NOT showing their true colors...THE POLL RESULTS
Not a single one of NewsTalkers' Usual Suspects has the courage to say 'Trump is the legitimate President'
Fourteen members voted in the first two days... and no one has voted since. All fourteen said Biden is the legitimate President, with two adding that they wished he were not.
NO ONE said Trump is the legitimate President. The two who regretted Biden are the only two conservatives to give their opinions. NT's loudest conservative voices were silent - the members who seed every day, often multiple seeds - remained silent.
Their moral cowardice is stunning.
By posting to this seed, you are agreeing to abide by the Group's Rules .
I've retained a table of the results.
No cowardice here. I have always been a Republican, never a conservative. The Republican party for the most part stands for the things I believe in...the Democrats have been taken over by the radical left, and believe in none of them
Although it's likely that some fraud was perpetrated by the Democrats, it wasn't enough to change the election results. I never did agree with most of Trump's bullshit, bluster, and never ending tweeting. He alone is responsible for his defeat and the loss the Senate. I think the voters took what they considered to be the lesser of two evils. I wish Trump would shut the fuck up and go away, and I wouldn't vote for him again.
I admit I posted to the article.
But I am hardly a conservative or even a Republican for that matter.
I cannot stand Trump. I didn't vote for Trump or Clinton the first time around. I voted for the lesser of two evils last election for the first time ever. The left only have themselves to thank for that for 5 plus years of complete and utter BS trying to out-Trump Trump.
I agree with you that there was some fraud by the Democrats during the election; but that is same old same old at this point. I don't think it was enough to flip the election.
Trump needs to get out of the way for someone with a cooler head to run for the presidency. I don't mean some old Establishment Republican that has paid their dues to the party and thinks it is "their turn" either.
You voted.
A De Santis-Tim Scott ticket in either order would be great in my opinion.
Same here. I am very fiscally conservative; socially more to the left. I just not bat shit crazy socially left like the Democratic Party is heading.
Their moral cowardice is stunning.
Yes it is. I expected one for sure to say trump. Crickets.
So what do you think this means? Does it mean that these individuals —local and throughout the nation— who claim Trump is the legitimate PotUS do not really believe their own lying words?
I think so. I think most of them are just engaging in dishonest partisanship. Making brain-dead-stupid, emotional declarations thinking that in some way this supports their cause. After all, how out of touch with reality must one be to actually believe Trump won the election?
The dishonesty is disgusting.
What do I think it means? I think it means they are only here to take a poke at liberals because they are so sad, mad, and lonely, that that is the only thing that gets them thru their day
How can anyone think that making a brain-dead-stupid claim will in some way poke anyone?
Such claims simply make the poster look like a fool.
I'm not a psychiatrist but I do like to hang my shingle at NT.
Immaturity comes to mind. Also some deep seated self loathing
They think if they keep repeating the same thing over and over even it's morally, ethically, and profoundly wrong that they will eventually wear down the liberals and send us over the fence or cause a meltdown and one of us gets a vacation
Lots of good reasons to take a poke at liberals. Their collective insanity and ignorance of reality provides loads of comment fodder.
Two way street Greg.
For a moment I thought your sign read GONE FLASHING, then I remembered that I've been to Arkansas.
That comment is why I don't bother responding to you most days.
I'm starting my semi-annual fishing trip tomorrow
... bring butter and lemons
got it
Projection, deflection, and denial - the trifecta - all in one sentence!
It seems that among Trump-true-believers, ''owning the libs'' is considered a high ideal.
For example, saying something derogatory about AOC - totally groundless - and getting a vociferous reaction... is considered a fine accomplishment. The lib who reacted has been ''owned''.
This makes no rational sense at all, of course... and says far more about the one who ''owns'' than the one who is ''owned''. But hey... is anyone expecting coherence from Trump-true-believers??
But how does making an utterly foolish comment accomplish anything but make the poster look like a fool?
When someone claims that Trump actually won, anyone who would get triggered by that is not very grounded. The claim is just too stupid for words. The reaction should not be anger but rather ridicule.
