McConnell says Obama administration 'did leave behind' pandemic plan
By: Jordain Carney (MSN)

A very, very rare, rarity. A rare, rare earth moment.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) on Thursday walked back comments made earlier this week, where he said the Obama administration didn't leave behind a "game plan" for a pandemic
The SML admitted he was wrong, but denied being responsible for not knowing what he did not know?
Really? The gentleman from Kentucky claimed for the past 14 years to know every reason Mr. Obama was unfit for office...
He doesn't remember the 2009 pandemic? or Ebola?

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) on Thursday walked back comments made earlier this week, where he said the Obama administration didn't leave behind a "game plan" for a pandemic.
© Greg Nash McConnell says Obama administration 'did leave behind' pandemic plan
McConnell, asked about his comments during a Fox News interview, said that "I was wrong."
"They did leave behind a plan. I clearly made a mistake in that regard," he said.
"As to whether or not the plan was followed and who is the critic and all the rest, I don't have any observation about that because I don't know enough about the details of that ... to comment on it in any detail," he added.
McConnell's comments come after he appeared to blame the Obama administration for not leaving guidelines behind for the Trump White House during the transition in 2017. President Trump and his allies have made similar remarks.
"They claim pandemics only happen once every hundred years but what if that's no longer true? We want to be early, ready for the next one, because clearly the Obama administration did not leave to this administration any kind of game plan for something like this," McConnell said during a Trump campaign event with Lara Trump.
His comments sparked backlash from former Obama administration officials.
Ronald Klain, who was the Ebola coordinator for the Obama administration, tweeted that "we literally left them a 69-page Pandemic Playbook.... that they ignored."
"And an office called the Pandemic Preparedness Office... that they abolished. And a global monitoring system called PREDICT .. that they cut by 75%" he added.
Jeremy Konyndyk, who previously served as the director of USAID's Office of US Foreign Disaster Assistance, told CNN that the Trump administration was "extensively briefed" on the plan during the transition.
The White House has garnered criticism in the midst of the coronavirus for a 2018 decision to disband the National Security Council's global health unit, a decision former national security adviser John Bolton characterized as a "streamlining."

Along with DR Rick Bright, Mike Bowen, and acquaintance and neighbor, testified before the House Thursday. he is firmly of the belief that after 2010, the House refused to fund replacement masks and PPE and that even worse, the Trump Administration auctioned off their "excess" supplies prior to the 2019 pandemic to an eCommerce supplier that he now has to compete with for government contracts. Prestige Ameritech is located in North Richland Hills, Tarrant County TX.
Mike calls it " chasing pennies to China"....
Buy American.
Talk about FUBAR.
i thought tortoise's never forgot... or maybe the Elephant in the room, next to him and Jack the ass, put too much junk in his and Trumppy's Trunk, or maybe the mutant ninja lying like a Trump pokin about unspoken turtle, waxin up to slip into his girdle, cause it's obvious, to more than 23 and me, tTrumppy has one hell of a set of
Skinny Genes
maybe like me, ole McConnel was a little drunk, but don't worry, He IS Driving the bus as their bullshit goes round and round like a pandemic clockwork orange clownin around Donald Mc Ronald
too late. the campaign commercials for his senate opponents are already in production. whatever the future holds for this confederate clown, I hope it's f'n messy.
Behave. Be polite, talk to each other like you are talking to your elderly female relatives , like your own Mom's, Aunts
and if your lucky enough to still have living Grandmothers, not in a nursing home.
they usually don't understand me either, but too the seed, to China went the business, cause it's all about the A Greed or not Trumps' fault, cause never ayny audio or video mixed with water ice and Scotch in the dialated diluted concrete evidence pupils can't focus upon cause always ADDing up to some other Ass's phault line to shake the foundations of a nation found, to be in a cry seas of a deadly serious Pandemic, with an Orange Buffoonin a round Ronald Donald the Trtumpy Bare naked and afraid Clown and any that mite put him down, as he needs to be held
in contempt of our Countries Laws and his Disorders , asz he sets a blaze
of smoke and mirrors, butt still smells like Russian prostitute P in saddle soaked old bags, Trumpy hags, whose tities sags inan ongoing Pandemic prolonged by Trumppees' inadaquitccc's as he blames no drama for his own bungling blowhardness while sportin his Mr' Softie pussy grabbin small hands due to under active glands that like a Fish's gills, can't breath a breath into Trumps Lies that are like prime Kilz due to a ventilation system that suckd out the sense of he, and all that would be surroundin and supportin the ventilator violater in chief of fire ing competentcy, asz with him , that's whats IN
Competent , as he always finds someone to blame, cause you'll notice, it certainly NEVER is N E with a Trumpp last name.
