Beer Exchange Y2K12, 4
Category: Wine & Food
Via: peter-loves-the-real-tea-party • 13 years ago • 46 commentsAlright, our last exchange was a seminal success with some tasty brews changing hands...and after a hiatus to account for everybody moving, getting new jobs, and just simply surviving the winter, i believe the time has come to try our hand at an exchange once again. I will entertain all formatting ideas of course, but the two basic formats i like presently are as follows: If there are an even amount of participants, then they get paired off for the exchange. For example, if Larrrs and I are exchange partners, then we would send brews to one another, while, say Perrie and Mike would do an exchange. Just an example of course. If however, we have an odd number of participants (3, 5, 7, so on), then it would be more of a circle exchange, wherein each person sends brews to the next person in order. So, fo rexample, if it was LArry, Perrie, and I, then Larry would send to Perrie who would send to Peter who would send to Larry.
As always, a 12 pack with between four and six different selections is optimal.
Post here with your thoughts and/or confirmation and we will go from there. Target date for shipping would be the weekend of April 20th.
D'Wayne's less drunk alter ego, Peter.
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There are such a tide of tasty brews coming through right now. Got off work twenty minutes ago and enjoying a Finnegans Irish Amber . Cool story (100% does indeed go to localcharities) and a really nice, balanced and refreshing amber!
Oh yeah, wish me happy birthday 'cause it's in a coupla days on Easter!
Sweet! I knew you would be in, now just gotta see if anybody else wants to participate. The Big Bad Baptist is in regular rotation at Epic now, so that will definitely be included.
Cheers! (new pic with beer forthcoming maybe tomorrow).
Excellent! Happy Birthday! How young will you be again?
48 and still kickin'!
I'm sorry. The correct answer was 29.
Cool! There is a new place in Grand Forks called JL Beers and has opened up some more pallets. We are starting to see more micro's at our off-sales. Hallelujah and pass the peas!
Excellent! Shelly and I were talking about this scenario, and since we live in the same city, a beer exchange between you and I would likely take place at a bar, lol. However, With Larry and i am assuming Perrie as well, there will still be variety well in surplus. Hopefully, a few of our newer members might take an interest as well, and widen the beer drinking pool a bit.
Most definitely. That sounds like something i could easily do in two weeks. Should have both time and money...and a huge thirst of course.
Yep. I live on 5th Ave. I can walk downtown in like 15 minutes or so.
I dont think i have been to Layton since back when i was in high school here.
As far as micro brews, there definitely are some good ones. Epic is at State St in between 8th and 9th south, The Co-op (Wasatch/Old Squatters) is at 17th south and 3rd west, Old Squatters Pub is on like 2nd west and 3rd south. There are some others, but i haven't been to them yet. There is also a distillery in Park City.
Oh, actually, there is also the Desert Edge Brewery in Trolley Square. They are pretty good also. That is at 7th south and 7th east.
Lol, it is pretty easy actually. 7th south is 700 south, for example. Almost everything is laid out in a NSEW format extending out from temple square. A few exceptions are State St and Main St.
What Mike, did you move or what?!
I am so damnjealous!
Wth! I have to drive all over the frickin' place to get a real pub brew!
Well good for you Mike and here's to your success! *clink*
...Is that trulyGuinness? Which do youprefer? I switched over to Bells Porter love the stuff and the only better American Porter I've ever had would be Peter's (Epic) Smoked porter...that was a true connisseur brew there!
Deschutes makes some excellent beer. What I like about their Black Butte is that it is old school, flat out porter, with a little bit of Oregon water...very, very well rounded and a great buzz!
Now that you are over by SLC you will have to visit Epic. It is almost like a muslim not stopping at Mecca!
LOL, my wife would love that and will have to share with her. She bought me a matching set from the garage sale at the local Catholic Church last spring.
They drink just fine!
I likey!
Hey, that's myanniversary, too! Happy Birthday Larry!I thought you were 35.
LOL.. you guys crack me up. Count me in!
Thanks Perrie! What afortuitousday!
Thanks Tina!