But how does making an utterly foolish comment accomplish anything but make the poster look like a fool?
If your hero is Donald Trump then you’re quite used to stupid comments, since you were bathing in them daily for five years straight. Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery.
How ‘Owning the Libs’ Became the GOP’s Core Belief
....or even pity.
Pity is for innocent people. This is malicious intent executed with stubborn stupidity. No pity from me.
I don't pity morons and fools and idiots.
Lots of good reasons to poke at alleged 'conservatives' but I was taught to respect my elders, even when they're undeserving.
Yet the overwhelming majority of your comments are hit and run with little to no acceptance of responsibility for supporting your proclamations.
It's a juvenile abuse of this forum.
True, nothing but taunting and trolling.
"Pity" due to lacking in either intelligence or honesty, or both. Sub-humans should be pitied.
What group of people calls others sub humans, again?
Try following the line of the discussion.
Those who bear malicious intent executed with stubborn stupidity.
Wander away from the muddle of morons and the odds of survival shrink to zero.
A couple of points:
First, I didn’t even see the poll, so it seems likely that others didn’t either. An assumption that people didn’t answer your poll out of some kind of moral cowardice seems unfounded.
Second, why would you have a poll that identified the people who voted? Especially given the way you judge people for their opinions here, I probably wouldn’t take part in a poll you offered even if I knew about it.
Meaning what?
If you didn't give a shit, why do you keep taking the time to comment?
Since I didn’t say I didn’t give a shit, that might be why you are confused.
Yet you continue to comment. I'm not confused.
I’m responding to comments you direct at me. If you don’t like that, maybe you should stop directing comments at me.
Yet you continue to comment.
"First, I didn’t even see the poll, so it seems likely that others didn’t either."
I see all the articles, so it seems likely that the others do also. Aren't assumptions both dull and fun? As to identifying people, I only know one by their real name.
“I saw the article, therefore everyone else did, too” is lazy logic, and egocentric reasoning. Contrast that with something like “I didn’t see the article, therefore it’s possible others didn’t see it, too” which is perfectly reasonable.
I wasn’t talking about you. The seeder claimed to be able to identify the respondents. Unless you are operating two accounts, that is not you.
See that's what a forum like Newstalkers is all about - we can talk to you/about you even though you were talking to/about Bob.
So, if I pick 7 lottery numbers from let's say 1 thru 47 it is possible that I will win, but it is likely I will not ... that is perfectly reasonable. Have a fun day not only misquoting me but also yourself.
Hey, my name is spelled boB.
How would you know?
I read a lot ... always have.
I saw the article. Oh by the way...
Really sucks!
I guess you didn't see the poll, either.... hmmm?
Funny how someone who often refers to Biden as the illegitimate PotUS cannot answer your question.
The silence is deafening.
ALL the Usual Suspects just happened to not see the poll?
Kinda weak......
I cannot speak for other members and I did not attempt to, anyway. All I did was point out to you that if I didn’t see the poll, it’s possible others didn’t see it either.
Also, do you genuinely know who responded and who didn’t? If so, did you make it plain that responses were not anonymous?
I don't recall seeing the poll, either. Wouldn't have voted in it anyway, if I had.
The title of the seed was "Showing one's true colors".
It's not easy to choose an image in a case like this. There were quite a few Confederate flags among the January Sixth insurgents, so...
I would have preferred crossed Biden and Trump flags, but didn't find anything like that.
What would you have used?
I seldom vote in political polls. They usually don't present an option I feel I can vote for. Doesn't matter which side is doing the poll.
In other news, I seem to have reached "Senior Guide". Apparently someone knows how old I am.
What's complicated about ''Who is the legitimate President? Biden or Trump?''
I put twin photos in the poll seed. It's easy to find ugly portraits - caricatures. Not so easy to find complimentary portraits... of similar proportions. It took quite a bit of time to create that image.
Sometimes... I just get lazy...
Nothing. You appear to assume I was referring specifically to your poll, even though I have previously stated I never saw it. Work it out.
The question was ''Do you consider Biden or Trump to be the legitimate President of the United States?''
