Violent pro-terror rioters shouting ‘Intifada!’ smash their way into Columbia University academic building in latest campus chaos

A huge mob of masked pro-terror rioters broke into an academic building at Columbia University and seized it early Tuesday — rebranding the iconic hall named after founding father Alexander Hamilton and draping it with a giant flag calling for “intifada.”
Dozens stormed into Hamilton Hall and sealed themselves in shortly before 1 a.m. — with some using metal barricades, chairs and tables to block others from getting inside, footage posted on social media shows.
One shocking video captured a hammer-wielding demonstrator smashing through a glass-paneled door and placing what appeared to be a bike lock around its handles.
nother clip showed a group roughing up a student who had tried to block anarchists — including some brandishing “Intifada” signs — from getting inside the building.
Once inside, some anti-Israel protesters quickly covered security cameras black trash bags and tape, according to the student-led Columbia Daily Spectator.
No personal insults.
Stay on topic. The source is NOT THE TOPIC.
Post your meme's on your own articles. They will be ticketed and deleted.
Calling members "trolls" or ""dishonest" will result in your comment being ticketed and deleted.

They are identifying them for what they are. Finally some truth in reporting.
I've heard them claiming that they are demonstrating for "peace").
(But now it should be obvious to everyone what they are really about).
And I eat steak because I'm a vegan.
These idiots don't know what they are "protesting".
Bagism, Shagism, Dragism, Madism, Ragism, Tagism
This-ism, that-ism, is-m, is-m, is-m
All we are saying is give Hamas a chance
Ev'rybody's talking about Ministers
Sinisters, Banisters and canisters
Bishops and Fishops and Rabbis and Pop eyes
And bye bye, bye byes
All we are saying is give Hamas a chance
Ev'rybody's talking about
Revolution, evolution, masturbation
Flagellation, regulation, integrations
Meditations, United Nations
Netanyahu, Ukraine, Biden
Open AI, Waymo, Abortion
Billie Eilish, Kardashians
Greta Gerwig, Caitlin Clark
Student Debt Relief
All we are saying is give Hamas a chance
All we are saying is give Hamas a chance
What is this? The “Drinker of The Rye Talkin’ Blues”?
…just talkin’…
…a whole lot of effort, so little to be said.
It’s my anti-war protest song. War doesn’t solve the problems so give peace a chance
I’ve got another one rolling around in my head, something like this:
War, huh, good god y’all
What is it good for?
Absolutely nothing, uhh
Lets have "trial by combat" between the war protesters and the J6 insurrectionists. Maybe moral clarity will emerge.
“Maybe moral clarity will emerge.”
“Revenge only engenders violence, not clarity and true peace.”
~Sandra Cisneros
I’m anti-combat, although as a kid, I liked the TV show in the 60’s with Vic Morrow and Rick Jason. They had one hell of a guest cast over the series:
just to name a few.
i dont support anyone who breaks the law
I remember that show
It is a tailored version of the lyrics "Give Peace a Chance".
Drinker did a good job of getting the point across.
Prefer the war protesters and the not so peaceful Summer of Love rioters.
Of course some of the same people are involved in both so they might have to fight themselves.
The Jan 6th rioters have been hunted down and charged (sometimes even over charged) to the full extent of the law.
At least with the war protesters fighting the Summer of Love rioters some accountability will finally be reached.
And many of them had charges that don't apply added. The only person not hunted down was the person responsible for the only death that day.
I know which side I would bet on.
…just talkin’…
Incidentally (pardon me for being a bit "off topic")-- that's actually a thing!): Talkin' Blues
Sounds like music from the children of the 60s? La musique de Woodstock??
Woodstock '69 The Fish Cheer _ I Feel Like I'm Fixin' to Die
[ Lyrics ]
They're just tourists....
Which is the same thing the Nazi's said when they invaded Poland......
And the same thing that Rep. Andrew Clyde (R) said about Jan 6th.......
What did the Nazis say when they invaded Poland?
Wo ist die polnische Wurst und das Sauerkraut?
Baby! Baby!... Why does he say this "baby"? The Führer has never said "baby". I did not write, "baby". What is it with this, "baby"?
What the Nazis said when they invaded Poland.
(Reformatted it so it's "Jeopardy-Friendly"!)
"No Soup For You"!
"Baby"-- Its an Arnold Schwarzenegger reference. "Baby" is one of Schwarzenegger's pronouns, along with hasta. And La Vista.
As in: He, She, They, Hasta, La Vista...Baby!
"Disambiguation: Arnold Schwarzenegger never said:
Say Hello to my little friend!
My line is from the remake of 'Springtime for Hitler'.
[✘] Back in the 60s we justifiably protested against the military industrial complex that illegally drug the US into a war in SE Asia (NAM).
The Gulf of Tonkin incident never actually happened.
Say a lie often enough and it becomes truth to the weak minded.
Murdoch, Rush, Beck and Fox Spews operated that way.
And there are those who helped enable it. As usual Politico was among the last to know:
President Joe Biden has been dogged for months by pro-Palestinian protesters calling him “Genocide Joe” — but some of the groups behind the demonstrations receive financial backing from philanthropists pushing hard for his reelection.
The donors include some of the biggest names in Democratic circles: Soros, Rockefeller and Pritzker, according to a POLITICO analysis.
Pro-Palestinian protesters are backed by a surprising source: Biden's biggest donors - POLITICO
What’s funny is politico characterizing it as “surprising” that Biden donors are funding the pro Hamas demonstrations.
