"the Biden Administration has turned a national triumph into a national disaster."

The proxy Joe Biden has not only stopped the building of the wall, but has ended The Public Health Exclusion Order, The Remain in Mexico Policy and the Safe Third Country Agreement. The border crisis had deteriorated to the point that the border patrol can no longer control the incoming traffic:
"EXCLUSIVE: Fox News has learned from a senior source with Customs and Border Protection (CBP) that a plan is under consideration for Border Patrol agents in the Rio Grande Valley Sector (RGV) to begin releasing illegal border crossers who claim asylum without issuing a Notice to Appear (NTA) - meaning they will depart custody without a court date.
Such a decision would be unprecedented if enacted and would place the responsibility of seeking an asylum hearing on the migrants through Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) or legal assistance.
The source says the reasoning for the decision is that the situation has "become so dire that BP [Border Patrol] has no choice but to release people nearly immediately after apprehension because there is no space to hold people even to do necessary NTA paperwork."
DHS Secretary Mayorkas is a leftist ideologue and a blatant liar. There can only be one goal here: To get as many migrants into the country as soon as possible, grant them amnesty and get them voting.
For those who voted for Biden: Is this what you voted for?
He didn't tell you?
Shame on you!
As someone who lives right on the AZ/Mexico border zip can tell you what the man said is a unmitigated load of BS! The border is neither closed nor secure!
And he said it all day yesterday on cable news - he said it with a smug grin!
Where he contradicted himself several times.
And with his progressive chin out and a smug grin, as if saying we are in power now!
oh look, all the undocumented people that are working "off the books" for republicans in the US are sending for their kids.
The undocumented immigrants working for Democrats "off the books" that are sending for their kids you mean.
Biden and the damn Democrats are ringing the dinner bell load and clear for illegals. Now they act shocked and deny there is any border crisis; since they damn well made it.
Spin, deny, deflect, and above all else "but Ttrrruuuummmmppppp!!!!" That is all the left has.
Why should any immigrant follow our laws and gain entry to this country legally; when the Democrats opening up our borders to them?
Yeah there are issues. I'm personally not happy with everything they are doing here, but it is far from a disaster. Part of the issue was created by the Trump Admin for reducing the places to put these kids, part of it was the Biden Admin admitting kids who have been waiting for months in Mexico. Were I part of the current Admin - I would be putting this all in front of the news every day calling out the previous Admin's actual disasterous polices and calling on Congress to get their asses in gear and put in permanent fixes.
Only from a xenophobic nationalist antifreedom point of view.
Then why were you all panicking about caravans in 2018?
Only from an American point of view!
So you seem to be in favor of a wide open border with the attendant problems of drug and sex trafficking of women and children, allowing gang members in, and admittance of Covid carriers??
Who decides what that is, you?
Nope, but then this isn't the either/or argument you indicate it is. There is a lot of area to cover between Trump's closing the borders and ultra-progressive ideas of wide open borders. If you really want to discuss them I will.
Lotta big words that don't explain squat. Try it in "normal" English - like "xenophobic" meaning "fear of strangers" - nope - that doesn't fit the thread/seed/article.
No EG, we, who live down here on the border, don't have a "fear of strangers" - we have a fear of the FLOOD of ILLEGAL ALIENS who are being thrust into our faces by an ignorant/lying through their teeth administration that is dropping the ILLEGAL ALIENS into our neighborhoods because the ignorant/lying through their teeth administration doesn't have the BALLS to follow the law nor follow the policies/procedures of the previous administration that had done a "fairly decent" job of attempting to follow the law.
"Nationalist" - "a person who strongly identifies with their own nation and vigorously supports its interests, especially to the exclusion or detriment of the interests of other nations." Yeah, I guess if being a nationalist means fighting/pushing/forcing the enforcement of laws made and intended to protect the country that you and I, as Marines, fought to protect - -yeah, I guess those of us on the border who are busy trying to protect our homeland/property/taxes/livelihood/families from the FLOOD of ILLEGAL ALIENS who are being dropped into our neighborhoods, without so much as a basic/decent conversation from the ignorant/lying through their teeth administration as to how THEY are going to assist us handling the horde either financially, physically, lawfully and humanely. Yeah, I guess we're just stupid, pathetic AMERICANS who are proud of who/what we are.
"Antifreedom" - Working AGAINST freedom???? C'mon, man. Trying to enforce our existing laws that have been established and, for the most part, approved by our court systems numerous hundreds of times is, instead, working FOR freedom. You know, that thingy 'bout freedom of speech, religion, press, etc.. Attempting to CURTAIL the horde release of ILLEGAL ALIENS ain't Antifreedom - it's the protection of our freedoms given by the U.S. Constitution - something you and I, as Marines, did countless times. So, that's bad???
Bravo and well said 1st!
