Capitol Hill protest: Hundreds storm building with banners demanding Israel-Gaza ceasefire - The Mirror US
By: Benjamin Lynch (The Mirror US)

It's an insurrection!!!!

Protestors stormed part of a congressional building demonstrating against the Israel-Hamas war today.
Up to 50 people have been arrested, according to reports, and Capitol police confirmed the protest. "A group of protesters are demonstrating inside the Cannon Rotunda. Demonstrations are not allowed inside Congressional Buildings," they said in a social media post.
One banner displayed in the Cannon House Office Building read "Jews say ceasefire now!" while people could also be heard chanting "ceasefire now." The non-profit Jewish Voice for Peace has said they are behind the protest and said earlier "arrests are beginning."
READ MORE Israel-Palestine war LIVE: Devastating Gaza hospital blast kills 471 with 314 injured
Thousands have been killed in Israel and Gaza ( Image: Anadolu via Getty Images)Reports say around 50 people were arrested ( Image: @mindyisser/X)
The group claimed 350 people are inside the building, including "two dozen rabbis." This has not been confirmed.
"We won't leave until Congress calls for a ceasefire in Gaza," another tweet read. "We're here to say: not in our names, and never again. And we'll continue our civil disobedience until Congress calls for a ceasefire in Gaza, or until they force us to leave."
It comes as the war between Israel and Hamas continues in a bloody fashion. Yesterday, a devastating missile blast on a Gaza hospital killed 471 and left 314 injured, according to official figures.
Hamas blamed Israel, but Israel denied it and said a misfired rocket was the culprit. Today, a US intelligence assessment claimed Israel was "not responsible" for the explosion.
The war that began October 7 has become the deadliest of five Gaza wars for both sides. The Hamas-run Gaza Health Ministry said Wednesday that 3,478 Palestinians have been killed and more than 12,000 injured in the past 11 days.
More than 1,400 people in Israel have been killed, and at least 199 others, including children, were captured by Hamas and taken into Gaza, according to Israeli authorities.
Egypt's foreign minister, meanwhile, has confirmed there's an agreement between Egypt, Israel and other international actors to allow aid to enter the Gaza Strip through the Rafah crossing.
In an interview with Al-Arabiya, Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry said he hoped aid would enter the Palestinian enclave soon but did not provide a timeframe. He said Egypt would work under "the supervision of the United Nations, and in coordination with the Egyptian and Palestinian (branches) of the Red Cross."
The non-profit Jewish Voice for Peace has said they are behind the protests ( Image: Anadolu via Getty Images)
The Biden administration announced today that $100 million of aid would be sent to Gaza to "help support over a million displaced and conflict-affected people with clean water, food, hygiene support, medical care, and other essential needs."
It is not yet clear if other "essential needs" includes much-needed fuel to power hospital generators.
The White House said in a statement: "Civilians are not to blame and should not suffer for Hamas's horrific terrorism. Civilian lives must be protected and assistance must urgently reach those in need.
"We will continue to work closely with partners in the region to stress the importance of upholding the law of war, supporting those who are trying to get to safety or provide assistance, and facilitating access to food, water, medical care, and shelter."
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"We won't leave until Congress calls for a ceasefire in Gaza,"
"Demonstrations are not allowed inside Congressional Buildings"
One guy has a guitar. Could be used as a weapon......................Where is SWAT
Will Biden or Harris call them off?
Are there pictures of them breaking windows to get into a locked building. ? No? Thats probably because the doors werent locked today. How about trying to bash in locked and barricaded doors within the building? No?
Did any of them scale the exterior staircases in order to bypass police barriers? Did any of them set up a gallows in the plaza outside the building? Were any of the people today carrying confederate flags through the US Capitol ?
The moron Marjorie Taylor Greene said today that this protest was an "insurrection". Do some of you people really want your thoughts to be in alignment with hers?