And because they are left wing terrorists, they might get a sternly worded letter from the dean if they don't stop in the next weeks.
Radio silence will be the order of the day from our friends on left for this one.
OTOH, New York's current mayor is a former police office. (And-- "unimportant but interesting"-- for a while he was a Republican).
So you don't notice the heavy hand of Putin propaganda here?
So sad that the far right bows to Putin these days.
I wonder where Omar was at the time.
Probably sitting with her brother-husband eating falafel.
Along with her chip off the old block racist anti semitic offspring.
Maybe in Meron-- but who's counting?
It appears President Biden has lost control of his Hitler youth.
The brown-shirt Hitler youth are firm backers of Trump. It's obvious.
And your proof of this is............?
Experiencing reality on a daily basis lets me know that far right wing fascism is a very evil ideology.
Maybe you enjoy your face in the pile.
So you surround yourself with this perceived and imaginary "right wing fascism"?
Do you even know what that is or is it just cool for you to type it?
I'ts been 2 days and no proof. Looks as if somebody is just throwing out keywords that they don't know the definition of.
As the Reverand Wright used to say: "The chickens have come home to roost."
When I was a COX cable TV subscriber, COX would prorate my bill whenever their service was down. Columbia should prorate this semester's tuition for classes not provided.
Only for students who go to class and behave and pay their bills
In invading this building, whatever validity these students possessed has been compromised. The offenders, all which can be defined by the term, should be arrested and prosecuted. I condemn break-ins and damages of school property.
Wow, unexpected and good for you!
I have explained to others here before; when a thing is plainly wrong it is wrong. These students (and whatever others are involved) do not own those campus facilities. . . breaking and entering is against the law and trespassing is against the law. . . I will not support it (ever). They have crossed the line into 'touching' things which are not theirs or protected by a first amendment right. To be clear, I am talking about those students that have done this, not the students' protest in general or non-participants in the commission of unlawful acts.
They're aware of January 6th and prove the adage "Monkey see, monkey do."
Last I saw they were demanding food and water to be provided by the school.
Sad thing about that is the fact that probably 30-40% of the "peaceful protesters" aren't even paying students and are imported to stir shit up.
I'd venture that those numbers are actually higher.
Teens can be very foolish especially when they are influenced by a relentless Putin propaganda machine.
Teens are listening to Putin’s siren songs.
Columbia has cancelled the main commencement graduation ceremony:
C olumbia University has canceled its main commencement ceremony in favor of smaller-scale graduations, the school said Monday, after weeks of pro-Palestinian demonstrations disrupted campus.
The ceremony, which was scheduled for May 15, has taken place outdoors on its New York City campus where students had set up encampments that were taken down by police last week.
Columbia University Cancels Main Commencement Ceremony After Protests (
When you have terrorist supporters on site, that's the smart thing to do.
Many students will be disappointed. The leftist parents of some will tell their children that the right to protest is far more important than their special day.
And it truly was a day/days of rage. I didn't hear Nancy Pelosi call it an insurrection though, so maybe it's all ok.
The right to protest is important. But what we are seeing are not protests. And they are far from peaceful.
It seems that Joe Biden has finally agreed after 2 weeks of violence, but he still says no National Guard!
History has shown he's not quick on picking up on the obvious.
I'm sure his advisors forced him to do it. How long was he going to ignore it?
The guy who claimed that he ran for president because he saw antisemites with torches. Suddenly he went blind.
I don't recall anybody saying he was smart. Hell, his speeches show his mental decline.
His nemesis RFK JR says he has a dead worm in his brain. Supposedly it was feasting on his brain.
I think he caught it from Joe Biden.
I heard about this yesterday. I haven't been able to read up on it yet but it sounds a bit suspicious.
Each day comes with another revelation, daily trials & tribulations, yet Biden can't seem to pull away from Trump.
It makes it very difficult to pull away when you have a long record of failure.
His record is one of failure for most of us.
We are going to need a lot of independents to vote against that failure.
That is what makes him so popular with progressives, he is just like them. they can relate to him.
We need people to realize their "he's not Trump" vote is doing far more damage than good for the country.
That's right. We've had 7 years of BS from the media about Trump's comments & tweets. Right now he can't comment, so all we have left is Biden's inflation, open borders, riots on campus and two wars to think about.
It's a matter of holding them accountable. Voting THEM out of office will be a great start.
And the Democrats and left cried and whined about every single one of them. "He's a liar" is all we heard. Then these hypocritical fools turn around and "Trump said he's going to be a dictator" like they they believe he's everything he's said.
And, just like last time, it's all under a Democrat.
Those that entered the bldg have been arrested and will be prosecuted.
A journalist who was attacked by alleged Antifa members this week at the University of Washington warned Wednesday that trained "militants" have infiltrated college campuses across the country, adding that he recognized some of his attackers from the Black Lives Matter riots four years ago.
Journalist attacked on campus by Antifa recognizes attackers from 2020 BLM riots: 'These are professionals' (
As I noted earlier. We are in for another summer of discontent and make no mistake. It is all planned and gamed out by liars, hucksters and enemies of the state.
I don't think anyone in their right mind thinks it was spontaneous.
Knew a guy who occupied the same building back in the 60s.
He said it was a win. I told him that they were being stupid.
Putin loves how his propaganda machine controls American students.
