Ron DeSantis Quits!

Ron DeSantis woke up (yes, he's "woke" now) and smelled the poop.
Ron DeSantis woke up (yes, he's "woke" now) and smelled the poop. It was the smell of his presidential campaign going down the toilet.
DeSantis was once considered to be the heir apparent to The Donald. Butt, unfortunately, as the voters began to see more of DeSantis, they realized that he was just a homophobic Trump wannabe.
DeSantis will probably become Trump's running mate. Not because Trump needs an attack dog butt because Trump loves a good ass licker.
DeSantis once said he would "make America Florida." That's fucking scary!
"WTF" has been redefined.
Red Box Rules
We don't need no stinking riles.
name an italian sausage that can't hang...
Welcome back al, we've missed you!
Thanx, Drinker.
BTW, do you drink beer too?
I do, and I enjoy Boulevard’s Rye on Rye but I haven’t tried this Baltic Porter. I like porter so I start looking for it. Thanks.
Actually, as a Floridian, I am happy he dropped out. He should have waited until 2028 and would have easily won then, still could
Be that as it may, he will return to Florida and continue the great things he has accomplished as governor.
Even the liberals here like him as over 300,000 of them that moved here over the past couple of years switched politacal parties to Republican and helped sweep him to a 20 point landslide over the idiot Charlie Crist.
Welcome back Ron.
The rest of he country saw his war on ''woke'' and decided they didn't need that BS and he had nothing else to sell as he has little if any personality and is also is a vindictive ass and that is wearing thin with many of the other Republicans in FL.
In a couple of years, he will be as cold as Bologna in the frig.
Besides Donald Trump has sucked all the vindictive assi-ness that the GOP can muster into "MAGA-sphere"! Sorry Ron, just not enough left for you to get 'er done!
Well he's already as bland
DeInsanity on the right , just isnt.
asz this was Trump light without as much baggage , but it had many a carry one
and don’t see Nambia or what ever Trump y relabeled Nikki Haley to be, as overcoming the Divider in chief. so looks like our best hope for a sane safe country is for Biden to get a positive reality out over the pseudo one the not so right has convinced so many that they have
or, Smith is successful
man, igknrantzruling big time
cheeto/vito 2024
If the 6 or 7 percent that were expected to vote for DeSantis on Tuesday in New Hampshire vote on ideology Trump will win by an even bigger margin than predicted.
I want to see Minnie stepping on his instep with her high heels
What about DeSantis' high heels?
I liked Rhonda's go-go boots. It made his Santorum vest look so masculine.