The Kamala Harris immigration Plan

Presidential candidate Kamala Harris has a plan to help dreamers and it's not dependent on legislation. It's simply based on executive actions Harris would take as President. I guess we'll call it Obama Part II. Like Obama she will also use her "pen and phone." It's a promise!
The Plan:
First she would create a “parole-in-place” program to give Dreamers the right to live in the United States.
Second she would also issue a rule stating that Dreamers are “not at fault” for their lapse in legal status.
Third she would offer relief for those who left the country to apply for a green card at a U.S. Consulate abroad (and which would therefore be subject to a three to ten year ban from reentering the country) by defining separation from a close family member as “extreme hardship.”
Fourth she would reinstate & expand "Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals."
No mention of securing the border of fixing US refugee laws or policies
Just help for those who entered the country illegally. Is this what comprehensive immigration reform means to democrats? A big reward for those who entered illegally and a great incentive for more to come?
Is this promise of executive action just to win over a certain segment of voters or does Harris really expect to prevail against the almost certain to be filed suits by state AG's and an originalist Supreme Court, should she ever become President?
We can only hope that Ms Harris never has the chance to try it.

To be filed under "Believe it or not."
Trump is off topic
Race is off topic
Prediction: Harris is the one who gets the Obama endorsement!
Prediction, you said that no one could mention Trump on here and, there are three folks that have done just that but, none of them were flagged until I did it. I predict you will have this one removed simply because I mentioned Trump and, the others will stand because they "think" the way you do.
Charger is away today. I have to moderate. As everyone can see your comment is still there.
Last evening I was listening to another Senate member running for President on an unrelated subject, but basically saying what She would push through if elected.
My question to any Senator running would be, you are a member of the Senate introduce the legislation now, why wait? As evidenced by Mr. Trump's so, so success on EOs they are not a guaranteed to take ( that Judicial branch thing)
Whomever is running can promise whatever they care to, but enacting it (remember that Legislative branch thing) may be quite another story.
EOs are not reform, they are merely a patch.
I agree with you.
EO's will be fought every step of the way by the opposing party- no matter what they are for anymore.
Also, EO's are very temporary. As Trump has proven with Obama's EO's, they might not last past the administration that made them.
And, technically, something the "Federal Judges" seem to be forgetting, is that the EO's of the previous administration can be made null and void by the new administration at their choosing.
Presidential executive orders, once issued, remain in force until they are cancelled, revoked, adjudicated unlawful, or expire on their own terms. At any time, the president may revoke, modify, or make exceptions from any executive order, regardless if the order was made by the current president or a predecessor. Typically, a new president reviews enforced executive orders in the first few weeks in office.
The Trump administration is completely, lawfully, within their rights to revoke or cancel any/all of the Obama administration's EO's, including the immigration EO's.
Agreed, EO's are definitely not laws.
Thank you for flushing out what I posted. Sorry if I gave any indication that I thought what Trump was doing with Obama's EO's was illegal in any way.
No problem Ronin - some folks are just unaware of how the EO's actually work.
Dreamers should be granted permanent legal status and a path to citizenship.
Is there a place in reality where Harris says this is all there is to her "immigration plan" ? Or is her "plan" to protect the dreamers only part of the picture? In other words, I doubt if all she would propose as president in regards to immigration is the protection of DACA.
John - under the two immigration acts that are active and still on the books, the ILLEGAL ALIENS, including the "poor" children, a path to permanent legal status and a path to citizenship IS available to them. All they have to do is follow the laws, submit their applications and go through the LEGAL process of obtaining those "papers".
Dreamers have had the opportunity to apply for citizenship as soon as they are able to submit their paperwork. Their EXCUSE that it's their parent's fault is pure bullshit. The vast majority of the fakers have known for YEARS that they were/are in the U.S. ILLEGALLY, yet that vast majority want to cry and moan and bitch and bellow about not being treated fairly - because of what their parents did - entering the U.S. as ILLEGAL ALIENS.
They have become the "privileged" children of the Dems/Libs. Give them first shot - bull. If you want to become a U.S. citizen, follow the procedures that have been in place since the early 1920's and you can join the millions upon millions of alien immigrants in procuring your citizenship.
Get off your azzes and become a responsible person - take responsibility for your inactions - and quit blaming someone else for your failures.