I am familiar with the pejorative use of the word: Agitators. I had college relatives at Southern University whom traveled to Alabama to assist with civil rights for Blacks. They were called, "communists" and "agitators." They were neither. Just students who felt strongly-as they should-that a better country and outcomes for Blacks and other minorities should be demanded from the majority people of this country. There efforts paid off. . . and we see their 'fruits' now. Even though there are some desperately trying to claw-back what has been achieved by those many.
Never cared for outside agitators.
Booed Abby Hoffman on campus for rabble rousing once.
I have always been a centrist.
Sorry friend CJcold, it has nothing to do with being a political centrist. There are people who come together to defend the 'underdogs' in our society, and in this case, internationally. To be clear(er), I don't know all that is being said or written by students about the complexities of this Gaza/Hamas/Israel contest of wills and wars.
What I do know and believe is the killing of innocent people (whose hands are clean of blood-letting) is wrong.
I do not, I repeat, do not support Hamas. They should pay for their misdeeds and crimes alone!
I do support civilians that are being injured, maimed, ransacked, uprooted, and killed on both sides. Somebody has to speak up for them. . .because killing them is wrong every day of the week and twice so on high holy days.
Is it Putin?

"Maher Bitar has been appointed as president #Biden 's special counsel.
He also serves as the director of intelligence and defense programs in the #UnitedStates National Security Council.
Of course, he was already appointed by the Obama administration, where he managed the "Israeli-Palestinian case".
Before that, as a student, he was the president of the #Islamist extremist and #antisemitic organisation SJP (Students for Justice in Palestine) at Georgetown University in #USA . #SJP is the most violent student organisation in the United States against #Jews today. Members of this organisation blew up dozens of events Israelis brought to U.S. campuses over the past decade. In many cases also physical attacks that ended in police investigations. This is also the organisation leading many of the protests going on now against #Israel on campuses.
And another interesting fact. In 2007 Maher was working at #UNRWA .
This is the guy who advises President Biden.
Noor Dahri - نور ڈاہری on X: "Maher Bitar has been appointed as president #Biden's special counsel. He also serves as the director of intelligence and defense programs in the #UnitedStates National Security Council. Of course, he was already appointed by the Obama administration, where he managed the…" / X (
Well said Sir!
Send in the National Guard and arrest every one of them
Darn right! Those looney toon nut cases are a menace to society and need to be locked away...
They can then go to Rikers island and be fed and hydrated and given clean clothes and a warm , secure place to rest.
Except Alvin Bragg will drop charges (has to focus on turning a fake misdemeanor into 34 felonies), apologize for inconveniencing them and eventually pay the protesters a million dollar settlement, as happened in 2020. .
Rikers or any other prison will be fine by me
No need for the National Guard.
One of the first things I noticed watching TV coverage-- the YUGE number of cops there. It seemed like many more than needed.
But that's actually another way of preventing violence. (If there were only a few, some crazy protestor might think they could attack some cops and possibly get away with it. But with so many cops all over it would seem more daunting...and that any attacker would have little chance of getting away with it).
Whomever as long as they are cleared out and arrested
Cleared out, arrested, and prosecuted to the fullest extent the law allows.
A big AMEN to that!
Since the first mass arrests at Columbia on April 18, at least 2,600 demonstrators have been detained at more than 100 protests in 39 states and Washington, D.C., according to The Appeal a nonprofit news organization. The charges are mainly trespassing, with some for assault of a police officer. New York has also accused suspects of criminal mischief and burglary.
Police were advised to avoid mass arrests; then came the US campus protests | Reuters
I remember the 60s when the best and brightest of us were risking our lives by protesting an illegal war.
Interesting. I remember a lot of best and brightest of us were fighting in that war, risking our lives, and serving our country and just trying to stay alive to make it home alive. May not have liked it much but we did our jobs the best we could only to come back to the world that did not care much about us and get beat up, kicked, and spit on and called war mongering baby killers in airports by those so called best and brightest protesting that war. We obviously remember things differently. Peace to you and a good evening
Paul Hardcastle - Nineteen (Destruction Mix)
As a youth, watching the Vietnam war on my television set. . . and as it ended I remember watching news accounts of the poor treatment these men received in airports, et ceteras (sometimes no one would show up for their arrivals home it was said; and sometimes they were spit upon). . . I agreed with "comicb00kguy18" above. I never understood why they were treated with neglect and shame - even though I knew about the My Lai Massacre (right after it was reported) and President Johnson's lie to keep the war going and more. . . .
In the eighties, this song helped some of us understand at least one thing about Vietnam: our soldiers were relatively 'babes' put headlong into a fierce fighting environment. Of course, they understood little to none of the politics involved (and being argued against them) back home.
NOTE: It does appear to be many Vietnam era veterans commenting in the comment section for this video. Check it out - Vets.
Biden was dodging the draft but not protesting the war, not bright enough?
I don't remember that
Maybe only those that were engaging in illegal activity had those worries.
Well to be fair I was only eight and living in another country when the sixties ended so I was more interested in street hockey and annoying my older brother than campus riots
There was actually a book written about that era with that title. It was about those who served in that war.
I wonder why none of these "protesters" never take issue with Egypt not opening their border to help avoid the "genocide"?
Maybe they consider them Brown people, too.
BTW, a lot of Israelis are actually "Brown People"...
Indeed, I also am pretty brown by late Aug each year.