TRUMP'S policies were only a win & BIDEN'S current polices a fail by nationalist xenophobes. The policies HAVE NOT BEEN CHANGED YET. If you have some proof to back up these claims the Admin is lying and directing personnel to not follow the law or current rules I'd love to see it. Otherwise... I'm really not interested in partisan bullshit.
"...I'm really not interested in partisan bullshit."
Unless it comes from the liberal left that is.
The partisan left doesn't like me any better than the partisan right. Bless their little hearts...
Thanks Tess... I'm having a shitty day at work today and this is a little bright spot.
This whole scenario was planned with malice aforethought. The genie is out the bottle, with no hope of it ever being contained again
Unfortunately it appears that Biden came into office with the same plan that Trump had, to remove all actions that the prior administration set up and remove the name of the prior administration from every book and pylon. I think we were actually lucky that Obamacare didn't get completely cancelled during the Trump administration as there didn't seem to be a replacement ready to go. We're seeing it live now where Biden got rid of the border control / plans from Trump but he did it without any plan or process in place to replace it. The result is the chaos that we see.
They are being transported here. If you notice, many are wearing sandals, clean, new clothes, and not looking travel weary!! They don't even look tired!! They are being provided meals, made-up tents with cots inside to sleep on, and, of course, cell phones given to them!!
Many were already there waiting.
MATAMOROS, Mexico (Border Report) — Giant Mylar balloons reading “BYE TRUMP” hung Saturday from a razor wire fence that surrounds a tent encampment in Matamoros, Mexico, where hundreds of asylum-seeking migrants live across the Rio Grande from Brownsville, Texas.
Most of the 600 or so migrants now living in the camp were placed in the Migrant Protection Protocols program , also known as the “Remain in Mexico” policy, which requires them to wait on Mexican soil during their U.S. immigration proceedings.
“There are people who have lived here for a year and a half and that’s a long time to wait in this camp."
Yes Steve - many of them were already waiting - many of whom had been transported to the border - and they will continue to wait until the backlog of over 200K "Asylum" requests ahead of them have been heard. And, yes, it is going to take a lot longer than a year and a half AND MORE due to the heavy influx of requests.
What I'm really unhappy about in all of this is the obvious lack of any planning .. AGAIN.
How many times do we have to go thru this with the border being changed in major ways with NO apparent forethought and or detailed planning.
IMO: The way our government handles our problems Is an embarrassment to the whole nation.
If I was outside looking in I'd be saying to myself, "That damn country has NO business telling anyone anything."
Sad !
There was a 'triumph"? Drat, I missed the victory parade ...
The only thing that has actually changed at the border from the previous administration is the perception which has gone from "We won't treat immigrants who come to our borders begging for asylum humanely, in fact, we'll rip kids away from their parents and keep them in cages if they dare show up" to "We will treat immigrants who come to our borders begging for asylum humanely and won't rip families apart". That perception has caused a surge in asylum seekers from South America to come and expect humane treatment as they had been getting for the last 50 years until Trump and his anti-immigrant rhetoric and shameful treatment of asylum seekers. Trump base believes that America is "full" and we shouldn't be admitting any more people, especially brown ones who don't speak English because they don't see America as the shining city on the hill that proclaimed "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore." They see it as a dwindling resource that they should be allowed to exploit without any "outsiders" coming in and enjoying the same freedom, prosperity and opportunity that was afforded to the vast majority of Americans ancestors who were once immigrants themselves. Now they can only see those wishing to come here as "wretched refuse" and they vehemently reject anyone who might even suggest that there should be a place for those immigrants who are wanting to come here or are fleeing oppression or violence in their own native countries. Those bigots label everyone wanting to come to America as drug dealers, gang members, rapists and many other racial slurs because they're bigots, not because those things are true. The facts show that immigrants statistically commit less crime than native born Americans and are actually a boon to our economy, not a drag on it. But you won't hear any racist Trump supporter admitting such, they will almost certainly repeat the Trumpian rhetoric of damning anyone who dares desire to move their family here.
Biden hasn't torn down any walls, he hasn't "opened the borders", and progressives don't want an "open border policy", they're simply suggesting immigration reform and treating immigrants, whether here illegally or not, humanely. Only dumb shit bigots would refuse to treat fellow humans humanely as they often don't see them as human if their skin is dark or they don't speak English. They claim to worship Jesus but would no doubt lock him up in a cage or deport him if he ever dared step foot on our soil.
sadly the real thing that would have changed the problem at our border seems to never get addressed and is always overlooked.. Planning
Time and time again the immigration and border issue is changed and each time we have a mess, Neither party ever does any detailed planning on what to do, how to do it or the results that planning will bring.
An order is issued and all hell breaks loose instead. over and over.
DUuuuu our government never seems to learn from its mistakes.
Stop the presses, Trump admits that Biden's election is a National Triumph.