Some Leftover China Photos, And My Wife's Too
Unfortunately I feel that I must post photos here instead of on the Photography group, because few NewsTalkers look any further than this forum, so here it is. I surrender.
Although I have posted many of my photos taken in China elsewhere, here are some for NT. If there is enough interest I will repost from elsewhere to here.
1. In China there is the Good, the Bad, and in this case, the Ugly.
2. Taken from the same place, the modern is starting to sprout among the ugly.
3. Would YOU get on this ferry? The chicken wasn't chicken, and neither was I. Maybe another caption to this photo should be "Why did the chicken cross the river?"
4. Electric clothes driers are a rarity here, but in this case a necessity.
5. This is at the Kung Fu college at Shaolin Temple, where Kung Fu originated.
6. This peddle-boat must have got lost.
7. Warrior women of Kaifeng. Women fought to protect their nation.
8. Stairs, stairs, everywhere there are stairs to climb.
9. A lantern in the ancient village of Langmei
10. Inside a scholar's home in the ancient village of Langmei.
11. My Chinese Empress, my beautiful wife.
And now, the next 5 photos were taken by my wife with her camera-phone.
12. This is a short walk from our home.
13. This was taken in the same area.
14. There are many statues like this throughout China
15. A really nice restful spot nearby. So many apartment buildings are going up.
16. And this is where we end up. Not for a while I hope.
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Really nice shots Buzz! It's so interesting to see China from such a personal POV. Great Job!! Is the fog in the pictures smog?
BTW, I have a meta article about the groups going on right now. Please join in. I would like to improve either the groups or the blogs. The groups I have done all that I can, but the blogs can be made moreprominent.
It's a very rare day when the air is really clear. The most useless thing I brought with me from Canada was my binoculars.
I have to teach now, but I'll try to get to the meta article this evening.
Ha! I forget sometimes that we are at opposite ends of the clock. I thought humm... kind of late for night school, LOL!
I really liked the first picture. I tried to connect the roof angles together in my mind and make a slide. Isn't it interesting though how people still want green living plants in their home.
Thanks for the photos.
Judging by that river shot I guess a lot of people ride motorcycles and scooters .
You wouldn't believe how many people ride motorcycles and scooters and bicycles.
Holy Shit!!! I just noticed that I left the "h" out of "Photos" in the title. Sometimes the mind and the eye refuse to co-ordinate.
For real?!
THAT is ultra cool Buzz!
And yes your wife is beautiful Buzz and good for you!
Got to say, I love your posts and your photos. Know what else, I love that you share with us portions of your life, your real life, not your digital life.
Much appreciated.
Sorry to take so long to respond, Tina, but I have a lot of difficulty connecting with thenewstalkers.
My wife really has nothing to do with the martial arts, but she does exercise a lot.
The paddle boat? It must have drifted there.
The ferry? After reading about so many Asian ferry sinkings I do have to say I experienced a little trepidation about boarding that one. Actually I was a passenger on the bus at the right of the photo, but nobody was allowed to be in the bus when it was on the ferry which did make a lot of sense to me.
Your comment is much appreciated wmolaw.
I'm a lucky guy, Larry. How did this response get down here?
I'm a lucky guy, Larry.
Damn it. I tried twice to follow Larry's comments and my response kept ending up here.
Sorry it took me so long to catch up with these.
Solid compositions all and a most interesting selection of subject matter.
I think most Americans have a mental picture of "China" -- these images have the combined impact of being both documentary and aesthetic.
I so look forward to your comments, A.Mac, because theymotivate meto do more.
I drink bottled water. I don't trust the tap water here.Many hotels provide water coolers or bottled water in the rooms.