I wonder if any capitol hill police officers will be giving them guided tours?opening doors for them?
No but many of our liberal friends here, will …… /S
And none of the Capitol Police shot & killed anyone.
And none of them is expected to languish in jail for years before getting a trial.
BTW John protests inside the Capitol are illegal.
And odds are they will be let go or at worst hit with a simple trespass charge. Guess no "official functions" were held up because of this... sigh
And some people wonder why others feel there are two standards of justice.
Looks like they are being escorted out, gently.
So much for Capitol Hill security.
Providing aid and comfort to our enemies.
The two million people in Gaza are your enemies?
No, just Hamas and their leftist sympathizers.
The real traitors are scum like the "Squad"
They are not allies or friends
Thinking that much of that 100 million, won’t go to supporting Hamas, is simply ignorance.
In the past few weeks they were all in a panic because of pending shut down of the government because of a lack of funding. So where did this money come from?
Just more liberals writing checks that we can’t afford.
I've ask that question several times now and not a single Bidenista can answer it.
You can bet your bottom dollar they would be questioning it if it were a Republican in office. Damn hypocrites.
And use every imaginable way to block every attempt to approve the money. You know, like pulling fire alarms.
As they should be.
They're a little busy with their Speaker Circle Jerk.
OK, well, you're in luck because no one in Israel or Gaza is doing anything in your name.
What would that accomplish?
They seem like a bunch of morons.
They ARE morons. They represent the Jewish people no more than the "Jews for Jesus" do.
Well done, Sir.
How TF did they get in there?
I've been. Security is pretty tight. I had to be escorted by the person I was visiting.
Who let 50 morons in matching t-shirts through the metal detectors?
Tlaib telling the crowd outside the Capitol that Israel bombed the Hospital.
She's still a Democrat in good standing though.
Well, emerging video has me pretty convinced they didn't. There's at least three different views of the misfired missile. Also, pretty good shot of where it landed. Having a pretty hard time imagining how it could have killed five hundred people. Can't find anything that shows an effort on the part of the media to confirm it.
The only evidence it was an Israeli bomb is Hamas says so. That's it. Video, ELINT data, everything else points to an IJ rocket. Our defense department has reached that conclusion.
And the only evidence it was a Hamas misfire is Israel says so.
So what's your point?
Pretty good showing of evidence from the IDF. Seems rather convincing to me.
Gaza hospital blast likely a Palestinian Islamic Jihad rocket misfire, U.S. officials say
I wouldn’t be surprised if hamas hit the hospital intentionally so they could throw blame at israel. Hamas is smart enough to know that there are plenty of dumbfucks out there that will blindly take their word as truth.
No, it's more than Israel's view, thanks to independent journalism, not the propaganda dished out by the MSM
Apparently, only Republicans care that a Member of Congress is parroting Hamas misinformation. Per ABC:
I would have thought at least some Democrats would side with reality over Hamas, but apparently not.
Perhaps you might change your mind on this if you looked at the evidence presented. I gather you haven't been in order to make a statement like this one. It's pretty conclusive.
She was actually still making the claim this afternoon, with lots of tears.
That is not true. Are you going against what Joe said?
MY point would be that the total evidence, the videos, the images, the captured phone conversations, is so much more than the say-so of a declared terrorist that your comment is so far out of line it should be deleted so as to not be an embarrassment.
With the knowledge that Hamas planted an IED on the road south that killed fleeing civilians, which Hamas then blamed Israel for (and no Israelis were there at any time) it did cross my mind that Hamas blew up the hospital themselves to create sympathy for Hamas among the bleeding hearts around the world when they would blame Israel for it, but that is not the case since it was IN FACT a failed Islamic Jihad rocket. However, that will not stop the idiots who make up a big population of the world from believing Hamas instead of undisputable evidence otherwise.
Yes, Hamas has done worst things to the people it claims to represent.
You should pay closer attention to what is going on.
