New Zealand women lawmakers outnumber men for first time
By: Nick Perry - The Associated Press
New Zealand women lawmakers outnumber men for first time
New Labour MP Soraya Peke-Mason gestures during her maiden speech at Parliament in Wellington, New Zealand, Tuesday, Oct. 25, 2022. For the first time in New Zealand's history, a majority of lawmakers are women. (Mark Mitchell/New Zealand Herald via AP)
For the first time in New Zealand's history, a majority of lawmakers are women.
Soraya Peke-Mason from the liberal Labour Party was sworn in to Parliament on Tuesday, replacing former Speaker Trevor Mallard, who left to become ambassador to Ireland. With the resignation of another male lawmaker, it has tipped the balance in Parliament to 60 women and 59 men.
"Whilst it's a special day for me, I think it's historic for New Zealand," Peke-Mason told reporters.
The milestone places New Zealand among a half-dozen nations in the world that this year can claim at least 50 per cent female representation in their parliaments, according to the Inter-Parliamentary Union. Other nations include Cuba, Mexico, Nicaragua, Rwanda and the United Arab Emirates.
Globally, about 26 per cent of lawmakers are women, according to the union.
New Zealand has a history of strong female representation. In 1893, it became the first nation to allow women to vote. Current Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern is the nation's third female leader, and women currently also hold a number of other top roles including chief justice of New Zealand's Supreme Court and governor-general.
"I'm just really pleased that my daughters are growing up in a country where women being equally represented in public life is just normal," said Nicola Willis, the deputy leader of the conservative National Party.
Marama Davidson, co-leader of the liberal Green Party, was more blunt.
"About blimmin' time," she told reporters.
Ardern cautioned that the situation for women in many other countries was precarious."
As we step forward, it feels as if we watch so many women experiencing a rapid slide backwards in progress," she said.
And reaching gender parity could prove only transitory. Opinion polls indicate that New Zealand's conservative parties, which currently have a lower proportion of women than their liberal rivals, are poised to make gains during next year's general election.
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I consider New Zealand to be a very civilized modern country, one that does not necessarily allow itself to be bullied into complying with hegemonic nations' wishes, has stringent gun controls, intelligently dealt with the covid virus to limit its bad effects, and doesn't force its women to be handmaidens because of 18th century documents and courts that are still back there.
New Zealand has exactly the same problems as every other country Buzz..
From racial problems, (Auckland is bordering on the States at the moment) to economic woes...the virus is rampant there just they don't report it anymore..Yep controlled it at first but then it really took off...and yes Chinese people were abused and assaulted there being blamed for the virus.
I have Maori and Pakeha (whites as we are called ) friends there so get the knowledge first hand...and I am more than happy to be sitting on this side of the there are over 500,000 Kiwi's running around here as they come for the $$$ as many can not afford to live in NZ.
Thanks for that update, Shona1. I guess I wasn't aware of how things changed. There was a time when I thought it was the most perfect place to live more than anywhere else in the world.
Evening Buzz...yes things do change and unfortunately sometimes it is not for the better...
The cost of living there is out of control..just one example 500g of cheese is $18..they make it there...the same NZ cheese here (affectionately called mouse bait) is $8.
I tell my Kiwi friends do they want me to post it back to them as it's cheaper here and even with the cost of postage..🤣🤣
Yes NZ is a very scenic country, great people and plus our mates and fellow ANZACs..we watch their back and they ours..but even our friendship has been pushed to the limit at times... probably very similar the the US and Canada...
Such as?
Maori, Pasifika and Pakeha...
Exactly right shona. I have friends that live in Wanaka on the South Island, he is Pakeha and she is Maori and they have told me recently that the racism that they are experiencing is gotten much worse in the past few years.
I also have Pasifika (Samoan) friends that live in Aukland and they are telling me the same thing
Percentage of the population?
8% of the population is Pasifika.
16% is Maori.
Yes I have a Maori friend living in Whangarei and Pakeha friend in Palmerston North..
Not sure what is happening in Auckland at the moment but got shootings, drive bys, turf wars and rampant Bikie gangs and economic problems.
Plus we are deporting Kiwi's galore that are criminals and are not citizens..been in Australia for years, once they have served their time they are being kicked out..