That's simply yet more proof of their hypocrisy.
Many of them don’t even know that Gaza borders two countries!
Amazing, isn't it? I watched a vid where two protesters had left one protest and traveled to another to support that one. The interviewer asked them what that protest's demands were. The protesters looked at each other and then said they had no idea.
I've seen several videos where protestors were asked that in the phrase "From the Rive to the Sea"-- which river were they referring to. Also-- which sea?
Almost all of them had no idea what those words were referring to.
(Of the few that even attempted to answer, it was obvious they had very little knowledge of world geography-- some of their answers were quite funny!)
Much like Kyle Rittenhouse and his AR15 crossing a border with the hope of shooting somebody; anybody.
This 1st degree murderer is now a darling of the far right.
Not really a darling, but he did take out a couple of left wing pedos.
Win/win for American children
No, more like a pub crawl for anti-semites...
There is a huge one scheduled August 19-22 in Chicago.
Aren't borders just lines on a map? Wasn’t the weapon already in Wisconsin?
That will be must see TV, like the last one in 68.
Anybody who believes that is insane.
Another far left liberal who refuses to acknowledge our legal system and how it works. Kyle Rittenhouse was found not guilty by a jury of his peers and therefore is not a 1st degree murder or any kind of murderer for that matter. Just because you want something to be true does not make it so.
Maybe some of them actually know that Egyptians and Palestinians aren't the same people; and that 2 plus million Palestinians refugees in desperate need of food, medical attention, and shelter would quickly overwhelm Egypt.
Then there is the whole problem of Israel not allowing them back into Gaza once they are gone.
Right, just like the settlements in the West Bank are just one large temporary experiment.
Israel has some desert it isn't using as well. Why doesn't Israel allow the Gazan civilians to set up shop there? Maybe for the same reason that Egypt and Jordan don't. Israel doesn't want to be responsible for caring for a large amount of Palestinian refugees; and sending the Palestinian Gazans to their desert really doesn't get them out of the country- which is Israel's most fervent desire.
Perhaps, but I suspect the number that do are in the single digits. I can't back that up, though, More of a feeling based on the belief that, if they actually knew more of the history of the region, they wouldn't be doing what they are doing.
Also, I don't think it's actually correct to suggest that Palestinians and Egyptians aren't the same people for the purposes of explaining the current conflict. Oh, I'm sure the government of Egypt believes that on one level, because they have to be practical. But the thing about the Middle East Muslim countries that protesters don't understand is that this isn't really about land. This is about Muslims vs Jews. Muslims kill each other in the hundreds of thousands and nobody cares. Not the Muslims. Not the world. The biggest threat to the Muslims are themselves, not the Jews.
If I understand what you're saying, and with Netanyahu in charge, I agree. I think he would die of orgasm overdose if Egypt allowed the Gaza Palestinians into Egypt because he would never let them back in as long as he was in power. While I am not against Israel prosecuting the war on Hamas until Hamas has been wiped from the face of the earth, I'm not unaware that Netanyahu's motive for doing so may not being eliminating Hamas as a future threat. He may very well be doing it in hopes that Egypt will open it's borders so that he can empty Gaza.
But, regardless of where the truth of all that lies, Israel has given up something like 72% of its mandated territory in the pursuit of peace; something I don't think the protesters understand. In my opinion, Israel is now at a point where it has to decide to fight or die. Another point I don't think the protesters understand. After more than 75 years of the so called Palestinians proving they have no interest in peace, another point the protesters don't seem to understand, the answer seems rather clear to me.
As already mentioned, Israel has already conceded most of its mandated land. In my opinion, they would be insane to give up more. But, how about this? If the UN had not given special status to the Palestinians that no other refugee on earth has ever enjoyed, this problem would likely have been solved decades ago. Instead, it seems as if they did what they did to perpetuate the problem. The UN absolutely knew where the money they gave the Palestinians was going to. Does this not suggest to you that this was the UN's intent all along? If all that money had actually gone to what it was supposed to have gone to, the Palestinian standard of living would have been at least what it was for the average Israeli, if not greater. What does that suggest to you?
BTW, "maybe some of them actually know"...that Israel is "slightly" smaller than Egypt. (When people argue that Israel "has too much land"...they probably have no idea what they're talking about). Here's a size comparison map:
Are you aware of the population of Egypt?
The Greater Cairo metropolitan area is the 12th-largest in the world by population with a population of over 22.1 million. [4]
And that's just one city...
However, if the Gazans were able to go to Egypt--what makes you think they'd all want to settle there? Sure, they are culturally similar (Both Arabs, both manlyMuslim).
But if they left Gaza, I'm pretty sure they'd rather go to other countries where they be better off than Egypt-- and many have relatives. ( For example, the Scandinavian countries have generous welfare systems
Even if that were to happen-- why would any sane person want to go to Gaza?
Why would any sane person want to live in a country ruled by a terrorist organization?
Because they are committed to the extermination of the Jews.
If there was a group that was committed to the extermination of Americans-- would you want them to settle in the U.S.? (I take it that you are very pro-immigration, and opposed to U.S. attempts to control it by the plan to build a fence on our southern border...???)
And here's the really tragic part-- there's plenty of food, medical attention, and shelter in Gaza.
In Hamas' tunnels. But of course Hamas is hoarding it for themselves and won't let 'ordinary" (non Hamas) Palestinians have it...
Yep. And its still going on today in various countries.