Based on what they were told from Israel.
Don't misunderstand, it may very well have been a rocket misfire, but currently all evidence is filtered through the 2 combatants, not from 3rd party or independent sources.
I haven't made up my mind in order to change it. Like I said, the evidence, what little there is being presented by the 2 factions who want to blame the other. Before making up my mind, I want to see some independent evidence.
Maybe this will help you............
Yesterday, based on US intelligence and open source evidence all analyzed by DoD was good enough for President Biden to back Israel's position. He will likely talk to it further tonight.
Let me change that to a RESPECTABLE 3rd party. I won't accept the Federalist or Breitbart either.
Do you really believe the DOD will declassify their evidence? I'll wait.
Shoot the messenger type huh? I guess you didn't read it and see the video of the conversation of the discussion going on about the missile.
Who said anything about declassifying? They evidently briefed Mr. Biden on their findings and he was good with it.
That you are still parroting pro-Hamas talking points is not a surprise
I hope my dinner didn’t keep you waiting too long. I wrote nothing about DoD declassifying their evidence. Do you think that they lied and our president repeated that lie? I’ll wait while I enjoy desert.
What the hell are you talking about? I am not trusting either narrative about what happened. But apparently you are just too eager to point your little finger at someone.
You appear to be unable to understand the language that I am typing in. I am not saying that anybody lied, AND I am not saying that anybody is telling the truth.
Why does [removed] have so much trouble understanding that I have not decided who is at fault yet? I will wait for more information.
You started by falsely claiming that "the only evidence it was a Hamas misfire is Israel says so." That was either a lie, or an admission that you are completely ignorant on the subject .
When numerous people took the time to disabuse you of your ignorance (if that's what it was), you then resorted to logical fallacies and bizarre claims about "declassifying evidence" instead of admitting you were blatantly wrong. So now you are lying, or being willfully ignorant, which is the same thing.
I am not trusting either narrative about what happened
so yes, when you equate a claim made by genocidal, murderous terrorists with a stated goal to exterminate Jews with the findings of the Biden Admin whose word you usually take as gospel, your bias is obvious.
But sure, keep on with "well, Hamas said it was Israel, so who can tell what happened?" For you, in a contest between the word of Hamas and the publicly available videos, voice recordings, launch data, the findings of the Israeli government, the findings of the US government etc..., it's just too close to call.
And that is a lie, at the time it was true. Any determination was made based on reports from Hamas or Israel, no-one else had been in to view the wreckage, especially no-one from Israel.
They did no such thing, all they did was repeat what Israel had reported to other agencies. No evidence was offered up that stood on its own.
Or you are being so partisan that you are resorting to lying or being willfully ignorant about what I truly stated.
So I am being bias by not accepting either side's claims, at face value, about what happened?
So your plan is that if you cannot argue honestly, just make shit up?????
One wonders, how many of those folks with “Jews say cease fire” tshirts are actually Jews.
I wonder how many of them have seen this video.
WARNING This is extremely graphic. I'm not exaggerating even a little. It is extremely disturbing to watch.
I wonder what would happen if these "protestors" were shown this and still stood by their delusions? I think they would probably get mobbed. I seriously feel sick to my stomach.
That video is very disturbing, - animals is too good a word for those guys.
How many dead Gaza citizens will it take to make it even?
Wipe out Hamas, and then negotiate with the Palestinians who do not support Hamas, and try to make a better future for everyone in that land. Israel cannot go on the way it has been . The constant fighting and wars is not sustainable.
I think that may be understating it. I'm not sure what's worse. Watching those people die or watching those murders running around as if it were nothing more than the release day of the next Call of Duty game.
No doubt there is some sense of getting some payback, but their stated mission is to take down Hamas. So far, that seems to be what they are trying to do. But this isn't anything less than a war. People die in war. Especially people who don't seem to care that their leaders are intentionally using them as shields and propaganda.
