
Kamala Harris is in over her head and embarrassing herself

Via:  Just Jim NC TttH  •  4 years ago  •  74 comments

By:   Eddie Scarry (MSN)

Kamala Harris is in over her head and embarrassing herself
Next to tending a parking lot, the vice presidency can be the easiest job in the world, yet, somehow, Kamala Harris is making it look like a monumental undertaking.

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Thankless job.........and the perfect person for it.

Have you found the southern border yet?

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

Next to tending a parking lot, the vice presidency can be the easiest job in the world, yet, somehow, Kamala Harris is making it look like a monumental undertaking.

Four months into the role, it couldn't be more clear that Harris is so far in over her head that she'll need dynamite to blast her way out. (She might hope it will be powered by a rolled-up solar panel.)

Admittedly, Harris hasn't been done any favors by her boss. President Joe Biden keeps saddling her with work she either doesn't want or doesn't know how to do. He said on Tuesday he was making Harris the lead person in his administration on efforts to dismantle all the ways that states organize their elections. (This is often referred to by Democrats and the media as "expanding voter rights.")

The New York Times expressed its deep confidence in the decision, stating in a news article that Biden had "added another politically thorny problem to the vice president's policy portfolio."

Translation: Does Biden know what he's doing?

Biden's other big gift to Harris in recent weeks was a splashy announcement that she would be the one to oversee the obscene crush of destitute migrants dumping themselves into the care of U.S. taxpayers at the southern border. The numbers have climbed to new, astronomical heights under Biden, and there's no sign that they're dropping or even plateauing.

In response, Harris and her team so far have done nothing but try to work the media into believing the vice president isn't really expected to do anything, so you can't blame her for failing. In the same New York Times report about Harris taking on "voter rights," the paper noted that "the vice president … and her staff have worked to reframe expectations around her role, stressing that she will examine the root causes of migration, not single-handedly stop the flow of migrants to the United States."

Ah, yes, "reframe." So Harris will "examine" the border crisis, not actually produce any tangible, weighable result.

Apparently, however, the belief that Harris might actually have been given a responsibility wasn't inherent in Biden explicitly stating he was appointing her to help in "stemming the migration to our southern border," as he said at the White House on March 24. But it was a political trick pulled off by — ah, ha! — Republicans!

CNN reporter Natasha Bertrand said Monday that there had been "confusion" over what Harris was actually supposed to do at the border and that Republicans "kind of seized on that confusion" and "made it seem" that Harris was expected to do something real.

Darn those clever Republicans.

Sorry, Bertrand, but I'm not so naive. The truth is that Harris doesn't know what she's doing.

Even at the simplest part of her job, public appearances, she is falling embarrassingly flat.

She says ridiculous things in interviews with friendly journalists, as when she said in February that she was taken aback at the lack of a vaccine "stockpile" when she came into office. (Why would there be a stockpile of vaccines that had been rush-produced and were immediately distributed in order to stop a pandemic?)

She laughs when it's inappropriate, such as that time when a reporter asked if she had any plans to visit the southern border, and her answer, "not today," was followed by a forced and self-conscious cackle.

Addressing a graduating class at the Naval Academy last week, she crammed in a gender-inclusive line about male soldiers wanting to carry lighter equipment the same way women do. She pushed out an uncomfortable giggle for that one, too.

Harris has fast become our cringiest vice president. Maybe Biden should help her out and take back some of those fake responsibilities.

Tags:Opinion, Beltway Confidential, Kamala Harris, Joe Biden, Vice President, Border Crisis

Original Author:Eddie Scarry

Original Location:Kamala Harris is in over her head and embarrassing herself


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Just Jim NC TttH
Professor Principal
1  seeder  Just Jim NC TttH    4 years ago

And yes, it is an opinion. And pretty accurate from here. Not really a surprise to a LOT of people. 

Trump is off topic as are all members of the GOP ...............and as always, thanks for reading. 

Professor Principal
1.1  Hallux  replied to  Just Jim NC TttH @1    4 years ago

Guess I won't read it ... should not be too hard to figure why not.

Senior Guide
1.4  XXJefferson51  replied to  Just Jim NC TttH @1    4 years ago

She’s in way way way over her head.  

Professor Principal
2  JBB    4 years ago

So, you think this is why only 2 out of 3 Americans approve of the job that Biden and Harris are doing?

Do you not understand that outside the far rightwing bubble things are going quite well for Americans?

Just Jim NC TttH
Professor Principal
2.1  seeder  Just Jim NC TttH  replied to  JBB @2    4 years ago

That is supposedly Biden's approval rating number and has absolutely NOTHING to do with Ms. Harris for one thing. Number 2, just what do you see as going quite well for Americans? And there isn't a bubble. Actual real world. He is a bumbling fool controlled by handlers of which Ms. Harris is one. Have you a listing of what she has accomplished at the border? How about the manufacturing oversight she was assigned? Or a few of the other things pointed out in the article?

And while you're at it, perhaps you could pop up a few things that Mr. Biden has so miraculously done in the last 4 months. Leave out any Covid reference as that was well underway prior to his occupancy. 

Professor Principal
2.1.1  JBB  replied to  Just Jim NC TttH @2.1    4 years ago

The why is Biden's approval rating so very high?