This is not a game as we are lead by an insane pussy grabbin, Obama Stabbin, constantly tweetin and babbling crooked brook, creepy crick, surrounded by gouck , as a polluted stream of unconsciousness Lee Quick colored river of deceit as is evident with every tweet, as a little bird, and an orange turd, secure the insecurity founder with an odor of a flounder, as he looks both waze and has means, to see if he can shoot two and take the Fifth, drink it all Width his positively pathetic poster boisterous crowds, too unaware to be allowed to be herd aloud , with their herd of immunity to Truth impunity to a mentality that is easy to see, difficult to comprehend, and just doesn't seem to End thank De Jesus Christ , or some other spaghetti and meaty balls monster in the sky with xtra say cheese this has The
ugh, I don't talk politics with my mom, too many f bombs escape.
I wish I had a mom I could drop f bombs too just so she could holler at me
ha ha ha, some pos flagged your comment...
Split P was doing some testing
I'll give you my mothers number,
it will be enlightening how much she has learned to express herself in the last three years.
like she regressed about 80 years. LoL
Well, at Least McConnell can admit a mistake.
Easy to walk it back after he told his lies on fox news, his target audience.
They already heard want he wanted them to.
What, are you implying they might take his first version of events, and run with that, as opposed to admitting they, along wityh he, were incorrect ? Cause that sounds nonsensical, just like them, in fact.
Trump is a lying ass yet again. When oh God will you allow this freak of nature presidency and its cast of characters to go "poof"?
They won't, any more than the coronavirus would. This is what you get when you put party above all.
says the man who stated he will never vote for a democrat
No, I distinctly remember you saying you would NEVER vote for a democrat
What a dipshit McConnel is.
calculate d move for the free thinkin free basin
You know it would be helpful if the press actually linked Obama's 69 page plan so everyone could read it. But of course that would open up Obama to a whole new line of attacks if the plan sucked shit. Since he is the one that moved responsibility for pandemic response to the state and local governments it is off to a fucked up start. We have all seen the fractured responses at the state and local levels. It varies from state to state- even region to region within the same state. Many governors (looking at you Whitless of Michigan) have gone full Nazi. What a great fucking plan!
I just hope it is more detailed and laid out than this POS.
Also, please remember that Congress controls the power of the purse; and it is more than just a Democratic talking point when one of theirs occupies they WH. How did Obama pay for all of these extra positions that he created? Did he get approval for funding from Congress for his "plan"; or is it just more manure like the document I linked? We all saw how well Obama handled the Swine Flu H1N1; and the best defense against Ebola would have been not to have let it in to begin with; but he fucked that up as well. Maybe he wasn't listening to his extra experts; or maybe they just fucked it up?
But Trruuummmmppppp!!!!!!
God I am so sick of that argument. I am almost hoping that Biden wins so the left will have to take full accountability for their own fuck ups. However, just like with Bush Jr, all we will hear for the next 4 to 8 years of any Democratic Presidency is "But Trruuummmmpppppp!!!!!!"
So produce a link to this 69 page plan- lets see the details and how it would have prevented the Coronavirus from ever spreading the US; and would have stopped it dead in it's tracks and prevented an economic disaster. Until then it will be just another TDS driven dream.
Must be "Top Secret".
If it's anything like the link you provided, there's bunches of "Generalizations" and "See such and such wording from this, that and the other, then combine if possible."
I liked this part in the link:
" The NAPAPI is not intended to replace or contradict existing arrangements or agreements . Each country’s laws are to be respected, and this Plan is to be subordinate and complementary to domestic response plans, existing arrangements and bilateral or multilateral agreements. This Plan reflects strong commitments by our North American leaders but is not legally binding . "
I hope they all will just get along !
America needs adults in it. We can not keep trashing our system of governance or else we will fall to internal turmoil. And your children will be impoverished beggars on the world stage and nobody will like that one bit.
Trump is a talking ass, and I can prove it with the lying with abandon he does and the fact that he misses no occasion to head to a press microphone or article writer to render his 'tales.'
