Hate crime charges announced for women arrested in connection to MAGA hat theft outside Wilmington DNC
By: DJ McAneny DJ McAneny Digital Editor Author facebook Author instagram Author twitter Author email (WDEL . FM)

Karma is SUCH a bitch. Was it worth it "ladies"? And justice is a fickle little thing

Two women charged with stealing a Make America Great Again hat from a boy seated outside the Democratic National Convention in Wilmington have had their charges upgraded to hate crimes, the Delaware Department of Justice announced Tuesday.
According to DOJ officials, Camryn Amy and Olivia Winslow, both 21, were seen on video taking a MAGA hat off the ground in the 600 block of Justison Street outside Iron Hill Brewery, near the Chase Center on the Riverfront where the DNC was being virtually hosted on August 20, 2020.
"Violence in any form is unacceptable, but harming another person — let alone a child — because of the expression of their views betrays the principles on which our country was founded," said Attorney General Kathy Jennings. "Free speech, free assembly, and free expression are sacred, no matter whether we agree with the opinions expressed, and especially when we don't. That is as true today as it was when the Bill of Rights was ratified. Our Division of Civil Rights and Public Trust will continue to defend everyone's fundamental rights."
The DOJ clarified each committed or attempted to commit the crimes of robbery, assault, and endangering the welfare of a child with the purpose of interfering with the victim's free exercise or enjoyment of any right, privilege, or immunity protected by the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, or because the victim had "exercised or enjoyed said right or rights."
Each woman has been charged with second-degree robbery, second-degree conspiracy, and endangering the welfare of a child. Amy was additionally charged with third-degree assault, third-degree attempted assault, and offensive touching.