And probably the best example of this was a huge, terrible war-- and extremely barbaric war, one that many Americans don't even know about...
The Iran–Iraq War , also known as the First Gulf War was an armed conflict between Iran and Iraq that lasted from September 1980 to August 1988. Active hostilities began with the Iraqi invasion of Iran and lasted for eight years.
Iraq's primary rationale for the attack against Iran cited the need to prevent Ruhollah Khomeini —who had spearheaded the Iranian Revolution in 1979—from exporting the new Iranian ideology to Iraq.
There were also fears among the Iraqi leadership of Saddam Hussein that Iran, a theocratic state with a population predominantly composed of Shia Muslims , would exploit sectarian tensions in Iraq.
Iraq also wished to replace Iran as the power player in the Persian Gulf which was not seen as an achievable objective prior to the Islamic Revolution because of Pahlavi Iran 's economic and military superiority as well as its close relationships with the United States and Israel .
... prior to the Islamic Revolution because of Pahlavi Iran 's economic and military superiority as well as its close relationships with the United States and Israel .
Many westerners are unaware of it, but ancient Persia (now called "Iran") was very hospitable towards the Jews.
And interestingly, while there's generally been horrendous persecution of the Jews in the Arab states, that's usually not been the case in Iran.
(While predominantly Muslim, Iran is not an Arab country. And the language they speak is not Arabic. They are mostly descended from the ancient Persians, and have some very different values).
There is a lot of empty space in next door Syria.
WTF? Where did you get this gem of misinformation? Or are you using the Zionist belief of what Israel should have for territory? Which includes large parts of Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, and Saudi Arabia.
Considering the Israeli illegal settlements in the West Bank, it's seizure of the Golan Heights, and it's complete blockade of Gaza. What have they given up again?
Please, Hamas might be great at keeping Gazans under control and living in fear; but as a real threat to Israel? A real threat would have been to seize on the Oct 7th advantage and pushed Israel to the point of breaking. You do realize how big the security/defense lapse Israel made was right? Hamas should have been rushing to Jerusalem as fast as they could- that is if they were a real military.
They don't have tanks, they don't have fighter planes and their missiles suck, and they have no navy. Much the less the means to keep a prolonged military attack supplied- or enough fighters to replenish their losses. Hamas is a terrorist organization- they took their best shot on Oct 7- and came up very short. They did a great job of pissing Israel off- even the pro Palestinian Israelis want Hamas gone.
Gaza and the West Bank are paying the price for Hamas believing Iranian and their leader's BS.
Again, with this? No, Israel hasn't given up a single inch of land.
Genocide will always be acceptable to some.
How much money do you think the UN gives the Palestinians?
$40 billion covering 27 years? That is less than $1.48 billion a year.
Here is what the US alone has given to Israel. You can read and do the math for what Israel received just from the US over the same time period.
Tell us all again how the Palestinians should be living?
Not now their isn't.
Just how damn big do you think the Hamas tunnel system is that it can hold food, water, medical supplies, and shelter 2 plus million Gazans?
If Hamas could build tunnels like that there is no way Israel would ever be able to take them; or flood them out.
Most far right-wing Americans consider all middle Easterners towel-heads and couldn't care less what happens to any of them.
Most far right-wing Americans who served in Iraq or Afghanistan have their own keffiyehs and understand there practicality.
It's a mostly peaceful insurrection.
Just like 1/6?
Sad that the far right-wing is now controlled by Putin.
How about showing us where Putin is controlling any part of the right.(this is where the crickets are cued)
Your chronic sadness is making me sad.
With so many insurrectionists around the country, perhaps it's not too surprising that Trump, by himself, is beating the Biden/Harris ticket.
In case you haven't noticed, it's Democrats who wet their socks every time Putin farts. Putin has even forced Biden to increase the national debt and create more inflation. Are Democrats planning to kneejerk their way to victory?
They are not, but the hard core liberal far left are welcome to their illusions/delusions.
He may have heard you Buzz. Right now, the NYPD has entered the Hamilton Hall which is the building that the mob took over. They have arrested dozens of students and cleared the building. The question now is will the likes of Letitia James & Alving Bragg finally prosecute them for trespassing and vandalism as well as holding a custodian hostage. The last time the NYPD arrested these kids, they were immediately released.
Last night Professor Allan Dershowitz advised the parents of Jewish students to sue Columbia for not protecting their children.
Others say that if the State of New York refuses to do anything the Federal government could charge these kids with Civil Rights violations.
As for the NYPD, they cleaned the place up in about 52 minutes.
FINALLY, some good news about this issue.
I'm celebrating with a Rum & Coke.
Catch you later.
Being from Boston, I would say , a west indies trades good with some soft drink.....
I call it "A night in Somerville."
Brownie points to the one that can name the movie where rum is called west indies trade goods....
Hint I have a specific movie in mind having to do with a Bostonian family with ties to the south pacific
That is a good one.
The NYPD is pretty amazing.
I'm sure like any police dept. they occasionally have a few "bad apples". And upon occasion made mistakes. But its a tough job.
One example of the lengths they go to to prevent crime happened right after 9/11. I found out that, like many jurisdictions, after 9/11 they were trying to beef up enforcement, improve their ability to prevent crime (including terrorism).
Well, they sent some uncover agents (actually spies) to live in a few Middle eastern countries-- their sole purpose is to spy and get word of any planned attacks on the U.S. advance!