How can you not find ''an option you feel you can vote for''?
I didnt feel the need to take the "poll" .
was the results of the election certified and accepted in congress as required ?
If so then those certified results had a winner and a loser .
It is what it is .
Maybe the more telling question instead of who is the president , would be to ask how much does whomever won , affect and change your day to day life and choices ?
i think the answers will be more telling and individualistic pertaining to the person.
Has Biden being president changed your life?
Mine is still the same...
hasnt changed mine one bit.
And even some of the things he talks about changing that could indirectly affect me , are still within my control.
You may not have noticed: millions of Republicans, nation-wide, are claiming that Biden stole the election; that Trump really won, and is therefore the legitimate President.
Rioters, responding to Trump's incitation, invaded the Capitol on January Sixth.
It seemed to me to be worthwhile to know how NewsTalkers members align themselves.
Don't you agree?
well the first question is , do i care? ( checks ) Nope. another good reason for not taking the poll.
Then why bother to comment ?
This is why I posted the poll - so that ''conservative'' members could express themselves.
You don't care who is the legitimate President of the United States. Wow.
That's what I said to tacos and he says 'meaning what'?
Apparently your meaning was unclear to both me and you since you’d rather complain about being asked to explain yourself than actually doing it. I know longer know what you said in the first place since it got deleted.
Well i really dont care what millions of republicans think or most what passes for democrats either
only thing i care about what happened on the 6th is that those that participated are brought to court to answer for the crimes committed , which i said on the 6th.
i really dont care about how others on this site align themselves thats their choice.
Now for what i do care about .
was an election held?
were the results of those elections tabulated and certified ?
were those certified results presented to congress and accepted to determine a winner?
was the winner sworn into office?
do i personally accept the results of the process i stated i do care about ?
How any of that translates to what i think of about the legitimacy of a president is at best a stretch and over reach of the imagination, because the things i stated i do care about lends credibility to who won.
There may be a semantic problem, here. The competence of the candidates is not the topic.
In this context, ''legitimate'' means something like ''elected via en equitable process, correctly applied''.
Trump brought some sixty lawsuits, challenging Biden's victory. All failed. Some were excoriated by the presiding judge.
And yet... today... we saw the Republican Party pledge fealty to Trump. There are millions of Americans who believe that Biden stole the election.
Isn't such a massive disconnect important for the nation?
Trump. Ok, now what? Who legitimately won the 2016 election Hillary or Trump? (Note: that I'm at work right now and can't respond to comments until later, took a break from welding).
An exercise that everyone can do, preferably before commenting, is go down to the local post office, get a priority envelope of the stiff cardboard type (the type that the mail in and drop box ballots used), pull the strip covering the adhesive and seal it, throw it in the oven for a few minutes at say 200 degrees, pull it out before it cools open it but not by the pull strip and when it cools reseal it then use the pull strip to open it. Now this information could cut both ways but one side had more resources on hand to make it happen.
What the fuck are you talking about?
I was at work but that was yesterday around 4 eastern time and put the comment up at that time and then went back to work, that's why it doesn't make sense when you commented around 11 this morning.
Are you trying to vote?
Yes, now the question I posed about the 2016 election, if you believe Hillary won then how is this any different? Remember we're using the EC rules.
WTF?? Who ever said anything like that?
Hillary conceded, as has been America's democratic tradition since forever.... until Trump broke that democratic tradition.
Trump is unique. He is the only defeated Presidential candidate who ever refused to accept the election results.
On what grounds do you consider Trump to be the legitimate President of the United States?
There's an old saying:
If my grandmother had a wheel and 2 handles...she'd be a wheelbarrow!
But you comment is off-topic...because Bob never said he believes Hillary won!
In fact I don't think I've seen a single comment on this site that claimed Hillary won ...
Hillary, may have conceded; but she has never accepted the results. She has stated so repeatedly. So her conceding means jack shit of nothing.
Seems TDS sufferers have no damn memory of the last 5 years of the bullshit the Democrats put this country through.