Personal responsibility. "Revenge is a dish best served cold"
hate crimes
Wouldn't it be a hat crime instead?
Not exactly a gay bashing, a lynching or a bombing...
They stole a MAGA hat. Only feelings were hurt! SMH
Yeah hold on to that real tight.............
LMAO! This never could have happened when Eric Holder was AG. The victim here was white, which Holder told us means No hate crime.
It's too bad that POS is gone.
We always manage to keep ourselves clean.
You've noticed!
From this recently passed Labor Day until Nov 3rd, we will see an unrelenting series of bombshells, all tainted by the timing of which they were delivered. That is why the Access Hollywood Tape never stuck. It's all been planned and coordinated. The Atlantic releases false claims one day, Bob Woodward releases a book with interpretations of perfectly reasonable statements the next day. All of which depends on their ideological brothers & sisters in the media and even here banging the drum right up until election day.
I agree. There is right and wrong, there is a definitive truth. It is not all relative.
Never gets old LOL
Well said. Great post! Thanks for saying that here.
The real child endangerment is the indoctrination into the cult of Trump. Still, I don't condone attacking a child for any reason what so ever for their views.
In case you are not aware, according to the law, assault does not have to be solely physical in nature. Psychological counts as well!
As a mandated reporter I know that child abuse is much more than physical and sexual abuse. There’s emotional and not meeting basic needs, abandonment, and more. Clearly these “ladies” engaged in child abuse.
They assaulted a child. I guess you are good with that. Not that it would surprise me.
They are for it as long as it is against Trump.
That's how messed up their reasoning is right now.
We saw the same reasoning Among some regarding the issue with the 12 year old child who was a Trump supporter as well this week here.
Messed up is being VERY polite.
Indeed it is. But we are conservatives and that’s our nature....
By all means, prosecute bullies. But now politics is grounds for a hate crime prosecution? Am I the only one who thinks that might be a little much? I feel like we're straying from the original point of hate crime legislation.
Here's the thing....The left, you may have noticed, is way out of control via riots, looting, accosting people trying to eat dinner, surrounding people's homes and here- taking something from a child. Democrat mayors have allowed a good deal of it. We now need some strong measures like charging these two (shapely they may be) women with what is obviously an act of hate. Btw tearing down a statue now carries a ten year sentence.
I like what Georgia did when they made certain crimes against or directed at law enforcement and first responders to be hate crimes and clearly some of those are in fact motivated by hate.
It may seem like a small crime but we need to nip these things in the bud. Whether you steal a hat, burn a business or church, assault or kill a person if you're doing it because of hate of their religion, sexual orientation, skin color, or political beliefs you're committing a Hate Crime. Things have been getting out of hand and people have been taking things way to far, they need to understand that no matter how strongly they feel about something other people have the right to their own opinions and beliefs and there are lines you just do not cross.
Powerful storms often announce themselves with smallest of breeze. This could very well be one of those small breezes.
I thought most conservatives were against hate crime legislation
We are against the unequal application of hate crime legislation.
I won't speak for others and I'm probably not nearly as conservative as you think.
I appreciate the reasoning behind hate crime legislation and I agree with the sentiments driving them. But I don't think it's clear that the laws themselves have shown any particular utility. After all, a person depraved enough to commit murder, rape, or aggravated assault seems unlikely to be deterred from that just because there might be a hate crime special allegation if they get caught.
Here, you wouldn't think you'd need the threat of hate crime enhancements to stop a couple of adults from attacking a kid.
On the other hand, perhaps people might be more motivated to report such crimes, knowing the enhancement is there. But is it more than a handful of people? Who knows?
They should have waited a few months, MAGA hats will be worthless and it would be difficult to prove the victim lost anything of value.
Ah yes wait a few months - maybe Hillary Clinton will be the AG!
Talk about a freaking nightmare!
MAGA hats, by any objective measure, have extreme intrinsic value regardless of election outcomes. Not as much as my Trumpy Bear, but still quite substantial.
Still have a GW Bush doll in a flight suit saying "Mission Accomplished".
I shoot it with a BB gun on occasion.
It doesn't matter if it was empty pop bottle if it was taken by force against his will it's a crime.
They still assaulted him and assault is a crime
But Trump!
I have read that the charge is third degree assault, which can be pretty minor stuff. Even just making someone afraid can qualify.
Like ripping the signs from the mom's hands...............still assault. Getting in someone's "space" and yelling at them is also covered. You hear about verbal assaults all the time.
The "kid" wasn't touched.
Doesn't mean shit. You do know what verbal/mental abuse is right? Used all the time in domestic violence cases
it was an obvious set-up. Why was he even there in the first place.
WTF difference does that make? Set up? Yeah I can see it now. "hey girls. Yes you two. Wanna get famous? I'm going to have my son sit down and I want you to steal his hat and then throw in some profanity for color. I'll record it and put it out on the web. What do you say? you in?"
Doesn't matter he still was assaulted. You don't have to be touched to be a victim of assaulted
Being part of a pro Trump counter protest was a set up to those progressive women?
Those young women going after a 7 year old and her mom were very afraid! Afraid of ideas different than their own.
You, that Trump will get reelected!
Oh man, when that happens there will be some people popping big here. I worry about some of them. I really do .....
I notice you aren't denouncing the action of these dumb asses. Could it be that you support their actions?
Lefties triggered by a hat again and they say there is no such thing as TDS.
Actually there is a long history of right wingers attacking and killing gay men.
Righties wouldn't do well attacking this guy for wearing skirt/dress/lava lava. He goes by the name, ''Rock''.
Feel free to give it a go.
Nah, he just reads the Tattooes on their foreheads!
There's a long history of left wing anarchists attacking/killing gay men. Ever hear of Andy Ngo? He's only one example. Even left wing Jake Tapper and Brian Stelter had the guts to condemn what left-wing Antifa did to him in 2019.
Ah yes the cement milkshakes attack on him by the left.
Lock em up.
The bull dykes in stir will love them.
A country with massively increased government borrowing
A country with race riots in a bunch of cities
A country with an ill-conceived trade war that has devastated farmers and driven manufacturing into recession
A country with 200,000 dead from an epically mismanaged pandemic ’response’
A political party that has become a cult of one diseased personality
TDS: People who want four more years of this.
And here is Vic moderating and commenting. Rules don't apply?
This is a public group belonging to Vic. Public groups can be moderated by the owner or any other moderator they appoint. Something to keep in mind.
Great post!
The mere fact that lefties are triggered by an inanimate object is hilarious. Not surprising but funny nontheless.
No it's not surprising. You even get Pieces of shit disparaging veterans because they are no Bedophile supporters. Party of tolerance my ass.
it was an obvious set-up. Why was he there in the first place.
Set up by counter protesters promoting Trump? Did anything like that happen to pro democrat protesters in Charlotte or Washington DC? Oh wait! In Washington DC it was a democrat mob attacking Republican convention goers as they left their event. At both convention secondary sites, it was democrats physically and verbally attacking Republicans