The movie was Donovan's Reef, w/ John Wayne, and Lee Marvin.
When the hell are Americans going to grow up and realize that Free Speech ISN'T Free Chaos?
There's a relevant saying:
“My right to swing my fist ends where your nose begins.”
(Attributed to Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. an associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court from 1902 to 1932)
Did political bias guide the court's decisions and the justices ignore proper ethics back in those days instead of like the SCOTUS of today?
Why not shoot those who think lies and propaganda equate to free speech?
Isn’t there already too much lead in our environment?
Obviously, because if we did we would have no politicians or lawyers....
These people should be arrested and prosecuted to the full extent of the law. If any of them are actually students at Columbia they will likely get expelled and too fucking bad. The same should apply to anyone who breaks the law.
Does that mean that we won’t owe on their student debt?
Working might be a stretch but on the payroll, for sure.
Northwestern University officials announced Monday that they have reached an agreement with students and faculty protesting against the Israel-Hamas war in Gaza, outlining a plan intended to allow demonstrations to continue while preventing the chaos and occasional violence that has engulfed other campuses across the country.
The deal — believed to be the first between a major U.S. university and Pro-Palestinian protesters —comes five days after demonstrators established an encampment in Deering Meadow, a popular common area on the Evanston campus. Administrators responded to the protest by banning tents and temporary structures, but they did nothing to enact the new policy as they negotiated with protesters throughout the weekend.
The agreement with the Northwestern Divestment Coalition, which Northwestern President Michael Schill announced in a campuswide email, requires the immediate removal of tents and sound systems, as well as a commitment that all protesters will adhere to university policies.
In return, demonstrations can continue on the meadow through June 1. Only students and university staff may participate in the protests, according to the deal posted on the university’s website.
The university has also agreed to fund two visiting Palestinian faculty members each year and provide scholarships for five Palestinian undergraduates throughout their undergraduate careers. It will also provide and renovate a community building that can be used as a gathering space for Middle Eastern, North African and Muslim students.
“This agreement was forged by the hard work of students and faculty working closely with members of the administration to help ensure that the violence and escalation we have seen elsewhere does not happen here at Northwestern,” Schill wrote.
Northwestern University reaches agreement with protesters (
Nice approach. So when (not if) the protestors break the agreement, they can go in arrest and expel all the animals.
Tent camps, cots, pink boxers, dry bologna sandwich’s will be the order of the day for these dumbasses.
I can't agree. If I had my way, the terms would be, if you wish to continue your education at this institution, you will end this protest on campus grounds outside of previously established policy, period. Anyone who does not or is not a student or faculty at the university gets immediately arrested after 24 hours from announcement. Any arrested who are students or faculty are expelled or fired. Democracy doesn't mean you get to make your own rules. Can anyone imagine the protesters on Jan 6th being allowed to make demands as these students do?
A negotiation is the smart thing in the long run. Assuming they hold the protestors to reasonable restrictions. Proving you tried to accommodate free speech is smart. Then like I said, when they break the agreement, you can drop the hammer. No catch and release. Catch, expel and prosecute.
I like it, as long as the agreement puts reasonable controls bad behaviors.
I can see what you're thinking, and I'm not saying you're wrong, but to my way of thinking, the better option over these kinds of protests is to have a reasoned discussion. For instance, Ben Shapiro gets invited to a university to talk about his ideas. There's no reason that these protesters can't do the same thing. Have a debate over different views. Persuade people with reason if they have an actual argument to make. To my mind, they are protesting precisely because they don't have a reasoned argument so what they are currently doing is the only thing they can do. I'm not convinced that rewarding that is the best option.
Separate but equal? It seems to me the only people who need a space safe from being attacked are the Jewish students, what I haven’t seen are any demands from them except for the ability to attend classes without getting attacked, which seems reasonable to me.
I see you are familiar with the workings of most universities.
Need to bring back Sherrif Joe's famous tent city summer camps. Not Sherrif Joe, just the tent encampment.
I'm so glad to hear it.
But what if they are part of "The Resistance"?
What if they are protesting "The Plight Of The "Palestinians"-- shouldn't that make it OK?
Something positive about students! Students at UNC took down the Palestinian flag and re-hoisted and protected the American flag as protesters threw things at them....
Don’t you think the President of the US should have made a statement by now on the chaos going on?
Amazingly silent.........not unexpected.
The real test for the POTUS will be whether or not he willingly signs the new bipartisan-backed law against antisemitism just passed by the House. It will be interesting to see if he does so, or continues to woo the votes of the terrorist-supporters.
He may sign it because it is an election year, but you are right for him it will be a real test and it shouldn't be.
If the Senate passes it, and I hope for bipartisan support for it, it will still be a dilemma for him.
As Joe Biden said "silence is complicity"....
Are you sure he's the one that said that?
He said it to attack Trump for not immediately denouncing the Charlottesville rioters in a way that was satisfactory to him.
Of course, Biden remained silent for a week as Pro-Hamas demonstrations raged across the country....
POTUS obviously lacks the cojones to do the right thing in regards to the protesters/terrorists...
How ‘silence is violence’ threatens true free speech and public civility
And at the same time the DOE is investigating Emory University for anti-Muslim discrimination.
Best defense is offense....
Agreed. But the point is more that the Biden administration is investigating this while basically ignoring the antisemitism protesting that is occurring at university campus's across the country. A very sad statement on the administration.
