Melania Trump says she'll serve 4 more years as first lady

It's a "privilege" and "great honor to serve and I will be here."

WASHINGTON (AP) — Melania Trump says she's ready to serve another four years as first lady if her husband is re-elected.
She says, "I love what I do."
The first lady revealed her intentions during a question-and-answer period Monday with students at Albritton Middle School at Fort Bragg, North Carolina.
Mrs. Trump and the wife of Vice President Mike Pence, Karen Pence, traveled together to tour the installation and meet students as part of their focus on military families.
Both women said they would serve again when asked if they wanted to.
The first lady says, "I think our husbands are doing fantastic job." She adds that it's a "privilege" and "great honor to serve and I will be here."
Mrs. Pence says she would continue in her role, too.

I'll join the President in thanking you. May the second term be as placid as that first one was turbulent!
Four more years!
I'm looking forward to it. As Biden said "Eight years of Trump will fundamentally change who we are as a nation"!
Sorry Joe
And with that, the gaffe machine exposed the failed experiment of his and Obama's 8 years.
That's going to be awkward when Biden moves in though.
In any case, she should be deported for violating her work visa... Which the right says is a horrible crime.
Which is next to nothing.
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