Yesterday, Donald Trump alleged that the entire voter database for the largest county in Arizona has been deleted in order to cover up election wrong doing by his enemies. The person in charge of that database (a Republican) said Trump's comment was "unhinged".
I have a question - when are many Trump supporters going to re-make contact with reality?
There is NO comparison whatsoever between Hillary Clinton's statements in the months and years after her loss in 2016 and what Trump has done since Nov 4th. None.
Your bias is blatant.
Hillary's comments are not immediately post-2016-election. They come much later. Hillary is saying that Trump has rendered himself illegitimate. Which is a reasonable position.
Two possibilities here:
Which makes them worse.
illary is saying that Trump has rendered himself illegitimate.
Your bias is blatant! Did you actually read her comments and misrepresent them or are you just making things up? Either way is sad.
"No, it doesn't kill me because he knows he's an illegitimate president," she said. "I believe he understands that the many varying tactics they used, from voter suppression and voter purging to hacking to the false stories – he knows that – there were just a bunch of different reasons why the election turned out like it did."
Her statement is clearly linked to the election. To deny that is to to deny reality. So I await, per usual, you trying to deny reality.
I never liked Hillary, but that does not stop me from seeing the obvious. There is no comparing Hillary’s later comments with the two-month con-job perpetrated by Trump in an attempt to steal an election. And Trump continues to this day using his influence to keep gullible people believing his lies.
Trump is an historic liar who no doubt is the worst-loser of any sitting PotUS and that record will likely be held by him in perpetuity.
Bob misrepresented Clinton's quote. That's plain. She claimed he was an illegitimate President because of the election, despite three years of evidence to the contrary.
Let's take your position on Hillary as the absolute truth for the sake of argument.
Now how can you possibly hold your position on Hillary as even being in the same league as what Trump did as sitting PotUS (and continues to do even now)?
By all means, dispute my position. I'm more interested in seeing that. It's crystal clear Clinton called Trump an illigitmate President based on the 2016 election results.
can you possibly hold your position on Hillary as even being in the same league as what Trump did as sitti
Trump's claims post 2020 are irrelevant to what Hillary said after 2016. It's a deflection. I'm responding to Bob's misrepresentation of what Clinton said. Disputing who was worse is a different argument than claiming Trump is the only one to claim he lost to an illegitimate President.
Seriously, TiG??
You're trying to discuss something with Sean?
You've frequented him for years.
Doing the same thing, over and over, and getting the same result, over and over... but trying yet again, in hope of a different result...
Do you imagine you fool anyone with the schtick? You get caught lying and immediately start the personal attacks on anyone who points out your indefensible distortions of reality.
A tale as old as time.
Hey Sean, in this thread we are discussing Hillary vs. Trump regarding how they handled their losses. You do not have to join the discussion and can focus exclusively on Bob if you wish, but you are wrong to deem the discussion that you joined after the fact a deflection.
GQP. Follow the money. The answer is there.
The people who do nothing but check the "R" box on every ballot from the beginning of time until the end of time, want to think they are not trained to do so by the very party that lies to them and has lied to them for years.
While they brag about this being a "red" conservative America, they fail to recognize that if this is correct and in some ways it really is, why are they so angry? Didn't the actual Republicans they vote for over and over and over again give them what they wanted with Republicans in power?
They voted them in, why aren't they happy? They are never happy because Republicans program them to always be angry at someone else, blaming the other party for every problem that Republicans actually failed to address or problems Republicans end up creating.
Republican voters don't ever want problems solved and get angry when a Democrat actually does solve something. Republicans haven't won the popular vote in the majority of elections, and still lie, cheat and steal their way into power while their base is happy to go along.
From Reagan with the false "trickle down" theory, to Bush and the lies to get into endless war and crashed economy with the fake "Tea Party" which was never about taxes, to the "former guy" who lied to them about literally everything, this is what they embrace and wallow in. They love lies, they love the fantasies, and will never, ever, ever, ever give it up like a bizarre addiction to lies over reality. An abject failure to grasp that the very world they say they hate is the world Republicans handed them with their own repeated votes.