These kids are going to need greater loan forgiveness if they are to get out from under their legal bills, too. Since Jill has pulled so hard, behind the scenes, for the little kiddos I'm surprised she's so silent.
I'm sure the Escort VP will step up again and ask people to donate to pay their legal fees.
"NYPD release video showing professional 'protest consultant' at Columbia University; 63-year-old has a long history of participating in protests like Occupy Wall Street."

NYPD release video showing professional 'protest consultant' at Columbia University | Fox News
A professor of "Marxist Poetry". Then we have a professional "protest consultant".
I wonder what they will come up with next?
Perhaps this is part of a trend-- the trend of ridiculousness! People "identifying" as various sexes, (When you meet someone you are supposed to ask them "What are your pronouns"?)
I think they should offer a degree in that-- maybe a "Masters Degree in Protest Consulting". And then after that you could get a PhD in Protest Consulting!
(For the "Academically Challenged", Junior colleges/Community Colleges could offer a much easier group of courses-- leading to a "Certificate of Protest Consulting")
And then you go to work for NGOs. It's a whole career path to prosperity.
That clueless witch Fithian needs to be arrested, tried, convicted, and do time just like her worthless protégé's.
NYPD lays out charges:
“For the individuals that are inside the Hamilton Hall building, [they’ll be] charged with burglary in the third degree, criminal mischief and trespassing. The individuals that are on campus outside, they will be charged with trespassing and disorderly conduct”
Columbia University protests dismantled by NYPD; 230 arrested – NBC New York
I wonder what kind of crying sad story AOC will spin that all into.
Forgive their loans, forgive their breaking the law.
Or some free speech bullshit.
Yeah, no. The 1st Amendment stopped the minute they become violent and took hostages.
You think aoc is smart enough to know that?
She's not smart enough to tie her own shoes.
I wonder if she feeds herself?
Doesn't look, like it. She appears kind of sickly.
I hope that comes true but I am not so sure it will
And Bragg will drop charges as soon as the attention wears off. Same as 2020 all over, left wing terrorists don't face consequences for rioting, interfering with government functions etc...
I wonder when they are going to fire up the facial recognition equipment to find those that get out and go home.
You know they won't. As Sean put it in 18.3:
They certainly didn't in Portland a while back.
And they won't this time around either. Even with the destruction and thefts.
Names of those charged should be made public for job interviewers to consider and for other Colleges they might have to try to get into.
There is no need to scorch earth these individuals, after all they have not committed heinous offenses. Justice yes! Revenge and retribution would (and should) be considered unconstitutional.
Just hiring managers and admissions doing their due diligence and getting the best for their positions. Do they want serious people with good work and study habits or those who have shown themselves to be troublemakers?
One incident that is volatile without going overboard should not require a course correction that places people on welfare (another problem 'child for the Right). I am sure you agreed that the indigent population in this country does not need expansion. Moreover, these are children of 'tomorrow' . . . consider this a teachable moment and not blow it all out of proportion with retribution and revenge 'treatments.' To ruin an individual "for life" over an otherwise limited offense/justice issue is superfluous.
Now then, for "professional" and paid protesters they should get the justice they properly deserve. . . up to and touching job/career banishment—if there cause is unjust. And unjust causes, in this matter, are determined by a court .
In a pick up game of basketball you pick the best player or a friend.
In hiring people, I learned good work ethic, some skills, dependable and getting along with others and not being a troublemaker or not doing stupid things was what you wanted.
Your response disregards any other consideration than just behaving without any other consideration. Therefore, I see no reason to continue this . Besides, the "best player" just may be the one you are obligating yourself to ban for life; to see go hungry in the streets; to end up on welfare; to end up running for public office or seeking a federal job where this sort of thing would not be the "be all."
And, just in case, I caught a whiff of something stereotypical in the 'air' - I am not a sports fan of any sport. Exception: The Superbowl, and it generally in the fourth quarter only.
Satire . ( CAUTION: May be offensive - though it was in a movie):
Do stupid things get stupid prizes,
Past behavior is the best indicator of what the future will bring.
One bad decision can reduce future opportunities (seen it happen too many times)
You mean consequences. . . and no a ban for life is not a "reduction" in opportunity. It is punishment that is beyond the pail. That said, you are entitled to your opinion. . . . Young adult children of other people should watch out for it in the future. This 'stupid thing' did not injure, maim, torture, or kill anybody. Makes one wonder what is left in reserve for truly heinous acts executed during a student campus protest.
Also, it may be worthwhile considering if the conservative solution is worth ruining youths 'for life.' Moreover, if this is the 'cause' to generate doing so. Finally, politics of the day are finally turning its attention to persecution of tomorrow's youth - just because the adults can't get themselves together politically - it's a devastatingly real shame.
i want my TWO DOLLARS!
? ?
aboiut the most famous line from that goofy movie
Oh, okay! now I remember now as I saw the fight that occurred between the two people over $2 in another Youtube clip!
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they gave themselves at a self-inflicted negative mark on their record compared with those who did not cause trouble. Getting a DWI will eliminate you from many jobs, this is way worse than a DWI. .
And is supporting Hamas something worth getting a criminal record for?
All I can tell you is I don't believe you would write up this remedy on your fellow conservatives—one would get the impression that conservatives are 'above' protest and any form of violence. It would not be true, however.
