Deerfield Village Board unanimously votes to ban some semi-automatic weapons
The Deerfield Village Board voted unanimously to ban some semi-automatic firearms.
The amendment to the village's gun ordinance restricts firearms village leaders define as assault weapons, such as AR-15s.
AR-15 rifles have been used in various mass shootings, including the Parkland, Florida school shooting.
"This is our fight. This is our generation's fight, and we're going to keep fighting," said Deerfield High School student Ariella Kharasch. "Thank you for being part of that."
Deerfield's new ordinance also prohibits high-capacity magazines. The ordinance is patterned after Highland Park's ban on high-powered weapons.
Highland Park's ordinance survived a 2015 legal battle that went to the United States Supreme Court.
"If Highland Park, if Deerfield, if more towns say no to this type of weapon, maybe the state of Illinois says no," said Deerfield Village Manager Kent Street. "Maybe the Federal government says no."
Opponents of the ban said it makes Deerfield less safe.
"You are the bureaucrats that Thomas Jefferson warned us about," said Deerfield resident Dan Cox.
The new ordinance goes into effect on June 13. Residents who do not remove the banned weapons from their homes by that date face a fine of $1,000 per day.
This is one of the most idiotic things I've seen yet.
Good luck with that Deerfield.
What's your objection? States and municipalities are free to regulate guns.
It's certainly their right to try if that's what the citizens want. More power to them! Democracy in action!
Mob Rule? Hardly. More like representative democracy in action or responsible local governance...
That is what brought about garbage like this. The unthinking mob.
The unthinking mob, dressed up in Indian costumes , threw imported British tea into Boston Harbor - how'd that work out?
Imagine, a bunch of drunk "partisans" thinking they could take on Great Britain.
Every great oak tree starts out from an acorn.....
That "unthinking mob" wasn't unthinking. What we are seeing now and shown in this article is the result of unthinking reaction to selective outrage.
Well, regardless of whether or not one agrees with this action, it is indicative of a growing trend---more and more people are getting fed up with all the gun violence in this country.
And perhaps more importantly they are finally starting to take effective action.
If that were truly the case then we would hear about gun control with this enthusiasm all the time. We don't and thousands of people are killed annually by people with guns.
That is what sensible, civilized countries do. This is not the Wild West, nor, is it a bombed out country in the Middle East.
The proliferation of military-style weapons is a scam perpetrated by the National Rifle Association to sell lethal weapons to cowards and paranoids who are ruled by their twisted fear of others and personal hatred of just about everyone that ain't them.
Austrailia did it. Why can't we? Japan, England, Germany, Sweden, Norway, France, etc. all have meaningful restrictions on the POSSESSION OF LETHAL WEAPONS.
BAN REPUBLICANS - It all "trickles down" from there.
Well I have guns, so I guess that makes me a paranoid coward. A few weeks ago, someone was prowling around our house and shining a flashlight into our windows. They walked through a closed gate to do it. Now, I figured they were thinking about breaking into the house, but perhaps I'm just paranoid.
Since you're so brave, maybe I should be calling you instead of thinking about police or my guns. It takes a while for the police to show up. Any thoughts on what I should do if the prowlers return?
Which of these countries had a Constitutional right to bear arms to begin with, did any on this list have to amend their Constitution in order to accommodate a weapons ban?
But Yet London now has a higher Murder Rate than NYC.............................
Hmmm Civilized?
No it isn't. It's reactionary and won't work. Several cities in this country have restrictive gun laws and some have murder rates higher than other countries. Banning firearms won't solve anything. Treating the possible shooter is something different.
Are they going to do a round up? Confiscation?
No no...remember nobody wants to confiscate your gun /s
Sensible. That is all Mother and Father ask!
This makes a good reason to move out of that leftist liberal paradise and move to someplace like rural Arizona where I live. We don't put up with BS like that in my neck of the woods in Cochise County!
Is the village going to reimburse the gun owners for a legally purchased item?
Nah. It'll just be the long dreamed of liberal confiscation .
I am more curious on how they plan on enforcing this ordinance, meaning how are they going to know someone has a banned item in their own homes?
outside the city of Chicago, Illinois doesn't have a firearms registration on the state level , though state wide they do have the requirement for a FOID, firearms owner identification card , needed to purchase a firearm, they registered the potential owners , but not the guns......
this should get interesting , are they going to use the FOID lists to issue search warrants looking for contraband?
I am a lil curious as to whether rewards will be given to incentivize individuals to turn in their neighbor for having said contraband?
States have rights, and can regulate the sale/non sale of weapons - yet I do not believe the confiscation of said weapons will pass Constitutional muster .. remains to be seen ... but I am going to guess that the 'catch 22' of a 1000 dollar a day fine, would not hold up when/if this is heard by the Supreme Court...
Hope life is treating you well Mark...