These new Dem/Lib "candidates" need to read the laws and come to understand that, the U.S. (using an old cliche') is a nation of laws. If you can't/won't abide by the laws, you don't deserve to be in the U.S. All the "candidates" are doing is pandering to the Illegal Alien crowd to gain support of the votes of the advocates for the Illegal citizenship give-away.
Great post. The democrats candidates for president are for open borders.
Harris is full of a lot of most Democrats they target the Hispanics and African Americans with their promises and plans during campaigns and when it is over they throw them to the side.
Any plan to protect dreamers must be linked to securing the southern border!!!
The longer they keep letting in new so-called "Dreamers?", the less stuff the old "Dreamers?" will end up getting. Free Stuff only goes so far
The Oldies should be pissed over the democrat proposals.
"Second she would also issue a rule stating that Dreamers are “not at fault” for their lapse in legal status."
Then why don't you get off this "Reparations" crap Miss Harris. No one alive today was EVER "at Fault".
We have to admit that democrats like the crisis on the southern border and actually want open borders. They oppose criminalizing those who enter and they refuse to do anything to prevent it. Does anyone recall that the President gave in to a request by Speaker Pelosi that the deportations of those who have been ordered deported be delayed in order that congress take some action?
"Trump agreed in June to delay the planned raid to give Congress time to reach a compromise on an immigration bill that would include a tightening of asylum laws. House minority leader Kevin McCarthy said Thursday that the impending raids could have been avoided if his colleagues across the aisle were more willing to negotiate.
“Tell me one thing that this majority has done in the amount of time that the speaker called the president and asked him to delay it? Has there been a hearing? Has there been a bill produced? Have we asked to stay over a weekend and solve this problem?” McCarthy said. “I think if the president actually saw the House actually taking action, he probably would delay even further to make sure the problem gets solved.”
“[Pelosi] asked the president to delay it and he said he would,” McCarthy added. “It is the speaker who is causing this problem.”
The deportations will begin this Sunday.
I keep wondering ….. Why do Liberals Cry now, when in their own words, there was nothing to cry about in the first place before.
Another one of those loser "They didn't before they did" THINGIES they do ?
With advance warning of the Raid Sunday, ICE won't have much luck locating the targeted.
There is always advance warning. Do you recall what happened when this roundup was originally scheduled? Somebody working within the government anonymously leaked it. Another of the many liberals embedded in government.
The roundup is merely a matter of enforcing the law. Those who have been granted their generous due process rights thru immigration courts (which have a 90,000 backlog) and have been issued a decision (deportation) are still residing in the US and now have to be forcibly removed! Even if ICE had no problems locating and removing those under deportation orders, it won't really make much of a dent. The numbers are staggering. Democrats are mostly to blame. Liberal judges and members of congress have managed to keep the southern border wide open (with incentives) since Trump took office.
Not sure Vic, but I believe the backlog number is up to 850,000 due to lack of judges and amazing overflow of Illegals pouring over our borders.
Tomorrow will be a great day for America on this issue.
My mistake. I somehow thought it was in the tens of thousands. The number, as you correctly point out is in the hundreds of thousands.
Since I don't believe that the Dreamers should pay the price for the illegal acts of their parents, I think they should be put on a fast track to citizenship, since the are de facto citizens anyway. At the same time, every effort should be made to secure the border.
The Democrats continue their failed policy of making promises they will never keep, and the voters are wise to them now.
You are a decent and generous man. More generous than I.
The Democrats continue their failed policy of making promises they will never keep, and the voters are wise to them now.
After telling us numerous times that DACA was illegal, Obama enacted his infamous executive order on the eve of the 2012 election!
She can not give anyone a "right" by executive order. I hope that the Dreamers do not fall for this nonsense thinking that this will give them citizenship.
Kamala Harris is only promising to expand President Obama's DACA policy. Promises to turn an inch into a mile have a long tradition in American politics, regardless of party affiliation. Nothing surprising here.
What I don't understand is why Democrats are expending so much political ammunition on people who cannot vote. Dreamers simply aren't going to elect Democrats.
Harris may also being planning follow Obama's approach by increasing deportations after the Census. Illegal immigrants are only politically useful to a point.
why would any democrat politician secure our border?
they are not interested in the people of this country.
the good news. 80% of voters want the border secured.
80% of voters cuts deep into dem territory
lets hope they all run with that... LOL
It's just not rational to propose solutions to this problem that totally exclude any mention of securing the border.