CNN Does It Again!
Last night the nation had another chance to see the democratic presidential candidates in another boring debate. To watch this debate you had to tune into CNN, America's least watched and least trusted cable news network. As some may already know Liz Warren has accused Bernie Sanders of saying that a woman couldn't win the general election:
"Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., on Monday said that Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt, in 2018 told her that he didn't think a woman could win the 2020 election — a statement the Sanders campaign had blasted as "a lie" earlier in the day.
"Bernie and I met for more than two hours in December 2018 to discuss the 2020 election, our past work together and our shared goals," Warren said in a statement. "Among the topics that came up was what would happen if Democrats nominated a female candidate. I thought a woman could win; he disagreed."
The statement confirmed a CNN report earlier in the day on the 2018 meeting, which Sanders and his campaign strongly denied.
A little background:
Warren and Sanders are locked in a crucial struggle for the far left wing of the democratic party. One must take out the other to consolidate the constituency of the extreme. Warren used a private conversation which cannot be proven one way or the other. Sanders was forced to deny it again last night:
“As a matter of fact, I didn’t say it,” Sanders said. “Anyone who knows me knows that it is incomprehensible that I do not think a woman could be president of the United States.”
Sorry Bernie, no benefit of the doubt for you!
Enter CNN's own Abbey Phillip!

Abbey Phillip
The astonishing moment, on an otherwise boring evening came when CNN political correspondent Abby Phillip asked Warren:
"Senator Warren, what did you think when Senator Sanders told you a woman could not win an election?"
For the feeble minded that means that CNN's Abby Phillip was believing Warren (with no evidence) and dismissing Sanders. Sanders was left shaking his head.
Even the likes of Hasan Piker was stunned. He shot out: "Wait CNN just refused to listen to Bernie and just took what Warren said was the truth? Later he said " what CNN is doing tonight should be criminal."
Ah, yes, CNN has done it again! Fear not, I'll bet most people were watching the President's rally in Milwaukee.

No Mansplaining Bernie! Your'e cooked!
Yep....Bernie is being pushed aside again, this time for Lizzy.
And they dare complain about Fox News
They are gonna make him a woman-hater!
In my opinion, Bernie has been given a lot of leeway. Especially considering he is not a Democrat.
That's right he only plays one in congress voting lock step with Democrat policies. Kind of like 90% of are "Independents" here on NT.
Yep, angry grandpa is going to get the "Bern" again.
Him and kooky women running for POTUS just can't seem to get along
I think we are in for a lot of laughs as the election goes on. Both Sanders and Warren are going to be confined to their desks in the US Senate for about 4 weeks! First they will have to wait for the USMCA to be passed. Biden will be out there campaigning on his own.
"Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) signaled that the chamber will sign off on President Trump 's trade deal with Mexico and Canada before they descend into the weeks-long impeachment trial."
It's also going to be fun watching them try to take back all the poo they've flung when one finally wins out.
I've got my case of Jiffy pop ready to go for that .......
And let's not forget Liz's secret - She never washes her face!
Lol ..... hilarious!
It always surprises me that neither party thinks about the ammunition they're giving to the other party in the general election. Think of the Republican clown car in the last election as well as the Democratic clown car in this election.
On the other hand, it doesn't seem to matter much to many voters, because so many of them are so partisan. I think a lot of people just vote against the "enemy party" and don't really give much of a shit if their candidate is crappy. They'll always choose a shitty candidate of their party over a decent candidate of the other party. For independents, it matters more - but really, all the negative ads (which are often misleading) and photoshopping and stuff like that are so pervasive now that maybe people just stopped paying much attention.
It also surprises me that neither party takes more control over what idiots can actually claim to represent the party and run under its banner.
ANY of the Democrats running this year is preferable to Trump. ANY of them.
If you dont agree, please dont vote in November.
As far as someone using a comment from a January debate in the November election, its not gonna happen. Oh Trump might try it, but only dumbasses will be persuaded. Last night's news is less than a nothingburger in the big picture.
I have to agree with you John. What this "debate" showed is that none of these Dem clowns is fit or ready to be POTUS
I have to agree with you JR the democrat candidates are a nothingburger, Same old tiresome shit.