That said, there are-noncombatants-in those protests. And from your writings on this thread I do not see a distinction made between constitutionally allowed protest and violent illegal protest(ers). Also, at the end of the day, courts will apply the law as it should be done accordingly.
As far as I am concerned we have had our say on the matter—until we have those legal outcomes.
Really, you don't think the Jan 6th rioters aren't still facing the consequences of their "one bad decision"?
Unlike the Summer of Love "mostly peaceful" protestors; and these Hamas supporting mighty mental midgets; Jan 6th rioters were charged (in many cases overcharged) to the full extent of the law. They had to spend money on lawyers to defend themselves- many went to prison for months or even years. Think their employers welcomed them back with open arms? Think any future potential employers didn't take a look at their criminal records and dump their resumes in the garbage? That is for even those that just "paraded" which means walked through the main lobby of Congress taking pictures and selfies- most even stayed between the tethers that the police set up. In one door and out the other- all under the watchful eye of DC police- yet all still have criminal records and spent time in prison.
That was for participating in a riot that didn't even last a full damn day. And caused far less damage to property and lives than either the Summer of Love; or these pro Hamas protests.
Don't worry- we all know the leftist AG/DA's won't charge the protestors- just like they didn't the Summer of Love rioters. So chances are they will only have an arrest record- if that; because the Universities might not even bother pressing charges. But they will ask the US tax payer help pay for the damage and losses.
Your invectives aside, degrees matter. That is, not all situations sat square-center of parameters of laws that they should be treated equally. And, then there are considerations and legalities in state law to be observed.
I am pretty sure you as a conservative have great respect for state rights.
If you want to go around the country and deal with nuances between state laws. . . go for it. At the end of the day, you might find that the two cases you try to lock in an embrace here and in other articles. . . have a great deal of separation between them.
I have respect for equal application of the rule of law.
Summer of Love rioters destroyed federal property and assaulted federal officers- yet were charged in far fewer numbers.
Democrats and leftists do not respect the equal application of the law.
If these were far right extremists they would be charged both at the state and federal level (if they crossed state lines to participate in the riot).
Don't waste time lecturing me; the MAGA 'it' guy is getting what he "richly" deserves: proper 'days' in courts of law. And, . . .
I am pretty sure as a conservative you have great respect for law and order (courts) in our society.
(You can't just respect the law persons carrying guns, because they work in, through, and for the legal system!)
Apparently, Palestinian Lives Matter much more to US college students than to college students in the MidEast. Maybe more radical Islamic funding comes here instead of to Arab students.
Where funding for students from other countries and what strings might be attached needs to be looked into.
Anti-Israel protesters vandalized a World War I memorial in Central Park on Monday and burned an American flag after a mob of more than 1,000 marchers was blocked by cops from reaching the Metropolitan Museum of Art, where the star-studded Met Gala was in full swing.
Over 1,000 anti-Israel protesters march toward Met Gala (
Maybe they viewed it as a memorial to white nationalism.
More likely it's just an attempt to get attention, sorta like a tooddlet screaming when they notice that mom is busy doing something else
WASHINGTON (AP) — Police began to clear a pro-Palestinian tent encampment at George Washington University early Wednesday and arrested dozens of protesters, hours after dozens left the site and marched to President Ellen Granberg’s home.
Officials at the university in Washington, D.C., had warned of possible suspensions for students engaging in protest activities on University Yard.
“While the university is committed to protecting students’ rights to free expression, the encampment had evolved into an unlawful activity, with participants in direct violation of multiple university policies and city regulations,” the university said in a statement.
Local media had reported that some protesters were pepper sprayed as police stopped them from entering the encampment and nearly 30 people had been arrested, according to community organizers.
Police clearing pro-Palestinian tent encampment at George Washington University, dozens arrested | AP News
The latest:
A week after top Rutgers University administrators ended a pro-Palestinian student encampment on campus by negotiating with the protesters, some New Jersey lawmakers say the state university failed to address similar concerns from its Jewish faculty and students months before the demonstration began.
In a letter sent to Rutgers President Jonathan Holloway, U.S. Reps. Donald Norcross and Josh Gottheimer said a group of Jewish faculty members in December — about two months after the outbreak of the Israel-Hamas War — asked Rutgers administrators for several protections and other requests on campus.
The requests to the university, the two Democratic lawmakers said in the letter, “have been largely ignored.”
“We are concerned that the administration’s acquiescence to questionable demands made by protesters failed to adequately take into account perspectives and voices of members of the Jewish community at Rutgers,” said the letter from Norcross, D-1st Dist., and Gottheimer, D-5th Dist.
“Furthermore, we are concerned that Rutgers appears to have created the incentive for people to act in a lawless and threatening manner by appeasing the demands of violent and hateful agitators while ignoring an analogous set of requests made peacefully to the University,” the letter said.
Rutgers officials did not immediately respond Thursday to requests to comment on the letter.
Rutgers negotiated with protesters but ignored pleas from Jews on campus, lawmakers say (
Here in our nation’s Capital, police cleared out the encampment at George Washington Univ several days ago. 33 were arrested, but the police, wisely returned the undamaged tents. These students may need them after graduation.
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If I had done something like that when i was in college, I would have needed a tent
We had some Iranian students barricade themselves in a fifth floor dorm supporting Iran for the hostage crisis. They didn’t count on other students “borrowing” ROTC repelling gear and entering through their outside windows.
We ended that protest rather “forcefully” and quickly …..
Good way to handle it
Good times, good training ….
As it should be.