that the only way I would agree he is smart is if he comes out and says he played dumb to appeal to his cult.
Exactly, most politicians are altruistic and are only for serving the people.
Donald has 'sucked' an entire political party into orbiting around him (being the Sun), despite the personal-professional baggage he carries around with him daily. I know of no other politician who can pull that party "takeover' successfully—especially while intentionally being a low-life human being to a majority of the country.
That's not true, unless you can prove it. Please proceed. . . .
Sorry, I thought that the sarcasm was self evident.
/s or /sarcasm
This would be clear.
Gravity and inertia cause orbiting in the vacuum of space, not sucking.
I wrote Donald has 'sucked. . . .' in scare quotes. . . and Donald is a great many lying things, but in space he is not!
yikes. can males that have had a lobotomy get an erection?
Good question! I have a deeper question for you: Do people with lobotomies MISS sexual activity?
Hates Nikki Haley? No one hates her, we just pity her.
Besides, everyone knows the passionate hatred comes from the Republican right wingers:
Sure, sure ….
#3 is the biggest problem with her
have you ever noticed how most of the loudest anti-choice and anti-contraceptive advocates have the smallest families???
Get a load of this! Bwahahaha...
thanks for selling your supporters down the river nikki...