Joe Biden is the beneficiary of this fine bit of journalistic bias. Creating a conflict between Sanders and Warren is a political necessity because Joe Biden is so weak. Biden is the choice of establishment politics.
CNN ..... what a goat rodeo.
I wonder if some of them actually ever really knew what real journalism is.
What does Hannity keep saying? "Journalism is dead"
LOL. What in hell would Sean Hannity know about journalism?
Very true. He's an "entertainer" and a partisan hack, not a journalist. Oh, and he is incredibly allergic to facts and reality.
Oh, let's turn it on Hannity! Is that your comeback for these clown candidates and CNN, which is a wing of the DNC?
At least he never gave a candidate answers to upcoming town hall questions. Right? You know what I mean, Kat.
Vic, you are the one that offered Hannity's opinion as if it is worth anything. He is easily one of the least journalistic news hosts on television.
If you dont want Hannity's feelings hurt, dont bring him up.
Have you seen the ratings?
Among primetime cable news shows, Fox's Hannity led with a total audience of 3.086 million, followed by Tucker Carlson Tonight (2.834 million) and MSNBC's The Rachel Maddow Show (2.630 million). None of CNN's prime time hours finished among the top five shows overall.
I'd say his opinion is worth something. Plus we all know what CNN is. I think even you know
Didn't you know?
That's because all the people who watch Fox are stupid and there are more stupid people in the world.
Just ask John.
You think the worth of someones opinion is measured by their tv ratings? Wow.
He's not an honest person.
That's rich coming from a blow hard non journalist
That is your opinion John and you happen to have a totally different world view than he does.
You wanna know what I know Vic. [Deleted] Conspiracy theories, nut job sources, anti-communist paranoia.
Thats what I know.
Let's not bring Maddow into this
It may just equal public trust.
Even MSNBC gets it. They might bring on Sheppard Smith
True - but then, there aren't any GOP candidates in the debates. I'm sure he would have been bending over backwards to give Trump access if there were.
And that still doesn't give his opinions any credibility. It's sad that so many Americans seem to think that his brand of lies, conspiracy theories, and "entertainment" somehow qualifies as journalism.
Attempting to judge anothers opinion, with a clearly biased attitude, is a fools errand and is therefore not a newsworthy judgement in the least.
Yep, Johns getting personal again ..... SOSDD
What do his ratings have to do with his veracity? His followers love conspiracy theories and flat-out lies .. his ratings would probably go down if he DID tell the truth.
The benefit of being an incumbent President.
I'm sure he would have been bending over backwards to give Trump access if there were.
I will agree on that one. Sean Hannity took a big gamble during the 2016 election. He basically staked his TV career on a Trump victory.
And that still doesn't give his opinions any credibility.
Opinions have to be supported by facts and carefully judged. Hannity has done well. Most of the time he underscores the obvious. He is a dedicated Conservative, true to his ideals and unlike some of the firebrands who used to be on Fox, has never succumbed to those temptresses who work with him.
That is a biased generalization. Most people go to him and Fox for news. I say they go their because they trust all of the above. It is an interesting defense of CNN that all 4 of you seek to attack Hannity. Can't defend CNN?
It means that you can't defend CNN
Give us an example.
I hate to sound like somebody famous, but "be specific."
Fox does have some actual journalists, but Hannity has nothing to do with that part of Fox. He's Trump's personal lie spreader.
And most people go to him for news? That only tells me that most people are morons.Hannity does not provide actual news.
And when did I defend CNN? You happen to be the one who brought Hannity into this thread, btw.
I have noticed with certain shows (that are not news) people only watch them to hear what they want. Sort of to confirm their own bias.
I thought you never watched Fox. How would know what he says....or not.
Bret Baier comes to mind and that show is an analysis of the days events. Hannity is more of an opinion show. It is a look at the news from the Conservative viewpoint. There is no doubt about that. The show highlights facts that confirm certain conclusions.
And most people go to him for news?
Hannity does not provide actual news.
