
Are Democrats skipping the inauguration racists?


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  xxjefferson51  •  7 years ago  •  15 comments

Are Democrats skipping the inauguration racists?
I was reviewing the list of Democrats who are refusing to attend the Trump inauguration, and I was interested to learn that most of them are non-white. This raises the real question of whether they are refusing to attend Trump's inauguration due to anti-white bias.

After all, if 17 white Republicans had refused to attend Obama's inauguration, they would have instantly been labeled racist. So I have to wonder if these 17 "Democrats of color" have a problem with a white Republican president.

California Rep. Mark Takano, New York Rep. Yvette Clarke, California Rep. Ted Lieu, Arizona Rep. Raul Grijalva, Michigan Rep. John Conyers, New York Rep. Nydia Velazquez, Missouri Rep. William Lacy Clay, California Rep. Barbara Lee, New York Rep. Jose Serrano, California Rep. Judy Chu, Illinois Rep. Luis Gutierrez, New York Rep. Adriano Espaillat, Washington Rep. Pramila Jayapal, Ohio Rep. Marcia Fudge, and California Rep. Maxine Waters will not be attending.

Will CNN reporters be asking these representatives if they have a problem with a white president? Will their past statements, associations, and histories be mined to find ambiguously anti-white actions and statements? Probably not.

Do you feel that these congressmen, by refusing to attend the inauguration, are marginalizing people of white color? Do you think they oppose diversity in the executive branch? Don't they realize that people of white color bring a unique perspective that enriches us all and helps us all be connected in our polyglot, melting-pot society? What kind of message does this send to children who live in our communities? Are we telling them that certain people are devalued merely because of the color of their skin?

Exit questions:

1) How do you think Democrats who are skipping the inauguration will affect children in the community?

2) Do you think Donald Trump will bring refreshing diversity to the White House?

Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2017/01/are_democrats_skipping_the_inauguration_racists.html#ixzz4VyKN5GMD
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jrDiscussion - desc
Senior Guide
link   seeder  XXJefferson51    7 years ago

Yes they are!

Professor Principal
link   JohnRussell    7 years ago

The white race grieving whining never ceases. 

You poor tormented souls. 

Senior Guide
link   seeder  XXJefferson51  replied to  JohnRussell   7 years ago

And you are???  

Jonathan P
Sophomore Silent
link   Jonathan P  replied to  XXJefferson51   7 years ago

The Reverend John Sharpton Russell

Jonathan P
Sophomore Silent
link   Jonathan P    7 years ago

The Democrats skipping the inauguration are not racists, but the black celebrities and businessmen who meet with Trump are sellouts.




Freshman Silent
link   deepwaterdon  replied to  Jonathan P   7 years ago

Coming damn close to a thumbs up, with that kind of logic Jonathon.

Sophomore Silent
link   1ofmany    7 years ago

They would have voted for Hillary so it's not racism. Ignore them like you would any other brats throwing a tantrum. As for their tickets, give them to black kids from inner city schools so they can have a once in lifetime experience. 

Masters Quiet
link   PJ    7 years ago

I think it's absolutely silly that these Representatives would boycott the inauguration.  They are supposed to be representing their constituents not themselves.  I don't agree with how they are handling this.

Sophomore Silent
link   1ofmany  replied to  PJ   7 years ago

 They are supposed to be representing their constituents not themselves


Mark in Wyoming
Professor Silent
link   Mark in Wyoming     7 years ago

have to say they are just looking for some free time in media from my view, actually what all is actually needed for an inauguration? 

 a judge to administer the oath

 the person taking said oath of office

 and the required number of witnesses that said oath was given/taken by those that were required to administer and take said oath. ( could be wrong but I think the number is 2 )

its gonna happen whether someone shows up or not .. they agree with it or not . there aint no part of the oath that has a part that if any person has a reason it shouldn't take place  to speak now or forever hold their peace, its not that much like getting married......

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Principal
link   Perrie Halpern R.A.  replied to  Mark in Wyoming   7 years ago


As always a breath of fresh air of logic. Thank you!


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