Greg, you can not defend the indefensible without looking suspect yourself. [deleted] Or else, it is high time you rein in some of that fox crowd nonsense you're 'selling.'
I encourage my NT friends, the time is here for more straight-talk w/o chaser!!!
A link is easily found.
Below is one found in an Kaiser Health News story.
has anyone told you just how fucking handy you are to have around lately? nice work, as usual.
Thank you.
I want to vote this up at least a 100 times
And oh yeah...that's gonna leave a mark...
The conservatives will be "silent running" on that document any minute now:
General Quarters! General Quarters! This is not a drill:
Politico DID actually link 'Obama's 69 page plan' so everyone could read it in March.
Here is a link to the article:
Here is a link to the Playbook:
I hope that fact proves to you and your fellow travelers that just because Fox didn't report it, doesn't mean that it wasn't reported.
That's an International agreement for mutual assistance that is STILL is force today. It is NOT a Playbook for use by US decision makers. In short, you are comparing apples and artichokes. But hey, how about you cite why you characterize it as a POS?
The same way Trump paid for his 'Voters Fraud Commission'.
What evidence do you have that Obama was required to do so?
I await you detailed critique of that document. /s
Yes we did. If only Trump did half as well.
Really? With thousands of people coming and going there were only 2 Ebola cases contracted in the US.
Or maybe you are seeing what you want to see and ignoring Obama's documented record.
Technically, there were only 2 deaths, a green card holder and the top doctor from Sierre Leone.
Nine US care givers contracted Ebola from them but all survived.
An outstanding result in my opinion.
Trump is not the topic. He is not mentioned in the seed.
Wilson in 1918-1920, 675,000 dead
Eisenhower in 1957, 116,000 dead
Johnson in 1968, 100,000 dead
Obama in 2009, 12,000 dead
seems like the last Administration got it right.
How so? One guy with a green card flew "home" from Liberia, got sick and died. The people who cared for him got sick and survived. The other Americans we flew back to CONUS all survived. We also brought back the CDC leader of Sierre Leone who died.
So, zero American deaths from Ebola, 2 foreigners died and a total of 9 infected who survived.
Seems to me, Obama did listen and did not fuck anything up.
Butttttttttttttttttttttt Obama /s
Right ?
I agree.
I have in previous articles and I am sure someone will find it again. Nothing will stop the virus "dead" in it's tracks, that's a pipe dream, not withstanding the fact that technically viruses aren't living organisms.
Ok, TDS is also off topic from this point forward...
That's not a mistake, Knucklehead...that's big fat lie
Republicans in Congress, on Trump's transition team, and those conservatives going in and out the White House Transition: pandemic presentation wanted to dismiss, discount, and down-play anything the Obama Administration shared with the team. Immediately, the subject matter became a game of locate and position whomever worked for the former administration, use those team-members, test their loyalties with absurd 'points' of Trump policy, or dismiss them for cause and stamp "deep state plan operation" on their resumes. Thus, Mitch McConnell likely did not know about the pandemic presentation due to the incoming administration's negativity against sharing positives about the Obama Administration.
Of course, when shit hits the fan and bodies are laying around in hospitals, on ventilators, in deep-freeze, in morgues, and in graves. . . . The finger-pointing and lying is automatic. . . . What's interesting is Mitch McConnell is caught on the administration's and Fox News 'hook' - he is having to eat something he stated and it is nasty but necessary.
You really think Moscow Mitch didn't know anything about Obama's pandemic plan?
It's possible. Because Mitch does not like running defensive linesman against a Trump/Hannity/Fox News 'concoction' -but he stuck his warbled neck out and 'wisdom' dictates that he will lose less (laughed at and diminished in the polling) if he appears to be more of a man than 'creature' right now. So, yes, it is possible he did not know about it during the administration's transition's effort to look over and beyond the Obama Administration. The question of the day will be, will Trump let this little 'transgression into the truth' go by unmolested or will he tear Mitch a new one.
There is some gangster code of respect at work now. . . .
Omerta if I recall
Ahhh! Good old Mitch will have to make a sufficient display of obeisance. Watch out for it.
McConnell "should have kept his mouth shut".
McConnell must be looking for a new job, or a new Master. First he contradicted Trump, his divine Master. Then he dared to say it was left by .......Obama.