You guys are killing me cause I don't drink anymore but when I did I liked:
Guinness Extra Stout
Hacker Pschorr Weisse
Alright, you are in.
You can drink vicariously through us.
I'm aGuinnessgirl myself!
Have you met the Provo Girl yet?
Should invite her over.
Then again, that could end up being
You know where my tastes lie.
That one is too pale.
Where are we on this?
By my tally, we have Mike, Perrie, You, and I. I suggest you and I exchange, and Perrie/Mike exchange. Mike and I are already gonna go have drinks somewhere local, so it doesnt make sense for us to exchange with each other. Anyways, i welcome everybody's thoughts, and there is still time if anybody else is interested in participating. I think the 20th should be the definite target date for getting the packages together and sending them off.
Okay that sounds great!
I already have a couple in mind for sending; the winter season is ending and the bottle shops are sporting some new spring beers....can't wait!
In the spirit of the exchange I offer up a bar joke...
We should also disclaim that it is against the law to send beer through the USPS (he,he).
A Scotsman, an Englishman and an Irishman are sitting in a bar in New York reminiscing about home.
"Back in me pub in Glasgow," brags the Scotsman, "fer every four pints of stout I order, they give me one fer free!"
"In me pub in London," says the Englishman,"I pay fer two pint's o' Guiness and they give me a third one free!"
"That's nuthin'" says the Irishman, "Im my pub back in Dublin, you walk up to the bar, they give the first pint fer free, the second pint fer free, the third pint fer free -- and then they take you upstairs and you have sex for FREE!"
"Is that true?" asks the Scotsman. "Has that really happened to you?"
"Well, no," says the Irishman, "but it happens to me sister all the time!"
A guy walks into a bar with his pet monkey. He orders a drink and while he's drinking,
the monkey jumps all around the place. The monkey grabs some olives off the bar and
eats them. Then he grabs some sliced limes and eats them. He then jumps onto the pool
table and grabs one of the billiard balls. To everyone's amazement, he sticks it in
his mouth, and somehow swallows it whole. The bartender screams at the guy, "Did you
see what your monkey just did?"
"No, what?"
"He just ate the cue ball off my pool table... whole!"
"Yeah, that doesn't surprise me," replied the guy, "he eats everything in sight.
Sorry! I'll pay for the cue ball and stuff."
The guy finishes his drink, pays his bill, pays for the stuff the monkey ate and
Two weeks later the guy is in the bar again, and has his monkey with him. He orders a
drink and the monkey starts running around the bar again. While the man is finishing
his drink, the monkey finds a maraschino cherry on the bar. He grabs it, sticks it
up his butt, pulls it out, and eats it.
Then the monkey finds a peanut, and again sticks it up his butt, pulls it out, and
eats it.
The bartender is disgusted. "Did you see what your monkey did just now?"
"No, what?" replied the man.
"Well, he stuck both a maraschino cherry and a peanut up his butt, pulled them out, and
ate them!" said the bartender.
"Yeah, that doesn't surprise me," replied the guy. "He still eats everything in
sight, but ever since he had to shit that cue ball out, he measures everything first now."
Alright, the time is almost upon us. This weekend was the target time to initiate another exchange. By my count, we've got LArry and I exchanging, while Perrie and Mike do the same. Assuming everybody is still interested, i will assemble my package for Larry tomorrow evening. BaBa Black Sheep Porter will be included.
Alright that sounds great Peter!
I'll have apackageheaded your direction before noon onSaturday. Looking forward to the BaBa and thanks!
Hellz ya'! Mke and I drank several BaBa's last weekend, and i can attest to the fact that i really dont remember how they tasted, and so they must have been pretty good.
Definitely and yes.
btw, Shelly says it's okay if i adopt bar hopping as a new hobby. You know what they say, "practice makes perfect". She also had some strip club recommendations. Quite the knowledgeable lass.
Don't mean to make you feel bad Larry, but I have aspecialtybeer distributor 1 mile from my house!
So Mike,
It seems that we are beer dates...
What do you like?
Mike I just noticed that you are drinking a pint of extra stout.