Harvard Rescinds Kyle Kashuv's Acceptance
Kyle Kashuv, for those who don't know is one of the Parkland High School survivors. A while back, some of his school mates like David Hogg were making news by demanding elected officials take action on gun control, or else! Later Kyle made a little noise in a different way. For those who paid any attention we heard that Kyle was a Conservative with a different solution.
Time has passed, since then we find that Kyle, who had been accepted by Harvard University is now mired in controversy. You see, Kyle had made some racist comments in a "private" Google document when he was 16 years old. Somehow that document has found it's way to Harvard University. Kyle apologized for the comments he made at 16 and tried to explain that it involved he & others trying to say the most offensive things. Whether that is to be believed or not is for others to decide. I make no determination. It's about redemption and/or forgiveness. Harvard dosen't.
They rescinded Kyle's acceptance letter.
This is the same Harvard University being sued by Asian Americans who's test scores are being reduced by Harvard because there are simply too many successful Asian American students. Harvard can't have one group being over represented! Evidently some cultures think the best way to improve one's lot is to study and do well in academics, rather than rioting and casting blame on others for their lot in life. The elites at Harvard know better. Diversity and political correctness are what matters.
So the question before the house is whether Harvard is taking proper action in denying admission to someone who made racist remarks as a 16 year old or are they punishing someone for their political beliefs?
"I had given up huge scholarships in order to go to Harvard, and the deadline for accepting other college offers has ended".....Kyle Kashuv
which cultures do you have in mind as being the cultures that "riot and cast blame on others for their lot in life" ?
Then I suggest the Kyle stop WHINING and provide the information that Harvard requested.
BTW, your headline is deceptive. Harvard didn't rescind his acceptance. At least not according to the letter...
They rescinded the acceptance. It happened in 2 steps. I can only guess that the things he said, regardless of his age, had to have been really, really, REALLY heinous. His return attack on Harvard isn't going to help him get any of those refused scholarships back, either.
I am curious just exactly what he did say back then.
I believe he used the N-word more times than even LBJ
Harvard gave him a chance to explain himself and it looks like either he didn't even try or he failed miserably.
Oh and not to take responsibility but to blame others for it doesn't look too good either.
Well judging from what John posted below, what COULD he say. Unless I see evidence to the contrary, I'll presume that he didn't try to defend himself, or prove that he's taken on a new leaf, but instead publicized it for martyrdom points.
Poor kid. /s
I believe that he both apologized and attacked Harvard. In his apology letter he went on a mini rant about Harvard
It sounds like he was more interested in getting his conservative take on Harvard into right wing media than he was in getting into Harvard as a student.
I read your link. He did apologize and says that he takes responsibility and I presume thinks that helps. Yet he fails to recognize that Harvard has done the same.
To be honest with you. I don't care if they let him in or not. It's possible he will leave his racist youthful thoughts behind him. I dont think his running to right wing media for help is going to get him into Harvard though. Might get him onto Fox News a few times.
I noticed that.
Deceptive headlines are a pet peeve of mine.
That is the biggest load of shit I have heard in a while.
I really dont feel qualified to say whether or not Harvard, or any university, should deny admission to someone who is shown to have made racist statements. I guess that is their business.
I'm kind of concerned about the purpose of this seed though. Is the argument that because Kashuv comes from a "culture" that admires work and achievement he should be given a pass for other behavior that is not so admirable ?
I think the last line of this is the slant trying to be put on it.
Of course not. That argument pertains to Harvard's racist behavior towards Asian Americans
The question I posed is the purpose of the seed:
"So the question before the house is whether Harvard is taking proper action in denying admission to someone who made racist remarks as a 16 year old or are they punishing someone for their political beliefs?
Yes they are taking the right action.
There is no proof they are punishing him for anything but what he said. And I would think he would have a very hard time explaining that away, and apparently the Harvard thought so, too. End of story. His case is not unusual, and probably this would be a non-story if he didn't have a different view about Parkland.
Now let me tell you what I found out when my daughters were about to go into college.
We went to a meeting at the high school for seniors who were applying. We were told to go through every piece of cyber information and scrub anything that could be taken out of context. That included text messages, if possible, facebook, twitter etc. They were even advised to change their names on their Facebook accounts just in case. So, the fact that Harvard did this after reading those comments, is not shocking. My daughters went to Hopkins, and no way, no how would that have been acceptable.
Now the Asian issue.
It is very true (and often unspoken) that Asian students are being discriminated against for being very smart and hard workers. It's been all over "College Confidential" for years now. But the parents and students who have been complained the most to universities were white parents, saying that the proportions of Asians in schools were unfair. I would hear my own friends moan about it who had college bound students. My attitude is that college is for our best and brightest and it should not have a race component involved. Loads of non Asian kids go to great schools because they work hard and taking that away from a hard working Asian student is not fair.