He was absolutely right about the biggest story of the last 3 years - TRUMP DID NOT COLLUDE WITH RUSSIA. Who lied on that one?
And when did I defend CNN?
You haven't and that's the point. The topic here was, after all...CNN
Hannity is a commentator, not a news reader. What he says are his opinions, backed up with factual news and examples.
Same goes for the other anchors. No one is defending CNN, because they can't honestly do so.
That says it all. Thanks
Did you sleep through 2016?
Well done!
Yet he didn't actually report on any of the facts, which is that the Mueller Report explicitly did NOT exonerate Trump and that Mueller erroneously thought Congress would do its job and follow up on the obstruction and other things the report identified.
And I would hardly call him "right" - he also apparently downplayed all the indictments, guilty pleas, and convictions, because none of his fans have a clue about any of those things.
Exactly. He's a propaganda machine for Trump and makes no attempt to hide it. So why do so many morons consider what he says to be actual news, and factual?
He can type it but he can't make you understand it. It's pretty clear
Hard to tell from here. Pot or Kettle?
The PolitiFact scorecard
And before you all start, Maddow is rated about even with true false claims.
To think any opinion pundit is completely truthful...Some of their so called facts are not or stretched to fit a narrative.
Prosecutors don't exonerate! That ridiculous narrative was most likely written by the infamous Andrew Weissmann who probably ran the entire Mueller investigation.
and that Mueller erroneously thought Congress would do its job and follow up on the obstruction and other things the report identified.
Somebody was obviously hoping. The Mueller team knew way back in 2017 that Trump hadn't colluded with Russia but the investigation was kept going for the better part of 3 years with the "report" written up only once the democrats won the House. Too bad the House couldn't impeach with the weak suggestions of what the President's thoughts might have been.
And I would hardly call him "right" - he also apparently downplayed all the indictments, guilty pleas, and convictions, because none of his fans have a clue about any of those things.
But those things had nothing to do with collusion or Trump. As a matter of fact we are just beginning to learn of what amounted to a coup attempt against the President. Kat, I have to say that Sean Hannity and I must mention Devin Nunes, as well, were 100% right on every bit of that. There is still an investigation of those events going on right now.
He's a propaganda machine for Trump and makes no attempt to hide it.
No Kat, opinion and propaganda are two different things. Hannity is opinion based on facts.
Bullshit. He specifically said that if he could have exonerated Trump, he would have. The problem was, he didn't think the DOJ could indict a sitting President and therefore expected Congress to take on all the findings which indicated clear lapses.
The Mueller Report didn't lead to Trump's impeachment. It was Trump's attempts to illegally get Ukraine to dig up dirt on his most feared political rival for his own personal gain that did that. Poor idiotic Trump just can't keep himself from cheating and lying; it appears to be a pathological trait. And clearly the GOP members of Congress are still NOT doing their jobs - working as if they were Trump's defense attorneys, refusing to even bother reading evidence, stating outright that they will not be impartial jurors (despite being required to swear an oath to be impartial) - Mueller apparently didn't realize just how far up Trump's ass most of the GOP is.
That is flat out wrong. Hannity parrots "alternative facts" which are nothing but outright lies.
And how is politifact rated?
How have they been doing?
You keep saying that. Can you give an example?
So you watch him? Interesting.
Nope, talking about Insanity Hannity
And you have nothing beyond the name calling?
Hannity sucks as a journalist...he's a crooked donnie cheerleader nothing more. Sorry if the truth hurts.
It's a clear statement
So you are going to call Politifact untrue based on a website that is listed as propaganda and fake news....
I'm calling them biased based on three stories from multiple sources.
You only listed two stories. One is from a rag that is fake news, the others states they wouldn't rate people on something they wanted rated.
The reason is not justified. I call that looking for a reason.
I can give numerous examples. Promoting Trump's birther lies, promoting the lie that Obama is a Muslim, deep state bullshit, airing doctored videos, claiming that Obama's "bump in the road" comment referred to the deaths of four Americans ... that bullshit when he campaigned with Trump ... he's nothing but a Trump toadie, plain and simple. He makes absolutely no attempt to present the truth. He just tells the Trump sycophants what they want to hear.
