Scientists working on 'alien code' for when extra-terrestrials contact Earth
By: By Benjamin Lynch
Scientists working on 'alien code' for when extra-terrestrials contact Earth
Sources from the US Pentagon have suggested Chinese drones and weather balloons are the most likely cause of UFO sightings, as scientists in the UK work to put together a better protocol in the event of a signal from ET
Scientists are on the lookout for ET ( Image: Universal Images Group via Getty Images)
Scientists are putting together a protocol for the moment Earth receives a message from extra-terrestrial life, despite a report in the US that suggests contact is unlikely any time soon.
Earlier this week, the Pentagon said that none of the UFO encounters in the last decade showed signs of alien life, with most of the sightings actually caused by Chinese drones or weather balloons.
Anonymous sources from the US Department of Defense (DoD) told the New York Times said there is real interest from China in how the US trains its pilots, hence the drones.
The famous 'GOFAST' footage leaked from a US Navy aircraft that appeared to show a UFO flying in ways that did not seem possible, turned out to be an optical illusion, officials said.
Even the famous 'GOFAST' footage has been debunked ( Image: DoD/AFP via Getty Images)
The object in the video was travelling only 30 mph and looked to be going at frightening speeds in every direction due to the angle of the camera and the water below.
A report in 2021 admitted that some UFO sightings could not be explained exactly, but generalised opinions were offered. Aliens were not mentioned in the report of the 144 UFO incidents submitted to Congress.
The current protocol for an alien response is believed to be inadequate ( Image: Getty Images/iStockphoto)
Should ET and his alien friends emerge grey, slithery and with a love of telephones from the sky sometime in the near future, then the space boffins hope that mankind will be prepared.
Computer Scientist at the University of St. Andrews, John Elliot, said to Live Science: "Science fiction is awash with explorations of the impact on human society following discovery of, and even encounters with, life or intelligence elsewhere."\
The UN would likely be informed in the event of alien contact ( Image: REUTERS)
At the university is the all-new Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence Institute (SETI) Detection Hub, of which Elliot is the coordinator.
The hub hopes to "go beyond thinking about the impact on humanity" and create a standard response for humankind.
He said: "Will we ever get a message from E.T.? We don't know. We also don't know when this is going to happen.
It is likely the public would be informed once scientists have confirmed alien signals ( Image: Corbis via Getty Images)
"We do know that we cannot afford to be ill-prepared — scientifically, socially, and politically rudderless — for an event that could turn into reality as early as tomorrow."
Currently, the established protocol is unclear and may lead to some confusion on the very small chance an alien world lights up the radio waves.
The current protocol, established by SETI aims to provide transparency and a process for confirmed detections but was last revised in September 2010.
Scientists adhering to the protocol need to contact the United Nations or an official government if they receive signals of alien life, but there is little guidance on what else to do.
Governments have long been associated with UFOs and cover-ups, despite no evidence of aliens ( Image: Andy Johnstone for The Daily Mirror)
Elliot and his team's revised protocol hopes to have clear and detailed responses to different kinds of alien signals and set up some way of analysing them to find out what they mean.
From this, international bodies can be advised about what an appropriate response may be.
Despite the wild conspiracy theories that dog certain governments regarding supposed alien cover-ups, SETI clearly advises is it is best the public is told once a response has been confirmed through a confirmed detection process.
The protocol reads: "The discoverer shall report this conclusion in a full and complete open manner to the public, the scientific community, and the Secretary General of the United Nations.
Scientists who come across the signals are not supposed to respond to the signals by themselves without seeking international guidance first.
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The first image is of the array of radio-telescopes that were depicted in the movie Contact, where Dr. Arraway (Jodi Foster) first heard the message from outer space.
I wish that Klaatu and Gort would return to Earth and destroy all weapons and armaments other than bows and arrows - which would end most of the violence and wars, and put us on an equal footing with the animals who might take their revenge for our destruction of the planet.
Seems a little dark...
We should be hoping that "aliens" never visit earth instead of trying to plan for the day they do.
Any interplanetary civilization that could reach earth will be so far advanced compared to us (it would be a given considering the near impossibility of long distance space travel) that they would likely see us as something akin to insects with no value other than for eating or squashing.
All this rigmarole about codes to communicate with aliens is, at best, fodder for science fiction stories. I think it is more like a colossal misuse of time and resources.
"To Serve Man"
Eddie Torres phone home.
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