And how would you go about wiping out Hamas in a manner different than what Israel is doing?
Do you mean constantly having to defend themselves from countries that want to see them destroyed? When will you believe that they mean it when they say "From the river to the sea!"? Or do you already believe it and think that is the right outcome to solve the problem?
There are more palestinians on the West Bank than in Gaza. The Palestinian Authority has recognized Israel's right to exist. Work with them.
How on earth is this tragedy going to end by keeping the Palestinians under thumb?
Its not going to happen.
Have you seen what's going on in the West Bank? They don't care whether the hospital bombing was their own fault. As far as they're concerned it wouldn't have happened if Israel didn't exist. That is literally how they see it. So, how do you negotiate with such a people?
Again, what do you recommend, then? Every time Israel tries to lift that thumb they get attacked. You appear to be arguing for Israel to just let a rabid dog to run loose in their house. Are you intentionally ignoring the real driving force behind all of this; Iran? Iran would happily get every last Palestinian killed, as long as they could take down Israel along the way. They wouldn't even hesitate. Iran will never let the Palestinians be anything other than a rabid dog at Israel's throat.
Why do you insist that this is Israel's problem to solve? As if they would just do whatever it is you think would be right, this would make things better? You aren't offering any solutions that I can see other than asking Israel to stop attacking Gaza. For the life of me, I can't figure out what you think that will solve.
Also, you didn't say how Israel is supposed to eliminate Hamas in your view. That's kind of important because, otherwise, you are simply asking Israel to leave the murders free to attack them again and again.
I'm sure Israel will be more careful about that than ANY army in history has ever been, as they have already proven, but "getting even" is NOT the goal and if you don't know that....(I won't continue with that sentence). Israel's goal is to eradicate Hamas once and for all and it will do whatever it takes to accomplish that mission.
Your comment, coming from an American whose nation nuked Hiroshima and Nagasaki, is just SO amazing. From the attitude indicated by all your commentary about this issue, I'm surprised you're not out joining the protesters.
Specifically who?
The question is, how many Gazans have to be killed to destroy Hamas that hides behind them?
as many as it takes to get rid of Hamas
Many around the world as well as some in this site were convicting Israel of the hospital destruction before any evidence was in. They made up their mind based on Hamas rhetoric and they revealed again, their deep bias against Israel.
I don't think he goes THAT far, but I'm sure he would argue that she is entitled to her opinion. That seems to be the direction of all his postings on this issue.
Apparently, getting answers to my questions isn't going to happen, either.
Great question.
The Palestinians elected Hamas.
Yep, 2006 I believe and there hasn’t been a free election since.
The Israelis can cease fire once the job has been done.
Israel should finish the job and just get rid of the problems for once and for ever
What is that supposed to mean ?
Hamas started this war, I don't see why anybody not involved has any say in how Israel responds. Hamas says they want to get rid of Israel so why can't Israel do the same.
Palestine has not done anything good for USA or the world in general,
Israel has built a good country but what has Palestine accomplished?
Exactly, which is to say as much as they've always been willing to negotiate with Israel....
Reduced the world’s population by a token amount.
An ironic thought, this hospital, like several in Gaza, are managed and funded from Christian churches, even though less than 1,000 Christians live in Gaza. Are these hospitals recruiting stations trying to convert Muslims to Christians? If Christians are infidels like Jews why do Muslims go there for unclean treatments. Why doesn’t Hamas prioritize some of their international aid away from rockets and pay for medical care instead?
BREAKING: American singer Cher announces she will leave the United States if Donald Trump is elected President in 2024.

Ian Jaeger on X: "BREAKING: American singer Cher announces she will leave the United States if Donald Trump is elected President in 2024." / X (
The air fare is on me.
Yawn ….
This Jewish Voice for Peace?
Jewish Voice for Peace are no more Jewish than Jews for Jesus - they are traitors to the religion they profess to be.