Call it what you want. I offered proof of bias. You attack sources.
Nope, I virtually never turn on my TV. Mostly just for hockey and football. But I read ... a lot, and a lot of different sources. But the idiots sure love the lies he tells.
Your so called proof is not proof at all. You offered nothing. Your one source is actually not even allowed here. I am sure you believe that source when they had a story that Obama ordered a life size statue of himself to be put in the Whitehouse...
Show me where Hannity promoted either of those things?
deep state bullshit
It's not bullshit - THE FBI DID USE THE STEELE DOSSIER AS EVIDENCE TO GET A FISA WARRANT AND THEY KNEW IT WAS FALSE WHEN THEY DID IT! They violated the rights of Carter Page who was a CIA operative. Andrew McCabe departed the FBI with a criminal referral. Others were generously let go. We keep finding more and more evidence of a coup attempt.
That seems to be what you are offering. No response to the accusations?
Harris and Warren said that Michael Brown was "murdered" True or False?
How did Politifact respond to it?
Remind you of a certain impeachment fiasco? Plain and simple.
Just google it, for crying out loud. I'm not about to go find old videos for you.
It's all out there.
I really can't believe that you're pretending Hannity presents facts. Hannity has turned Fox into Trump TV.
They responded by not rating it. So out of the thousands of ratings you only have one example.
It amazes me that even though they say that Maddow lies too, some will jump through hoops to defend Hannity. So if they are not truthful that means they lied about Maddow and she tells the truth 100% of the time...
If the right considers Hannity to be the bastion of truth, we are in more trouble than I thought.
"Lie" is a strong word in both cases IMO. Presenting the news in a very biased, targeted manner is how i would put it in both cases. Which honestly i have no problem with. Its a free country still .... mostly.
If people are stupid enough to fall for a certain brand of propaganda, there isn't really much you can do about it if you want to maintain a truly free press. Which i for one do.
That was kind of my point. Both Maddow and Hannity have their own bias brand. It is what they are paid to do, give opinion (their take) of current affairs.
I don't particularly have any problem with it. What I have a problem with is when people from either side start to think either one of their points of view is the actual/only fact.
I call that confirmation bias.
I actually don't watch either one of them.
I will turn into Cuomo every once in a while.
It was a blatant lie, which cost cops their lives. Withholding the clearly false flag on it indicates obvious bias. Something that thoughtful people have always suspected about politifact.
This newest "Snooze Debate" was sooooo BAD....even the normal "Leftie" commentators, after the debate, were Scared for Democrats !
"Well....I'm a Women"
"Well....I'm a Democrat Socialist" !
"Well.....I'm a "Vet" !
"Well......Trump Sucks" !
"Well..... what was I gonna say again" ?
"Well...… hmmmmm …… Trump Sucks again" !
As I say, all eyes were on Milwaukee last night
We stay out of the mud here. Just a reminder
Yippers !
“As a progressive to see those two have that level of vitriol was dispiriting,” he said of Sanders and Warren

The radical Van Jones
Local radio show host described it as second grade class president competition the way it sounded last night.
That's insulting to second graders
The " Highlight "
of the Democrat Debate, was when Bernie called out Pocahontas on when 30 years occurred, in winning an election.
It was Riveting !
Whaaaaaaa ?
I thought sleepy Joe bashing Trumps ME policies then turning around and taking credit for eliminating ISIS was a hoot. Stay tuned the left-wing TDS sufferers will be quoting him soon...
The Biden supporters....
Be back in a while. I'll give Kat and Ender a chance to respond.
I hate to close this one down, but tomorrow is another day and as J J Hunsecker once said, Iv'e got my hands full with breaking stories. The President just signed a historic trade deal with China, the House just delivered Impeachment Articles and an Arizona man was just killed saving his daughter. I have an interest in all of them.
I want to thank those who kept the conversation at a level of civility. We learned about confirmation bias, the state of cable TV news. We also learned that certain things couldn't be defended. The reputation of Sean Hannity remains unblemished and Politifact has been exposed. Nobody defended CNN.
Have a good night all.