Here in reality America and Americans are doing great 

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
2.1.2  Sean Treacy  replied to  JBB @2.1.1    4 years ago

53% is not very high. 

Greg Jones
Professor Participates
2.1.3  Greg Jones  replied to  JBB @2.1.1    4 years ago
Here in reality America and Americans are doing great 

No, they really aren't

Professor Quiet
2.1.4  Ed-NavDoc  replied to  Just Jim NC TttH @2.1    4 years ago

That is providing one is willing to believe results of polls the Dems are putting out. I don't and I stopped believing any political polls on DC politics years ago, no matter which side puts them out. I find it outright laughable how pollsters will poll about 1,000 people or so in preselected demographic areas, manipulate the results, then try to convince the American public that said results represent the will of the entire nation! The most hilarious part is that there are people out there that swallow this and believe them!

Professor Guide
2.1.6  Veronica  replied to  JBB @2.1.1    4 years ago

How is this off-topic - doesn't mention the GOP or Trump - WHAT THE FUCK???!!!!

Just Jim NC TttH
Professor Principal
2.1.8  seeder  Just Jim NC TttH  replied to  Veronica @2.1.6    4 years ago

Yes it did. Just didn't type {deleted} when I took out the name.


Professor Guide
2.1.11  Veronica  replied to  Just Jim NC TttH @2.1.8    4 years ago
but your defense of your friend is admirable..

Assume much?  jbb is hardfly a friend - but great leaping.


Just Jim NC TttH
Professor Principal
2.1.12  seeder  Just Jim NC TttH  replied to  Veronica @2.1.11    4 years ago

jbb knows what (rather whose name) was typed. Ask them [Deleted]

[Stop trolling]

Senior Guide
2.1.13  XXJefferson51  replied to  Sean Treacy @2.1.2    4 years ago

According to above it’s 2/3 of all Americans.  Democrat math.  

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
2.3  Sean Treacy  replied to  JBB @2    4 years ago
think this is why only 2 out of 3 Americans approve of the job that Biden and Harris are doing

They don't. 

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
3  Sean Treacy    4 years ago

I don't know if her refusal to head up the border crises as directed by her supposed boss Biden reflects worse on her or Biden. 

Professor Guide
5  GregTx    4 years ago

Meh, not sure why anyone's surprised when the main criteria for her nomination was seemingly more about gender and race than ability.

Greg Jones
Professor Participates
5.1  Greg Jones  replied to  GregTx @5    4 years ago

She's an unqualified token, selected only because of her race and gender

Professor Guide
5.1.1  GregTx  replied to  Greg Jones @5.1    4 years ago

I hate that label.

Professor Participates
5.1.3  bugsy  replied to  Tessylo @5.1.2    4 years ago

How so...

Be specific

Dismayed Patriot
Professor Quiet
5.1.4  Dismayed Patriot  replied to  Tessylo @5.1.2    4 years ago
That's racist Greg!

Remember Tessy, the left isn't allowed to point out the token minorities put in the spotlight on the right like Candice Owens or Tim Scott, if we do they claim that's racist. Only those on the right are allowed to claim minorities on the left (even though the vast majority of minorities vote Democrat thus disproving the token claims) must be "tokens". You just have to keep in mind that the hypocrisy on the right truly knows no bounds.

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
5.1.5  Sean Treacy  replied to  Dismayed Patriot @5.1.4    4 years ago

. the left isn't allowed to point out the token minorities put in the spotlight on the right like Candice Owens or Tim Scott, if we do they claim that's racist

No, you aren't supposed to use slurs when talking about them. But that's never stopped the progressives here, has it? 

Professor Guide
5.1.6  GregTx  replied to  Sean Treacy @5.1.5    4 years ago

Not at all, "Uncle Tom" seems to be the label of choice.....

Professor Participates
5.1.7  bugsy  replied to  Sean Treacy @5.1.5    4 years ago
But that's never stopped the progressives here, has it? 

Stopped them?

Hell, every time one of them uses a slur, it encourages most of the others to double down on their knowledge of different slurs.

They know a lot.

Dismayed Patriot
Professor Quiet
5.1.8  Dismayed Patriot  replied to  Sean Treacy @5.1.5    4 years ago
No, you aren't supposed to use slurs when talking about them. But that's never stopped the progressives here, has it? 

What slurs?

Not at all, "Uncle Tom" seems to be the label of choice...

I've never used that term to describe the few minorities that the right wing likes to roll out anytime they're trying desperately to prove they are somehow diverse even though they know they're a tiny speck of their voting base.

Hell, every time one of them uses a slur, it encourages most of the others to double down on their knowledge of different slurs.

Again, wtf are you yammering on about? Slurs? Instead of just making baseless claims why not try linking some of what you claim to be "slurs"? It was one of the conservatives here who threw out "unqualified token" to describe our over-qualified vice President all apparently because he thinks females or black Asian American former US Senators and State Attorney Generals aren't qualified to hold high elected positions, or perhaps he's too bitterly butt hurt about his favorite dip-shit-in-chief losing like so many of that piece of shit dishonest Donald's sore loser base.

Professor Participates
5.1.9  1stwarrior  replied to  GregTx @5.1.6    4 years ago

By whom???

Paula Bartholomew
Professor Quiet
6  Paula Bartholomew    4 years ago

Ain't no flies on her, unlike a certain someone else.


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