From Ben Shapiro this morning:
"There are ex-convicts who, quite properly, have been admitted to Harvard — they earned forgiveness. There are current students who undoubtedly have said things privately that would shock the conscience. There are likely administrators who have said things when they were16 years oldthat embarrass them now."
But the parents and students who have been complained the most to universities were white parents, saying that the proportions of Asians in schools were unfair.
No, Perrie, that complaint comes from liberal educators. We all need to stop blaming "whites"
Loads of non Asian kids go to great schools because they work hard and taking that away from a hard working Asian student is not fair.
Perrie has daughters who were admitted into an elite university. I think she knows the criteria that is examined before a student is accepted including their social media content. I take her perspective over one that is whining that whites or conservatives are being dissed.
These kids have been warned for a decade not to post things on social media or texts that could come back to haunt them. This kid didnt listen. End of story.
Perrie's anecdotal evidence has to be weighed against the actions taken by Harvard University, which is a school with a long history of discrimination and currently discriminates against Asian Americans. Where do Asian American's fall on the list of liberal "others"? Answer - Nowhere! Thus they are discriminated against by Harvard University. If Harvard can forgive convicts who committed crimes, why can't they forgive offensive remarks made by someone at the age of 16?
Questions that you can't answer?
Harvard isn't discriminating against Kyle Kashuv. You don't seem to understand that.
I maintain that they are. He was one of the Parkland High School students who expressed Conservative views. For what other reason would you not forgive someone who has apologized for statements they made as a 16 year old? Who would be so intolerant as not to forgive the transgressions of a teen? Where is all that liberal compassion?
If that were even close to being true, Harvard wouldn't have rescinded its offer.
You would have to know how many students who are found to have made racist remarks on social media are admitted to Harvard anyway. If you find that is a significant number let us know.
Perrie stated that Johns Hopkins would not accept someone like Kyle Kashuv for the same reasons. I believe her , not your claims of liberal intolerance.
Why would that be the standard? Harvard admitted people who committed crimes. Are you saying that making a racist remark is more serious than committing a crime?
I believe her
You mean you share her opinion. There was nothing documentary in what she said, only anecdotal experience.
You're losing this argument Vic. Come to grips with it.
Harvard is "discriminating" against Kashuv the same way they discriminate against a student with a poor grade point average. He does not meet their standards for admission.
LMAO....John, you are hardly the judge of that.
Harvard is "discriminating" against Kashuv the same way they discriminate against a student with a poor grade point average. He does not meet their standards for admission.
Are you now saying that Harvard's standards for admission are based solely on merit?
"Absent the special handling that the admissions committee provides Asian-American applicants, the typical Harvard class would be 43 percent Asian American . We know that because Harvard did its own study in 2013 showing what would happen if only academic qualifications were considered. If extracurricular and personal ratings were added, the Harvard class would be 26 percent Asian American ."
Harvard needs to be more concerned about "grade point average" and less concerned with race and political beliefs.
Does Harvard deny admission to applicants who make racist statements or not? Unless you are saying they singled Kashuv out they didnt discrimate against him.
When someone is not admitted for poor grades, are they being discriminated against? It does not matter if Harvard makes exceptions occasionally based on other criteria.
It is not discrimination. You dont understand that, so I guess we are impasse.
Is that a question or a statement? Do they?
When someone is not admitted for poor grades, are they being discriminated against?
Kyle has good grades. The real question in relation to Harvard University is "when someone is not admitted for good grades, are they being discriminated against?
I think my Asian American brothers and sisters would say YES
It does not matter if they make exceptions occasionally based on other criteria.
Why not?
It is not discrimination. You dont understand that
Oh, but I do. Do you see the book the girl is holding in the picture I chose for this?
so I guess we are impasse.
Convicts have paid their debt to society. How did this kid do that? Do you actually think that this doesn't happen every day to kids who have big fat mouths? I can tell you that it does.
Vic, first of all, I have heard it with my own ears from frustrated pissed off parents, and not just from one person. My daughters' school is about 70% white. You really need to read "College Confidential". And while colleges ultimately make the decisions, this was reactionary to a large number of Asian students by applicants to the universities.
Because they don't do it for any kid, and they are all warned about it.
I know of cases where student's got their offers rescinded after they got on social media and open their mouths after acceptance. This is not that unusual. He got into Harvard with his conservative views already known. He got the rejection after his comments came to light.
Great point.
Making a racist remark is undeniably offensive, but are you going to actually equate the making of an offensive remark with the committing of a crime?
Do you actually think that this doesn't happen every day to kids who have big fat mouths?
I don't. I think we forgive and allow teenagers to grow and develop.
Where is the tolerance & compassion?
My daughters' school is about 70% white.
Perrie, The country is still about 70% white. It's supposed to be about grades not "diversity"!!!!!
Can you show me where Harvard University has denied every applicant who is charged with the unforgivable offense of a racist remark?
If so, why did Harvard send the prior letter asking for an explanation?
If so, why did the Harvard "Diversity" department say he was forgiven?